In the Newspapers!



Posted detailed on most morning news reports..

Around 3:30am this morning four brand new homes were destroyed in a series of fires, the properties were adjacent houses, part of a new development by Finch Homes plc in the northern portion of Overbrook. The Fire Dept. says that arson is indicated and that an investigation is underway.



Paragon Times, 20/10/2011


Late last night at around 23:00, a huge explosion occurred in a mostly abandoned industrial district of Independence Port. Witnesses described the explosion as forming a mushroom cloud as if it were nuclear.

Investigations have estimated that their is strong radioactivity in the area. Despite expert's claims that the vast majority of radioactivity will be contained within the laboratory where the explosion is thought to have originated from, police are still advising that all civilians avoid the area until a clean up can begin.

Nuclear explosions are normally portrayed as city-wide, though this is not always the case and such explosions can range in size immensely. In this instance, the explosion was only capable of destroying several nearby warehouses that are thought to have been deserted.

No casualties directly linked to the explosion have been found so far, though the decapitated bodies of several members of the street-gang "the Family" were spotted in the local vicinity of the explosion. PPD are treating these deaths and the explosion itself as highly suspicious but can yet start a formal investigation due to raging fires and protective equipment having yet to be delivered.

Lastly, though unconfirmed, several sources have claimed seeing a massive fiery figure amongst the ruins and debris, with some even claiming to have seen it charge at curious groups of Council, 5th Column, Freakshow and various other villainous factions that have come to examine this thoroughly shocking event.

I can't be bothered to think of something amazingly wise or witty to show how much of a genius I am, just take my word for it.



The entire last week, this add has been seen in the news papers in various sizes.

((for further information, check here: here! ))

The Corporation means BUSINESS!



Vanity Week Kicks Off in Pocket D
Paragon Times Sunday Magazine Culture & Entertainment Section - Sunday 30th October

By Natasha Sheers

The Sophie Michaux Foundation-backed fashion event 'Vanity Week' kicked off last night with an opening party in the lower blueside bar of interdimensional nightclub Pocket D. Models, designers and Sophie Michaux Foundation representative Camille Devereaux could be found by the open bar.

With costume design competitions with a prize fund described as immense to tempt budding designers to visit, the Finale on Saturday 5th was also mentioned to not be missed.

I had the opportunity of a brief question and answer session with Miss Devereaux of the Foundation and of designer Ellie Stoneberg.

Natasha Sheers: In recent years we've seen heroic fashion filter down into the socialite world. For instance, actress Emily Jakes recently sported an outfit that took heavy inspiration from the costume of Freedom Phalanx Member Synapse, a man who saved her life last year from a Council attack. Do you hope to see the styles and items on show this week make their way onto the fashion racks of the famous?

Camille Deveraux: Of course, but we also hope that this week will be the start of accessible fashion for everyone.

N.S: I'm glad to hear. Innovations in hero costumes have already started to make their way into the consumer market, especially as casual and formal items for metahumans. I own an Ellie Stoneberg original, a fireproof dress.

Ellie Stoneberg: I've always felt that just because a person has powers, they should still be able to look good too! Too many have just functional clothing to deal with the difficulties their powers present them with.

C.D: That in particular is something we hope to emphasize. Functionality and fashion should go hand in hand, and if you look at a lot o the more famous heroes - or villains - a lot of consideration has been put into the design of their outfit. But it also goes the other way. A lot of the more high-tech solutions designed for the meta-community's day-to-day work could also be applied in the lives of everyone. Fire-proof clothing as an example. Very useful, but sadly still not on the market for most.

E.S: Ah, now there is an area I've been working on. I've developed some interesting materials such as the fireproof fabric Natasha's wearing, which I generally use in most of my designs.

C.D: I've also seen nano-technology fabrics out there that mend themselves. how useful wouldn't that be in official venues?

E.S: Very much so.

N.S: The cape has long been seen as an item that defines the heroic lifestyle, and has even worked its way into brands and franchise despite the decline in use. Are we looking to see a resurgence in capes, or have heroes moved on past having them?

