New Powers or New Animations?




I had a discussion with Synapse about this not long ago. My stance was that we need new animations for old powers as much as we need new power sets. He didn't really agree, and said that it only takes about a week longer to make a full power set than it does to just do alternate animations.

I see powers like TW and Staff and get where he is coming from. Then I look at Street Justice, which is my all time favorite set, and wonder if those animations had been offered as alternates for MA if the set would have been needed? I think yes, and Street Justice was a good call.

I can also see where new power sets being made is job security for Synapse. I am good with that, he is my favorite dev, and I don't want to see him go anywhere.

However I am still looking at animations for BS, Claws, and several other melee sets, as well as the ranged sets, and what I see are weak and unimaginative animations compared to everything made after Dual Blades. Even when they did offer alternate animations, well, they were not very good.

So I am curious as to what others think. Would you want to see more all new powers, or alternate animations for current power sets?

I would even be willing to pay for alternate animation sets in the store. Say 600 points for a pack that has alternate animations for all of the claws powers, or power of your choice. Yes, yes I want to get stuff for free, but I also see where things are more likely to get done if we pay for it. That is just how the world works, sorry.

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My take is purely selfish. I'm someone who only plays one character, a Broadsword user, so I would pay double the price of a new power set for a rehash of the Broadsword animations. They're currently good for what they are as brute chops and slices - But seeing the changes for Katana so long ago, plus the Titan Weapon and Staff animations, makes me feel we could do better by adding a bit more "flash" to the powers without taking away any "oomph."

I'd also prefer an alternate generic "magical" blast animation for the Blast/Ranged sets rather than a brand new powerset. I can't count how many magic users I've encountered on Virtue who would be happy to swap the animation for their fire or ice sets for some more magical looking attacks. Even the Banished Pantheon's Sorrow mobs, who use Radiation, look a bit.. I don't know, "tech-ish." It's a bit jarring to see them using the same animations as, say, Crey, or Anti-Matter. Now that we have Magical Burst as a model magical PBAoE, and Rune of Warding/Purification for ranged damage we've got a nice foundation of ideas to add a few magical alternative animations.

The major plus side to alternative animations versus new powersets is that you don't have to reroll your favorite character(s) when something more suited to their concept rolls along.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




I'd pay 400 PP for new animation sets per power set. I'm a terrible, terrible altoholic and more than that would break me.

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I find the newer powersets seem to be excuses to try out new gimmicks, because there isn't much new ground to cover mechanically that hasn't already been done. And since I find the new mechanics more than a bit tiresome, I'd prefer to see the new animations linked to an older set with less annoying (more straightforward) mechanics.



Right now, I'd say new animations.


I say this because sometimes I go back and think about making a new toon with x power set but then remember/see the old boring animations and then I'm like...."mmm...maybe later..."

Like if I made a toon with the Axe power set and then wanted to make a new toon with the War Mace power set...oh look same animations for all the powers! How fun! NOT! hehe

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there are only a few cases where I want alternate animations: swords and breath generally.

I either want a fire guy to use a fire sword or flaming fists, not alternate
and I want fire to come out of his hands or his mouth and not alternate

but choosing between 2 different punches doesn't really interest me.

And I can 100% guarantee that releasing alternate animations to fire melee will not cause Atlas Park to be flooded with new fire melee characters. Whereas each new powerset does generate a ton of new characters.

So I have to go with new powerset



I'd certainly like origin based animations for certain powers. This would certainly work for NPC foes as well as players. I kinda don't like how some of the Banished Pantheon seem to have radiation based attacks. It just seems to wrong!



I see it like this - make a new powerset and those animations are stuck there. Whereas if you make new animations then a lot of existing powersets can take advantage of them. For example, the animations in Street Justice could have been used for Martial Arts as well as individual powers in other melee, manipulation and assault sets.



No, I don't think they're a waste of time! I might actually enjoy using some of the blast sets other than Dual Pistols (which looses out to being such weak DPS) and even buy them if they're sets like Beam Rifle, if the animations weren't more than "stand there and hold out a hand" blasts.

