New Powers or New Animations?




I'd LOVE new animations.

For example, if i were fire melee, and i'd pick a flamng hammer for a weapon. the fire melee attacks would use the animations for mace. Then next cossie, i'd have two fire sword, and it'd use some dual blade animaitions etc.
And if i were broadsword and picked a flaming sword for weapon, my attacks would be 10% fire damage and 90% lethal. Or maybe have their own unique animations to pick from that for example an fire melee with a broadsword wouldn't get.

Or have ice blast and pick a rifle for weapon, would then shoot snowballs!

Something i personally would wish for.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Or have ice blast and pick a rifle for weapon, would then shoot snowballs!
Reminds me: I want to fire my Ion judgement out of a Beam Rifle.

{}... .-



On one hand, I've loved every single Powerset that's been released since Freedom. Even the "weak" ones like Beam Rifle and Beast Mastery. I have more alts to level now than my entire time playing CoH.

On the other... getting a Sonic blast that actually shoots entirely from the hands (the last animation pass came so close), a Fire/Ice/Stone melee that is all fists or all sword/hammer, Claws without that "one-two" punch animation, just off the top of my head... would give me just as many new alts to run around and stay subbed playing.

Of the two I'd prefer new animations to spruce up the older sets... but I know new powersets would likely generate more point expenditure in the Market.

*saves up for Staff*



I would rather have new powersets. And this from someone who still regularly plays characters he made in the first month after CoH release, including Broadsword. I would not pay the price of a new powerset (or greater) for new animations unless they were insanely good.

I'm sure it helps that my character concepts follow the decision on powersets, and never the other way around. I would thus never be in the position of wanting to re-roll a character because something that better matched their concept visually came along later. Given what I do with them, that's close to impossible.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes' chief selling point is customizability and personality. Giving a new spin on an old set enables many, many new characters who would previously not existed because they would have been too much like other characters we already had. This is never more evident than with weapon sets. Giving a weapon set a brand new, unique, different weapon can justify creating a brand new character around it because despite using the same set I have on about five other characters, it's still different because this character looks considerably different. A new weapon makes a set "feel" new. A new set of animations makes a set feel BRAND new.

The simple truth of the fact is the developers don't need to keep reinventing the wheel and tossing flashy new mechanics at our faces as though we're constantly on the verge of exhausting our collective attention span. Folks, take a look at your subscriber lists and note how many T9 veteran players are still playing. We stuck with your game through thick and thin. We were here when the stuff you poo-poo was new and exciting, we looked forward to it and we enjoyed it. None of that stuff has become worse. We still enjoy it, and we'd like to see our old favourites expanded right alongside your new babies.
So much of this!

The whole post was spot-on, but these final paragraphs really capture the essence of exactly what I would have said.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



The main problem with selling the animations is that there's probably no way of locking animations in the power customisation UI. So that relegates it to an issue release as long as there's nothing else to proliferate.



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
The main problem with selling the animations is that there's probably no way of locking animations in the power customisation UI. So that relegates it to an issue release as long as there's nothing else to proliferate.
I would bet they could find a way. Where is money, there is always a way. :P

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That path goes away from the preferable one of least resistance, however.



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
That path goes away from the preferable one of least resistance, however.
It is what Freedom has taught us though. Look at the stuff we have gotten in the game since Freedom. I remember the gap between i7 and i8. It sucked! Now we have had so ton of power sets in the last year, I love it. I am willing to pay for what I want.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
It is what Freedom has taught us though. Look at the stuff we have gotten in the game since Freedom. I remember the gap between i7 and i8. It sucked! Now we have had so ton of power sets in the last year, I love it. I am willing to pay for what I want.
I might be willing to pay for alternate animations, but 800 points, while Im sure I could do it for sets I want them for, seems steep If they were 400 points, Id probably be okay with it.

The problem with that, is they consider alternate animations harder than new sets, so they likely wouldnt go as low as 400 points.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The problem with that, is they consider alternate animations harder than new sets, so they likely wouldn't go as low as 400 points.
Yeah that is kinda how the original conversation went with Synapse and I. The thing about the store is that you could pick and choose what is worth it to you, and what isn't.

I love that about the store, it makes it seem like there are so many more possibilities.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I might be willing to pay for alternate animations, but 800 points, while Im sure I could do it for sets I want them for, seems steep If they were 400 points, Id probably be okay with it.

The problem with that, is they consider alternate animations harder than new sets, so they likely wouldnt go as low as 400 points.
Upon further thought, IF new premium animation sets were broadly usable by several of the classic sets, as I suggested in my post, I'd gladly pay 800 pts. for them. At this point I pay 800 for a premium power set which I often will use on one or at most two alts. But broadly applicable themed animation suites that I could then use on several existing characters, including some of my oldest and longest loved? Yeah. I'm in.



Here's an alternate animation I'd like for a newer set:
I would like the Tier Nine for Beam Rifle to have the alternate animation of "painting" a target for a Satellite Cannon blast.