C.D: I definitely believe we'll see an increase in the use of capes in the future. Especially the hero Edition runway show will be showing off a fair few capes. But, one can never be too sure, it's up to the audience to make that judgement after all.

N.S: In the past year we've seen an influx of Praetorian refugees, bringing with them Praetorian culture. has this had any influence on the fashion world, and are there any examples of Praetorian design to be seen this week?

C.D: I believe the Praetorian designs are still too new to have gotten a foot-hold in our world. But I do believe that we will come to see more of their designs. They have a completely different approach to fashion, and it is interesting to see. Perhaps the future will hold a definitive Praetorian style?

At this point, Mrs Stoneberg has a question for Miss Devereaux:

E.S: I'm curious about one thing, Miss Devereaux. What inspired you to hold Vanity Week? I must say, I always felt Paragon had little interest in the fashion world beyond colorful designs for hero costumes.

C.D: I have always been interested in fashion, so when the idea was raised by the founder of the Sophie Michaux Foundation, I was quick to agree. Given how much our society revolves around costumes, it's rather odd that there hasn't been a similar event in years.

E.S: I've hosted a few small parties in the past, usually launch parties, but its never really occurred to me to try to take it to a wider audience. It's nice to see.

The motto of this week's event is 'Fashion is for Everyone.' After some discussion on sub-culture sources of fashion (referencing the 2005 Freak-Chic style inspired by anarchical gang the Freakshow) and mention of the Fashion and Textiles department of Paragon City University's Steel Canyon Campus, I had a brief amount of time to ask Mrs Stoneberg about fashion and subculture.

N.S: Given the prominence of various sub-culture themed clubs and establishment in the city, and your links to those who attend and back them - Hannah Rolando being a close friend of yours who is a regular and an investor in The Drome, the cyberpunk nightclub in Talos Island - have you ever considered any work with those connections and influences in mind?

E.S: I've done a few things that would be more appropriate to some of these clubs, but I've never actually considered doing a proper line of clothing for them.

N.S: Something you may consider in the future?

E.S: Oh, absolutely! I'm always interested in new lines, and of course, new business.

Vanity Week continues tonight with the Wild West Fashion Exhibition and Competition at the Jolly Roger Bar in Pocket D from 7pm, with its program for the weeks events available at the website:



Page 7 of the Paragon Times, Tuesday the 1st

Serious vandalism was reported on Spanky's Boardwalk based on what's believed to have been an altercation between metahumans. A large steel support was ripped up, and curiously set back in place, as well as several benches being unsecured from the ground and cosmetic damage to shop windows and deck chairs.

Paragon Police Department had this to say:

"We realise that many super-strong heroes are capable and may even need to remove objects from the floors in the line of their duty. We do, however, wish to request they clearly label unsafe areas instead of trying to replace them in this fashion as most of the damage has already been done."

Paragon City Police are not seeking any suspects at this time.



Article featured in various Independent Paragon papers and also in the Paragon Times, 08/11/2011. By Samantha Christophe

Business with the Devil

Barry Gilford is mostly known as a down-to-business guy. He’s competitive, hard working and a solid man of the community.

He’s also been supplying the Hellions with addresses and bribe money. It’s certainly a novel way of doing business, isn't it?

Let’s review the facts: Within the space of two years Mr Gilford has gone from the small-time owner of a corner shop to owner of an up and rising specialist store, Gilford’s Goods. Not the most original name but, hey, who cares when it carries all the stuff you need? Especially since all those other shops so inconsiderately go out of business.

And why would that be? Well, folks, that would be because Mr Gilford’s rivals seem to have incredibly bad luck. Like ‘several employees murdered, shops burned down and stock looted’ level of bad.

Now sadly bad things do happen, even in this City of Heroes. But for it to happen so regularly to anyone who attempts to open another business as a rival? Maybe I really am losing it and getting overly paranoid…but that strikes me as something I like to call bloody suspicious.

