722 -
I'll be in The Secret World. I signed up for their free trial this weekend and I like it a lot so far. It doesn't have near the appearance customization of CoH, but character building itself looks like it will keep me busy for quite some time.
I define it as taking appropriate powers for a character and using them appropriately. For example, someone dropping an Earthquake and following up with Stone Cages makes me shake my head. Min/maxing is by no means required in my mind. But someone literally sabotaging their own powers always makes me think they're either a new player or playing an unfamiliar AT/power combo.
I don't by any means demand that others min/max. But I'd prefer they not shoot themselves in the foot. It's painful to watch. -
Thanks guys. This means I can actually take Thunder Strike on Mu Oracle then. Excellent news.
Quote:This was what confused me. I remembered something about a change being made to the IO but for some reason was thinking it applied to *all* powers, not just those two.Power is tornado or bonfire (100% chance for knockback every pulse): these two powers were deemed too strong with 100% chance to knockdown every second or so, so they got a special exception coded in for them. These two powers have a 40% chance to knockdown and a 60% to do nothing each pulse when slotted with the KB-to-KD enhancement. -
Does the KB to KD proc turn KB into KD guaranteed or is it only a chance? I read the tooltip on the thing and still wasn't sure. I ask because it sure would be nice to be able to take Thunderstrike on my Elec/Elec Dom and not have the power sabotage Static Field.
I've been thinking the same thing while leveling my Beast/Nature MM. The two sets work extremely well together. So far it's been the smoothest ride I've ever had on an MM.
Quote:Thanks for the info.The token is supposed to drop at the end of the subscribed month. But for the points, you might as well go ahead and politely contact customer service and ask about it.
I finished out Tier 8 last month, so this will be the first time I'm supposed to get the bonus points as part of the stipend. That may have something to do with it. -
My account renewed last Saturday. I checked my bank account's website and the money has already cleared (it actually cleared on Saturday as the charge was posted by NCSoft almost exactly at midnight on the 18th). I have yet to get my monthly stipend of points, or my Paragon Rewards token. Is this normal? I remember there being a lot of confusion when the system first launched, but I've been getting my points and token on my bill date for some time now. Anyone else have any experience with this? I'm trying to decide if I should initiate the hell of contacting Customer Service or just keep waiting.
To the OP: Some Dom combinations can be a bit end heavy. Some will also serve your endurance bar with an eviction notice at the character creation screen (i'm looking at you, Ice Control). That being said, don't think of Domination as just an emergency power. It also works great as an end refill. Pop it when you need it. If later you find yourself with Domination on cooldown and a Boss grinning like a jackal at you, just pop some Lucks and go to town.
My favorite support character is my Earth/Storm Controller.
He can pretty much turn anything into jello. You have to be careful with some of the /Storm powers like Hurricane but played well the combo is absolutely devastating. -
Quote:Pretty much how I feel.Why would I want to work towards something that can only be used in something that I'm grinding in order to work towards something I can only use while grinding for more of the same thing?
I might, for alts that I really like, unlock and slot up to Tier 2 Judgement and Interface using DA content (which doesn't take too much grinding). Beyond that, the Incarnate system might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned. -
Quote:Sums up exactly how I feel.I wouldn't mind if *any* exclusives I've acquired through various means over the years were made available to everyone.
I don't like the idea of unattainable costume pieces. I know if I were a new player and saw someone with an aura or other costume piece that it was literally impossible for me to acquire by any means, I would be rather let down. -
After reading more of the thread and thinking about it myself, I'm going to have to agree with the sentiment that if Illusion isn't too strong for Controllers, it certainly isn't for Doms.
As has been stated, Controllers can boost PA's damage indirectly through debuffing. Dom's wouldn't have the ability to do that. Seems like an even trade to me. -
I started an Earth/Psi last night. So far he's a lot of fun, and I think the combo will work well together. I generally find Earth/ to be more AoE friendly when soloing than Mind/.
My 2 Inf:
Ice Control: It needs better soft control than ice slick. Someone mentioned earlier they eat alphas a lot with Dark Control. On Ice it's even worse. My Ice/ is the only Dom I've taken stealth on for just that reason. Makes it easier to position ice slick from around a corner so I don't get my face smashed in every spawn.
