If they put Dark Aura up for sale would you mind Wisp Aura going for sale too?

Agent White



I know I see the Wisp Aura a TON and it was a promotional thing. With the ordeal behind the Tweet code Thursdays and the Dark Matter Aura a lot of people want it for sale. However, so far they have said no since its a promotional item.

So how would you feel if as a compromised they released the Wisp Aura for sale? I think it would sell fairly well as I see a LOT of people using this aura.




how they did the wisps aura was still better than this, the wisps aura EVERY player had a fair shot at cause all they had to do was start using the new launcher sooner than required

with the twitter promotional codes its basically whoever can enter it the fastest and who has the fastest most reliable internet



I got the wisps aura through the original way and I know I wouldn't mind at all if more people got it. More things for more people is my philosophy - nothing is diminished by sharing in my eyes. I like people to have as many tools as they can to create awesome costumes for me to look at.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
how they did the wisps aura was still better than this, the wisps aura EVERY player had a fair shot at cause all they had to do was start using the new launcher sooner than required

with the twitter promotional codes its basically whoever can enter it the fastest and who has the fastest most reliable internet
So are you saying those that don't have it shouldn't have the wisp aura? What if its a new account or someone that was overseas as a Veteran that kept their account active but couldn't log into the game? Was that a fair shot?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
So are you saying those that don't have it shouldn't have the wisp aura? What if its a new account or someone that was overseas as a Veteran that kept their account active but couldn't log into the game? Was that a fair shot?
im not saying it shouldnt be offered again, i was saying how i much prefer that kind of a promotional item than the tweet codes

at least with the wisp aura everyone had a chance to get it over the course of like 2 months, barring problems that you mentioned about logging in or for new players

the same however can be said about the loyalty program rewards



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
So are you saying those that don't have it shouldn't have the wisp aura? What if its a new account or someone that was overseas as a Veteran that kept their account active but couldn't log into the game? Was that a fair shot?
Quit trying to pick a fight, there are always going to be exceptions. His point still stands, the wisps aura was infinitely easier and available to more people than the tweet code thursdays codes.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Quit trying to pick a fight, there are always going to be exceptions. His point still stands, the wisps aura was infinitely easier and available to more people than the tweet code thursdays codes.
I wasn't trying to pick a fight I was asking for clarification. At first I thought he was stating that it shouldn't be available but the other should.

The loyalty rewards programs though you only had to be subscribed so a veteran in the army overseas could of maintained an account.

Ultimately, my point is if the Dark Matter Aura is put up for sale so should the Wisp Aura to be fair.



I have the Wisp aura, and I like it.

It sucks though, to have someone ask me "What aura is that? How do I get it?", and I have to tell them that they can't get it any more. It REALLY sucked when it was a friend that asked me that. It made me feel kind of guilty, I had something in the game that they'd never get to use, and they simply weren't playing at the time they could have gotten it (RL issues).

I very much want them to put it up for sale.

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Considering it has been quite some time since we switched to the NCSoft launcher, it wouldn't bother me in the least for the wisp aura to go on sale. Honestly, I'd forgotten that was how it was unlocked to begin with.

The thing about these types of exclusives, I've always felt they should be timed. A few people get their hands on it and its like saying look what you can get in a few months. Especially if it was given out in a way that we can longer repeat, like how the wisp aura was given out. For the same matter I'd like to see the items given recently put on the market, the Zeus and Tartarus mask and cosmic aura. I couldn't keep my account VIP the entire time, I can now thanks to a promotion at work, but at the time of the promo my wife and I could only keep one of our accounts active at a time so we'd switch back and forth on whose account was VIP during that time.

In short, I want these pieces they give away to be available to all at some point. It doesn't have to be right now, just some day. If I never get them, no sweat. Its a game, and they put out plenty I will buy. If they put things like Dark Matter aura, Cosmic aura or the face masks up for sale, I'll buy those too.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



I wouldn't mind if *any* exclusives I've acquired through various means over the years were made available to everyone.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
I wasn't trying to pick a fight I was asking for clarification. At first I thought he was stating that it shouldn't be available but the other should.

The loyalty rewards programs though you only had to be subscribed so a veteran in the army overseas could of maintained an account.

Ultimately, my point is if the Dark Matter Aura is put up for sale so should the Wisp Aura to be fair.

