Handbook of the Union Universe
Hello, Zortel here, the co-mod, working feverishly behind the scenes cleaning up mess, fixing links and categories, and generally snooping about your wiki-pages and getting things tidy.
I'd like to remind people that it's -very- important to tag your character profile page with [[Category:Character]] so you'll be listed. On my wiki-diving I've found 2 character pages so far with no Character tag, and amended them as such.
My talk page is open if people want to ask me things, just open it, edit and write with a line break below what I've written, and I'll get onto things.
Quick tips for those not used to wiki-dom (I know, 'cos I was one!). These are the tips I followed to create Restora and Lady Arotser on the wiki...
- Register yourself a username
- Use 'upload files' on the left to upload a picture of yer hero \ villain \ evil-furry-cat
- Look in the character directory on the Wiki, and admire it
- click the 'edit button' then copy all the code for that character (I find this easier than using the template on a new wiki - especially if I didn't understand what I was doing and broke the templates!)
- cancel your edit
- search for your character name 'Fred Bloggs' for example
- when it says that page doesn't exist, click on edit
- paste the template you'd copied previously
- edit the items to make it your own
- and when you save - a shiny new character is there
Rinse, repeat, enjoy.
I love wiki!
BTW, I'm nothing to do with the running of the place, so please correct my points above - this is just what I've done to edit wikis in the past!
- Look in the character directory on the Wiki, and admire it.
- click the 'edit button' then copy all the code for that character...
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure this is sound advice, there are too many risks involved; accidentally breaking the other person's profile or template for example. Nevertheless, advice is advice and people are free to follow. So, very kind of you to provide it. I suppose your method would work well for replicating particularly 'unique' profiles or templates, that are different from the common ones we've written guides for.
Yes, Zortel and I have actually provided guides to making common articles (found on the Main Page) that deals with character profiles, supergroup profiles, story articles and location or business profiles. According to feedback, these guides have so far been helpful and sufficient.

Hmm, good point - I'm carefully with my button pushing, but I also know the pain of saving over a document in Word.
Might I suggest that people follow Pious' details! I'll make sure I amend my editing in case I break things. With great power comes... hey, that saying *does* go well here
At the moment I'm grumblingly happy fixing profiles and categories and the like, but it is time consuming, and means I have less time to put my -own- data up.
Please, think of the co-moderator!
And Like Pious said, it's easier just to use the CheatSheet. In fact, that's what its there for. You can look at the edit page to see how some things look, but it's easier and less hassle to use a cheat sheet than someone elses page.
Less deleted entries too. You can just type.
Your friendly neighbourhood co-moderator!
Can this thread be pinned please?
To Do List:
Work on Categories and Subcategories
Work on Businesses, places and other such things.
Work on sorting out some templates.
Work on adding information to non-player things.
Do own character and location sheets. :P
Anyone else got any suggestions they'd like to add? Might be an idea to take them up here than on MSN with me (Or take them up on MSN with me then post here so I remember. :P)
<ul type="square">[*] Main Page has a new design and layout[*] We'd like you to design a Union banner[*] Common errors in coding[*] Abuse of Character Attributes[/list]
Main page has new design and layout!
As some of you may have noticed, the main page of the Wiki has been re-designed with five or six colourful windows and a banner. The columns will be updated weekly or eventfully according to its main contents.
'Community Plot Event' window is there to advertise any plots, events or meetings involving large parts of the community (things like the Charity Ball or the Mercenaries Ball for example).
'In the news this Month' is the window where Moderators will list Union-wide activity whether it be good news or bad news. It is up to you as roleplayers to provide us the news (preferably via this thread or PM). Images of magazine or newspaper clippings would also spice things up.
'This week's featured Hero' and 'This week's featured Villain' will display sections of randomly chosen character profiles. However, until further notice, only those with at least one image and an attributes box will be featured. This week's hero is Red Commissar and this week's villain is Ruune. Technically, whether characters are seen as a hero, anti-hero or villain is a matter of IC personal opinion so lets not waste time discussing who's not 'truely' a villain or whatever, for the sake of website, I'll only be judging by archetype, even if the character has multiple AT's.
'Message of the Day' will display hints and tips or other messages aimed at you lovely guys and girls.
We'd like you to design a Union banner!