The big difference I see is having the animations being that the blast comes from above rather than from the actual rifle, maybe have the rifle still pointed at the target and projecting a Targetting Laser on them.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Just sell new animation packs. They WILL sell for people who are single-character purists.

A more thrust and jab Katana set would sell like pancakes. Let alone Iaido Style.

Same for Broadsword.

Dual Pistols Traditional Style? CHA-CHING!

A more flashy Archery? Say, elemental or energy arrows? MOOLAH!

These WOULD sell.



well, this is kind of a soapbox of mine but while I appreciate the new powersets, I really want new animation sets. pool powers need alt animations, epic/patrons need alternate animations, elemental melee sets desperately need new animations, and even though it got some alt anims, I still contend martial arts needs new animations that are martial arts instead of street brawling. it made sense before street justice, but the game has changed.

To some degree i see the two sides as focusing on different aspects of the game. new powersets encourage alts, alts are cool, i alt a lot myself, but with the incarnate system, as well as the numerous side actions heroes can now do, players who have made main characters that they enjoy playing with are left in the cold when new sets come out, they cant switch powersets so their old mains can either reroll from the beginning or just make alts and have the old favorites be at a thematic mismatch. plus, while the old animations were acceptable for last gen mmo standards, where most weapon use looks like they are trying to fend off a swarm of bees, bars got raised, bars got raised by new powersets here. its hard to play a broadsword user after running a titan weapon user. so yeah, a break in the new powersets is about due, and a return to alt animations would be massively welcomed.

we had a good start, and very few other mmos do what coh does, I can only think of one other one on the market with alternate animations, and those are only for ranged blasts, and a small subset of them at that. but it needs to go further.

I have done long posts on what id love to see for alt anims. if interest is there, i can repost. its martial arts centric, but has ideas for ranged emanations, alt control/buff animations, and has several ideas for pools. lets get it done.



Please repost it here.

Does an animation dev even post on the boards? Is there someone who can say they hear us, that they know the old powers need new animations as much as the game needs new powers? Hey Devs, new animations make old powers new again! New enough that a lot of us (the majority) have said we would pay for those animations in the same way we would new powers!

Please breath some new life into the old characters that we love. Please let us know you hear us.

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We just need a dev to use their Abuse of Power card to make new animations for old(er) power sets!

Unfortunately I think all the AoP cards have been used to make new power sets

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I'd vote new animations, if we're talking about pool powers (incl. epic and patron). Weapons? I don't care all that much - with all the f/x flying around, I can't generally see them anyway (there is always that ONE guy who thinks his dark red "blood" powers are so incredibly awesome, we won't care if we can't see anything else. But there is always one .

When people are refusing to be buffed, or refusing to choose armor that will keep their character alive, for no other reason than it's too ugly to stand to look at, there is a BIG problem.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
I'd vote new animations, if we're talking about pool powers (incl. epic and patron). Weapons? I don't care all that much - with all the f/x flying around, I can't generally see them anyway (there is always that ONE guy who thinks his dark red "blood" powers are so incredibly awesome, we won't care if we can't see anything else. But there is always one .

When people are refusing to be buffed, or refusing to choose armor that will keep their character alive, for no other reason than it's too ugly to stand to look at, there is a BIG problem.
When you say weapons, do you mean weapon models, or the animations used by the weapon powers?

I love new weapon models, but not even the amazing Barbarian Sword was enough to get me to play boring Broad Sword again.

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Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
Just sell new animation packs. They WILL sell for people who are single-character purists.

A more thrust and jab Katana set would sell like pancakes. Let alone Iaido Style.

Same for Broadsword.

Dual Pistols Traditional Style? CHA-CHING!

A more flashy Archery? Say, elemental or energy arrows? MOOLAH!

These WOULD sell.
The oft-requested items you just mentioned are a very good point. People have been tripping over each other to request, and indeed offer to pay for, more traditional, less flashy animations for Dual Pistols. I, myself, have wanted to see a less... Boring version of Archery since I first saw it, and being able to use energy arrows that crash into the enemy with a sense of force, as opposed to the "thunk" of the ones we have now would be a MAJOR boon. I've always been a fan of the more anime-inspired types of over-the-top powers like Titan Weapons, Dual Pistols and so forth, and would pay good money to have access to those. Yes, I get that this is a "traditional" comic book MMO, but again - I would pay for the variety.

Something amazing struck me the other day when I played one of the Saints Row 3 DLCs. There, my character got "super powers." Most of those were lame (a fireball and the ability to slow-punch cars), but one was amazing: Super Speed! In City of Heroes, I HATE Super Speed, and not because of its utility. To me, it just looks goofy and ugly. So imagine my surprise when I took off running in Saints Row and was immediately blown away by it! Eventually, I realised this was due to the power effects and the running animation. In City of Heroes, there's no real sense of speed to Super Speed. We simply glide above the ground as though we're on a dolly. There, I could hear the air whooshing by, I formed a shockwave in front of me and my character was SPRINTING! Not jogging like we do in City of Heroes, but outright sprinting, and it looked awesome.

