Echo 13

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  1. March 23rd, 1344 hours local
    Dark Astoria
    Athena Dawnlight strode along the ruined street, black cape fluttering behind her as she strode towards Moth Cemetery.

    yoUR efForTS ARe fUtIlE
    i Am INeviTaBLe

    She continued walking calmly forwards. Eyes moved in the darkness around her.

    aLL yoU lOVed wIlL bE suNDeReD
    alL yOur FRienDs shALL LeaVE yOU

    She continued walking, staring up at the gate to the cemetery. She could feel the beasts approaching. She smiled, flicking a small card into her hand.

    ThERE iS NO viCTOrY

    The monsters of Mot began to close the distance- from the gates, from the alleys- they were everwhere. Her smile turned into a faintly insane smirk.

    "I have no kin."

    She flicked the card. Light Sigil. Purification. A wave of energy blasted out of her, smashing Husks, Shamans and even Ravagers aside as it pushed in all directions. She smelt a faint sizzling of semi melted concrete, and heard the satisfying crack of bodies hitting walls.

    Roaring. She felt more monsters draw towards her, closing in. She flicked the used card away. She'd spent hours charging it and the others in the Ziggauraut...It would have been so much easier if she still had It on her side...

    Athena threw energy blasts, taking out half dozen more. Too many. She drew another card.

    YoU CaNNot SToP DeaTH

    Ice Sigil. Diamond Blizzard. Dead flesh shredded and chunks of chitin exploded outwards as icicles lanced out of her hand in a ray of frozen shrapnel. Still more of them came on.

    More energy blasts. She took to the air, raining destruction down.

    YoU WiLL NoT WIN

    Swarms of them. Some Shamans flew at her. Another card. Wind Sigil. Titans Wingbeats. They were slammed back down to the earth. Sometimes she was embarressed about labling her cards so, but right now it seemed fitting. She laughed- a sound which, if any sane human had been in the area, would have chilled the blood.


    It had distracted her. A bolt of lightning struck her from above, before she could phase away. She tumbled, stunned, and hit the floor. Two Ravagers closed in.

    Rolled away, punched one back with an energised fist. Drew another card as fast as she could.

    But not fast enough.

    The second Ravager's claw impaled her through the chest. A moment later, it tore her in half.

    The death god laughed in the remnants of her mind.

    YoU HAvE FaiLED

    That was it? That was all she could manage? Was she really that useless? She felt herself slipping away. Mot was dragging at her, trying to devour her. No! She couldn't lose!
    Not here! Not now!
    Not ever!
    With an almighty effort she tore herself free from it's clutches, throwing her mind into a maelstrom of chaos...before order reasserted itself.

    Snowflakes fell around the Ravager. The body vanished.

    A moment later, it and the surrounding lesser monsters vanished in a storm of energy, disintergrated into nothingness.

    Athena staggered out of the cloud, grinning as snowflakes whirled around her.

    "Sorry, kid...But only the living can die..."

    She drew another card.

    "I am older than your very concept. You can never destroy me. Not while I have strength left."

    Roaring. Anger. She had it's attention, but she didn't care.

    As long as she had people to protect, she would still have strength left.

    Athena screamed a battle cry, energy blazing around the immortal as she continued the endless battle.
  2. ((Sorry if it's too long!))

    March 7th, 0436 hours local
    Somewhere in Eastern Europe

    Conflict in Dark Astoria...Any available Sisters to go reinforce...
    Somebody's opened a can of worms,
    thought Sister Dusk.
    "So what do you think?"
    Dusk looked back over her shoulder to see Sister Elleanor leaning over it.
    "I think that someone shouldn't be looking at possibly classified orders."
    "They're not, though."
    "They're not."
    She rubbed her eyes, before answering the original question.
    "I don't know. It seems off. The Talons of Vengeance? In Primal Earth? And we're the ones supposed to go after them?"
    The Blade nodded, pushing hair out of her eyes.
    "So what do we do?"
    Dusk drummed her fingers on the desk.
    "...I'll head back. You make sure that we're all finished here. No loose ends. Follow me as soon as you can."
    Elleanor nodded and moved back over to the safehouse window to keep watch. Dusk sighed. I have a bad feeling about this...


