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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
    DCUO was one of those 'get to top level and raid over and over and get leet gear' and I hate that kind of setup.
    That's being mighty generous. I couldn't stand how utterly stunted making heroes/villains is. I entered what input I could, waited for the next screen and thought "Wait, what?" when I was told I'd be entering with what I had there.

    I realize you pick up parts along the way, but that's NOT the reason I picked the game up in the first place.
  2. It's probably already been said, or something similar enough, but I'll add my feedback (Sorry, everyone, I didn't read the entire thread. )

    I bought CO back in '09 when it first came out and I was... selectively pleased. The graphics were a step up, but everything felt either overpowered, gimped, or just clunky.

    Finally, when I tried to get back into the game in '12, I realized that almost half of the costume pieces I'd used and loved were made unavailable to me, as well as the characters I'd left behind.

    In confusion, I jumped to the forums and asked for help, where I was informed that I'd just been "renting" the costume pieces and freeform character slot for the price of their monthly fee.

    After paying their $50, I was in no better a place than those who had just downloaded the game that day.

    I sighed, told the community that this was not likely the game for me, and I left without looking back. It felt really shady to me.
  3. What would make the best Superhero game out there?

    Perhaps, and call me crazy, but maybe some more input from the community? Not just commentary and suggestions, but entire content.

    I have a crazy dream of sandbox-like tools being released to the CoH community, where people would work with/modify polygons, smooth out edges in their favorite pieces and make radical designs while experimenting with settings, defaults, customizations, sliders, angles, lengths, widths, depths, translucency and a myriad of other tools that would allow players to create their own costume part.

    Once these parts would be created, they would be submitted into a separate subforum dedicated to judging and feedback of said piece. And once a month, contests would be held and pieces would be added- pieces made by the community and given credit for.

    But again, I'm batty.
  4. Because I never asked for it to happen before.
  5. (Because ALL cool posts have a sunglasses-wearing smiley next to them, right?)

    I'll keep this short and simple- I bought City of Heroes back when it had originally came out and I had no idea what computers did/were. My crummy rig gave me half-rendered polygons and meshes because my Graphics Card was downright terrible and I took terrible care of the computer.

    Blah blah, new computer years later.

    City of Heroes runs well, as does City of Villains. It's a game that hooks me in and gets me not only through most of High School, but most of College.

    Blah blah, bigger, better things, blah blah, degree in something, blah blah.

    City of Heroes inspired me in ways no other MMO did- in fact, it was the FIRST MMO I'd ever played- I hadn't even touched Runescape before this. I still have the old booklet where Fold Space is still in and Katana and Broadsword share power names.

    Blah blah, rose-tinted glasses and nostalgia.

    Good bye, everyone. Thank you for all the times, both good and bad. Thank you for being there in a special way for me, and I hope some day we'll see a rebirth of Superhero MMOs.

    If City of Heroes did all of this on an engine older than WoW's and game mechanics like... City of Heroes, imagine what could be done with modern technologies and developments?

    And that's all I've got to say about the war in Vietnam.
  6. I don't mean to resurrect a dead issue, but perhaps I'm just not seeing the issue through?

    When I'd begun playing as Premium once again, I had roughly 12 unlock slots- I now have 5. This is because of the 7 I'd used, there are STILL slots I had unlocked on that particular server, but those slots are not being occupied by the characters that I had made in those slots originally. All of the characters are locked once more, and the unlocks I'd used on that server are now used on empty spaces.

    I'm sorry if I'm not too accustomed to dealing with server/global slots- I'd just like to play with the same characters that I'd been using before I'd switched over to VIP.

    Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    every time you drop down to premium it re locks all of your characters, it however also grants you global unlock tokens based on how many slots you bought + the 2 that are default for everyone

    so all you have to do is unlock the toons you want to use with the tokens that you have
    Thank you very much- I had not noticed that the amount of unlocks had increased accordingly.
  8. Hello and howdy! I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, or if this question is just answered so often that there's a copy/paste response lurking around.

    I got back into CoH lightly a couple of months ago- made my Premium account shine, used a bunch of my server slot unlocks and generally had a good time.
    So it was time to up the ante! I upgraded to VIP, but after almost a month, I just felt like I needed to focus my money on more important things (bill/car payment stuff.) I let my account downgrade.

    I come back in, only to find ALL of my characters locked! Even the ones I'd unlocked, or made during my Premium days! All of the unlocked slots had been shifted to empty places, allowing me to create new characters, but not access the ones I'd already made!

    I put in a Help ticket, but I got a response that contacting them was... VIP-only?! What?!

    I love CoH Freedom as much as anyone- being able to play all I want for free is a lot of great fun, but as it stands, I feel like my characters are being held hostage by VIP status. Is there anything that can/should be done? Or is this an actual working-as-intended feature?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    I feel like those simple costumes aren't really storied though. You take Superman vs Iron Man for example. Superman is a guy in a suit 'with powers' it's not that Iron Man's story is 'better' or that his costume is 'better', it's just you can SEE his story IN his costume. You can see that a half demon is a half demon, a water/fire/earth elemental is as such.

    Take 'The Shadow' vs 'The Phantom'. Going after evil doers. What is the Phantom about? Purple tights and guns, and a skull ring. What is that? (Billy Zane... SLAM EVIL! - LOL) Then there's the Shadow. Hat, cowl, trench coat. You know what this guy is. He is the dark hero, who is going to mess people up and be all mysterious. You know as soon as this guy is on the cover, as soon as the radio guy describes him, and as soon as he walks on set. That's what those clothes MEAN. A costume like The Phantom's doesn't do that.

    lol wut?

