Handbook of the Union Universe




Problem is when changing something that involvs tagging across all profiles it is almost impossible to notify everyone what youre gonne do.

hitting the 150 profiles soon...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



[[This is Zortel here, who in a rather silly mistake forgot to log in as me. Stealing PC's is wrong! :P))

Re: Plotmonkeys
Was thinking of a possible alternate name for that, and then it all slipped my mind. Tuesday I'll get something sorted.

Re: F+S
Not a clue, will check out later, monday evening/tuesday.

Re: Global Notification
Will get something done with that.

Re: Stuff.
Will be looking to discuss some things with Pious when I get back, mostly boring stuff about policies and the like, as well as categories and other fun stuff.




I agree with removing the sexuality tag. I removed it from Morgana and changed it to Confidential in the Character Box because I personally don't want my characters categorised in that way.

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...




Basically, this is a request to the creative designers in our little roleplaying community. Deadline for votes; 24th August. The image can be of anything at all, so long as it relates to the Union Universe.

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Do you want text on this banner as you already have the wiki title on the corner... or not? As it is I have a cool picture without text... And where do I place it for you to see?

Here it is what I have now...
Wiki banner...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Nice, very nice. I'd leave it without text.



Problem is when changing something that involvs tagging across all profiles it is almost impossible to notify everyone what youre gonne do.

hitting the 150 profiles soon...

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There's a simple solution to that.

Don't change anyone elses pages.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



is there a nationality catagory, or have i just missed it?

and if not, can i nominate it for being added? :P



The answer to your question Vox, is it doesn't matter at all. Lets not even begin to discuss that issue, we don't want to make this little mess something that its not. Simply put, somebody's acted on an idea that was not thoroughly discussed and the site moderators'll deal with it (hopefully behind the scenes and away from this thread). Bare with us while we sort things out, but in the mean time, simply erase whatever unwanted categories you find coded to the bottom of you profile and lets speak nothing of it.

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No, I mean that I don't understand why it's even on the page, in the sidebar thing.

It just seems like pointless information.

I'd rather have a sidebar that I could edit so I could take out any tags which I don't think are necessary, this is something which is stopping me from adding my characters to it.

I tried deleting Sexuality from the Cheat Sheet and it didn't go away.

I've looked at the Virtue one and I'd much rather use that sidebar.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



That's the way templates work unfortunately. But that doesn't mean you HAVE to fill all the blanks. Either put N/A or leave it blank and it'll say Classified or some such.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



That's the way templates work unfortunately. But that doesn't mean you HAVE to fill all the blanks. Either put N/A or leave it blank and it'll say Classified or some such.

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But it doesn't have to work that way, look at the Virtue ones.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



They're probably using different templates. You CAN create your own if you want to; but the point was to standardise things as much as possible. Again, you don't HAVE to fill in the field if you don't want to.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



They're probably using different templates. You CAN create your own if you want to; but the point was to standardise things as much as possible. Again, you don't HAVE to fill in the field if you don't want to.

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Yes they are using different templates, better ones in my opinion.

The fact that it's there annoys me, I think I'll just forget about using this thing.

And why isn't there a Defiant one anyway? I've practically filled up all of my 2 accounts worth of slots with roleplayed characters on both Union and Defiant.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



That's the way templates work unfortunately. But that doesn't mean you HAVE to fill all the blanks. Either put N/A or leave it blank and it'll say Classified or some such.

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In which case, could we have more than one option for the bio box? If somebody wants to keep a lot of info confidential it looks a bit messy, IMO. Could somebody set up a "basic character box" with, for example, the same amount of info that's on the Virtue version?

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...




Yes they are using different templates, better ones in my opinion.

The fact that it's there annoys me, I think I'll just forget about using this thing.

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Suit yourself. Nobody is forcing you to use the wiki. It's merely there as a resource if people WANT to use it.


And why isn't there a Defiant one anyway? I've practically filled up all of my 2 accounts worth of slots with roleplayed characters on both Union and Defiant.

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Because it's the Handbook of the Union Universe, not the Defiant universe. Union is the official unofficial RP server and where 99.99% of the roleplayers are. If you want one for Defiant, nothing is stopping you from making one.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Yes they are using different templates, better ones in my opinion.

The fact that it's there annoys me, I think I'll just forget about using this thing.

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Suit yourself. Nobody is forcing you to use the wiki. It's merely there as a resource if people WANT to use it.


And why isn't there a Defiant one anyway? I've practically filled up all of my 2 accounts worth of slots with roleplayed characters on both Union and Defiant.

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Because it's the Handbook of the Union Universe, not the Defiant universe. Union is the official unofficial RP server and where 99.99% of the roleplayers are. If you want one for Defiant, nothing is stopping you from making one.

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I wouldn't say that nearly all the roleplayers are on Union, in fact the only roleplayers I've found on Union are the ones who use this forum, the GG meets and Pocket D, and that's not a lot of people.

I was just wondering why there isn't one for Defiant.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Okay, I'm going to give it a try, I'm going to use one of the side boxes from the US site for mine and make a page for a Villain.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]




I was just wondering why there isn't one for Defiant.