Sorry Z, I know you wanted to announce this one, but I thought, you know, since I'm here, I might as well. I'll make it up to you. *wink*
Basically, this is a request to the creative designers in our little roleplaying community. Currently, I have Hero1 standing proud for Union, but I'm sure you guys can design a better banner, so have a go at it. The byte-size doesn't really matter but it needs to be 1082(w)x142(h) in pixels to sit nicely on the average monitor (sorry if you have a small monitor, it still looks sort of okay). The chosen design will be decided by public vote. Deadline for entries; 20th August (six days is enough, its just a banner). Voting begins the day after entry deadlines, the 21st. Deadline for votes; 24th August. The image can be of anything at all, so long as it relates to the Union Universe.
Common errors in coding!
I've seen so many errors in profiles and Zortel has seen even more! *lol* So, I'm okay helping people correct their errors, but I can only spot them by chance. What we'll probably do is make a list of common errors and how to avoid them and place it on the Main Page and in this thread's original post.
My advice, when writing your pages, follow the guides carefully and use every ounce of common sense. If something is clearly not right... ask either Zortel or myself, via this thread or PM. Its a real shame discovering so many 'lost' profiles floating around without anyway to access or browse them, so please, at least make sure you have [[Category:Character]] at the bottom of your edit page. That way, we can find your profile and then correct any errors. Having said that, the majority of profiles are fine and I've had a good time learning about characters and supergroups I've always wanted to meet, as well as those I've only just heard off. I look forward to reading more!
Abuse of Character Attributes
It's kind of a little disappointing to read about an otherwise brilliant creation, who can punch through walls (and sometimes hurt his hand) but is then scaled at 10/10... *facepalms* Maybe you didn't read this part of the Guide but 10/10 is God-like magnitudes. In this particular example, punching through a wall is a remarkable feat; pulling planets or fragmenting the Universe is Godly, not punching a wall!
Its important to be realistic and accurate otherwise scaling characters becomes pointless; some of the most powerful metahumans and aliens are ranked at Unearthly magnitude so I'm not expecting to see 10/10 here (besides, how dull is that; a character with nowhere to progress to). So far I've had to 'adjust' six attribute boxes (that were apparently Gods) according to what their profile more accurately indicates.
Okay, thats everything. Sorry if that last paragraph read like a vent, I'm not usually one to complain, but I really like the idea of the attributes box and would like to see it work well across all characters.
Feedback on the announcements, questions, help requests, etcetera etcetera, all eagerly anticipated! Goodnight.

Its important to be realistic and accurate otherwise scaling characters becomes pointless; some of the most powerful metahumans and aliens are ranked at Unearthly magnitude so I'm not expecting to see 10/10 here (besides, how dull is that; a character with nowhere to progress to). So far I've had to 'adjust' six attribute boxes (that were apparently Gods) according to what their profile more accurately indicates.
[/ QUOTE ]
kinda why i choose not to use it. when it comes to power scaling, some people have some pretty... strange ideas about realism.
a good example was when me and synthet (another EVIL director) actually sat down, and tried to work out rough hard numbers for strengths of a couple of chars at the top end of EVIL's power spectrum, based on a brag made by one member on the heaviest thing they lifted. The basic end of it was that Laugh Riot, who is considered EVIL's brute strength powerhouse, i actually less physically strong thank Lunk at his base strength, but his scales higher, where as Lunk's does not. All these numbers where kept bellow 100 tonne, which is the base strength of the hulk (when not severely [censored] off) so in comic book terms, believable.
then add person 3 to this conversation.
"well, charectorx would be somewhere between lunk and riot at his peek"
"okay, around 80-90 tonne then"
"yeah.... and heaviest thing he lifted was an aircraft carrier"
(if anyone wants to hazard a guess at how much an aircraft carrier weighs.... well, its over 10000 tonne)
Cue face palming and shaking of the heads
truth is, when you add a measurable factor into something, its bound to get people confused
Personally, I scaled my character's attributes to match their in-game abilities, NOT their RP abilities. If I'd gone for RP abilities, Pious would have been editing their stats!
Of course, there's an additional problem with Kheldians. Really, we need 3 attribute boxes as our stats change considerably depending on our form.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Looks pretty neat. I was doing a similiar thing with my own characters on my website (see sig link), but I might try popping them onto the wiki to see how it looks.
Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller
only those with at least one image and an attributes box will be featured.
