Handbook of the Union Universe




Looking for some more people to participate in a conversation about how the global server merge might impact VirtueVerse and UnionVerse wikis.

This is not a discussion about merging content or about IC impacts of the global server merge. Its instead a conversation about some technical issues or desired items that the server merge might make necessary.

Such as a shared user database, easy cross wiki linking (which already exists but has not been announced) and content sharing for things like images.

Thanks guys! I'd love to see some feedback from Union users. We also have a global channel now for Virtue Verse that you'll be welcome to join once the merge happens.



*Prods* Hey guys I would love to see some nominations for featured content as so far my nominees are down to someone nominating one of my pages (Which is a huge compliment but I'd love to see the love shared around!)

Otherwise I'm going to have to go ahunting myself!

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
*Prods* Hey guys I would love to see some nominations for featured content as so far my nominees are down to someone nominating one of my pages (Which is a huge compliment but I'd love to see the love shared around!)

Otherwise I'm going to have to go ahunting myself!
Sounds like me with VirtueVerse "Seriously guys I need some non-character features, how about groups and stories?"



Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
*Prods* Hey guys I would love to see some nominations for featured content as so far my nominees are down to someone nominating one of my pages (Which is a huge compliment but I'd love to see the love shared around!)

Otherwise I'm going to have to go ahunting myself!
That might have been me lol, feel free to nominate mine if you want *whilstles* lol

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
Featured Content!
Many thankyous to those who nominated and I hope to see more nominations in the future!
I made a post on twitter to announce the new Unionverse Features were up.

Not sure how many union players actually follow the virtueverse twitter account though.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
I made a post on twitter to announce the new Unionverse Features were up.

Not sure how many union players actually follow the virtueverse twitter account though.
What is the Twitter account for Virtueverse?

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
Featured Content!

Many thankyous to those who nominated and I hope to see more nominations in the future!
Thankyou to anyone that nominated the Zero Strykers SG page

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Original Announcement: http://forum.virtueverse.net/index.php?topic=99

Win a Custom Art Commission by Completing a User Survey

In an effort to gauge the opinions of you, our users, I've put together a user survey to get your feedback on a number of items. The survey itself should take about 15 minutes, and as an incentive to complete the survey I'm going to be offering you five chances to win awesome custom artwork from five amazing artists for one of your characters. See below for details.

If you are interested in the details of this contest including the rules and more information about the prizes please visit the original post on the VirtueVerse Forums.

Artists include:

We'll be doing more contests and offering more prizes in the future so keep your eyes peeled! Contests in the future will involve writing contests and other more creative endeavors.



Just joined you and hope to speak to folks later!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Suddenly I feel that even thinking of touching my (admittedly) half-done templates would now be an exercise in "why bother?".

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




This is a nice feature. I'll create a login today and add my toons soon.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Why? Some of the templates on Union are awesome (though I admittedly haven't looked at all of them).
Even against other pre-merge Union templates, a lot of mine are somewhat sloppy, unfinished and pretty much ended up getting trumped by a lot of Bunny's efforts within months anyway.

Then came the flood of new shinies into the Union Handbook. :\

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
This is a nice feature. I'll create a login today and add my toons soon.
Welcome aboard!

Originally Posted by Crazy_Dragon View Post
Even against other pre-merge Union templates, a lot of mine are somewhat sloppy, unfinished and pretty much ended up getting trumped by a lot of Bunny's efforts within months anyway.

Then came the flood of new shinies into the Union Handbook. :\
Pft, I get the same feeling sometimes when I see the templates I've made verses stuff that Always and some others have made. I'll always be more of the code monkey myself then a designer. That said however, practice makes perfect and I always encourage people to keep trying with things, different perspectives and all. Wikis by their nature are meant to be collaborative efforts in all aspects.

I actually wish the administration could be a collaborative effort >_<



Interwiki linking added

We've added the ability for users to easily link to other wiki projects on their pages using interwiki linking for both UnionVerse and VirtueVerse. We've also added interwiki prefixes for a few other popular City of Heroes wiki projects like Paragon Wiki. Check out the brand new help page on Interwiki Linking for more details and a list of available prefixes.

Interwiki Help Page: http://union.virtueverse.net/wiki/He...erwiki_linking

Put shortly, interwiki links will allow you to more easily link to content on other wiki projects.

I am looking for some feedback on the help page, I want to know if you guys find it understandable, or if its completely and utterly confusing. I'm working on rewriting much of the help/tutorial content now based on survey feedback so far so any feedback you guys can give me is awesome!