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Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
I see it like this - make a new powerset and those animations are stuck there. Whereas if you make new animations then a lot of existing powersets can take advantage of them. For example, the animations in Street Justice could have been used for Martial Arts as well as individual powers in other melee, manipulation and assault sets.

The first round of alternate animations for ranged sets was... less than stellar. Not because the animations were bad, but because they were poorly distributed. (I mean, Ice Bolt, Ice Blast, and Bitter Ice Blast all ended up with the same alternate animation, and that shouldn't have happened.)

They've always said that releasing new power sets is hard at this point because a new set should be visually and effectually unique. But most of the secondary effects available in-game are already taken by certain sets. Hence we have the "extras" in each paid-for power set that we've had (Beam Rifle's Disintegration/Spread, Street Justice's Combo system, Titan Weapons's Momentum, Beast Mastery's Pack Mentality, and Staff Fighting's Perfection).

Personally, I would not care if a set came out that had the same secondary effects as an existing set, so long as everything else was balanced. With customization the way it is, there is a lot left open to interpretation, so would it really matter THAT much if two ranged sets had -DEF as their secondary effect?

But to answer the question: I would prefer new animations at this point, or at least a proliferation of existing animations to other similar power sets.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



I think New Animations are just as important as New Powers. You move forward, but you don't forget the older powers because like cars, they need tweaks, changes, and modifications to make them better. This obviously would be done over time, but it could be done given the expertise they have developed over 7 years of time.

I'm not a programmer, and I know it takes a lot of work, but there is experience there that hopefully could offset that.



The truth is, I'd pay for "premium" versions of old power sets if the animations and mechanics were improved.

SS, MA, Broadsword, Mace, Axe, all of these could use a facelift and modern mechanics.

I'd also pay for a pass to add "emanation points" to the old Blast sets: Be able to fire the all the attacks from your head, eyes, chest, from a gun, from a rifle, from a wand, etc.




I have friends who love their characters and don't want to roll alts. I know this is something that would appeal to them as well. I feel it is something else that is going untapped in the Paragon Market.

Really I think how the players latched onto customization, and the fact that this game became the leader of character customization took the original devs by surprise.

We love our characters, and anything that makes them look different makes the game better to us. With new animations I could play through the game with old sets that seem new because they look different.

Types of Swords
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from the perspective of a Katana player who started his character when the set was still using borrowed animations from Broadsword let me emphatically vote for ANIMATIONS.

And I picked up my long abandoned ma/sr character when MA got its animation revamp and had a great time with him.

Great new animations completely rejuvenate the way characters play.
I like new powersets too, but don't underestimate the rejuvenating power of fresh animations.

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Id like them to go back and do a few alternate options for almost every power that isnt melee or defense. So all ranged, control, buff and blast(minus Dual pistols, archery AR, traps etc). It doesnt even have to be terribly unique for each set. Basically id like to see an alternate that makes the power:

Shoot from a gun, both pistol and rifle
Shoot from a wand/staff

This would really open up alot of possibilities imo. Redraw could be reduced. For example if you wanted to be a Energy Rifle/Kin defender. If you could use your rifle to shoot the boffs and debuffs then you woudlnt have to redraw to shoot. Moreover it would give players more flexibility as to the origin of their powers.

Also, in addition to "rifle" it would be nice if we could get an alternate that mobs have, using the mminigun animation stance? Like the boomers etc. That way we can also open up some of the mob weapons we havent been able to get.

Also, I would love to see alternate pet models, but thats really reaching most likely.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
Id like them to go back and do a few alternate options for almost every power that isnt melee or defense.
Why exclude melee? In doing that they would lose money they could have made. I only play melee ATs, and would purchase any alternate animation released for any melee AT. I would most likely not do the same for any other type of AT, but I know there are people that would.

There is another thing I would like to add tot he topic. Combat stances.

With Ninja Run, and Beast Run we can fight from a modified (and cooler) combat stance at the cost of extra end. Would you purchase a toggle that cost no end, but allowed you to fight from a different stance?

I REALLY like fighting from the Ninja Run stance, but I hate the added end cost, and the loss of CJ. It would be so awesome to have a toggle that gave me a stance, but didn't give any benefit other than the stance. Imagine being able to fight from the stance that the "Bring It" emote ends in. That I would pay 800 points for something like that quick and fast, far faster than something like the Leprechaun pet. What do you think?

It is odd because I remember the hero and villain stances that came with GR I think it was (or something or other I have) I was excited because I thought that the were new combat stances.

Take note Devs, this is stuff we are willing to pay for. Shoot I am willing to pay the same price as new Power Sets!

Types of Swords
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I'll throw my hat into the New Animations vote. For me, new animations for current powersets can breathe new life into them, making them seem new all over again. Makes me wish the devs would dedicate an issue to revamping current material vs. adding new one content. Maybe call it "Everything old is new again"

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Why exclude melee? In doing that they would lose money they could have made. I only play melee ATs, and would purchase any alternate animation released for any melee AT. I would most likely not do the same for any other type of AT, but I know there are people that would.
I excluded those sets because they didnt fit in the alternate sets I specified. IE making MA use a rifle animation would be counter intuitiveat best. I wouldnt mind alternate sets for melee sets, its just that I think the ranged sets could be swapped out with each other much more readily than the melee sets. IE casting a firebolt with a wand could be the same animation (minus the projectile) as casting an ice bolt, where as the melee sets tend to be more specific.

Also, I would Also love to use ninja run as just a stance.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Old powersets sucks when compared with newest. Visually.

The new powersets got awesome animations, more fluid, less tedious activations time, unique mechanics, customizable VFX even for weapons sets...

Old ones got ugly VFX (Blazing aura pixelated fart from hell, all the darkness powers specially with the skull...), same animations for most of the elemental melee sets (same basic punches with different FX), awful activations time and tedious animations (Thunderstrike,Total focus...) and cloned weaponed sets too (Broadsword,maze and axe are basicly the same powerset).

We definitely need some kind of revamp,update or power reskin for the older sets even if we have to buy it from store.
We been needed the new melee sets like StJ,TW and SF... But some of the older characters want some love too.



If they offered new versions of each elemental blaster primary but with different origination points and weapon customization (staff (tech/magic), pistol/wand, and optic), I would buy it on day one. Wouldn't matter if the powers are essentially the same as existing sets, the new origination points open up all sorts of character concepts. The original set of alternate animations for blasters were a major letdown.

Mr Energon

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Both, but...

...I am greedy and would like auras attached to projectiles too. Arrows that streak fire, lightning bolts that emit psi waves, etc. I'm not sure how well it would work but it would be most lovely.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I had a discussion with Synapse about this not long ago. My stance was that we need new animations for old powers as much as we need new power sets. He didn't really agree, and said that it only takes about a week longer to make a full power set than it does to just do alternate animations.
So what? Allow some of those animations to be used for existing sets. I don't see the issue that Synapse is making.

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Then I look at Street Justice, which is my all time favorite set, and wonder if those animations had been offered as alternates for MA if the set would have been needed? I think yes, and Street Justice was a good call.
MA could have got some of the SJ animations without affecting SJ sales.

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
So I am curious as to what others think. Would you want to see more all new powers, or alternate animations for current power sets?
I don't see it as either/or. New power sets could also provide new animations for existing power sets. I think anyone that is saying that it is one or the other isn't seeing the whole picture.

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I would even be willing to pay for alternate animation sets in the store. Say 600 points for a pack that has alternate animations for all of the claws powers, or power of your choice. Yes, yes I want to get stuff for free, but I also see where things are more likely to get done if we pay for it. That is just how the world works, sorry.
I'd like to see new animations as a part of the VIP benefits. I don't think I'd pay for packs like this. They are being paid for this. Maybe some of that new animation work should begin with the Power Pools.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I'd like to see new animations as a part of the VIP benefits. I don't think I'd pay for packs like this. They are being paid for this. Maybe some of that new animation work should begin with the Power Pools.
Would you not spend your free points on them? And I agree there is no reason not to share the animations in the game amongst the different sets they work for. Claws and BS are kind of in a hard spot though.

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My free points seem to be going towards costumes. I've actually only bought one power set: Beam Rifle. I'm having some fun with Dark Controllers though.

Yeah, Claws and the various weapons sets are kind of fixed.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters