what AT's are in need of any help?




blasters - yes
MM - apparently they need help as incarnates
Tankers - may need help at 50+ when IO sets cap brute's def

any other AT's need help at this point?
I play doms, controllers, corrs, and tankers and they all seem to be good.



Oh boy.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Yes, please make the incarnate content even more trivial for my MM.
This. MMs were already sleep-walking through Trials. Even pre-nerf Keyes was essentially a snoozefest.

MMs only need help with regards to Pet AI, which isn't really related to specific content.



Blasters need help.

MMs do not need help, except perhaps Ninjas and Mercs.

Tanks do not need help, some just have an inferiority complex.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Blasters need help.

MMs do not need help, except perhaps Ninjas and Mercs.

Tanks do not need help, some just have an inferiority complex.
i mostly agree with this. For Masterminds i've heard that Beast Mastery can also be a bit underpowered in the late game, but i just made one yesterday so i don't really have a personal opinion on it yet.

Blasters currently sit at the bottom of my AT list in terms of how often and how high of a level i play them. Largely because they're too fragile compared to all the other ATs i play.

My Tankers so far are fine. No, they're not preeminent damage powerhouses, but they're generally insanely durable and do decent damage. The biggest issue they currently have in my opinion is... uh, hmmm... i don't have any particular issues with any of my Tankers. The AT itself is pretty okay in my opinion.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Tankers do exactly what they are designed to do, which is to take a hit very well and keep everyone else from taking a hit. They are not meant to be prominent damage dealers.

Blasters I will again just say they need help, for more information go to any of the many threads about it.



Peacebringers need "work" on their powers synergies, because their powers don't stack all that well with each other to produce advantageous effects (and more than one has counterproductive effects).

Warshades don't need any help.

Masterminds (as an AT) need an AI update, more than anything else ... although Ninjas and Mercs are severely Gimptacular and in need of *serious* help.

Scrappers, as an AT, need to get over their inferiority complex and realize that "flip out and kill things" is STILL their AT advantage.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Tankers do exactly what they are designed to do, which is to take a hit very well and keep everyone else from taking a hit.
Yes, but there's a lot of incarnate stuff that directly bypasses a tank's ability to take a hit.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Yes, but there's a lot of incarnate stuff that directly bypasses a tank's ability to take a hit.
As I understand, you shouldn't balance around Incarnate stuff. I-Trials are meant to be hard, that is their entire point, that is why it takes 16-24 people to start one. Try as he might, with that many people a Tank won't have all the aggro, and probably won't be the only tank.



Tankers have a stackability problem. They are an AT designed with team utility in mind, but that role is quickly saturated. Worse, it can easily be saturated by an AT that does far more damage. To me, Tankers are actually among the worst off of the low-ish damage ATs because when other low damage ATs get together their low damage justifies itself. Tankers are the only AT where I personally feel pressured to leave the team after more than 3 join. Some people just want to increase the defense or offense of the AT, but IMO the problem is actually that Brutes and Tankers are too directly comparable in very simplistic terms and need to be pushed away from each other. The difference needs to harder to quantify than just "one has more defense, one has more offense."

Defenders and Corruptors also overlap to the point of uncomfortableness. They need to be pushed apart. Specifically, I am personally somewhat doubtful that Defenders actually fulfill their intended role as "ultimate support." They come across to me more like the Bard class of CoX, Jack of all Tradeoffs. I personally feel that the Defender AT should be pushed in a direction that is essentially Tanker: the AT that, with its superior buffs, is also the squishy that is most personally armored. The current set up makes this half true for a couple of powersets but it really isn't all that impressive in practice. I would push Defenders toward more classic D&D Clerics: not only good support, but good support wearing plate armor that adds significant (not just a couple of percentage points) survivability relative to the more mage-y types.

[Not that it's possible now, but if we were able to do Corruptors over from scratch, I would have made them Assault/Support instead of Blast/Support, removed the Assault utility power (Power Boost, Drain Psi etc) and replaced it with one power from each Control set (probably along the lines of Fire: Flashfire, Ice: Ice Slick, Earth: Earthquake, Plant/Thorns: Creepers, Psi: Terrify, Energy/Grav: Wormhole, and Elec: Synaptic Overload). Defenders would keep their blasts, and drop Aim in favor of a relevant Controller pet for them to support.]



While I still want scrappers to have something unique, I can not say with any honesty sythat they need help.