I thought it's probably best to have all this stuff in one place since I guess you probably look more at this thread for feedback than the talk page (since there's more people that check this), and well, since I last posted on it in November and Jan I've come up with a few more ideas hehe:

What would be really cool would be the ability to change the <spoiler> "Click to reveal Spoiler" text to, for example, "Title of the writing, author, date" or "Roleplay chat log, 'Title Of Scene', location, date" (e.g. the kind of stuff that used to regularly get posted up on gothamknights.net/phpBB2/?c=4 or gothamknights.net/phpBB2/?c=3 but in a more accessible and centralised format than forums - I like most people don't have time to follow forums much as well as RP!)

e.g. being able to use our character pages as one-stop places for *all* our background story to our characters including stuff that has happened to them IC since they have been made, not just the initial writeup, while giving the ability for pages not be a huge long mess that turns people off if they aren't already interested in the character already before reading - so that if people want more detail about various subjects they can click to get more

So for example this could be used for embedding RP chatlogs on character pages, not just long story spoilers/snippets! Also for the more obvious example you could talk about something that happened to the character then instead of little 'spoiler' button be able to turn it into a wide Break button that can be clicked to expand the text saying 'click to read more' or a more descriptive title of what the text chunk is about (to make it more likely people will bother to click, you can currently write stuff above the spoiler button, but then it looks weird if it's not actually a spoiler. using the spoiler thing but letting us change the words/format) That's the kind of thing that was kind of my original intention as per the poetry I used it for on my userpage hehe, 'mis-use', but it's what it's perfect for really
— and maybe change the colour as well, I'm thinking it would make it easiest if we were able to do it in something like this format?
{{spoiler|Title|textcolour|backgroundcolour|border color|buttonwidth|buttonheight|borderwidth}}
(Though maybe change it to {{cut|etc}} instead to make clear it's not just for spoilers, cos a lot of people won't experiment to use something for it's non-official use unless told to, maybe leave both options open, I dunno.)

— best of all though would be if there was a way to do it in the normal 'what you see is what you get' editor though since otherwise a lot of people probably wouldn't use it, I know that some people see wiki code and go 'bleurgh'. It doesn't bother me at all, as you can see from my page hehe, but I have heard the occasional thing from people saying that they got put off or in some cases literally couldn't figure it out(!), some pretty smart people but just aren't good at thinking things logically but more creative... the friendliest thing to do with RP I think is to make sure there are as few barriers as possible to stop people who are creative but don't like hardcore computer stuff (I know it doesn't seem like it to a lot of us but people that use forums are in the minority, try show a wiki edit thing to a random person and you will see what I mean hehe) - that's another reason why I think in-game channels for RP are so important, because a very small minority of people use the forums compared to those in-game, looking at the forums you can get a completely false impression of how the community actually feels about many things, I really thing NCsoft need to put in-game polls and a dedicated easy-for-people-to-spot feedback button on the radar bit! Anyway, gone a bit offtopic)

Also the spoiler boxes appear to have a bug at the moment if you look on my Lilith page for example, press END to skip to the bottom and you'll see (at least in Firefox) that it messes up the format of Virtueverse by adding a HUGE big black space.
— I worked out what it was, and it appears that even though the spoiler text is not visible, it takes up space and so adds white space. When you expand all the spoilers, the page appears 'normal' at the end, ending with the 'powered by mediawiki' icon instead of the huge block of empty space
— at the moment that kind of ruins the using-it-to-make-pages-shorter-and-snappier thing I actually had someone I told to 'go to the bottom of page and look at the inspiration links, haha' (or something like that) tell me there was nothing there - it was cos the page was so long due to it adding blank space for the hidden spoilers, you have to scroll up a long way before the real end of the page becomes visible



As much as I would like to modify the existing spoiler extension I am absolutely maxed out on time with trying to test global accounts on both wikis, make changes that were identified as needed from the survey and still have a life.

It will most likely be months before I get a chance to look at this as it sound like a cool change it is a largely cosmetic one so it goes a bit further down the to do list then other more needed changes like some of the back end work for php configuration settings by site, global accounts, or much needed expansion/updates to the tutorials/help pages on both wiki.

Perhaps someone else is a php developer and is willing to take a stab at extending the spoiler extension code?

This is the extension we are currently using: http://vanishingpointwiki.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Spoiler



Basically my point was not only making the page superficially more cleaner/easy to read but also letting us put things like RP chat logs on our pages so that it's possible that we could make a character that has a 'living' page, of new stuff being posted when it happens RP logs make for awesome reading (like those gothamknights links)

Would be awesome if anyone else can help yeah, wiki stuff is fine but programming itself is Would be awesome if one day you could get a computer make a program by describing what you want to make... But I guess we really need computers that can process stuff on the same level as humans for that really.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Original Announcement: http://forum.virtueverse.net/index.php?topic=99

Win a Custom Art Commission by Completing a User Survey

In an effort to gauge the opinions of you, our users, I've put together a user survey to get your feedback on a number of items. The survey itself should take about 15 minutes, and as an incentive to complete the survey I'm going to be offering you five chances to win awesome custom artwork from five amazing artists for one of your characters. See below for details.

If you are interested in the details of this contest including the rules and more information about the prizes please visit the original post on the VirtueVerse Forums.

Artists include:
We'll be doing more contests and offering more prizes in the future so keep your eyes peeled! Contests in the future will involve writing contests and other more creative endeavors.
Just a quick FYI guys. Just a bit over two days left to enter this contest! I'm looking forward to drawing the winners on Tuesday!