Security Chiefs are annoying and a waste of resources

Adeon Hawkwood



Devs try this:
A. Open your database of NPC's
B. Do search for "Security Chief"
C. Press Ctrl+A then
D. Delete

Next, open your database for Missions
Perform steps B, C and D as listed above.

Seriously those annoying Security Chief missions are totally out dated for today's players.
Back in the days when teams of 8 patrolled all the neighborhoods and zones for hours at a time, it was okay to tell a level 8 to go to Perez Park and defeat 10 CoT or a level 12 to go to Boomtown and defeat 20 Clockwork because he would more than likely have a team ready to do those sorts of missions. But almost noone plays that way anymore. Now, those missions are usually dropped or auto-completed because, seriously, who wants to get a team together to do them? We simply don't fight that way anymore.

I know, I know, those missions were originally setup to teach people about the hazard zones, etc, but isn't the teaching stuff supposed to be in the capable hands of Twinshot and perhaps others like her? If not, it should be.

Plus, it is so very annoying at level 12 to have a list of 6 good contacts ALL only offering the "Talk to the Boomtown Security Chief" mission. Grrrrrrr.

I certainly hope dropping these missions is one of the improvements we can look forward to sometime in the not to far future. I, for sure, will not miss them when they are gone.



I think removing them would not necessarily be the best option. However for ALL of the "go and talk to person X missions" (PvP Liason, Security Chiefs, Hazard Zone Contacts and Difficulty Adjustors) it would be nice to have the option to just refuse the mission. Currently dropping ti doesn't work because the contact just gives it to you again but it would be nice to be able to skip it without having to use the auto-complete feature (which doesn't always work since half the time they just tell you to talk to someone else.

A reenactment of the standard low level contact interaction:

Hero: Ok, I'm here to help, what do you need?
Contact: Well, why don't you go to King's Row and speak to the Hero Corp Analyst there? He could probably use some company.
Hero: I'm on my way!

*a few minutes later*

Hero: Ok I'm back! What new mission do you have?
Contact: Well, I hear Longbow are looking for help in Bloody Bay, why don't you trek over there and see what they need?
Hero: I guess that could be good, see you soon.

*a few minutes and several deaths later*

Hero: Ok, I'm not sure it did much good but I talked to Longbow. What new evil do we smite now?
Contact: Well my friend Jim Temblor was looking for a few heroes, why don't you go and talk to him?
Hero: Ummmm... ok, I guess.

*a few minutes later*

Hero: Ok, I talked to Jim, can we fight some actual bad guys now?
Contact: I suppose so.
Hero: Ok, what's the plan?
Contact: Well... how about you go to Skyway City and arrest a few of the Lost hanging out in the streets?
Hero: Ah, and then we interrogate them to find out who's behind the creation of the Lost?
Contact: I guess we could. Honestly, I hadn't really thought about it beyond that.
Hero: Forget it, I'm going to see what the Police Scanner has to offer...

*Hero exits stage right*

Contact: Finally! I thought he'd NEVER leave.



That is hillarious Aedon!

I'd love to see an AE mission run that way.

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