    March 8th, 1257 hours local
    Dark Astoria
    Certainly a change of scenery.
    Sister Dusk ran across the roof top, leaping gracefully from building to building as she progressed through the ruined city. She leaped over another group of Pantheon.
    They're more powerful than before...more Shamans. It must have given them a power boost.
    She continued travelling in silence, sometimes on the ground, sometimes above it. Eventually she reached the place- one of the old cave systems.It's where she'd been told to go earlier, but things had gone dark since then. She couldn't tell why. Bad reception? Something about the area?

    Nobody to send?

    The Hand of Artemis shook her head. They were probably too far underground. That was it. She touched her headset.
    "This is Sister Dusk. What's the situation down there, over?"
    No answer.
    "I repeat, this is Sister Dusk. Can anybody hear me? Over."
    Again, no answer.
    She frowned. They should have set a relay beacon up at least...Unless, of course, there was nobody to set one up, bodies piled in the cave, blood flowing down the stone, a sacrifi-
    Dusk shook her head again. She needed to get some sleep. But not now.
    She unsheathed her short blade, activated the cloaking device and trotted into the cave.

    March 8th, 1312 hours local
    Dark Astoria

    "This is Dusk. Anybody in here?"
    As usual, there was no response.
    She'd been walking through the cave for a few minutes now. No sign of any other Knives. No sign of anything, actually- just the odd dust fall every now and then from movement above.
    It was strange. Ever since she got in here, she'd been feeling a mounting sense of dread. Like something was crushing her, pushing down as she realised her own insignifica-affecting her mind. It got worse the deeper in she got.Still no sign of the Knives. I should never have come here. Nothing good will come of this. I'm do- have brought the others, she thought. At least it would have kept her spirits up. At this rate, she was going to die, alone and unremembered, nobody would find th-be bored out of her skull.
    A burst of static interuppted her train of thought. A burst of static on our frequency!
    "This is Sister Dusk. Can you repeat that, over?"
    Another burst of static. She tapped her wrist computer, breaking into a run as she got a direction of origin, barely registering her cloaking device shorting out from the sudden movement.
    "Whoever's there, please repeat, over!"
    Almost there...Almost there...

    She didn't know why she was so desperate to find them. Maybe, subconciously, she was afraid, or just wanted the company.

    What she did know was that the sight she was confronted by was not what she was looking for.

    A grotesque, mutated woman stood in the corridor before her- legs ending in claws and wings sprouting from her back, blood dripping from her lips. She smiled at Dusk. It was possibly the most disturbing thing she had ever seen.

    Dusk's hands flew to her weapons, but froze as more shapes came out of the caverns around her
    . Ten. Twenty. Thirty... Dozens and dozens of monstrous women. Nearly all of them were armed.
    And they all wore the familiar headgear of the Knives of Artemis.
    She looked round, for an escape route, anything. The monsters began to close in. The winged monster was still smiling.
    No way out. No escape.

    "You will become one of us, Sister. And spread out justice."

    No way out. No escape.
    Dusk held her weapons, but only loosely as she stared at the wall of monstrous flesh closing in on her.

    No way out. No escape.

    The last she saw as she was dragged into the darkness was the still smiling, bloodstained mouth of the winged woman.
    And then everything went black.


    Bodies piled in a cave, blood staining the stone, a sacrifice for the awakened god.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tefkuf View Post

    so how do the rest of us start to do things , also is there going to be a thread for us to post our " what happened" bits or do you want to keep everything in game ?

    I'm in the process of getting various AE missions up for the various characters, so most will have at least one (to speed up the process of actual plot). If you've got any particular requests for your character's mission (e.g. NPC reinforcements) just shout.

    As for a thread of "what happened", well, if people want one. I don't really see the point to be honest, as any significant event can be noted here (and if you mean in terms of Forum RP, I don't find it mixes well with in-game RP due to pacing)
  4. Alright, to put it out there, the Krimzon Guard have gotten one of the seals, so we can probably consider that plot started.

    I'm going to keep a post of who has how many Seals on the main post- I can trust you to use common sense as to which your character would know about.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitro View Post
    Probably try and obtain a seal or seals and reverse engineer it, or, failing that, finding out how they work.