Of course, no one’s really bothered to look, especially recently. Why worry about a little thing like that, especially when there’s bigger problems to deal with?

I’ll damn well tell you why; because the **** starts at the bottom of the ladder. And if you ignore the little ****, the big **** will come back and bite you in the ***.
**** like, I don’t know, the fact Mr Gilford’s lack of rivals being directly attributable to the fact the Hellions seem to have an instant vendetta with anyone who tries to open up their own place? Maybe they just really like Gilford’s Goods? Who am I to judge?

The woman who has written evidence, that’s who. Evidence and photo’s proving that ‘Good old Barry’ has been supplying these demon worshiping arsonists and murderers with both goods and bribe money in exchange for the addresses of his rivals in business and ‘stopping by sometime’.

Don’t believe me? I bet you don’t. Who wants to believe that ‘normal’ people could stoop so low?
Normal people are scum. No exception. Screw the stupid ‘angel and demon on the shoulders’. Everyone has two devils, egging each other on. Stop lying to yourself for one minute and you’ll realise just how much sense Aunty Sam is making.
Gilford is a businessman. He’s a shrewd *******, too. It’s certainly an original way to cut back on the competition. And I bet business has been really booming after the Galaxy Disaster.

Still don’t believe me? Well don’t rush to make any bets, unless you like being poor. Because I brink you nay-sayers proof.


*The article features various photographs of Hellion gang members, hand written statements, signatures and names, including a few from Mr Gilford. And, pride of place, is a mobile phone quality picture of a man who looks suspiciously like Barry Gilford talking with a Hellion gang leader in what looks like Perez Park. *


Still doubt? Well tough. That just means you’re a naïve little idiot who can’t face up to reality, and you’ll likely wind up dead or worse thanks to one of the various gangers in this City. Because guess what; the Truth hurts. It’s honest, unrelenting and doesn’t take prisoners. You can deny it all you want. Just don’t come crying to me when it bites you in your ignorant ***.
And the Truth is Paragon City still has its problems, tons of them. And I, dear kiddies, shall be going and finding some more later. So be prepared if you’re of frail constitution, because yeah; the Truth hurts.

And someone might want to go find Barry before he conveniently ‘vanishes’.


Soon after the papers hit print, the PPD arrested Barry Gilford on suspicion of industrial sabotage and collaboration with known criminals. They were also seen to be tracking down various members of the Hellions gang in Atlas Park. Neither Mr Gilford nor his lawyer was available for comment.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




The TV presenter looked calmly into the camera as, in the corner of the screen, a low quality still image of a woman, clearly snapped with a camera phone, engulfed in flames faded in to shot.

"This morning, a horrific attack occurred at the Port Market as an unidentified assailant attempted to kill the hero known as Tiger White. In the attack, the assailant used some kind of magic fire as she attempted to immolate her intended victim, and five bystanders were killed in the cowardly attack. Tiger White valiantly fought off her attacker, reportedly wounding her severely in the process."

"Unfortunately, the attacker was able to escape after she forced the hero to defend more civilians from her flames, but in a statement given shortly after, Ms White swore that she would bring the guilty party to justice, one way or another."

"Paragon city police are currently investigating the incident, but we have been able to obtain some low resolution footage taken from a camera phone of the incident. In this footage, a small segment clearly shows the face of the attacker."

The image in the corner shifts and zooms in, filling the screen with the features of Sha'Atael, twisted in fury and half covered in blood from her broken nose.

"Although the image isn't clear thanks to her injuries, the attacker closely resembles the hero known as Fea, and we are sure that the police and FBSA will quickly act to bring her in for questioning."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Patagon Times, 21st November 2011, Morning Edition, Missing Persons Section

Sarah Foster, 15, missing from home in Skyway City since Thursday 17th November. Message from family: "Please come home. We love and miss you."

Dr Nathaniel King, 28, not seen since the end of his shift at Crowne Memorial Hospital, Kings Row, on Saturday 19th November.

