Handbook of the Union Universe




From: http://forum.virtueverse.net/index.php?topic=109.0

User Survey Contest Winners Announced!


  1. Crashed (VirtueVerse) - Jesse Munoz
  2. AP (UnionVerse) - Mark Henry Bustamante
  3. Ravenswing (UnionVerse) - Ed Foychuk (aka Juggertha)
  4. Enforcement (VirtueVerse) - Jess-O
  5. Veridian (VirtueVerse) - Tygenco

Notices have been posted on the talk pages for the winners so if you see your name here be sure to check the talk page and follow the instructions ASAP.

Thanks to everyone who entered our survey contest! We're already looking into or have implemented several of your ideas or suggestions so keep your eyes peeled for more updates in the future.

The link above has more details on how winners were selected from the entries.



That's amazing. Congratulations Ravenswing.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Hopefully the winner likes it!
The winner does, it's a good interpretation.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Can someone fix File:Confidentialimage.jpg on the Union Handbook? Someone managed to upload over the damn image and my attempts to revert ended in failure.

[EDIT] Actually, scratch that. It's showing correctly now. For some reason it wasn't, despite registering the revert. :s

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




New Featured Articles on the Handbook

It's been a little longer than I'd originally hoped but I have updated the front page of the handbook! Yay!

I apologise for thedelay, I have been plagued with all sorts of computer and internet issues alongside the odd real life hiccup. many thank yous to those of you who did nominate articles, we get very few nominations so its nice to see the ones that do get posted!

Without further ado, the new features are:

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Just a heads up. UnionVerse will be going black tomorrow. You will be unable to make any edits or visit any pages for the duration of the black out.

The blackout will go from 12:01 EST to 11:59 EST on January 18th. Your data will not be affected.

I won't be posting the reason here to keep the discussion off CoH but if you are interested there is a post on the wiki forums.



Edit: NVM, had the wrong address for some reason. Didn't realise it had changed.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I'm using wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page at the moment. I can't remember what the old one I had was. But .org and .net sent me to a BT page saying the page doesn't exist, if that helps?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Downtime Friday February 17 - 18

Our host has schedule a large window of down time coming up on Friday, February 17th from 8PM EST (5PM PST) to approximately 8AM EST (5AM PST). The purpose of this downtime is going to be to physically move the server to a new data center. This will hopefully resolve some of the intermittent connection issues that have plagued the site for a few months now.

Please keep an eye on the @VirtueVerse twitter feed for updates.



Don't know if this is the right place to be asking, but I haven't been able to connect to the Handbook for..quite a while now.
Only happens on my home IP adress. Can use it fine elsewhere, and can log in without issues. When I try to access the website (even just the home page) I get a "connection has timed out" message.
I'm kinda confused as to why this is, so any help would be appreciated



Originally Posted by Echo 13 View Post
Don't know if this is the right place to be asking, but I haven't been able to connect to the Handbook for..quite a while now.
Only happens on my home IP adress. Can use it fine elsewhere, and can log in without issues. When I try to access the website (even just the home page) I get a "connection has timed out" message.
I'm kinda confused as to why this is, so any help would be appreciated
Hey Echo,

I know the host is moving to a new data center because of connectivity issues, but I'm not sure if that is the problem here. But there are a few things you can try to diagnose it.

First try loading: http://www.ransim.com/ from home. You should get a simple page that says Web Site's Default Page. If that pages loads then you can connect to the server, but not UHVU.

If that page still does not load, then its possibly some weird DNS issue.

Open your command prompt, in windows click start then type CMD. It'll load the normal black command prompt.


Ping www.virtueverse.net

See if that resolves. If that fails then try:


If that succeeds and the first one did not then you have a DNS issue. It could be that your DNS server, provided generally by your internet provider, isn't updating. You can try to resolve this by changing your DNS providers to another provider. Google Public DNS and OpenDNS are both options and are free.

If that fails as well then there is a routing issue and its likely host based and not something that's easy to fix. I would wait until Sunday or Monday and see if the physical move happening Friday resolves the issue.