I read it the same way, Ultimus - I thought he was referring to the wisp aura, not the tweet auras.

As to the OP, for my 2 cents, I'm not a fan of "exclusivity," - that's a big reason I like this game so much. Exclusivity is about excluding some, so others can have their ego stroked and feel "special." Games like that I avoid like the plague. CoH has never seemed to me to be that kind of game. In fact, I've seen a lot of effort being put into making more things available to a broader range of players and wholeheartedly support those efforts.

If you exclude people from enough things, regardless of how trivial those things may be, they will eventually conclude that the game revolves around someone who is not them, and leave. Not because they don't enjoy the game itself, just because they're tired of feeling too many things are locked out of their reach.

I'd like to see other "exclusive" items (eg Celestial Armor) available to others, too, perhaps after a set amount of time. I'd also like to see limited time offers being made unlimited time offers (like the Halloween set). Perhaps instead of "available only during October" it could be "available at this price" only for a month? Wouldn't that be win/win for everyone?

I imagine the difficulty with these things is that it would come across as if the devs had lied, or been less than honest in the initial claim of exclusivity.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I wouldn't mind if *any* exclusives I've acquired through various means over the years were made available to everyone.
Sums up exactly how I feel.
I don't like the idea of unattainable costume pieces. I know if I were a new player and saw someone with an aura or other costume piece that it was literally impossible for me to acquire by any means, I would be rather let down.



I agree I wouldn't mind if the loyalty things eventually went on sale. Exclusive for a year and sold thereafter I am fine... or maybe 2 years later.

Maybe if we raise enough voices here Zwil will take note and pass our concerns on. I just wonder if there is any legal problems?

I know the Prestige Power Slide has a legal issue tied to it and can never be released.



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post

It made me feel kind of guilty, I had something in the game that they'd never get to use, and they simply weren't playing at the time they could have gotten it (RL issues).
It's nice and refreshing to see someone in an MMO who actually has this type of attitude.. And it seems to be fairly wide-spread among the CoH population.

Just another reason why I stick to this game.. Everyone's not a bunch of ego-stroking jerks out for only themselves.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
I agree I wouldn't mind if the loyalty things eventually went on sale. Exclusive for a year and sold thereafter I am fine... or maybe 2 years later.

Maybe if we raise enough voices here Zwil will take note and pass our concerns on. I just wonder if there is any legal problems?

I know the Prestige Power Slide has a legal issue tied to it and can never be released.
Legal Issue? Not that I'm aware of. By my understanding, all the stuff from the Collector's Editions of CoH and CoV is exclusive simply because people paid extra for those editions, and someone who had say in the matter believed that players who purchased the CEs would feel cheated if the bonuses were given away or resold at a later date - regardless of scores of people saying otherwise.

To the original question: I agree with others: Any item that can be recieved as a bonus in a boxed set or free as part of a promotion should be made available for sale at a later date. If someone wins Dark Matter in a contest and gets it for free, and another doesn't win, and instead pay $1, $2, $10, whatever, have they lessened the aura for the person who didn't win? I say no, and that's coming as someone who has several now-unobtainable perks (and is missing some as well).

The setup of these items is, in my mind, a form of trolling - it amuses a few, but annoys and aggravates a much larger group. And last I checked, trolling in all forms is against the rules of both the forums and the game.




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I wouldn't mind if *any* exclusives I've acquired through various means over the years were made available to everyone.
This. I mean, really, even the "exclusive" CoH and Cov Collectors stuff. Power Slide? I hardly use it (it works on my Ice/Emp controller and that's about it). A couple of capes? Please, let people have them. Helmets or emblems? I don't even remember now what all has been exclusive and what hasn't been. I've been here for eight years, I've had a chance to play with it all. Let other people have a chance to share.

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I honestly wouldn't care one little bit if the wisps aura went up for sale in the Paragon Market. Not one little bit. It's not like I was promised life long, exclusive use when I got it, being assured I'd never have to share with "noobs".

I would be completely chill with it and the Dark Matter aura going up for sale- let those who snag it free enjoy their new exclusive freebie for a little while, then put it up for sale for the rest of us.

I don't even bother with twitter thursdays. I know I'll likely not be fast enough to snag one of the incredibly limited number of codes, so the heck with it. I don't need the stress and button mashing.

