My First MMO




City of Heroes was my first MMO. I started on Liberty server, on December 27, 2006. This game was also a Christmas gift from my sister, and now your taking that gift away. If this game was my first MMO, then it will be my last MMO, and I don't want that. So please reconsider your decision!

Rikti Invasion Music Video
Borg King MySpace
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My Characters:
Lady Sheenah on Liberty
Sukothai on Liberty
The Gymnist on Liberty



My first as well, and I have been playing the same character since July of 2006. I am really going to miss Old Gray Soldier, my main, as well as Hunter Omega Prime, my Warshade. I remember how EXCITED I was when I hit 50 with OGS and got that DING and unlock for an EPIC AT, who was so fun to play all the way as well.

Damn, I am going to miss this game. I'm stupidly upset.

Old Gray Soldier-Level 50 MA/SR Scrapper-Virtue
Hunter Omega Prime-Level 50 WS
Dead Lord-Level 50 Necro/FF MM-Liberty
Grand Glory-Level 39 Arachnos Bane-Freedom



My first. An my last as well. I have tried other games parallel with playing this, but now I am done. Never again.



My first as well, and the one I played most, but I'm not going to say I won't play other games. When I have some more free time (2020?) I hope to play some more DCUO.



Same here - my first and very possibly my only. From everything I hear, the elements I liked about this game are simply not available any where else.



It was my first, too. I remember standing around Atlas just watching other characters zooming around, amazed...and then got a tell complimenting me on my character bio. That led to a conversation, and then suddenly I was being taken on a tour and under the wing of a fellow who showed me the ropes. He is still a good friend today, whom I have visited in RL, and who attended my wedding. I know I will never have that feeling of amazement in another MMO.

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic



It was my first MMO, as well, and there's good reason for it. The MMO genre itself has been garbage for as far back as I can remember, with games doing what they could to waste my time, Skinner-box me into compulsion and yet fail to deliver a solid experience. City of Heroes was the first... And pretty much last MMO I've ever played that was actually exciting to play. It wasn't about collecting twigs in the woods or being paid 5 gold to clear out someone's basement from ROUS.

MMOs try to be "big" in every aspect, but all that ends up doing is filling my playtime with pointless busywork that I don't want. City of Heroes was and is the only MMO out there that actually felt like a sandbox, i.e. a "make my own" fun game that's actually fun, rather than simply addictive. I loved making my own costumes, I loved writing my own stories, and I loved trying to figure out how these characters would interact with the vivid in-game world.

Now what do I have to look forward to? "I'm in a forest!" MMOs with lots of crafting and gear grind. Ugh... Even Star Wars and Champions take place in forests, for crap's sake.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Not the first, but the greatest, the one that I had put the most amount of time, money and effort into.

I went: International Ragnarok Online (Good music, many hats) > Final Fantasy XI (LEVEL DOWN) > WISH (Died in Closed Beta) > Fairyland (Made fried chicken) > Maplestory (urgh) > City of Heroes (yay), with side orders of Dark Age of Camelot (Urgh), World of Warcraft (Never again), Guild Wars (Pretty but not much else to it I found), Phantasy Star Universe (Urgh), Champions Online Beta (Urgh), EVE Online (Excel. In. SPAAAAAAAACE!), Star Wars The Old Republic (Urgh)



Was my first MMO, I'm going to miss this game if we can't save it.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



My first and only. And probably my last if stuff like Transformers Universe and Elder Scrolls Online flop. CoH was unique in it's mechanics, it's setting and it's community. Champions and DCUO can both naff off for being bad, boring to play and graphically inferior (to me, at any rate). I'm 110% the community is also not a patch on this one...

I don't want to go!!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



It never felt like a sandbox to me, but I loved it because it was built from stories. Things I did meant something. I don't like the menial tasks in other games, just helping people because they're too lazy to move a single step. I also liked how quick it was. One I got my travel power I didn't have to worry about avoiding mobs, and I could just enter the game, fly to a mission and finish it in 15 minutes or so. Great for casual play. At high levels it even felt epic, though still not insanely difficult.

All in all, it's a game that appealed to me on many levels. The only other game I played for any significant amount of time was Everquest II, and I left it precisely because I ran around doing menial tasks and avoiding mobs while taking half an hour just to walk to a mission. That even though I enjoyed crafting and trading (which weren't in CoH at the time, and even where they arrived weren't as fun as in EQ2). Thankfully by the time EQ2 became F2P the game has introduced decent story based content at the low levels as well as sped travel quite a bit, and I like it more these days. (My self editor wanted to delete this discussion of another game, but it's been set free by the impending death of CoH.)



My absolute first MMO. The one that got me started on the genre.

And while I do find pleasure in other MMOs and have enjoyed WoW, Champions, Star Trek Online, DDO, Rift, and others, this was the one I always returned to.

It is...

was... *sob*




this was my first mmo as well, i have tried some other free mmos but none of them held my interest the same way this game has