New Powers or New Animations?




There are a few layers to this that we should probably examine separately:

Level 1 - New power EFFECTS: Take practically any powerset that isn't melee and look at it with cynical eyes. You'll soon realise that the actual animations for any of the powers aren't really important. What's important is the effects of those powers. You could, potentially, have all powers from all Blast sets use the exact same animation and still have a dozen different sets with a dozen different powers each if you vary the visual effects of the powers.

What this means is that new animations can be shared. Hell, old animations can be shared, too. Moreover, this means that new effects can be created for existing powers without messing with animations at all. Sniper Blast, for instance, can have the option of being a "bullet-beam" or a giant fireball or an energy beam proper or something else altogether and still work with the exact same two animations it has now.

Level 2 - New power animations: Just about anything melee comes down to animation, primarily. This is because melee attacks rely, in large part, on exciting, full-body poses and flashy, fully-body animations. For most melee powersets, the visual effects are less important than the animations, and many sets, especially the ones with weapons, don't really have very strong effects anyway.

What this means is that melee sets can really benefit from new animations, especially the Sword/Mace/Axe family as they're very similar and very basic. Super Strength, Energy Melee and the elemental melee sets can probably also benefit from new animations, despite their being more heavily based in effects.

Level 3 - Entire new power animations: Many powers can benefit from both new animations and new effects. Boradsword is a good example, actually. Yes, the set can use some better animations, but the set can also use more flashy effects. Some of Broadsword's most impressive powers are Disembowel and Head Splitter specifically because they use the "pillar of pain" effect. Look at something like Dual Blades, for instance - despite being a "light" weapon set, it is still replete with screen shake and some nasty flash effects which communicate power. Few older sets do this.

Level 4 - Overriding activation sequences: Having non-weapon sets customizable to use weapons and having weapon sets customizable to use bare hands or a different weapon category is a very common request. Though it very likely requires new tech that doesn't exist, it's still something the art team should be looking into very seriously. This is quite literally one of the VERY few frontiers left for City of Heroes to conquer in the realm of customizability.

What this means is I want to, for instance, shoot my Fire Blast out of a gun or fire my rifle attacks out of twin pistols, or perhaps enact my Fiery Melee through a set of entirely fire sword attacks. This would constitute a MAJOR breakthrough which would increase the number of potential character combinations to an obscene total amount.


All of this said, I disagree with Synapse. Irrespective of the workload involved, I want to see new animations, new effects and new animations+effects added to old powersets. Endlessly chasing the new shiny is not a good design goal, and there's really nothing wrong with any of the old sets, at least nothing that can't be fixed with a visual facelift as an option. All the work and resources involved in creating and balancing these sets has already been done and they've stood the test of time. It makes no sense to me to just abandon them just because old stuff is old. Granted, I'm somewhat biassed in that I'm growing increasingly frustrated with so much of the old City of Heroes being abandoned or killed off to be replaced with new stuff.

City of Heroes' chief selling point is customizability and personality. Giving a new spin on an old set enables many, many new characters who would previously not existed because they would have been too much like other characters we already had. This is never more evident than with weapon sets. Giving a weapon set a brand new, unique, different weapon can justify creating a brand new character around it because despite using the same set I have on about five other characters, it's still different because this character looks considerably different. A new weapon makes a set "feel" new. A new set of animations makes a set feel BRAND new.

The simple truth of the fact is the developers don't need to keep reinventing the wheel and tossing flashy new mechanics at our faces as though we're constantly on the verge of exhausting our collective attention span. Folks, take a look at your subscriber lists and note how many T9 veteran players are still playing. We stuck with your game through thick and thin. We were here when the stuff you poo-poo was new and exciting, we looked forward to it and we enjoyed it. None of that stuff has become worse. We still enjoy it, and we'd like to see our old favourites expanded right alongside your new babies.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I honestly haven't had an issue with Super Strength since they added the 'Heroic' animations. I pick and choose between the ones I want, and the end result works for me.


I would LOVE to see alternate animations for the Broadsword/Battle Axe/War Mace group. I would especially love it if they gave them truely unique animations each, but having some form of alternative to at least some of the attacks would be a big draw back to those sets.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Thing is old powerset deserve some love and need unique animations/mechanics like the newest powersets have.

Also we had a round of alternate animations for blast sets, but only for MA and SS for melee.
I wish claws could use some DB alternate animations, like the Vicky's does with their razor blades.