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Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I got the wisps aura through the original way and I know I wouldn't mind at all if more people got it. More things for more people is my philosophy - nothing is diminished by sharing in my eyes. I like people to have as many tools as they can to create awesome costumes for me to look at.
PLUS, it'd get more revenue into the game too!
A win for all of us.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I wouldn't mind if *any* exclusives I've acquired through various means over the years were made available to everyone.
Same here!

Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
I have the Wisp aura, and I like it.

It sucks though, to have someone ask me "What aura is that? How do I get it?", and I have to tell them that they can't get it any more. It REALLY sucked when it was a friend that asked me that. It made me feel kind of guilty, I had something in the game that they'd never get to use, and they simply weren't playing at the time they could have gotten it (RL issues).

I very much want them to put it up for sale.
Yep, yep, yep and yep!
I really hate informing people of that.
"Sorry, you can't get that..." BAH!
I have a longtime friend who finally decided to start playing the game. I hate it when he asks about something that is locked away (right now).

Exclusivity is for all the not nice communities of other games. We, here... we want everyone to have the options they want to have!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Amanita View Post
I honestly wouldn't care one little bit if the wisps aura went up for sale in the Paragon Market. Not one little bit. It's not like I was promised life long, exclusive use when I got it, being assured I'd never have to share with "noobs".
Yeah, plus... it's not like we actually had to do anything special or involved to acquire it!
Pahlease, Paragon Studios. Make a bit of cash and sell it in the store for anyone that might want it.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I wouldn't mind if *any* exclusives I've acquired through various means over the years were made available to everyone.



I like exclusives, I like them a lot and I think they'll always have a place in social games, but none of the supporting studies I've read have tracked or considered the benefits of individual exclusive items over the long term. It's also been a couple years since I've read a study on them at all and the landscape has changed in the industry. But I think I agree with those who would prefer the exclusivity of these perks to be timed. I have an unfounded suspicion that exclusive items in games like City of Heroes, as wonderful as they are, do lose their benefit over time for the average player, both the have and the have-not. It's easy to suspect by reading occasional threads like this one that we have these perks that were great in their day because they helped sell a pre-order or special edition; but now, the way they're packaged, I don't know, maybe they're causing the studio a disservice. They're a resource that takes money and time to make, but can no longer be monetized, and they inevitably lose value in the eyes of the players who own them while creating a negative experience for players who don't. Candy for the players today, poison for the studio tomorrow.

I thought it was great how dual pistols and demon summoning were handled.

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Add me to the list of people that would not be bothered by putting it all in the store and letting people have the freedom to buy want they want

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I hear GEN-Y whining - where's my shiny trophy too......

I like the exclusivity of my Prestige Power slide and Cape of the Four Winds, thankyouverymuch! I was around then and paid a premium investing in this game (again) based on the perks in those packages, which were advertised as exclusive.

Enough with entitlement....old items that were exclusive should remain that way. Want to adopt a new philosophy for new promotional items going forward, maybe consider it. But, there is value to uniqueness though....

Desire for an item rarely drives people away -- going back on your word (as some suggest Paragon should, by giving things away previously advertised as exclusive) 1.) damages Paragon's credibility and reputation to some extent and 2.) generates negativity in those who had an inherent exclusivity to those items through previous transaction.




Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
After a year of exclusivity, items such as Wisp and Dark Matter that people missed should be purchasable.

Two years later, earnable in-game.

What? Give it up for free?!! Yes, cause the train of exclusive items can relatively easily keep popping up fortnightly becoming a gravy train.
I'm with this guy. I can see the benefit of exclusivity, but I also feel it needs to end eventually. After a set amount of time, just sell the damn thing. People who got it "exclusive" will have already gotten a lot of mileage out of it and by the time it comes out for sale, I'm sure there will be new stuff to be exclusive to take its place for that time.

And no, I have no problem with everything in the store being earnable in-game, perhaps with the exception of "inventory" slot increases. Costume pieces, tempermanent powers, content access, the works. If people want to waste their time unlocking those per-character "for free," then so be it. I'll still pay to have them globally unlocked. In fact, I'd pay to have badge-locked costume pieces globally unlocked. Come on, sell me the Rularuu Weapons. Sell me the Rikti weapons. I'll buy 'em.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.