[/ QUOTE ]
Guess that means none of mine will ever be featured.
The front page looks great though, and I'll continue my behind the scenes wiki markup fixing.
One day... one day I'll be able to write up about my own characters. This is why I need to hire a biographer.
Also, best to note, anything to do with the front page, PM that to Pious, I've not played about with it yet, so not sure what to do. :P
External Links section added to SGBox. This is for group websites or forums.
only those with at least one image and an attributes box will be featured.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think the image requirement is fair enough, but you shouldn't be forcing people to reveal what may be confidential stats just so they get a chance of being the featured hero/villain.
IMO, it should be a random selection whether they've revealed stats or not.
Also, I don't think it should be within the purvue of the mods to change people's displayed stats either. If they think they're unrealistic, then add comments to the character talk page saying so.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
until further notice, only those with at least one image and an attributes box will be featured.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just for now, to promote the use of images and attribute boxes (while we're 'getting started').
Also, I don't think it should be within the purvue of the mods to change people's displayed stats either. If they think they're unrealistic, then add comments to the character talk page saying so.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're right. Point taken.

While I'm fully supporting images, attribute box is something that should be purely personal choice.
I don't use it because I want that my characters to be described fully IC and not that they look as a "character sheet". That si why avoided putting in other "gamespeak" info too.
I love the Wiki. To bits. Only thing I just glanced at and kicked out was the attribute box. No matter the promoting I'll never use one. I don't mind, of course, others having it up, but for me it does not "do the thing".
I don't use it because I want that my characters to be described fully IC and not that they look as a "character sheet". That si why avoided putting in other "gamespeak" info too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now THAT I can relate to. I use the attribute boxes mainly cos we were told we were supposed to
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I majorly updated Inago's page and added 2 stories as well as some art. Enjoy! It's the first time i've actually written Inny's history down all in one place. Took me a while. Let me know what you think!
All too rarely kudos are given when they should.
The tech gang has done some amazing work so this is my official "hat off" to Pious and Zortel for making this reality. I have a very good feeling about this project. A way to share what we each have built into our own worlds and the ability to choose all the neat bits from what others have done.
Also a special thanks to Zortel for speedy replies to any and all of my questions over MSN, and for making me my "storybox".
Hi, got a question.
With regards a character who is a Mastermind, do you include the pets in the attribute box or just the character themselves?
Currently got his attributes as if he was on his lonesome without pets.
With pets his stamina and blast scores would be a hell of a lot higher.
((managed to Solo Infernal as an EB...hey..it's an achievement to me...last time I attacked him he wiped the floor with me))
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Hi guys! Heh, first post here. This seemed like a good place to introduce my character... so, I made him a page! Great project, as a newbie to the setting, I'm enjoying it a lot.
Just to note that, contrary to Gideon's statement, you don't really have to use the AttributesBox or any other features provided in the templates. I'm not sure what G's on about.
As for assigning your character's statistics Doc, I too would do as you've done and display only the stats of the mastermind himself but then go into detail about his robot's capabilities elsewhere in the body of the profile.
Welcome KaiWren, glad you like the project, hope you find it even more useful as your character grows.
Thanks for the speech Coile.
Edit: Announcements!
Following some friendly advise, I've re-written the paragraphs explaining how to use the Character Attributes box. The ruler's been adjusted slightly and elaborated to give examples of magnitude. Following this update, some of you may want to adjust the values in your attributes box to fit better, and those not using the box might even decide to try one.
AttributesBox: Scaling your Character
Your feedbacks are very helpful and always welcomed.
Edit: I just noticed the sticky, thanks K!
Edit: Also, wasn't there a war-plot memorial gathering proposed ICly for the 18th, somewhere? Anyone know?

"Testing, one two. Is this mic working... excellent! Hello chaps! Yeah its me, Pious. I've been across the pond and came back with this. What is it? Well, just like this is all things known to man, and this is all things known to this game... this new Wiki is all things Union Roleplay; an encyclopedic database for all your character profiles and stories! Make sure you bookmark the page. In-case you've forgotten it already, here it is again; Handbook of the Union Universe. The possibilities are endless, if I began listing them, we'd be here all night. So jump in everyone and explore. Go on, get stuck in there!"
"This here thread is for all questions, comments, requests, discussions, feedback, help and ideas, so keep abuse and pointless arguments to your bedroom, thank you and enjoy!"