Darrick Morrow, 21, not seen since college football practice at Steel Canyon Campus on Friday 18th November.

Anyone with information please contact the Missing Persons Helpline or your local Police Station.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Late News report from Paragon News ..(( all the News our lawyers will let us report))

There are reports of an event in Perez park that has caused some concern, the hazard level has been temporally raised while the PPD investigate.

About 11:30 the driver of a concrete delivery truck reported a huge glowing bloom of light erupt from near the lake., a small band of “fish-headed” men, and the healing of his tooth ache.

MAGI have reported detecting a “significant” discharger of magical energies in the location.

The PPD first reports say that they have recovered the body of a young woman from the area the driver reported.

..and now Sports with Brad………..



Crey Cola in Praetorian plot!

Liberty Force save the day!

On Sunday 27th the sometimes controversial super group Liberty Force raided a Crey-owned warehouse containing new reformulated Crey Cola. They found a facility run by secret Praetorian agents set on poisoning the country with a form of the propaganda drug they called 'triple-strength Enriche'.

The marketing and distribution of Crey Cola had been subcontracted to a private company called Sharp Solutions Ltd, owned by celebrated meta-athlete and 2011 Gladiators All-Star champion Lucius Macbain. Liberty Force were astonished to find Macbain's true loyalties, and managed to arrest him along with a clone army of himself, plus a number of Praetorian counterparts to the Liberty Force itself.

They are currently awaiting trial at Zigursky Penitentiary where they have pleaded innocent to interdimensional terrorism charges on the grounds that they too were subjected to 'triple-strength Enriche', and as such were duped into following the Praetorian Tyrant.

A Crey Industries spokesperson has stated that "We are horrified by the insidiousness of this Praetorian plot that has unfortunately fooled us all. Customers should be reassured that Crey Cola has been taken from the market. Additionally, extra security measures have been put in place at all our facilities to ensure that an incident like this never happens again."

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



(In the Steel Sentinel Society section.

In a city that thinks it has seen everything, it is good to know that some things still surprise. Several diners at the Starfish 'surf'n'turf' restaurant were confronted by a most unexpected sight yesterday evening as the notorious exhibitionist Foxwoman known as Foxienne was seen to be having dinner with a tuxedo wearing Rabbitman known locally as David. Yes, a fox was having a rabbit TO dinner rather than FOR dinner. The restaurant refused to answer questions regarding their patrons, including the one of how Foxienne got into the restaurant against its' dress code. The pair were, allegedly, later seen kissing before going their seperate ways.

If it is true, we hope 'David' has protection. Or very fast legs.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Paragon Shoppers News, the free paper for free people.

…… in a frank statement MAGI agreed that they need to review their security systems , as once again one of their storage facilities suffers a break in. The warehouse is reported to be a long term storage unit for cold case items. What the thieves took has not been disclosed, but two of the Security staff have been taken to hospital with meta power related injuries.



Paragon Shoppers News Free Xmas Elf token inside

..King’s Row’s station’s late night users will feel a little safer today, as a unnamed Hero has dealt with the Circle of Thorn cultists that were attacking people in the around it, rescuing three victims and taking down eleven cultist, with more seen to be fleeing the area. Those saved report the hero appears to have fish -like head. PPD officers took away the defeated cultists and report the area now quiet.



Paragon Times, Tuesday, January 24th
Earlier today, the bodies of seven newly-joined Peacebringers were found in an undiscosed warehouse in Atlas Park. Police report that the bodies were found horribly mutilated, although details are yet to be released. The killer, or killers, appeared to find a way to destroy the Kheldian halves of the heroes also.
Investigations as to the identity and motivation of the killer(s) are currently ongoing.

Paragon Herald, Thursday, January 26th
Attacks on the PPD are not uncommon, but this particular attack has left detectives clueless. Without warning, at 12:16 pm the station exploded into flames. Twelve officers have already been confirmed dead, with several more critically injured. No distress calls were issued prior to the bombing, and no attempts at forced entry have been found on security recordings.
The police are currently investigating the cause of the explosion, but no clues have been found so far.



Paragon Times, Tuesday, January 25th

A new "dynamic Trio" on the streets and a romance for justice!

Reliable sources tell of the latest trio protecting the citizens of Paragon City. The heroes witnessed by this reporter's sources are named "All-Star Sentry", "Lady Chiller" and "Skyway Speedster". Rumors that All-Star Sentry is the grandson of the golden-age heroine "American Maiden" have begun to circulate across the city and to this reporter's desk. The trio were seen bringing justice to members of the Lost gang in Fault-line last night. Details are sketchy to the events that took place in the warehouse once the heroes entered, but the result of their actions could not be clearer when they exited escorting an elderly Asian gentleman to safety.

...a Romance blooms for Justice!

It was reported by a source at the scene, of a romance between All-Star Sentry and Lady Chiller. The two heroes called it a day after the rescue. They
exchanged kisses and hugs after the star-spangled hero stated that every time he "...saw a Sno-Cone he thought of (Lady Chiller)". The source of this information also stated that Lady Chiller was overheard telling All-Star Sentry, "...its a good thing I know where (All-Star Sentry) can get a blueberry-lemonade flavored Sno-Cone" to take home with him. The two heroes left the scene together in the same unspecified direction.



Paragon Times, January 30th, Off-Beat section.


It seems the giant octopus known as 'Lusca' is a problem under the sea as well as over it! Recently sirens (you may know them as mermaids!) have been coming up on Independence Port's shore to get away from the tentacled menace!

Three have even registered as heroes, proving that there's good people all over, even if they seem a little fishy!

Advertisement to the left of the page:

(I'm not really advertising the greekchorus, it's private, but I did have this handy ad for it since it's a superhero housing development and thought it would fit. It's by Syrusb!)

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Paragon Eye, Saturday, 4th Febuary

Early this morning, as people were just heading to their work desks, a freak accident sent a military helicopter, piloted by James “Airbird” West, smashing into the side of the White Reach office building. Although thankfully the building was newly reinforced, three office workers, as well as James West, have been confirmed dead. Several more were seriously injured.
The police have stated that they are not currently treating the accident as suspicious.



Paragon Reader, 6th March 2012


And not the mystical kind either. Residents of Salamanca were witness to a terrific, albeit more-frightening-than-usual sight.

Roughly south of the University, black helicopters dropped in wave after wave of robotic soldiers, believed to be of the 5th Column. The mechanical soldiers wasted no time in attacking the witches of the Cabal. Eyewitnesses called the sight 'Exciting and scary at the same time.'

Believed to be leading the mechanized assault was the 5th Column villain, Panzerkommandant (That's Tank Commander, in English). The villain attacked with little prejudice, swatting aside everything the Cabal threw at him. The battle reached a climax at a standoff between the native hero called 'Hexecutrix' and Panzerkommandant. The fight lasted several minutes, and the brave hero fought valiantly, but the day was won by the 5th Column. Hexecutrix is believed to be alive and stable, perhaps nursing a few burns.

Shortly afterwards, the villain and a small force of robots were seen entering a cave. After a several anxious minutes, the villain returned, apparently holding some sort of artifiact, then fled the scene aboard a helicopter.

Local authorities are investigating the incident, but believe it to be a 'one-off', though whether this remains the case is to be seen.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



4th of March 2012
Dimension Eka-Upsilon-52

Extract from Lady Vyera’s speech during a memorial service for the OMEN service personnel who died during the metahuman attack on Saint Petersburg.

“They were outmatched and outgunned, facing an enemy that could punch apart an armoured truck in a few blows and who could shrug off a tank shell. They could have run or fled. They could have crumpled under the insurmountable onslaught. No-one would have considered them weak for doing so.

But they did not.

They did not halt or waver for a moment. They continued to push forward even as their comrades were being cut down around them. They did their duty. They willingly scarified their lives so we might live today.

These were ordinary men and women, ordinary people with wives and husbands, sons and daughters. They did not have super strength, or indestructible bodies, but today, their actions have shown that they were far greater than the super-powered monsters that brought about this atrocity will ever be.

Were it not for those brave servicemen and women that laid down their lives here, I would not be alive today. The Minister would not be alive today. Countess others would not be alive today. They bought precious minutes with their lives, and paid for every inch of ground given in blood. Their actions, their sacrifice, prevented this senseless tragedy from becoming an unprecedented massacre. For that, I owe a debt I do not think I will ever truly be able to repay. I don’t think any of us will. But we can try.”

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



5th of March 2012
Dimension Eka-Upsilon-52

Article from the front page of the St. Petersburg Times.

An attack yesterday by a half dozen unidentified metahumans, during an offical visit by Culture Minister Alexandra Avdeyev, has left over 100 people dead any many more wounded during their 20 minute rampage though the centre of Saint Petersburg. OMON forces were quickly dispatched to the area, but could do little to stop the super-powered onslaught. The group of terrorists were finally forced to flee the by the arrival of an Artemis Heavy Assault Mech that was stationed at the Naval base in Kronshtadt. Police report the group have not been sighted since.

“It was damn lucky [the Artemis Heavy unit] was there,” Reported one surviving police officer. “It was the only thing that could have stood a chance. We couldn’t stop them, god knows we tried. A tank couldn’t have stopped them. Flash bangs, armour piercing rounds, frag grenades, light mortars… they just kept coming. We just tried to do what we could […] hold them off to buy time for the civilians to be evacuated, to try and keep them contained until [heavy reinforcements] arrived.”

While the final death toll is not yet known, 96 OMON servicemen have been confirmed dead, with another 91 seriously injured. Approximately two dozen civilians have been reported dead, with hundreds more injured or missing.

The attack occurred a scheduled visit to Lady Vyera and other local dignitaries late last night. A lone metahuman began planting explosives in the city centre and then began to engage the police units sent in to respond. Shortly after, a larger group of super beings began assaulting the office building containing the Minister. Police believe the lone bomber may have been a decoy, designed to lure security forces away from the Minister. The two explosive devices planted were safely disarmed after the attack and remotely detonated. Police have refused to comment on their explosive yield.

While OMON forces dispatched to the Minister were able to evacuate many of the civilians inside, the minister was injured when her security escort was attacked en route to the roof helepad. The Minister was able to escape during the ensuing fire fight and is currently in hospital undergoing medical treatment. Doctors report her condition is good and believe she will be discharged within the next few days.

It is reported Lady Vyera was able to successfully stall the terrorists, allowing the Artemis Heavy Assault Mech to reach the building, forcing the group to escape. However, she has not discussed the matter, and, during a public memorial service, placed all credit on the OMON forces present, stating that their actions prevented many more lives, including her own, from being lost. Inside sources have revealed that that Lady Vyera has made a substantial undisclosed donation to the Saint Petersburg Police Widows and Orphans fund; however, she has refused to publically comment on the matter.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet released any information about the identity of the terrorists, stating only that the group responsible was “known” and that they would do all they could to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice, They have called upon anyone with information about the group to come forward.

This attack has sparked new criticism regarding the police force and military’s inability to cope with the threat of serious metahuman acts. New funding has been proposed to develop better ways to respond to, and neutralise super-powered beings. “The Artemis Heavy Unit, saved the day here, but it was pure luck there happened to be one close enough to respond” Said a spokesperson for Ministry of Defence. “There only a handful of [units] in existence and they are so prohibitively expensive to manufacture and there is no conceivable way we would ever be able to field enough to have any meaningful effect against a super powered attack […] what we need are better and cheaper anti-super weapons.”

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



9th March 2012
Reported amongst other notifications of Heroes wounded in the cause of duty.