Ice Armor: Endurance maintenance before level 26 is a huge pain. My first 50 hero was an Ice/Ice tanker, and had I not known what was coming with Energy Absorption he probably wouldn't have made it to 20. Maybe move EA earlier in the set?
And then there's Gravity. It's the only Control set I truly do not enjoy playing. It needs something even with the recent changes. -
My wall is the 30's Blue Side. As a result I have quite a few hero characters in that level range. I don't seem to have this problem Red Side at all, so I chalk it up to my reaction to the really old content that still largely constitutes that level range. I haven't given Night Ward a try yet, so that may help.
Or how about just remove their damage entirely? Honestly Dominators don't need the damage output from PA like Controllers do. Removing their damage but leaving the power untouched otherwise would allow PA to be a true Control power for Doms.
Quote:This nails it.Replace the #'s with periods, it doesn't work otherwise.
Interesting read, you forgot one though:
7) Caustic attitude on the forums from pvp'ers towards non pvp'ers.
If I can't have a civil conversation with folks about PvP why would I want to play with those people? -
The very first time I played a game that had PvP (this was before CoH had it) I thought I'd give it a try.
I discovered some things that day:
1) Profanity-laden juvenile trash talking was both annoying and apparently the accepted norm.
2) The concepts of sportsmanship and fair play (two things featured in every single competitive real world endeavor) simply do not exist in MMO PvP. And even suggesting that they should is regarded as complete heresy.
3) Numbers 1 and 2 were deal breakers for me.
Since then I have found that pretty much every single PvP community in every single game is like that. So I stay away. -
Just as an aside, the villains you faced in the Galaxy mission are the team from Dr. Graves's arc. He's the Red Side equivalent to Twinshot. I definitely prefer Twinshot's arc over his (Graves constantly insulting my characters got a bit tedious after a while, though his dialog does have funny moments).
Like a lot of Kheldian players, I make heavy use of binds. Most of the powers you see are bound to keys that are independent of the powers' tray locations. My binds automatically switch out Tray 1 to Trays 8 and 9 for Dwarf and Nova. Due to all the binds I mainly just have the powers on the trays to make it clear when they've recharged. The combat stats window shows damage resistances. This way I can easily tell if Eclipse has expired.
I have the locations of the Nav and targeting windows inverted from what I'm seeing in most people's images. I started doing that way back in the day when I was running on a much older system. At the resolution I ran in at the time, opening the map at the size I preferred obscured my view too much. I got used to having it that way and have kept the habit ever since, even though with my current resolution it's not really all that necessary any more.
I run in fullscreen, 1920x1080 on a 23" monitor. -
Quote:Psst.........read the fine print at the bottom of his post.I think you are over reacting, maintenance has to be done or eventually it would all come to a screeching halt. So for those few hours you won't be able to buy points to buy w/e costume piece you randomly feel you need and don't have... like you can't buy it the next day?
As far as billing services if your account expires on that day exactly (which I doubt it does) your card would likely be billed weather before or after said window, and your account will likely be billed before or after the maintenance window if you use time cards simply buy one and apply before said date. if you need switch which card you use do it before the window like the day before.
It is a few hours man, not the end of the world real or digital. -
Quote:Sounds good to me.My favorite personally is the third
On terms of what i'd use for the character sketch. It's a toss up between #2 &3...leaning more towards 3
You can't see it in the pic because I'm an idiot and screenshotted him with arms folded, but that costume has the purple and white star on the chest too. -
I realized that apparently ImageShack greatly sizes down the pictures I post due to the resolution I run in, so I made some close up shots of Starless Knight's three main costumes. These should be easier to see (I hope):
Original Costume
Second, More Armored Look
Newest Outfit
I leave it at your discretion which one you would like to use (though I admit I like the last two better than the original). -
Quote:You crazy kids these days. In my day we ate the pterodactyls. Tastes just like chicken!Of course, but you forgot the Terradactyls guarding the path to the dining hall.
Oh and I forgot to say in my last post: you guys on Protector are really tempting me. I'm the last person left in my SG on Liberty. I think the only thing keeping me on Liberty is that's just where I've always been. Kheldian Fridays sounds awesome. Maybe I'll redeem a server slot or something.