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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HighTech_Wonder View Post
    i just got this off the titans page...Today a 31 page pitch package aimed at persuading Disney Interactive to acquire City of Heroes arrived for both the CEO of Disney Productions and the CEO of Disney Interactive via Express Mail.

    Ammon, Rae, Quinch and I--Internet Marketing Specialist, UK Journalist, Senior IT Tech and writer--put together a 31 page pitch package aimed specifically at Disney, to attempt to persuade the Mouse that picking up City of Heroes is in their best interest as well as ours. We had the advice and oversight of two senior members of the former Paragon Studios team--mostly to tell us what we could and could not say. Should there be an answer, it should be directed to Brian Clayton, the Paragon Studios manager, since we specified that we four had no power to do anything, and he is the man with all the answers.

    Now it's your turn.

    We have to impress the 900 lb gorilla--The Mouse himself--that buying the City is going to be good for them. We have to show them that we are loyal, passionate, dedicated, and mature. And we have money to spend. Remember, these are executives who are not impressed if genuine movie stars approach them with a pitch for something less than amazing.

    We have to show the Mouse that in the right hands, City of Heroes can become the crown jewel among their electronic games.

    so am i really to believe this is done by people who "love" the game? disney? seriously? surely there has to be someone else to go to...we all know exactly how disney will screw the game up...pirates of the carribean was loaded with spyware...i personally had a trojan pop up from the installer...and that is on the light side of what can be expected from them...this is a really bad idea...find someone else...
    Do you have a link for this?
  2. Sukothai


    I've been waiting for a call for 2 weeks now.
  3. Sukothai


    Has anyone gotten their refund from NCSoft, or are you getting the run-around like me?
  4. NCSoft wants me togive them the Timecard codes in order to refund my money! I threw those cards away after the time was added! How do I get these numbers?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Outstanding subscription balances as of September 1, 2012 will receive a refund to the payment method used for the original purchase[*]Customers who purchased Paragon Points after August 24, 2012 will receive a refund to the payment method used for the original purchase[/LIST]For customers who previously paid using Game Time Cards with outstanding subscription balances as of September 1, 2012, please contact support ( with your name, City of Heroes account name and phone number. Once support calls you, please be prepared to supply them with this additional information to receive a wire transfer for the remaining balance: [LIST][*]North America - Financial Institution, Account Number and Routing Number, and the 20-digit game time card applied to said account.
    I did all of this, and got an email saying:


    We would first like to thank you for your support of City of Heroes. It is never easy to make this kind of decision. You can read the official announcement at There is a discussion on the forums that you are free to view at

    For details on VIP accounts and refund information, please read the update at I apologize for any inconvenience, but any accounts that were not VIP status on September 1st, 2012 will not be able to upgrade to that status.

    City of Heroes will be available for at least the next three months. Please watch the forums for updates on special events that will be run in that time.

    GM Roland
    The City of Heroes Support Team
    So do I not get a call back?
  6. I seen a sign just outside of Hurricane, Utah called Peregrine Point!
  7. Sukothai


    I shave my hair, cause I'm to lazy to buy a comb.
  8. Has anyone contacted the RI Governer?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldritch_Knight View Post
    Anyone thought of asking George Takei?
    Oh my!
  10. I have 10+ games, and none of them compare to CoH! But if I had a choice, I'd choose Star Trek Online. My character Matthew Thomas of the USS Journey is almost a commander.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    I considered contacting Stan Lee about this. he's the AllFather of the Comic Book Industry. While he may be to old to truley grasp what our little part of the world is if we can get HIm to help us I can think of no man better.

    We should also start contacting our local Comic Book Shops, seeing what they can do to help get the word out for us.
    I wrote him a message on twitter.
  12. Michael Clarke Duncan, the hulking, prolific character actor whose dozens of films included an Oscar-nominated performance as a death row inmate in "The Green Mile" and such other box office hits as "Armageddon," ''Planet of the Apes" and "Kung Fu Panda," is dead at age 54. Read more at ------->
  13. Jennette McCurdy from iCarly use to play on Infinity! But she has not played it in a while!
  14. I always liked Sister Psyche.
  15. Sukothai

    My Suggestion

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I don't expect I'll be playing much. I'll log in the last day and probably stand there as the servers go down. But with the impending shutdown, I just get bummed playing to be honest.
    I know how you feel, I've been bummed out all day.
  16. Sukothai

    My Suggestion

    Don't stop playing! We should all continue to play until the very last day of the game. If we cancel our accounts, that just proves we want the game to end. So please, continue playing the game like nothing is going to happen!

    Thank you,
  17. Sukothai

    My First MMO

    City of Heroes was my first MMO. I started on Liberty server, on December 27, 2006. This game was also a Christmas gift from my sister, and now your taking that gift away. If this game was my first MMO, then it will be my last MMO, and I don't want that. So please reconsider your decision!
  18. Sukothai

    Don't Shut Down!

    What would it take, to keep this game up and running?
  19. Sukothai

    Final Wishlist

    Here's a final wish I have, don't end this game!!!!
  20. I know there are some celebrities that play! How about coming out and tell NCSoft to City of Heroes running!!
  21. Sukothai

    Final Wishlist

    I want sybil costumes!!!!!!!