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At a guess, I'd say it's because it was started by Union roleplayers for the Union roleplay community, as that's the official unofficial roleplay server.

You're actually the first person I've ever seen say there's any amount of RP on the Defiant server. Past history indicates that beyond a tiny amount of SG based RP, there pretty much IS no RP on Defiant.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Basic story goes like this, Pious and some others create a wiki for Union since it's where they play. It's free which is very considerate of them, any objections you might have on it's functions will probably be noted by these lovely people and if possible will be ratified. The obvious solution is to have a couple or more different templates, personally I rather like the one used by our Wiki currently since it's detailed nature might make people think of mentioning things they might have forgotten to write down.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



I have a simple expedient answer for those who need something to put in the sexuality template box, when it just isn't that important or necessary to know.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I have a simple expedient answer for those who need something to put in the sexuality template box, when it just isn't that important or necessary to know.


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Good idea.

I'm still using a different template for now though

And there is RP on Defiant FFM, there just isn't a gathering as far as I know.

I'm almost always in character on Defiant, so anybody who meets me, meets the character.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



To clarify, please only list roleplayed characters from the Union server into our Union Universe Handbook please, this will save confusion. Thank you.

Concerning CharacterBox templates, the one listed in my guide is a standard version that I've made for the use of anyone who wants it. If you don't like it (for whatever reason), simply use another one (like Vox has done) or make your own. (Be sure to name it VoxBox or CharacterBox2 or whatever, otherwise it wont work and might even break the current CharacterBox.)

Concerning categories. Its up to the individual to setup any category of their choice (within reason or it'll be removed) and then tag it to their profiles. If other people then fancy this category they will likely tag it to their own profiles and before you know it, that category grows effectively. Do not repeat Liz's mistake and edit your set of categories into other people's profiles without prior consent. Thank you.

The moderator team will be holding an MSN meeting next week where we shall discuss several topics from footnotes (a new feature, self explanatory) to fixing the Main Page banner, and a few other things Zortel is concerned about. Thank you.




To clarify, please only list roleplayed characters from the Union server into our Union Universe Handbook please, this will save confusion. Thank you.

Concerning CharacterBox templates, the one listed in my guide is a standard version that I've made for the use of anyone who wants it. If you don't like it (for whatever reason), simply use another one (like Vox has done) or make your own. (Be sure to name it VoxBox or CharacterBox2 or whatever, otherwise it wont work and might even break the current CharacterBox.)

Concerning categories. Its up to the individual to setup any category of their choice (within reason or it'll be removed) and then tag it to their profiles. If other people then fancy this category they will likely tag it to their own profiles and before you know it, that category grows effectively. Do not repeat Liz's mistake and edit your set of categories into other people's profiles without prior consent. Thank you.

The moderator team will be holding an MSN meeting next week where we shall discuss several topics from footnotes (a new feature, self explanatory) to fixing the Main Page banner, and a few other things Zortel is concerned about. Thank you.


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As there are no problems with me using a different template box then I'm gonna put up my Union characters.

Glad ye clarified this, ta.

This is the one I used for my Villain by the way:


And this is the Hero version:


[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



[[Zortel, stealing Hikari-Hime's account again, but eh, she gets postcount bumps. ]]

If people don't want to use some of the boxes, then they don't have to, they can just fill it in with irrelevant or N/A or Unknown or something. I for one, having as many alts as I do, like having something as detailed as our box, because it means I have a convenient place that I can go and look up my own character information.

Do you really need to use a different template? If it really, really, really, really, really matters that much, I will start work on a less detailed box when I get home from holiday, in the style that our current Wiki uses. Just list down somewhere what you don't want.

Why there isn't one for Defiant: Cause we play on union, as Brighteyes mentioned. If Defiant roleplayers wanted to open a wiki and wanted help with getting things set up, I'm sure some could be provided.

It just seems like pointless information.

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No information is pointless.

While we're at this, is there anything else people -don't- like? We might as well get it all out of the way off while things are still young.

Things to be covered in the Meeting:
Page Protection - I've heard that MediaWiki can be set up so only the user who created a page or a mod can make alterations, something to consider.
3 Times Revert Policy - Something from Wiki, where if a page gets reverted 3 times in quick succession, it becomes protected so that only moderators can change it, so the mod team can step in to work.
Adjudication Board - Setting up a system so that a panel of users can decide on pages in some cases.
Categories - Discussing the details of these, what should be added and what shouldn't (of course, there is the point of abstaining too, if you don't want to use a certain category, don't.)

And probably some other stuff that I've forgotten.

[[Updated by Zortel, who is an evil alien bodysnatcher. Yoink!]]

I think it was Big Lunk asking about this, but yes. There is Nationality, and Ethnicity. Nationality for English, American, etc, and Ethnicity for Caucasian and the like.




Page Protection - I've heard that MediaWiki can be set up so only the user who created a page or a mod can make alterations, something to consider.

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Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Page Protection - I've heard that MediaWiki can be set up so only the user who created a page or a mod can make alterations, something to consider.

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[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]