Not only would I use Super Speed a lot more if our City of Heroes version didn't look so bad, but I'd honestly pay for it. But I'd want a better animation than the Super Jog we have now, and I'd want a visual effect more evocative of speed than burning feet. Yeah, I get that that's the Flash's thing, but I don't like. I much prefer the super sonic shockwave effect. It gives me a sense of context for the speed I'm moving at. I might even redo a lot of my characters to use the power if I liked its appearance more. Because, right now I have all of ONE who uses it, and she uses it with Prestige Power Slide always on.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You'll soon realise that the actual animations for any of the powers aren't really important. What's important is the effects of those powers. You could, potentially, have all powers from all Blast sets use the exact same animation and still have a dozen different sets with a dozen different powers each if you vary the visual effects of the powers.
This is incredibly true, and I've been saying this to my in game friends forever.

I believe one of the most underdeveloped portions of the game is animations. Power customization opened so much creativity with characters, and the start of animation customizations promised even more... And it never happened.

I get that it has to be challenging, technically, to choreograph the timing and position of multiple animations to support the same power, but the payoff would be immense.

And that isn't just for blast sets. No power set should be limited by it's animations. It is the effects of the power that matter, not the tool.

<rambling, chants, incense, visions, and fantasies>

Say, you choose one of the blast sets - will that use one of the standard 2-3 hand firing animations? Or......
  • Magician? How about one of the couple different Wand Animations (weapon customization follows that)
  • Or, maybe wand isn't your style - here are staff options...
  • Or, perhaps a book in one hand while the other crafts shimmering runes (a la demon summoning)
  • Ah, a scientists are you? Perhaps this hand device (more weapon customization), or forearm panel, or
  • Maybe holographic panels and buttons hovering around you...
  • Mutant, or robot? maybe your body channels the energy - so an aura flares around you and then fires out (picturing the robot from Thor)
... the list could go on, and on, and on, and on...

Actually, blades or sword options could be available for none melee classes - as a magical focus for blasts or buffs (more customization options). It is the effects of the power that matter, not the tool.

And... frankly the whole AR, BR, Arch, DP tied to weapons is pretty silly. Any Blast set should be able to choose a weapon as its animation set. Any mutant, or wizard should be able to use BR effects from their hand, chest, third eye, or Wand of Emission. It is the effects of the power that matter, not the tool.

And the same applies to melee defense sets. Shields? Any defense set should have it as an option. It is limiting to have it any other way. It is the effects of the choice that matter, not the tool.

The punch sets? Sure keep some signature visuals for some differentiation (if that is really important), but build an array of punches and kicks and let any punch set have access. No rational reason the SS who loves that elbow strike from StJ can't have a chance to show a more gritty style.

You could have an origin based crafting system - mutiple birds with one stone there: the time/inf sink that some people desire, application of origins to game that others have asked to see, and variability in animations throughout the game.

Or, the painfully obvious,... sell animation sets like hotcakes off the market.

</rambling. collapses>

*mumbles* The power matters, not the tool.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I hope at some point they will share some of the StJ animations with MA, if StJ had been purchased that is.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I hope at some point they will share some of the StJ animations with MA, if StJ had been purchased that is.
It's funny you mention this, because I was just saying last night how I actually liked the alternate punches for MA because they were not as "smooth and flowing" as the Street Justice animations. All of the MA animations, including most of the punches, give me a sense that the character knows how to apply a focused amount of force into a single strike, much like a martial artist should. Where as Street Justice's attacks give me more of a "practiced brawler" or kick-boxer vibe.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
In City of Heroes, there's no real sense of speed to Super Speed. We simply glide above the ground as though we're on a dolly. There, I could hear the air whooshing by, I formed a shockwave in front of me and my character was SPRINTING! Not jogging like we do in City of Heroes, but outright sprinting, and it looked awesome.
This was one of the very few things that I thought the more recently released competitor beat us on. When I turned on Super Speed in that game, it felt, looked, and sounded a lot different than regular jogging. I would very much like to see something like that in this game.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
It's funny you mention this, because I was just saying last night how I actually liked the alternate punches for MA because they were not as "smooth and flowing" as the Street Justice animations. All of the MA animations, including most of the punches, give me a sense that the character knows how to apply a focused amount of force into a single strike, much like a martial artist should. Where as Street Justice's attacks give me more of a "practiced brawler" or kick-boxer vibe.
All the alternate punches for MA look like untrained haymakers to me.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
All the alternate punches for MA look like untrained haymakers to me.
I guess I can see that for Crippling Axe Kick, since it's alternate animation is a haymaker, and for Eagle's Claw's alternate of the "face smasher" animation. But I don't see that in the rest. Storm Kick's "Gut Punch" and Cobra Strike's "Uppercut" look pretty much like one would think they should. In fact, the Uppercut in Cobra Strike looks almost exactly like Street Justice's Assassin's Strike.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.