    BAMF right here...

    Unless you're Batman.
    Batman does just fine in tights.
    But that's Batman...
    Well, the Shadow's only different because he's got Alec Baldwin.
  10. I did not know you could just /ah to bring up the Auction House
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

    Tier 9 is for those of us who have played the game for a dedicated amount of time.

    Who have earned it through dedication. No Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I must has nao.

    Sorry to see your 2010 reg date, but you must wait.
    I fundamentally disagree. Nearly every costume piece in this game has been AT LEAST ported over to the Market, and there's a good reason for it- because people like making their concept heroes and villains from the get-go!

    There's no one crying here, there's no one saying they "must" have it now- it would just be a fundamentally good idea. If you'd like to offer a rebuttal, please show me ONE instance in which restricting costume parts (making them inaccessible by at least cash.) has been a good idea. Hell, even the Kheldian sash that Sunstorm wears is a sought-after piece on the wishlist.
  12. Wow... You need MORE reason to stay Premium?

    Listen, I used to be subscribed to *another* Superhero game. I bought it back in '09 and I had some fun, but not nearly enough fun to make it worth my while. So, I cancelled my subscription.

    A few years later, the game goes f2p and I say huzzah! I rush to create a few new heroes, but as I'm looking through the available costume pieces and I notice many of them locked. "What is this?" I ask, wondering why I cannot use most of the costume pieces I had used back when I subscribed. "Why are these locked?"

    I took a stroll to the website and the forums, only to find a barrage of fans and apologists telling me that "You're just RENTING those costume pieces." and "You want 'em back? Resubscribe!" (I picture those comments being spoken in a snobby, English accent.)

    So there I am- unable to play my old (freeform) characters, with a total of 2 slots I can make characters on, unable to select from more than half of the powers that were available when I subscribed, and a plethora of costume pieces I'd enjoyed. I, who had bought the game for $50, was indistinguishable from someone who had downloaded the game on that very day.

    And after all that, you're telling me CoH needs MORE benefits to free players? After all the amazing gifts we already have?

  13. Wait... you're telling me I don't HAVE to be at WW to do business?

    Dammit, I need to stay updated on these features! D:
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post is giving away costume codes to unlock the Alpha and Omega costume sets as part of the 8th anniversary:

    American version:

    European version:

    There are 5,000 American ones available, and 500 Euro ones.
    Woohoo! Thank you, GG, for this awesome find! I've been trying to save up for those sets, but this lets me put my money towards other fun stuff!
  15. I don't like it because I like making my own characters with their own backstories and personal ideologies.

    Having all of that predetermined for me strikes a harsh nerve.
  16. Sigium

    How badly...

    I'd love to see archetypes to give the villains something that isn't Arachnos in nature.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post

    at about the 37:50 mark Positron gives an answer to asymmetrical costume parts that should shed light on this subject.
    Thank you for this link. This sheds some (unfortunate) light on the issue.

    I'm kinda disappointed that through the lifespan of CoH thus far, Paragon hasn't gotten sufficient tech to upgrade the capacity of our rendering and other techspeak I don't know where it belongs.

    tl;dr - sadface. Wish our stuff was better.

    Because otherwise, I'd get in trouble for posting naughty words.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    asking why they don't double the number of costume piece and pattern locations?

    because that is what you are asking for if you can choose separately for the sides of your body
    How do you equate double the costume pieces with asymmetry? There's a grand line between asking for a reconsideration of anchor points on character models and having to redesign, recreate and retexture an entire library of costume bits.

    As it stands, I wouldn't be asking for a single new design to be made- just to reinvent the way in which our current designs are placed. The issue is anchor points.

    Furthermore, the anchor points I'm asking for include gloves, shoulders and boots. How is that, in any way, asking for doubling the number of costumes?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    it's hard to do a lot with it, but there asymmetrical pieces for almost everything if you look
    Yes, I could have a robotic arm, gladiator shoulders, Imperial Dynasty 6 belt and a whole bunch of other asymmetrical stuff, but there's a FINE line between being able to make something and make something look good.

    If that were true, McDonald's could market their product as gourmet food. "What?! It has a bun, it has meat, and it has cheese! It has almost everything gourmet food has!"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    costumes are already asymmetrical vertically and radially, now you want asymmetry horziontally as well?

    some people are just never happy
    Apparently YOU haven't met my main, Long Legs McGee.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Glowing is fine, but I'd much rather a feature that allowed us a list of tattoos to choose from and the ability to place them anywhere on the Avatar with a X-Y-Z control axis.

    Give us the control to move them up, down, left, right, rotate them and make the larger or smaller. Like the company that originally created this game did in their space game where players boldly go into the final frontier.
    This. This right here.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think it does - which is why they haven't made many more
    Also a fair assessment. However, doesn't the existence of just one set mean the devs had to, at some point, have said "Well, here's the deal... This could cause the server some severe problems if too many people wear it at once. Let's put it in game anyway."?

    I don't see a multitude of people walking around with said arms, but they're still available- couldn't it be considered non-game-breaking to implement something like that on a larger scale?

    Once again, I think the CoH server capacity/hardware capabilities has improved since launch- I don't think there's that same risk of lag, or other associated problems from loading more textures.