    Also, as a general note, there'll be a (hopefully unique) AE mission for each character, so everyone will get a Seal. So we can get to the scheming/stealing/dealing faster

    (Hopefully unique, but one or two people may have to run the same generic-ish one if I run out of time.)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitro View Post
    While normally I balk at the prospect of revealing Venom’s motivation to anything, I don’t think it will be much of a reveal that she would love to have a reliable weapon to deal with the otherwise indefatigable and very hard to neutralise threats she keeps having to deal with.
    Not much of a reveal, no. Although I meant more as in, what actions is she going to be taking? Is she gonna be sending out minions, schemeing from the side, or what? Sorry if I wasn't clear.
  7. Alright. I think there's enough people on the list now to kick things off.

    I intended to start this week, but it's turned into a very busy week for me. So I'm aiming for the plot to officially "start" next week.

    So prior to that time, I'd appreciate it if I had an idea of what characters are going to be doing, so I can prepare AE missions or such.

    If anyone wants to hold off entering for now, that's fine. Join when ready

    At the moment the AE to-do list are a couple of relatively-generic missions involving going into a temple/complex/underworld and retrieving one or more seals. If people have requets, please send them to me!

    So to recap; if people can give me a heads up one what they're doing and what they need by Monday, that'd be great. Echo out.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunderrar View Post
    This sounds like something that would be entirely awesome, Would it be cool if I brought in Erez'Zul and the Thunderer?
    Of course I'll stick them on the cast list.
  9. //Record 21 Start

    Got kidnapped by Carnies from another dimension for a couple of months. Finally got released five days ago- got caught a bit before christmas. I'd walked straight into a trap- Portal Corp. wanted me to check out a warehouse which had gone dark, and, well, I've never been good with psychics.
    They used some sort of soul/psyche trap gem. It's supressing my powers, but I doubt it will take long to get rid of. These things never do. Until then, though, I'm going to have to dig up the old Golem suit, so I don't feel completely useless.

    Ravenhawk's leaving. Superiors ordered him away, something about his pilot being killed. Civillian casualties. I missed a lot, considering it was such a short space of time. Q caught me up.
    Monica acted up, but is apparently okay now. Or comatose. Couldn't figure out which Q meant. People got into the base (again)- .net got kidnapped, Auxilliary got killed, but they're both back now (minus hands in .net's case). Apparently that's when my replacement got killed. False Men have been active, Simmons is looking into it. And Scarlet's been up to stuff. Incendria says she's looking into it, overseas.

    Will see if I can catch Babel about this gem. I think it's psychic based- Carnies, after all- or else magic. Going to need it out- It got seperated from me when I was trapped in here, and I need to recapture it before it causes any damage. Mara agrees. She and the others have been popping up more often than usual. Probably related.

    Athena Dawnlight, out.

    //Record 21 ends.
  10. Yo.
    Don't know if this is the right place to be asking, but I haven't been able to connect to the Handbook for..quite a while now.
    Only happens on my home IP adress. Can use it fine elsewhere, and can log in without issues. When I try to access the website (even just the home page) I get a "connection has timed out" message.
    I'm kinda confused as to why this is, so any help would be appreciated
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitro View Post
    Yeah, my global is "Nitro v. IV". A surprising number of people get it wrong. If it helps you remember, it's Nitro version four.
    Woops! And I bet I got Kornak's global wrong too....I'm bad with these ^^'
  12. I'm going to join the chorus of people saying hi and welcome. I'm Echo 13. The very-slightly-deranged one.

    Originally Posted by RogerWilco
    We had a look at Pocket D a week or so ago, there was like a group of lvl50's standing around the DJ, but most seemed AFK or something.
    Unsure if anybody brought this up, or if I'm embaressingly stating the obvious, but the 50's around the DJ are nearly always there for Incarnate Trials. There's rather a lot of them. The roleplayers, you want the upstairs-blue-bar, where War Witch is.
    I'm sure somebody's already elaborated on this by now, but I wanted to feel like I'd contributed
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitro View Post
    I’d suggest you maybe delay actually starting anything up now though, since we’ve just (more or less) wrapped up the Carnie plot, and am now dealing with the aftermath so I don’t really want to jump straight into a new plot. I imagtine there will be others who feel the same.
    My thoughts exactly. I'm only posting this now so I can see if there's any interest. Also because I'm forgetful and wanted the plot out there before it goes in the "I'll do it later" list. ^^'

    I plan to actually start it proper when I'm sure who's interested, and that things such as the Carnie plot are out of the way.

    I'll add Venom to the cast list, if that's okay.