The Phoenix medical centre in Talos Island reports that the hero Bubble Wrap has been admitted there after arriving via the emergency mediport system. The specifics of her injuries have not been released, and the reasons for her operating in Talos Island instead of her usual haunt in the Rikti Warzone are currently unknown. A Vanguard official visited the medical centre shortly after her arrival, in the company of another unidentified hero, but declined to comment. As always, we wish her a speedy recovery.



Rogue Isle Protector

The Retributional vigilante known as the Unavenged Knight has gone missing recently. Citizens and Criminals alike always caught sight of him flying across rooftops, looking for the next sinner of the Isles. But in the last 3 days, he hasn't been seen, and so criminals are less afraid to do as they please.

According to eyewitnesses, he was seen talking to Arbiter Daos about a recently joined Arachnos operative who threatened to kill him. He was apparently given directions, and followed the operative. He then entered an apartment door, and hasn't been seen since. There are rumours that it leads to Dark Astoria, which has recently undergone a sort of transformation, but it is still a rumour.

Perhaps he will be sighted soon, but for now, crime has gotten a tad bit easier.



Reported in the Rogue Isles

Arachnos suffered a blow last night when one of its flyers was destroyed during an operation in Mercy Island. Eye witnesses reported seeing some kind of terrifying creature sweeping down and engulfing the flyer in a bright light, disintegrating it. The Arachnos soldiers who had disembarked just prior to the event were forced to flee as the creature rounded on them, before dissapearing as suddenly as it had appeared.
Further details on the exact nature of the creature are not forthcoming, owing to the confused and contradicatory reports of the witnesses and the lack of official comment from Arachnos. The nature of the operation that bought the flyer out, as always, remains a mystery.

Reported in Paragon City

Portal Corp. has reported the theft of numerous items from a warehouse in Independence Port where they were being stored after arriving by ship. The items, which had arrived yesterday morning and were due for delivery to the Peregrine Island facility today, were intended for use in stabilising devices, allowing portals to reach dimensions where dimensional static or other effects interfered with the normal operations of the portals.
"We really don't know why anyone would want these specific devices," said a spokesman for Portal Corp., "They are certainly advanced technology, but are only part of a complete device. Without a portal they are totally useless."
Given the highly precise nature of the raid, in which no other freight container was even opened let alone looted, the PPD are working on the assumption that the parts were stolen to order. They are continuing to question the warehouse guard on duty last night, who was found unconscious but otherwise unharmed by when his replacement arrived.



Paragon Times, 19/03/2012

The Steel Canyong courthouse was in an uproar today, as Liberty Force's legal battle came to a somewhat explosive end, for now. Liberty Force, an international supergroup, was earlier this year accused of vigilantism in their approach to crime fighting and were summoned to court as a result, represented by the heroes and team leaders 'Athena Dawnlight' and the 'Thunderer'.

Manning the prosecution and representing the interests of numerous groups throughout Paragon was Adam Smith, CEO of recently founded corporation 'Oracle Inc.'

While the exact details are not yet know, we here at Paragon Times are aware that former 'Civil Servant' Maximilian Hart was called as a witness in Liberty Force's defence. Similarly, the criminal 'File,' a relatively minor and unknown rogue from the Isles, was brought in to aid in their prosecution. While the group as a whole does not face being disbanded or arrested, our sources tell us that Liberty Force is facing fines in the value of millions, several thousand hours of dedicated community service, and the five years imprisonment of their leader, Athena Dawnlight. What's more, their supporter, Maximilian Hart, apparently admitted to charges of extensive vigilantism and was given the same sentence as Dawnlight. Unlike the Liberty Force leader however, who went quietly with police and was successfully detained in the Zig, Hart resisted arrest and was able to escape custody through the use of concealed smoke bombs. A manhunt has been organised and PPD officials are urging anyone to come forward with information on Hart's whereabouts.

I can't be bothered to think of something amazingly wise or witty to show how much of a genius I am, just take my word for it.



Broadcasting intermittently on TV and Radio: