New Powers or New Animations?




Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Pretty much this. 100% in favor of new animations and better power customization over new niche sets.

Examples of things that would completely revamp a set for me:

- Beam Rifle (Blaster primary) - Eyebeam animations instead of a rifle
- Energy Manipulation (Blaster secondary) - Martial Arts animations instead of pompoms
- Thugs (Mastermind primary) - Professionals in black suits or trenchcoats instead of punks
- Illusion Control (Controller primary) - Head animation for Spectral Wounds, Phantom army creates copies of the character, Phantom creates copies of the character
- Forcefields (Defender primary) - Minimal FX option for the bubbles
- Stone Armor (Tanker primary) - Thin metal plating instead of stone slabs
- Claws and Spines (Scrapper primaries) - Dual Weapons animations, energy or psychic claws/spines (appearance only)
- Blood Widow / Night Widow - Dual Weapons animations, energy or psychic claws (appearance only)
- Arachnos Hunter - Dual Pistols instead of combat rifle
- Kheldians - Minimal FX option for Nova and Dwarf (retain your costume even if shapeshifted)
For the EM comment..I've actually reuested that many times! Lots of attacks in elemental sets, I think could use MA style attacks, but come equipped with MA style animations!

Glowie foot that delivers an EC or a Glowie Fist that delivers a CK.

Can do the same with ELM, Storm Kick style animation but it delivers the electrical shock with it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I would like to see new animations, especially for the weapon sets.

Battle Axe/Warmace: More acrobatic movements
Broadsword: Treating the weapon more like a foil
Katana: More brutal or over-the-top movements
Assault Rifle: Wrist-mounted guns like PPD hard suits
Dual Pistols: Less acrobatic, more like a typical western gunslinger, it doesn't matter if it's all the same or seen as boring, it would be nice to have the option
Claws: More savage, like a bladed Super Strength/Street Justice, doesn't matter if you reuse the animations
Archery/Trick Arrow: Crossbow.
Beam Rifle: Dual Beam Pistols

Elemental swords/hammers: Replace with SS/StJ/MA elemental attacks, for the purely unarmed fighter, conversly add elemental weapon animations/effects to the other powers so that you can have a fire sword melee etc, also a bigger punch for Dark Melee's T9 for those who don't want tentacles.

On a barely unrelated note, I'd quite like it if unlocking Patron powers also unlocked Arachnos maces for Warmace, which can then be used seamlessly with Scorpion's Patron Pool.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
For the EM comment..I've actually reuested that many times! Lots of attacks in elemental sets, I think could use MA style attacks, but come equipped with MA style animations!

Glowie foot that delivers an EC or a Glowie Fist that delivers a CK.

Can do the same with ELM, Storm Kick style animation but it delivers the electrical shock with it.
I say it's about time the devs start listening to your requests.

Thunder kick with an actual thunder attached... yes please!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Sorry to bring up an old point, but this raises a very interesting point.
Please, bring it up as much as you like!

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Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
I say it's about time the devs start listening to your requests.

Thunder kick with an actual thunder attached... yes please!
I think the other reason they don't, besides animation time, is it might make MA less popular, which it's animations is why a lot of people take it. If they can get those animations else where, they may say "Well this set is better and gts the awesome animations"

But that can just be a sign that MA needs to have game mechanics that make it more appealing to everyone.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
- Thugs (Mastermind primary) - Professionals in black suits or trenchcoats instead of punks
Don't the Enforcerses already gain that kind of look with both upgrades? Not that I disagree with all of the thugs getting it, mind you. Be good for a Family-esque gangster.

Speaking of which, here's what I want to see:

Mercenaries: A model swap that makes them into space soldiers. Maybe outright Terran Marines, but if not, at least tech-looking, fully-armoured soldiers like these guys:

Ever notice how Masterminds have precisely ONE high-tech, futuristic-looking set, and that's Robotics. Not a single one exists where people-looking things use futuristic technology.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



MM customization is a whole 'nother ball of wax IMO. Would love to see it happen. I know both sides of the arguments for how it could, why it shouldn't, what limitations might or might not be necessary, etc.

End of the day, my preference would be that pet customization simply makes something like Clown MM's (joke or no joke) unnecessary. Colors. Some clothing options. Some gear options. And emblems. Definitely want my henchmen in most cases sporting my emblem.




They have decided to go with new powersets over new animations and one AT(MM) customization.

They are going to announce new powersets coming down the road Pummit geekfest deal.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
They have decided to go with new powersets over new animations and one AT(MM) customization.

They are going to announce new powersets coming down the road Pummit geekfest deal.
I think they are missing that they can sell new animations for old sets just like they can sell new sets. I think they are caught up in new mechanics.

We are cool with the old mechanics (in many cases), but we really want new animations for those old sets.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I think they are missing that they can sell new animations for old sets just like they can sell new sets. I think they are caught up in new mechanics.

We are cool with the old mechanics (in many cases), but we really want new animations for those old sets.
The path of least resistance. If they sold animations over making new powersets they would be roasted.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
The path of least resistance. If they sold animations over making new powersets they would be roasted.
Judging by this thread I am not sure that is the case man. I love the Broad Sword Concept, but the animations blow. Same with claws. Some things new weapon models are just not going to fix.

I beta is going, and I am sure at some point Synapse will be on, and I will yet again have this conversation with him.

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What would be nice is an alternate (non-tricorder) animation set for the Medicine pool.

Maybe an alternate animation set for Empathy...?

Super Ero-kawaii - Grv/FF Go Girl - Kin/Rad
Dana Roberts - AR/Dev Choh-oppai - DM/Inv Orangah - Fir/Fir

@Lovely Larose(2 and 3 too!) ---------- #Arc 243518 - Just do it.



I'd pay between 400-800 PPs for some fresh animation on an older powerset.

Money talks- I think the Paragon Market really paints the community into a place of participation where they can voice their desires with their cold, plastic credit cards.



I have over six thousand points currently in the paragon market currently that is more than willing to talk. I add at minimum $20 US dollars more every two weeks.

I Stayed up till 3am est (gmt -5) last night to buy staff fighting. As soon as my kids are on the bus I will log back in to see what else went up for sale today.

I am willing to pay for what I want. The devs are aware of this thread, the people in charge of such decisions are aware of it. Perhaps after the current powers in the works are done they will be kind enough to give us another poll on the issue.


Someone going to Player Summit (Cancer is keeping me at home) could bring it up.


If some going would be willing to suggest a power like this for me at the powers panel.

Right now we have ninja run, and beast run which allows us to fight from different stances. I know it is a bit of an illusion because we still go to the standard stance at the beginning and end of the attack, but it looks like we are fighting in a different stance.

Rather than just a straight up cosmetic stance, how about a power pool that has different stances, that do offer a combat benefit? Each stance would have to be mutually exclusive of course as it would change the way the character stands, and ninja run/beast run would also have to toggle the power off. I believe that tech is already in place though.

The order is just an example

Stance 1: +dmg

Stance 2: -end

Stance 3: +acc

Stance 4: +def

Stance 5: +rech

Each stance of course would need a fancy name to go with it. Tiger Stance, Dragon Stance, Crane Stance, Scorpion Stance.... What can I say, I like old Kung Fu movies.

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That's a really cool idea Z. Just out of curiosity, did you intend to include 2 different stances that give +dmg? I'm not saying that Tiger style and Mantis style can't both give the same buff, but 4 stances rather than 5 does make for 20% less work for the devs.

I'd also expect that were this idea to grow legs, it would probably evolve into a whole new "Kung Fu" powerset that included a power similar to Swap Ammo or Staff Mastery with 3 different toggles to change your stance. THAT is something I would buy in a second and use to reroll one of my first scrappers.



Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
That's a really cool idea Z. Just out of curiosity, did you intend to include 2 different stances that give +dmg? I'm not saying that Tiger style and Mantis style can't both give the same buff, but 4 stances rather than 5 does make for 20% less work for the devs.

I'd also expect that were this idea to grow legs, it would probably evolve into a whole new "Kung Fu" powerset that included a power similar to Swap Ammo or Staff Mastery with 3 different toggles to change your stance. THAT is something I would buy in a second and use to reroll one of my first scrappers.
No, I meant to type def on one of them I think.

In a perfect world this would replace confront in the martial arts set. There is rumor that there are power polls being made with the origins in mind. This would be a GREAT natural pool.

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