    Originally Posted by Tefkuf
    Given what the seals claim to be able to do i am guessing your looking at highlevel /powerful characters invovlment, which often leads to blance issues, ie Venom backed by the KG makes it hard for lone operators to do much as an example
    Not necessarily looking for high power levels only; after all, groups won't need to directly attack each other if they don't want to. If a weaker characters after the "catch 'em all" prize, then yes, it may be more difficult to get them via direct means, and so they'll likely have to resort to other methods of aquiring them. Or maybe just stop other people getting them. Of course, they could just aim to exploit the situation if they're less morally inclined...

    Originally Posted by Tefkuf
    Are you looking at a slow burn plot or an all action fest ??
    I'm imagining a little bit of both

    Originally Posted by _Fea_
    Ooo, looks interesting! I have a couple of heroes who'd definitely get involved as soon as they heard about that!
    Happy to hear it If you don't mind telling me who they are, I'll add them to the cast list.
  14. ((This is a plot idea I've been tossing around in my head, and anybody is welcome to join.))

    Recently, inquiries have been made as to information about a set of magic artifacts known as the "Bloodstained Seals". Naturally, inquiries lead to rumours, and rumours spread like wildfire among the metahuman community.

    Hearsay-((Information which a character may have simply heard by word of mouth, without any attempt of their own to research the matter.))

    The Seals, so the the rumours say, were created in times long past to provide a method with which anyone, even a god, could be threatened. Though the secrets to their workings have long since passed and the knowledge of them is all but forgotten, their power remains.

    Individually the seals are unremarkable, and not worth the effort it takes to aquire them, but combined their true potential is unlocked.

    The inquiries coincide with those about seemingly unremarkable pieces of bloodstained paper.

    Looking into it-((Information a character would easily find if they actually put some effort into looking up the seals.))

    Information has risen- or possibly been fed into the system- as to how to identify the actual seals. It's not too difficult for anybody with the right information and magical senses.

    It also seems that some magic groups have already been identified to own some of the items- it's likely one of these were the ones responsible for starting the inquiry. The Circle of Thorns is thought to have at least one, and the formerly-minor villain group known as the Legion have at least two, one of which was stolen from the Midnight Squad. Other groups, such as Arachnos, the Cabal and the Carnival of Shadows, have not given any indication as to whether they hold any.

    The seals work as any sealing item would, with the exception that power from a sealed creature can be leeched by the user for his or her own ends. More powerful beings require more of the seals to be used at once, but the effects are multiplicative- a regular human soul would barely require a single seal, a powerful devil around five, and an archdemon would need at least twelve.

    The seals are supposedly, like any set of magic artefacts, located across the world, if they've not been found already. They were scattered by the last people to use the seals, and their resting places are often heavily guarded by what they left behind.

    The seals were made with what is often catergorised as forbidden magic, based off the eldritch powers of demonic pacts.

    Digging Deeper-((Information a character would only be able to access with specialist contacts or resources- high ranking members of the Midnight Squad, those with vast libraries of information, etc.))

    The power leeched by the seal can be "chained" to power the binding of another entity.

    The power the seal leeches is roughly equal to that which it seals, but a willing entity bound by them will actually provide more power than they would normally.

    The actual number of seals is unknown. Records indicate at least 10 seperate seals, likely more.

    Breaking a seal will result in the creature it bound being released, as one might expect. However, the twisted magic of the seal will cause them to lash out at whoever did so- whether they are enemies or not.

    The sealing rite used will actually displace the victim from reality while the Seal is active. How it accomplishes this, and the exact details, cannot be found via simple research.

    Analysis-((Information gleaned from analysing the Seals in person- obviously, this requires the character to own or have access to one.))

    The Seals do not react well to being shifted through time and space- in other words, teleporting them can have unpredictable results. It can lead to an outburst of power, possibly hurting the teleporter, causing the teleport to be misguided (such as ending up a few miles off target), cause the user to be teleported minus Seal, shut down the teleporter...The list goes on, and it's nigh impossible to predict what will happen. It can even result in the Seal being destroyed.

    However, the above note can be counteracted, given enough time to prepare. Thorough analysis of the Seal will result in being able to find a secure method of teleporting it, although this requires, as noted, significant preperation time, and will often be limited to teleporting it from a single location.

    If one has two or more Seals, he/she can use them to locate others more easily. The more Seals one owns, the more precise and powerful this is, to the point it can break scrying defences if one has gathered enough (at least four); however, one must be in close proximity to the Seals for the detecting spell to work.

