New Powers or New Animations?




I just keep hoping they'll share the animations between MA and STJ. If I recall, StJ is pretty even for DPS between Brutes, Tankers, and Scrappers, with StJ beating out MA for Stalkers.

Brutes and Scrappers can then choose either set for whatever reason. Tankers can decide between StJ's bit more AOE versus MA's additional defense.

Stalkers...well...I guess they can choose for different effects.

But I'd love to replace CU with EC's animation, put in Storm Kick's animation instead of Heavy Blow or Initial Strike.

Have Spinning Strike's animation as the AOE set. It'd be the hand to hand fighter I want to make.

I think they could do this for StJ and MA with other sets animations too, but they'd just lack the power effects (Dark Melee's negative energy, or EM's pom poms). Cause I personally love Barrage's animation

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



New animations or else certain parts of the game starts to become dated. The flurry of new powers since Freedom launched has breathed life into the game. But now I think it is time for catchup with existing power sets to be turned into sleek or even simple for purists.



Isn't it true that any alternate animations have to have the same playtime as the originals for the set to work as designed? Doesn't that put a damper on sharing between Street Justice and Martial Arts without some rework?

Mr Energon

Confirmed altimaniac.



Originally Posted by Mr_Energon View Post
Isn't it true that any alternate animations have to have the same playtime as the originals for the set to work as designed? Doesn't that put a damper on sharing between Street Justice and Martial Arts without some rework?
It would. But some of them are close...for instance, Initial Strike has an animation time of .8 seconds while Storm Kick's and Thunder Kick's are .83 seconds.

So yes, some tweaking would be needed. But at the same time, I'd be willing to pay for that tweaking.

That's two hand to hand sets that would be improved so much with many alternate animations.

Now I'm not saying all sets wouldnt be improved, but the straight hand to hand sets could be improved the most imo, as it lets one decide which set's mechanics they like best, and then mix and match the animations for a variety of fighting styles!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



This thread reminds me of when people said they'd be willing to buy dance animations, then when the dance animations came out everyone flipped out that Paragon was charging money for dance animations.

Then BaBs got fired.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
This thread reminds me of when people said they'd be willing to buy dance animations, then when the dance animations came out everyone flipped out that Paragon was charging money for dance animations.

Then BaBs got fired.
I did not flip out and I bought them! I'm wishing for better dance emotes tho >_>

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



The main reason why people are playing Street Justice so much is the animations. I keep asking people why they play and its always that. I say add animations to a lot of sets.

Also, to save time, a lot of people have asked for a Beast Style Melee, with clawing, etc. Why not just edit some animations for Street Justice. Saves time and prevents copy Sets.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
This thread reminds me of when people said they'd be willing to buy dance animations, then when the dance animations came out everyone flipped out that Paragon was charging money for dance animations.

Then BaBs got fired.
I bought them too. I put my money where my mouth/finger was.

There is a difference here that makes that and this thread apples and oranges. The old method was to sell bundles and those bundles were set at $10 came with costumes, and a power, and CC emotes. The dance pack lacked some of those things and complaints came.

The paragon store allows for a different transaction type, in that people can buy part of what they want, w/o buying all of it. I believe those dance animations could be purchased separately, or part of the PD pack recently.

I know I would pay 800 points for a Broad sword animations set, because that would turn broad sword into a NEW set to me. I don't care that the mechanics would be the same, it would LOOK different.

Another option would to be to sell the animations like they do costume parts. Piece by piece, or in a bundle. For melee I would always buy the bundle personally, but some want just one or two animations.

I love Street Justice. It is my all time favorite power set in this game. However, I really wanted, and begged for during beta, a Thai Round Kick animation for Sweeping Cross, I would still be willing to pay for that animation.

So yes, some tweaking would be needed. But at the same time, I'd be willing to pay for that tweaking.
This, so much this.

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Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
Haha, if I remember right, Maelstrom is Martial Arts, but uses the OLDSCHOOL animations which players no longer have access to. o_O
No, the old school Storm Kick is the Chun Li kick. I wonder if they still have it though. I think I will try to find it on youtube.

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ok, here's the post i was referencing, apparently it was entirely about martial arts, its from the old all things art:animation thread. the links still work.

(WARNING: lots of video links to public access style martial arts instructional videos ahead, i cant speak for the quality and production values of the demonstrators, but i selected the vids because they best showed the techniques as i had envisioned them, much butt-rock awaits)

ok dave, haven't gone through the whole thread, but for animation, my interests
primarily are in more alternate animations, particularly for martial arts. though i would also be interested in replacements for melee based attacks from the elemental sets(energy, electric, fire and ice spring to mind) i have mentioned these a few times, but since this thread is the main area for it, ell, it seems appropriate. i usually mention getting moves from a few martial art styles, muay thai, capoeria, what i called "movie kung0-fu) and korean karate are my usual suggestions. this list seems like it needs a bit of expansion though for here.

first, it seems that kinetic melee is, from the pax vid, going to address the movie kung fu idea(i called it that because there are hundreds of different styles of kung fu, often with indistinguishable differences, but we all generally know the showy style with primarily open handed strikes from movies and fighting games) so while id love to see the two share some animations, this would remove some priority.

for muai thai, the punches we recently got would do a pretty good job of covering the hand portion of the style, but my thought would be using the style's roundhouse kick heavy style for replaces for storm kick, with a low leg strike. example this is similar to the current storm kick, but delivered at thigh level, and with rotation of the hips to sell it more. replace crane kick with a high roundhouse strike to the head(example, preferably with a full follow through of the foot through the target, and finally, for eagles claw, perhaps replace that with the jumping knee(sagat's tiger knee from street fighter 2 being a good example).

the next style i was asking for moves for was capoeria, this would possibly be tricky for characers wearing skirts, due to the occasional standing on their hands in some techniques, , but a few techniques struck me as unique enough to add value as animation replacers. the first is called a mei lua de compasso. it involves a full body turn, so i'd see it possibly being a replace for axe kick. in videos i have seen it delivered higher and low, preferably aiming it at average head height would make it look dynamic. here is a fair idea what i am going for. The other capoeria technique that i feel would be a nice addition would be the parafuso again, this technique is similar to what we use in the thunder kick now, but the added lift of the first leg and more dynamic full body follow through would make it another good heavy hitter animation for an eagles claw replacer.

finally i mentioned the korean karate variation, now i have generally felt that this was the style coh was originally going for, given how strong their variation of the side kick in it was, as well as since they use the axe kick, which generally is less popular in japanese and most chines styles that i have seen. but in coh there are a few elements that the current animations do poorly and i would love to see the option of having better versions of them.

First, the storm kick seems to be attempting to be a roundhouse kick, but the limited hip movement and lack of chambering of the knee prior to striking really break immersion for me, the coh version looks like a very LAZY roundhouse kick(note, i am saying the martial artist doing this would be being lazy, not calling animator lazy). a variation i woudl like to see is in this video you will notice what i am talking about with the chambering of the knee, it really does sell the kick more.

the next technique that id like to see fixed would be the side kick in "crane kick" its a strong technique in game, but the application again looks lazy. I would love if we had an option where the character brought their knee up higher, pushed more with their body toward the target when striking, and extended their heel more to make the contact look more crisp. heres another example, i apologize for the butt-rock

ok that is my alternate animations selection for the martial arts set. it is thematically my absolute favorite set, and when alternate animations were announced, it was literally a bigger thing to me than inventions, ae or going rogue, now if you have the time and resources to add a few of these techniques I would be thrilled. if their animations could fit existing animation times, perhaps some of these strikes could be put in the elemental sets as alternates as well with flames, sparks and the like appearing on the feet when the strikes are delivered.

END OLD POST. basically my thoughts for other sets are less obsessive, but for me the key is versitility, fire, ice, earth, even elec and energy, though those sets dont use weapons, it would be nice if variants existed for entirely unarmed strikes existed, or if you could choose the straight sword from ice, the scimitar from fire, the hammer from stone and maybe even an axe or one handed claw. and for the unarmed sets, it would be nice if we got a mix of kicks as well as punches.

similarly, for blasts, it would be nice for standard sets as well as epics to be able to choose emination points, like open hands, closed fists(for power rings and tech gauntlet themes) mouths and heads, as well as wands, some sort of ray gun and, whie it sspecific, an electric guitar, hey, its a well worn trope in both anime and western comics/cartoons.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
This thread reminds me of when people said they'd be willing to buy dance animations, then when the dance animations came out everyone flipped out that Paragon was charging money for dance animations.

Then BaBs got fired.
Wasn't the reason for people being angry because they were in GR beta for a good couple of weeks, and Posi even said something at a con saying how we'd get new dances with GR, then they got pulled and put into an overpriced pack that only had eight emotes in it? I remember a lot of people saying they'd pay for them, just not as much as Paragon was charging.

Anyway, on topic, I agree we do need alternate animations for older sets. Variety is good, and we have tons of animations built up already. Just rework some of them to fit with animation times of powers and I'd be set. I, at least, am not asking for entirely brand spanking new animations for each power. I just want to be able to play Fiery Melee or Broadsword without seeing my character move horribly slow and clunky.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Wasn't the reason for people being angry because they were in GR beta for a good couple of weeks, and Posi even said something at a con saying how we'd get new dances with GR, then they got pulled and put into an overpriced pack that only had eight emotes in it? I remember a lot of people saying they'd pay for them, just not as much as Paragon was charging.

Anyway, on topic, I agree we do need alternate animations for older sets. Variety is good, and we have tons of animations built up already. Just rework some of them to fit with animation times of powers and I'd be set. I, at least, am not asking for entirely brand spanking new animations for each power. I just want to be able to play Fiery Melee or Broadsword without seeing my character move horribly slow and clunky.
I would prefer new animations, but I could also live with some retro fitting. There are surely DB animations that could work with claws.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
This thread reminds me of when people said they'd be willing to buy dance animations, then when the dance animations came out everyone flipped out that Paragon was charging money for dance animations.

Then BaBs got fired.
Cool story, bro.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I did not flip out and I bought them!
I bought them BECAUSE people flipped out.

Ever the contrarian! =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I would prefer new animations, but I could also live with some retro fitting. There are surely DB animations that could work with claws.
Whelp....I like the claws animations as is...sorry!

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Whelp....I like the claws animations as is...sorry!
What about the rest? Do you really see no room for improvement in claws at all? By what I am suggesting you could pick and choose what you like too!

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Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Whelp....I like the claws animations as is...sorry!
well, since this thread is about alt animations, thats fine, you would have the option to use some or all the the new animations in conjunction with the adapted db ones, or if it didnt fit the char, you could stay entirely unchanged. part of the appeal of alt anims relative tot he strength of coh is that you can pick and choose what fits you. just like your costume, just like your effects.



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Whelp....I like the claws animations as is...sorry!
No one's saying animations should be replaced. This is about providing alternate animations.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
well, since this thread is about alt animations, thats fine, you would have the option to use some or all the the new animations in conjunction with the adapted db ones, or if it didnt fit the char, you could stay entirely unchanged. part of the appeal of alt anims relative tot he strength of coh is that you can pick and choose what fits you. just like your costume, just like your effects.
This covers it pretty well.

Types of Swords
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Well, I guess at this point those of us who have something to say have said it. Let's just hope the Devs noticed.

Types of Swords
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I've always liked MA's Crane Kick. Wished that replaced Shin Breaker for StJ, cause honestly, why break your shin when I break your face?

Don't believe me? Ask Liu Kang.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I know I would pay 800 points for a Broad sword animations set, because that would turn broad sword into a NEW set to me. I don't care that the mechanics would be the same, it would LOOK different.
Sorry to bring up an old point, but this raises a very interesting point. A set doesn't have to have new mechanics for it t feel new, if it looks and sounds like a new set. Now think about the feedback people have given over the years, and you'll realise that many like the MECHANICS of a specific set, but really dislike the visuals of it, and so don't play the set as a result.

Personally, I like Dark Melee as a powerset, but I really dislike how it looks. To me, it's just punching people with smoky arms. It's less "dark" and more just "melee," and that's a problem. I get that it's difficult to imagine how punching someone with darkness could look exciting, but that's missing the forest for the trees. Dark Melee does not need to be punching in any way, shape or form. Consider the following few possibilities:

*My hand glows, and I phase it through the chest of an enemy, pulling his "essence" out to heal myself. This could replace Syphon Life.

*Shadowy tentacles similar to Midnight Grasp emerge from my back and lash at enemies in a cone in front of me. This could replace Dark Maul.

*I touch my enemy and infect him with darkness, causing physical and negative energy damage. This could replace, say, Shadow Punch.

*I slash at my enemy with a blade of pure darkness similar to Greater Fire Sword. This could replace Smite.

There are options out there, options which could make Dark Melee more than just a shadow brawling set, but they take both imagination and, more importantly, a time and money investment. I would pay for those. I would pay through the nose, because I really want to play Dark Melee characters and I can hardly bring myself to do it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I know I would pay 800 points for a Broad sword animations set, because that would turn broad sword into a NEW set to me. I don't care that the mechanics would be the same, it would LOOK different.
Pretty much this. 100% in favor of new animations and better power customization over new niche sets.

Examples of things that would completely revamp a set for me:

- Beam Rifle (Blaster primary) - Eyebeam animations instead of a rifle
- Energy Manipulation (Blaster secondary) - Martial Arts animations instead of pompoms
- Thugs (Mastermind primary) - Professionals in black suits or trenchcoats instead of punks
- Illusion Control (Controller primary) - Head animation for Spectral Wounds, Phantom army creates copies of the character, Phantom creates copies of the character
- Forcefields (Defender primary) - Minimal FX option for the bubbles
- Stone Armor (Tanker primary) - Thin metal plating instead of stone slabs
- Claws and Spines (Scrapper primaries) - Dual Weapons animations, energy or psychic claws/spines (appearance only)
- Blood Widow / Night Widow - Dual Weapons animations, energy or psychic claws (appearance only)
- Arachnos Hunter - Dual Pistols instead of combat rifle
- Kheldians - Minimal FX option for Nova and Dwarf (retain your costume even if shapeshifted)