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
I honestly haven't had an issue with Super Strength since they added the 'Heroic' animations. I pick and choose between the ones I want, and the end result works for me.


I would LOVE to see alternate animations for the Broadsword/Battle Axe/War Mace group. I would especially love it if they gave them truly unique animations each, but having some form of alternative to at least some of the attacks would be a big draw to come back to those sets.
I added the bolded portion because I was pretty sure that was what you meant. If not, please correct me.

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Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
I honestly haven't had an issue with Super Strength since they added the 'Heroic' animations. I pick and choose between the ones I want, and the end result works for me.
My biggest problem is that not all of Super Strength can be customized. Specifically, I we don't have a less goofy alternative to hand clap, nor do we have an alternative to Hurl.

Hand Clap I really don't know what one could do with, other than some kind of battle cry, maybe, or just a copy of Fault's foot stomp or ground punch.

Hurl, on the other hand, I do have an idea for, and it involves throwing Propel clutter, at least the larger pieces like forklifts, cars, garbage containers and so forth. I'd use it.

Might not be a bad idea to include a few kicks for some of the powers, too. I would be happy with Haymaker, say, getting a copy of the Kick animation with the same yellow explosion effects.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd prefer both but if I was forced to choose I'd vote for new power sets.



I'd love to see some new animations get spread around. SJ's Rib Cracker would be perfect as another alternate for MA's Cobra Strike, for example.

But the option of having Staffs and other stuff for origination points for powers could be interesting, only issue is that blast sets that don't have weapons are balanced around not having redraw, which opens a whole new can of worms.



Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
I'd love to see some new animations get spread around. SJ's Rib Cracker would be perfect as another alternate for MA's Cobra Strike, for example.

But the option of having Staffs and other stuff for origination points for powers could be interesting, only issue is that blast sets that don't have weapons are balanced around not having redraw, which opens a whole new can of worms.
Magic is cool like that though. No need to draw it, when it can just appear. Think about Highlander and all those swords they pulled. With magic things can just appear.

Sam, the real issue I had with that round of alternate animations we had before as they were just not fun to watch. The only one that I liked was the ground punch for SS. All of the punches for MA looked more like some one throwing a baseball. Compare those to the amazing work done in Street Justice, or the punches thrown by some of the creatures in Preatoria.

I am not saying that I would not still like to see some new powers, like Psi melee. What I am saying is I would pay the same price for animation packs that I would for those new power sets. Judging by the thread, I am not alone. I hope more people speak up, so they can see this an item they could sell. I am not sure it matters though, we have told them we want quivers for years, and we still don't have them. :/

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"New animations" covers power pool customization. I would pay for Super Speed with the Ninja Run animation or Teleport via Rikti portal, smoke cloud, or the particle effects Prof. Echo uses much, much sooner than I would pay for yet another powerset I'm not going to use because I have too many unplayed alts already.

This isn't to say that when we get power pool customization ALL of it should be paid for - things like custom-colored epic pools, flyposes as power animations instead of emotes you have to trigger every time you take off, and no-FX-in-PVE Hasten ought to be at the very least part of the package deal for being VIP.

{}... .-



New animations for certain. Hell, though, if they ported ALL those new blast animations they did to every other blast set? That'd be a ton of options right there. I simply don't understand them limiting each blast set to the original and ONE variant of the new animations. That seems...well...daft?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I like many of the new mechanics. I like many of the new powersets. But.. I love the older, simpler sets and as for newer animations that could breathe new life into a set.. Heck yea.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My biggest problem is that not all of Super Strength can be customized. Specifically, I we don't have a less goofy alternative to hand clap, nor do we have an alternative to Hurl.

Hand Clap I really don't know what one could do with, other than some kind of battle cry, maybe, or just a copy of Fault's foot stomp or ground punch.

Hurl, on the other hand, I do have an idea for, and it involves throwing Propel clutter, at least the larger pieces like forklifts, cars, garbage containers and so forth. I'd use it.

Might not be a bad idea to include a few kicks for some of the powers, too. I would be happy with Haymaker, say, getting a copy of the Kick animation with the same yellow explosion effects.

Some things I would want and would pay for in a "Premium Super Strength" power set:

-Better sound. There's zero impact and power conveyed in SS, compared to Street Justice and Titan Weapons for example.

-A better Hurl. One that, as Sam said, picks from a variety of objects. Also one that can be used in the air; if Dual Pistols never have to reload, I should be able to pull objects out of hammerspace to throw.

-A better Foot Stomp. Again, one that doesn't exclude flyers.

-Hand Clap to be thrown the Hell out until they can make it useful. Turn it to KnockDown at the very least.

-KO Blow having KnockBack instead of KnockUp and the appropriate animation. People don't like KnockBack, but on the power very likely to KILL the target you'd be knocking back, that's not a huge issue.

-Improved animations and even more custom variants for the remaining powers. Maybe get a backhand in there, some kicks, a headbutt, etc.




we already have enough power choices (wouldnt mind radiation melee though) i think the devs. should take some time away from trying to make new ones and come out with new animations



We still don't have stretching, shrinking, or growing. Theses are some basics of comicdom.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
Id like them to go back and do a few alternate options for almost every power that isnt melee or defense. So all ranged, control, buff and blast(minus Dual pistols, archery AR, traps etc). It doesnt even have to be terribly unique for each set. Basically id like to see an alternate that makes the power:

Shoot from a gun, both pistol and rifle
Shoot from a wand/staff

This would really open up alot of possibilities imo. Redraw could be reduced. For example if you wanted to be a Energy Rifle/Kin defender. If you could use your rifle to shoot the boffs and debuffs then you woudlnt have to redraw to shoot. Moreover it would give players more flexibility as to the origin of their powers.

Also, in addition to "rifle" it would be nice if we could get an alternate that mobs have, using the mminigun animation stance? Like the boomers etc. That way we can also open up some of the mob weapons we havent been able to get.

Also, I would love to see alternate pet models, but thats really reaching most likely.

i dont think that's too much of a stretch, personally. atleast not for the control sets. MM's yes.

but with examples like Animate Stone's several options [that are also color customizeable] that are basically the same model/rig with different skins, and also powers like Light Form for PB's where you can pseudo transform yet have the same powers... and ALL NPC transforms for that matter...

alt pet models shouldnt be too out of reach.

i'd much rather have... ANYTHING than the wolf for dark control. and maybe plant could have a Devouring Earth Rosethorn option, fire imps could be lava blobs like the animate stone option...

but ya, i also dont see why newer sets havent been released with at least a couple animation cuztomization options. Dark Control for example has the Fear Cone. that could have had a Hand cast option like the fire/cold breath attacks at the least...

now THAT is a lot of customization potential that is yet expanded.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
New animations for certain. Hell, though, if they ported ALL those new blast animations they did to every other blast set? That'd be a ton of options right there. I simply don't understand them limiting each blast set to the original and ONE variant of the new animations. That seems...well...daft?
agreed, i was expecting atleast two alternate options for most powers, maybe even three, esp the ranged attacks. and we barely got one. :/



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
We still don't have stretching, shrinking, or growing. Theses are some basics of comicdom.
Indeed. Or morphing limbs, like Prototype, Carnage and Sandman. I've heard energy whips like in Iron Man 2 and Omega Red mentioned. That's an awesome idea...that's probably too much work for the devs, not to mention not fitting properly with the very limited scope of AT design.

There are a lot of good ideas, most of them hard. There's also a lot of meh ideas just are just iterations of weapon sets we don't have yet, which seem to be what the devs have been doing and sticking unique mechanics on to make them interesting. I'd like to get back to actual super powers again; I can fiind staff fighting in just about any fantasy MMO, and dual guns in any generic shooter.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I can fiind staff fighting in just about any fantasy MMO, and dual guns in any generic shooter.
Both powers are very comic book powers. They do fit the game, which is why I am not totally against new powers. I would just like to see a better split between new power sets, and new animations for old sets.

I hate to do it, but I keep coming back to claws and BS. Those animations are just...well...boring. It may be because I have been looking at them for 7+ years, but even in the beginning they were boring compared to some of the other games on the market.

I am pretty sure it would suck as an animator to be told "Hey, this moth you are going to be working on alternate animations for sets we already have made." I am sure they are going, "But I don't get to do something new and cool like staff fighting?" I promise if you are the person who makes exciting animations for old sets, you will be just as praised as Dink was for porting costume options from male to female.

Shoot, most of us have already said we would even PAY for new animations for old powers that we love.

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I'm for new suites of animations. But here is what I would suggest: rather than making new suites of animations to distinguish say fire from all other powers, consider Premium Power Customization Themes(tm) that could be used across powersets and are purchased not per powerset but per suite similar to purchasing a themed costume. It's about attitude, posture and origin:

Some themes that leap to mind:

  • Stoic Android (characterized by rigid, robot motions, lack of emotion)
  • Cosmic Strength (characterized by big broad, everything looks overpowered and exaggerated gestures)
  • Dancing Dervish (think twin pistols style animations, but taken to 11)
  • Big Things in Little Packages (under-exaggerated powers, the opposite of Cosmic Strength. Think the spoon bender in Matrix. How one might articulate frighteningly massive power within a child character. Imagine your tier 9 nova power happening with the nod of the head or a snap of the fingers! (yes we don't have articulated fingers, I know!))
  • Meditative Magic (longstanding request threads exist asking for more rune or magic based powers. So what about a generic animation suite that uses a wand, magical gesture, cantrips, etc. for blast and support powers? Heck, the set could even be used to summon pistols or an assault rifle to act on behalf of the caster!)
  • High Tech (similar to a Magic set, a set that uses something like the tricorder animation or nanites or surveillance--but cooler--for support powers in particular and maybe for blasts?)

Split the animation suites into three themed sets if need be to make it worth the $$$. 400 pts for the ranged animation suite. 400 pts for the melee animation suite. 400 pts for the support suite.

And once an account has purchased multiple suites, you can then mix and match them as needed in the power customization interface. For example, you might want your tier 8 and 9 to come from the Cosmic Strength set while the rest your powers come from the Big Things Little Packages set. Etc etc.



sillveragefan that is a great idea

the problem is you still have to have an effect. a fireball could be triggered by nodding the head, but you would still need some animation for the explosion.

this especially applies to buffs on characters, zones, etc

so you would need to distinguish between the character animation - nodding their head, and the effect animation- a fiery shield on the target



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
sillveragefan that is a great idea

the problem is you still have to have an effect. a fireball could be triggered by nodding the head, but you would still need some animation for the explosion.

this especially applies to buffs on characters, zones, etc

so you would need to distinguish between the character animation - nodding their head, and the effect animation- a fiery shield on the target
Right. But the *work* for the studio is the animations in the first place. The work tying an ice effect versus a fire effect is nominal. And if you look at the classic original sets, they all use the same origin point for the power FX. As do the alternate animations. And many repeat animations. The tier 1 across many powersets is the same animation for instance. What I am proposing goes against the philosophy that everything should be like Street Justice or other new sets in being entirely unique. With many new adaptable animation suites for the old school sets, we could all pick and choose a much wider range of customization for our characters.

So to clarify, I'd anticipate that the powers would likely *still* use the same FX origins and still use the same FX graphics (though Tunnel Rat here and there has touched on the subject of alternate power FX). But the animations in particular is what you'd be paying for in my proposal. And not necessarily piecemeal--though they could be sold that way as most anything is in the market--but as an entire themed suite allowing any say classic blast set to have at least one new option for animation, tier 1 thru 9.



I'd like to see more alternate animations. I tend to use the "alternate" animations on the powersets that offer them.



As others have mentioned; maybe take a "time out" from making "new" power sets and focus on customization.

* Power customization (new animations for the older sets)
* MM Pet customization (for those that want to make their henchmen look different as well as for those that don't want dogs for their pets, etc...)
* Ancillary power set customization (again, I think if you just added a Null the Gull "suppress Hasten and Super Speed effects" option that would "solve" 90% of the issues we have at the moment)


Yes I too would pay for the customization. How much would I pay? Depends on what is being offered. But I would say don't go over 800 points.

Have a "power customization" pack that would have new animations for at least 2 power sets (Claws, Broadword, or what have ya) and sell it for 400 points...done and done (maybe even 800 if the animations are awesome enough )!

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Another vote for Animations - and I would pay for them

I've yet to play any of the shiny new powersets because I still like my older characters so much. My main, an SS Brute, probably wouldn't be played nearly as much if she still had all the old SS animations. Ditto for my MA Scrapper. I figure many would feel the same about older sets be updated.

I do wish there was a *random* animations feature for sets like these though - I'd like my SS brute to sometimes use the old animations, and sometimes the new, completely at random



It dawns on me that they missed a chance to put different stances in the game with Staff melee. How much cooler would the set have been if each Form caused you to fight from a different stance?

I realize that it may be an bit of an illusion that you are fighting from a different stance with powers like ninja run. I say this because you still attack, and return to the base stance. It is the ready stance that is different.

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