    The Seals are in fact capable of creating a small pocket dimension, in which the victim is sealed. Stronger beings may be able to break free.

    Motives-((Some general reasons characters might want to join, just suggestions- by no means exclusive))
    • Putting away a long time adversary, for good or ill.
    • Dealing with an entity to powerful to be killed normally.
    • Protecting the seals from those who would use them for their own ends.
    • Taking the seals and controlling the distribution of them, making a profit in the process.
    • Researching the artifacts and trying to discover their secrets.
    Dramatis Personae-((Individuals and groups so far listed to be participating in the plot, both NPCs and PCs.))
    • The Circle of Thorns
    • The Harbinger of Woe ((@Echo 13)) and, by extension, her minions, The Legion- holding 2 Seals
    • The Midnight Squad
    • Incendria ((@Laniatus; By necessity, presently off screen))- Holding 1 Seal.
    • Fateweaver Venom ((@Nitro v. IV)), and likely by extension, The Krimzon Guard- Holding 1 Seal.
    • Cassandra Baudin ((@Fea))-Contact, rather than an active hunter. Hero's in need of info or tip offs can head her way.
    • Bad Moon Rising ((@Kornak7)) / Edward Witchvale ((@Kornak7))
    • Doctor Desecrator ((@Royal One))- Holding 1 Seal
    • Sullivan ((@Transmission))
    • The Thunderer ((@Thunderrar))
    • Erez'Zul ((@Thunderrar))
    • File ((@Brightwel))- Holding 1 Seal.
    • Panzer Kommandant ((@Aerial Assault))- and by extension, at least a faction of the 5th Column.- Holding 1 Seal
    • Glorianna ((@Irrelevant))
    ((So, if anybody is interested, drop me a tell either via forum PM, or via in game tell/email (Global: @Echo 13). Heroes, villains, anything inbetween all wanted! I'll update the post/thread if things progress.))
  15. Paragon Eye, Saturday, 4th Febuary

    Early this morning, as people were just heading to their work desks, a freak accident sent a military helicopter, piloted by James “Airbird” West, smashing into the side of the White Reach office building. Although thankfully the building was newly reinforced, three office workers, as well as James West, have been confirmed dead. Several more were seriously injured.
    The police have stated that they are not currently treating the accident as suspicious.
  16. Paragon Times, Tuesday, January 24th
    Earlier today, the bodies of seven newly-joined Peacebringers were found in an undiscosed warehouse in Atlas Park. Police report that the bodies were found horribly mutilated, although details are yet to be released. The killer, or killers, appeared to find a way to destroy the Kheldian halves of the heroes also.
    Investigations as to the identity and motivation of the killer(s) are currently ongoing.

    Paragon Herald, Thursday, January 26th
    Attacks on the PPD are not uncommon, but this particular attack has left detectives clueless. Without warning, at 12:16 pm the station exploded into flames. Twelve officers have already been confirmed dead, with several more critically injured. No distress calls were issued prior to the bombing, and no attempts at forced entry have been found on security recordings.
    The police are currently investigating the cause of the explosion, but no clues have been found so far.
  17. //Record 20 Start

    We had an intruder in the base.


    On wednesday, I was just flying around Paragon when I got a...feeling. I went to Kings Row, called out anyone available to give me a hand- only Will. It seems like after that the base was quite empty.

    The feeling was familiar. It felt like...It. But weaker, thankfully, not the same, just somewhat alike to it. It was pretty blatantly bad news, so we fought it.

    We were also aided by three other heroes. A large mechanical being called Steam Centurion, a super hero called Close Kombat, and... I forget the name of the other.

    We fought the being. Tough, definately quite tough. It seemed capable of absorbing most attacks directed against it. Eventually it retreated, but not before it gave some last words...Such as that it was a distraction.

    I didn't think much of it at the time, as we hadn't recieved any alerts via the base computer, and there was nothing on the logs.

    And yesterday, that's what tipped me off to there being something wrong.

    The logs were too clean. There wasn't even the usual chatter or junk that we got through, like alerts to yet-another-arson. There was literally nothing there. After consulting with Kate, she confirmed that they had been wiped clean.

    I tried to gather as much information as possible. Hex told me that the magic wards had picked up some telepathic communication passing through them, but nothing more. Security footage shorted out in a pattern too and from the teleporters and the computer room- where I am typing this now. Both events occured while the base was empty, as, I suspect, did the file wiping. I am planning on checking the teleporter logs, but frankly, as the base was supposed to be empty at the time, I doubt they would tell us much- the intruder covered their tracks well.

    To make matters worse, upon checking police records, several alerts had been forwarded to us during our "blind" period. The Legion had been active in Kings Row, but with no confirmed reason for their presence. But I have my suspiscions, and I am beggining to be proven right. People are beggining to be reported missing, more of them than usual, in the areas were the Legion were. Scarlet's up to something.

    Hex has managed to create a curse breaker. It should prove useful in finally capturing some of the Legion. She suggested we bust in on some random Ley Line locations- there was a chance we'd meet Scarlet. And at very least most of them have Circle, or Pantheon or- as we found out- Carnies on them. Unfortunately, this time, no Legion minions were to be found.

    Megan talked to Scarlet. She doesn't appear to have gotten much that is relevant.

    What is still bugging me is how the intruder got in. The teleporters should be secure, and that seems to be the point of entry.

    We'll all have to keep our eyes out.

    Athena Dawnlight, signing out.

    //Record 20 Ends
  18. *This is a private, audio record by Iron Vanguard, also known as Athena Dawnlight*

    "Record 19...start. It's been a while, huh.

    I've been slipping in and out of existance. Haven't been able to control it until recently. Think I can use it to my advantage, until I fully restore. Might be a similar condition to Babel, except unlike her, I was already unstable and so I "died" faster...Except, I can't die.

    *Athena sighs*

    Immortality, huh.


    It's been difficult to reassert my powers. I'm worried. Last time, because of my err in judgement, they died...all of them. 11,565,243. The day I forget is the day I know I'm not worthy to be called a "person" anymore.

    And I'm worried it'll happen again. They fluctuate, they slip...I used them today. Stuck to just modifiying attacks I've used before. Could use some practise- left myself too open when attacking. Almost got my head split open by a thrown boulder, and I'm not to sure on my ressurection technique yet.

    Speaking of today, I...have doubts. About the morality of it. It's all very well for Sol to just go "they're criminals, they're wrong", but he's still so young. So naive. We're all just different shades of grey, and I know it. I'm sure that if he looked hard enough, he would do.

    I told Flower she could go. I wouldn't prevent her leaving if she wanted to. But...The Corporation...I had to try to stop them, even if my heart wasn't in it. I think I could have done better, but they were...They didn't seem like villains. Not even- what did she call herself?- Amber. Just...different shades of grey.

    I let them go, in the end.

    *Athena sighs again*

    Honest for the record, girl...

    I used to be so sure. That was wrong, this is right. But it's not that simple. I'm not the same girl who thought that. Sometimes I wish I was. It would be so much easier.

    Maybe it's what that woman said. Perplexite, I think it was. If we were what Paragon called heroes...


    I...will need to think. All I can do for now is what I think is right. I'm not sure I'll ever be comfortable with any side.

    After all, it's just different shades of grey.

    Iron Vanguard, signing out."

    *Record Ends*

    ((That 8-digit number Athena mentions near the beggining may be a bit off. It's in the 11.5 billion range. I'll edit it once I can check it, if I can.))
  19. Carnie!Dusk has her cossie And I'm working on background/personality, as little as I need to do.

    For the record, her mask is supposed to be completely blank...did as best I could >.>

    Oh, and like Primal Dusk, she's an assassin, for when it comes up.
  20. This sounds like an awesometfaboulistic (that's a word now) idea. Would enjoy joining in.

    ...Was about to type no idea as to who as, but. Idea. You mentioned assimilating other groups...I get the feeling a Harlequin style (assimilated) Knife of Artemis would be fun. Alternate version of my assassin, that is.

    Think that'd be okay?
  21. Combat Report

    Date and Location: 17/08/11, at 2030 in base of Meta-Human liscened hero organisation "Liberty Force", co-ordinates [REDACTED].

    Participants: Andrew Scott IE the meta-human "The Thunderar", meta-human "Megan", Sister Dusk (Hand of Artemis rank)

    Situation: "Thunderar" entered Liberty Force base at 2027. Sister Dusk engaged due to prior information of "Thunderar"'s rogue behaviour. "Megan" engaged at 2040 hours, assisting Sister Dusk.

    Outcome: "Thunderar" was defeated due to Sister Dusk using the power supressors in the gymnasium in the base, shutting off "Thunderar"'s powers and affecting with several doses of tranquiliser, in the form of crossbow bolts and some coated on a blade. "Megan" also shot "Thunderar" with several tranquiliser rounds. No serious injuries were sustained by either "Megan" or Sister Dusk. "Thunderar" was detained in the power suppressed holding cell for future efforts to resolve his behaviour. Strange armour was stored in a secure location.

    Theories: Sister Dusk is quite certain that "Thunderar" was victim to possession of a magical nature. She is handing over further investigation to "Liberty Force"

    Account source: Sister Dusk
    Report written by: Sister Elleanor (Blade of Artemis rank)

    ((This report is on the main computer, and copies have been sent to all members of Liberty well as possibly others. No spoilers here though.))

    ((Oh, and on the rank matter: Damn straight Dusk is too cool for LF officially :P. I'm not keen on that motto though. Sounds too much like the Longbow one...

    Possibly a special rank for redeemed villains/people who are on probabtion as such, like Quantanimator? I know other than him we don't have any yet, but worth considering- never know who could turn up.))
  22. ((OOC Note. Showdown with Pseudonym is on the 23rd of July, Saturday- If you want to come, please get to the base between 8 and 9 pm British time. Dangerous fight, so heavy hitters are the ones Iron wants most- and she may or may not be avoiding mentioning it to the weaker members of the team...
    The people she's -definately- told are:
    • Aerial Assault
    • Prince Solar
    • Civil Servant (Obviously)
    • Shining Valkryie
    • Lady Babel
    I'll let you figure if you've been told, or if you just wander in, if you're not on the list.
    Although I say Iron is avoiding telling the weaker team members, Echo 13 is quite happy to have the entire team online

    See you tommorow, hopefully))
  23. //Record 18 Starts

    Neither Civil's disposition or condition has improved. However, we're got a plan. I requested Sister Dusk to investigate this "Pseudonym", but she's too busy. She's sent her adjutant instead. I've also sent a message to Silas requesting to meet with him- Pseudonym has connections with Clan Eclipse, so perhaps he'll know something.

    Q was hurt in a trap today. It appears that the Council are onto his trick. I'm not sure how he got harmed like he did, but he recovered. And, er...His Nictus -may- have called me mum. ... I hope they get past that stage.

    It's good to have Andrew back. He seems unmotivated, but he'll come around, I'm sure. He met that Paragon Protector the other day- stopped Conall and Lance attempteing to arrest her. I think T knows her from somewhere...I don't know where.

    I believe that's everything from lately.

    Iron Vanguard, Out.

    //Record 18 Ends
  24. //Record 17 Start

    Events once more move apace, and I do my best to keep up.

    Dr. Scott, The Rogue Manipulator, has stepped down as leader of Liberty Force. He claims that it is under threat from Lord Chill. I do not like buckling under blackmail, no matter who from, but I cannot influence Rogue's descision.

    And so as of the 14th of June, I, Iron Vanguard, formerly known as Athena Dawnlight, am now head of Liberty Force. I won't fail. Not this time.

    In other news, we ambushed the Summoner. It went well, but he escaped- to my annoyance. We made contact with the largest demon- or rather, forcibly mutated human- Haaz'kol. But he reclaimed "his property" and escaped. But we hurt him. That's what matters to me. He knows that we're stronger. And next time, he won't escape.

    ...I talked with Venessa and Claire again. It's a relief to no longer be hiding.

    Iron Vanguard, signing out.

    //Record 17 Ends
  25. //Record 16 Start

    Adam is dead. Andrew is alive.

    It appears that matters progressed while I was distracted by...other matters. The news saddens me, however, I will keep my promise and watch out for Andrew. But I'll give him some time. He ran, and I doubt he'll want anyone intruding on him, so I will not. I will seek him out, but for now, he'll need to come to terms with his grief on his own.

    We also have a new member of Liberty Force. Unbeweglich. I'd heard about him here and there on the news. A hero, definately. In terms of personality...

    ...There's no point lying here, is there? Really, I think he came off as a bit of an ***. Aloof, critical. Maybe it was just a bad first impression, but we'll see. Fame and history, even power, doesn't elevate anybody over anyone else in Liberty Force. I hope he understands that.

    Iron Vanguard, signing out.

    //Record 16 ends