Tanks and Blasters on the other hand are in trouble in my opinion. As much as we all enjoy saying JB is crazy, fact is he is right in a lot of ways about how tanks are treated compared to Brutes. It is BS.

Blasters have a whole other level of problems. In the beginning not all mobs had ranged attacks. So, range really was a form of defense, Hovering and Blasting did aford a levle of safety unless it was against a mob that it made sense for them to have a ranged attack. Then they decided that was too easy and gave EVERY mob a ranged attack. Even mobs that shouldn't have one (like the TW and DB KoV) have nasty ranged attacks.

So, Blasters and Tanks are the easy answer.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



If you were to give me control over the ATs:

Stalkers: You guys are now pretty damn good. Stay as you are.
Scrappers: A slight rebalancing of the crits, so stalkers are scapels for taking out priority targets, scrappers are blunt instraments for smashing everything.
Defenders: With the new power sets up coming, they look to be fine.
Corrupters: Same
Tanks: Give all tanks inherent absorb to allow them to live through the attacks other AT's cant.
Brute: A change to most secondires, giving them extra def bonuses to rage, maybe removing some of the defensives bonuses from toggles/passives and adding them to rage.
MM: Make the pets smarter. Send them to nightschool.
SoA: Increase defence, pet survability, damage, res, buffs, control, give them a free revive from death power, a nuke and the ability to unmake the universe.

Just kidding, fine as they are.

Blaster, just need their power sets and way they play looking at from the ground up.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
blasters - yes
MM - apparently they need help as incarnates
Tankers - may need help at 50+ when IO sets cap brute's def

any other AT's need help at this point?
I play doms, controllers, corrs, and tankers and they all seem to be good.
YOUR blaster may need help. Mine do not.

What does need help is my emp/elec. Try as I might, I cannot solo mobs at +4/8 with him.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Buff everything.. everything needs help...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Khelds. Seriously.

Blasters need a bit of tweaking (possibly dealt with by modifying Snipes and Nukes).

The rest are fine, outside of a couple of dodgy power sets (Energy Melee? Dark Armour? Elec Blast?)

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post

Warshades don't need any help.
The AT as a whole doesn't need any help, but the Shade AT does suffer from the same issues that Peacebringers do also in a general sense. The form animations need to be shortened, and toggle suppression needs to happen in order for the forms to be worth using for end game purposes. Stacked Mires are great and all, but they're sure as hell not worth missing out on the small purple from softcapped defense to all positions that human form only can achieve. As it stands now, Dwarf form (the "tank" form") at its highest peak is marginally less durable than human form can be. This is a problem. The Nova burst AOE is better than human form, but the sustained AOE from human form is noticeably better and human essentially misses out on one AOE power in exchange for possibly the highest survivability potential in the game (and can still potentially cycle the one they have in ~5 seconds, while using it to more frequently cycle a crashless mini-nuke with a strong AOE stun component and fill the role of Dominator, Tank and Blaster all at the same time, no sacrifice required.)

Basically the issue that Warshades have is the same major issue Peacebringers have, and it's a fundamental design flaw (this is before we even consider the poor Peacebringer power synergies that you mentioned) the forms simply aren't worth using for end game/high end purposes.



If I said it once I'll say it a billion times..

I was a damn sight more happier with Defiance 1.

Defiance 2 is just a bit, it's a bit like having a meatball in the fruitbowl. So I am going with the idea of Blasters getting looked at.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
Huh? DA needs help? How's that?
Come now it needs the same help as scrappers LOL!

People here have just lost it. I realize some of my friends that have stopped coming here were in fact right. And to think I "tired" to defend the general ashattery around here....

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by oreso View Post
Khelds. Seriously.

The rest are fine, outside of a couple of dodgy power sets (Energy Melee? Dark Armour? Elec Blast?)


Khelds are awesome, Dark Armor is epic.



-I believe Blasters need some help, even though I don't quite understand what they need. I believe they also need more and better (on average) secondaries.

-I believe Khelds have issues, plus they give teams issues.

-I believe Masterminds could use better AI.

-I believe Defenders need some kind of morale building regular event, like Tanker Tuesday.

-I believe in a thing called love.

-I believe both Khelds and VEATS could use some more exclusive content, and a bit of special content for them when they go cross faction morality.

[EDIT] Also something something something Tankers.
