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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Issue 24 secret codename is "Issue Fix All The Things"
    Devs. Thank you.

    I know there must be lots of pressure to make new shiny things to chase new dollars, but long term players will keep playing because of attention like -this-.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    So the big question is what was our plan going into that fight? Turn up and hope that the one bad guy with the power we need to defeat Tyrant turns up? What would we have done if she'd had a cold that day and decided to stay in bed?
    The TF takes a sudden darker turn, as we sneak into a troubled young woman's home while she's ill....

    Still, would be something that Stalkers would be good at.
  3. We kinda outnumbered him a few dozen to one too.

    But there you go. He's meant to have absorbed most of the heroic potential of at least one whole planet, so.. ya know. Hit them where they're weak and all that.
  4. The Martial Arts secondary is such low-hanging fruit, it's practically a root vegetable. All the powers it would need already exist. And Blasters are desperate for non-elemental secondary.
  5. I think a Danvers Captain Marvel could be done without her predescessor existing. It's not a hard origin: agent with background in USAF goes to space to stop/investigate some aliens, gets tampered with or exposed to alien tech, becomes uber powerful, saves the day. Maybe play with the 'oh noes I'm too powerful' thing, or the 'oh noes am I even human' thing.

    Although I'd love a She-Hulk movie, I can see a Captain Marvel movie working really well.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
    Huh? DA needs help? How's that?
    More talking lack of synergy in some of the powers (the auras) and how much of a pig it is to level (endurance bleeegh) than how well a purpled out character -can- perform.

    Ditto with Khelds. Outside of perma-Light Form, PBs are blegh. And even with a good build, those KB PBAoEs are an incredible pain in the *** for a meleer.

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Dude, he started with Khelds. You can ignore everything after that.
    Sorry to kick your baby there, Dechs.
  7. Khelds. Seriously.

    Blasters need a bit of tweaking (possibly dealt with by modifying Snipes and Nukes).

    The rest are fine, outside of a couple of dodgy power sets (Energy Melee? Dark Armour? Elec Blast?)
  8. oreso

    Energy Melee

    Usual request list for Energy Melee:

    • Two slow hitters is too much. Make Total Focus AoE or make it faster.
    • Make Stun useful. We don't really need another single target attack. Nor do we need another source for stun. So remove those factors from other attacks, or completely change Stun.
    • Stalker version needs proper crits.

    Bold idea for cool gimmicky version of Energy Melee!

    Cause splash damage to up to three baddies adjacent to the target whenever you hit Stunned opponents with single target attacks.

    Fast animating attacks would only cause maybe a procs worth of damage, but the effect would upgrade slow animating attacks (Total Focus) to decent full AoE.
  9. Lots of old sets need to be looked at mechanically too; Synapse definitely has a job to do.

    Energy Melee? Kheldians?
  10. Here's a pic of the proud winners! (I should mention that Rod's apparant excitement is a fortunate result of his excellent costume, that my screenie failed to capture the details of )

    From left to right, Kid Supreme, Jane, Mary, Not-Acre and Rod.

    Many thanks again!
  11. The heroes of the Forge inducted their first members today, and teamed up to fight the evil Vahzilok under the guidance of Azurewing!

    The Forge has been (re)formed from the Foundry's field operations department.

    All essential details can be found here.

    They're looking for a few more outstanding and upstanding heroes. Feel free to drop @oreso, @Brightwel or @Venomary a line!
  12. I have two 50 blasters. I love them.

    For me, making the Novas attractive, Snipes useful and making sure ALL the Melee and PBAoE attacks have a strong control element (even soft control like end drain, but also high magnitude stuns, etc) would be grand. Up close, our attacks are literally overwhelmingly powerful.
  13. Iain Banks' The Culture novels are amazing.

    The novels vary a bit from epic action to political intrigue to weird sci fi exploration. They're always a bit thoughtful and emotional though, without being preachy or melodramatic.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
    Do you have Mids open?
    My n00bishness knows no limits...

  15. Awesome work again! Looking forward to it!

    ... But I'm just getting an error while trying to install.

    Error opening file for writing.

    What do!?
  16. Super thanks, folks! Was a great event!

    Thanks to the entrants, co-judges and bemused spectators! Especially dragging yourself away on DXP weekend!

    The programme was as follows:
    First round in a sexy normal costume (Cossie). Each entrant introduced himself, gave the judges a chat up line (Quip) and showed off a dance move (Dance).

    Second round, entrants are in swimsuits to strut around in (everyone got a five minute break to go get changed) (Strut). Each entrant was asked what their ideal date was (Date), and their wish for the world (Wish).

    Each section was marked by each judge out of 5 (giving results from 3 to 15), then the totals were added up to determine the winner.

    The results, if interested, were as follows:

    Rodney (Big Rig @Beet) Cossie:13, Quip:11, Dance:7, Strut:13, Date:13, Wish:11. Total:68. Solid answers, great cossie, and the confidence of not trying too hard... The 'Dad' dance was a little weak.

    Rodney won $50,000 for charity, and a date with his choice of judges, which was obviously Overreactor (@oreso), his difficult girlfriend. He's a man of simple tastes. Rod is officially Unionverse's manliest man!

    'Acre' (Lisa @Omy) Cossie:11, Quip:6, Dance:13, Strut:14, Date:14, Wish:9. Total:67. Awesome moves, cool cossie, but the quip was -terribad-.

    'Acre' was actually someone in disguise, but no one knew nor was that bothered I think. His choice of the remaining judges to date was the bisexual Annamary (@Venomary) anyway.

    Kid Supreme (@Irrelevant) Cossie:13, Quip:10, Dance:12, Strut:14, Date:10, Wish:7. Total:66. Great cossies. Just spoiled some great lines by showing off. :P

    The Kid was left dating Claire (@Kiken). Although Claire was willing, her wife, Venessa, vetoed the idea when she learned of it. Poor Kid! But I'm sure he'll get plenty of dates in future with that kind of confidence!

    Josh (@Tyrannical) Cossie:14, Quip:7, Dance:11, Strut:12, Date:9, Wish:8. Total:61. Good cossies. Just.. not great chatting up. He needs less grasping insecurity, more calm relaxed self-confidence!

    David (Battler Rabbit), Cossie:14, Quip:10, Dance:9, Strut:10, Date:6, Wish:8. Total:57. A little -too- relaxed and conservative. Date was 'Go out, don't necessarily do anything, just make sure she's comfortable'. Which was pretty condescending

    Alaric (@AOS?) Cossie:11, Quip:4, Dance:9, Strut:7, Date:8, Wish:9. Total:48. Seemed more concerned about making a point than getting into the spirit of things. Came across a little immature.

    Cheers again!
  17. It's a temporary thing. They'll be standardised eventually.

    But even the sword attacks at 1.67s are still really good. I'm loving playing mine.

  18. Handed out, and posted up on the Pocket D noticeboard, et cetera.

    Other link:

    Any man (or man-shaped thing) welcome to compete! Anyone welcome to watch!

    Overreactor hasn't made the final decision on who her two co-judges will be.

    This should be fairly fast and snappy event!

  19. Sorry! My bad! I fixed the link back
  20. Many many thank yous! I've linked back the pic from Overreactors wiki page (if that's cool)

    Great work so far, I look forward to the rest!

  21. Great idea

    If it takes your fancy, Starjet!

    Or any character really, I like them all

    And dA watched ^_^ Eagerly await results!
  22. bex.log

    best day ever. perfect mission. perfect sex.

    hostage situation. 40 hostages held by metahumans with degrading Northern Watch indoctrination. Withdrawal from psychic and chemical support was killing them. traded Monica for hostages. trade went smoothly.

    only a ruse of course. glad people still trusted my judgement however. Monica's damage potential exceeds 40 people however. instead tracked them to their base in First Ward. used Seer Network and blueprint of Monica's own indoctrination to reverse theirs.

    saved many. no casualties. (Monica still comatose. possibly safer that way. sure some psychic will heal her regardless)

    then met Foster in PD. whiskey. chatted science. went to Foxie's Den. dinner. more drinking. he wore fox costume. danced for me. then 'bouncy castle' themed room. dilated time from minutes to hours. tomorrow still came too soon.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Why is this one "no girls allowed", when our one just had a warning for any boys entering it?
    Aaah! A girl! A girl!

    *run around flailing arms*
  24. Because, why not, it's a worthy set of questions.

    All you guys! Copy-paste and fill in the details!

    What side do you pick more than others?
    What play style do you prefer?
    What power set(s) do you favor?
    What zones do you like the most?
    Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
    Views on Role Playing?


    For me:
    What side do you pick more than others? Blue. It's varied though, and I do have a fair few Rogues.
    What play style do you prefer? Teaming. In-character (roleplaying) preferably. Soloing bores me to tears. I like to make competitive builds on a reasonable budget.
    What power set(s) do you favor? For meleers: Willpower. Regen. Shield. I've only recently started liking support or control (I have a Dom and a Corr to go with a zillion scrappers, brutes and blasters).
    What zones do you like the most? Eden is amazing. Cimerora is breathtaking. I do really like flying/leaping through Steel Canyon too though.
    Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''? About 70/30 favouring female. Although I have an equal number of male/female characters, the wimmins have been more popular, I think. Or maybe they hold my interest more, dunno. My guy chars are by no means shunned though.
    Views on Role Playing? Yes, yes, yes. As much as I enjoy the hitting, I wouldn't play this game otherwise.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    In character is what it's all about, right?

    We had a look at Pocket D a week or so ago, there was like a group of lvl50's standing around the DJ, but most seemed AFK or something.
    the pocket d crowd usually gather at about 8pm or 9pm British time, but you can always just shout for RP on the channel and someone will probably be free.

    Thanks. Once we've made a couple of pages on the wiki, I'll solicit some advice here.
    not even nearly everyone uses the wiki, but I have noticed your posts up there myself. jump in with RP whenever you wanna.

    Yeah, Libery Force seems out of our league. And I thought base raiding was disabled at the moment?

    Some kind of fledgling hero around level 20 could be an interesting enemy though. We'll write the background of the various characters, then people can see if there is a reason in their own characters to be enemies. Some kind of demon hunter could work for example, quite a few of the Conclave members are various forms of creatures from other planes of existence and one is likely a proper demon (details TBD).
    Liberty Force do fight big threats, but individual heroes in there are very much street level.

    Nighthunters are functionally dead, alas, or they would be a great fit. There's bound to be some leftover heroes from that though. I have Artemidos as a monster hunter myself

    And don't worry about levels, base raids, etc. There'll be a way to make stuff work (AE missions, PVP, narrated PVP, blah de blah).

    Please do join the Union Roleplayers channel. And give me a shout in-game! @oreso
