How badly...
Eh. I could do without.
Wouldn't mind seeing the Blood of the Black Stream expanded on, though. And a Rikti EAT that covers how Rikti society is changing and how human society is evolving based on the Rikti, with them still being here and some even allies, would be awesome too.
I wouldn't mind something specific to Praetoria, similar to how the VEATs tied in to RI. An additional possiblity could be having something from the non "untopian" entities.
Rikti would be -really- interesting. Costume Team Nightmare! though
I could be okay without as well -- Long as they keep coming up with interesting powersets and revisions to current ATs.

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
The "Primalist" AT is coming, and even though I am not a fan of the quadrupedal rig, it looks like fun, not to mention reasonably strong
@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter
Eh, I wouldn't mind a PEAT, otherwise I am happy with new powersets in existing ATs.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
Count me as someone who really has little-to-no interest in new ATs... other than some shapeshifting thing they can cleverly use new mechanics to accomplish (and, yes, this is what I've said before anything was leaked).
There are other things I want to see far more badly and I've always felt like the current ATs cover everything quite well.
Further power customization (pool, ancillary, epic powers) sits at the top of my list of desires, miles above new ATs.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Would still love to see (and willing to pay for) a Combat Specialist AT.
Able to mix up weapons and hth styles (without redrawing). Don't need new animations, except for you know still keeping the weapons in hand.
Dual Pistols and StJ mix? Yes!
Katana and MA mix? Yes!
Combination of both those and others? Yes!
I'd make it a tree style AT similar to the VEATS. Pick a Range style and pick a melee style for the Primary and then pick a Defensive Style for the secondary.
Throw in various Epic Power Pools that covers staying natural (Body Mastery) or adding elemental abilities (Fire, Cold, Dark, ect Mastery) with no preset Origin (let the player decide if they're well trained or if their scientifically created, or mutant, what have you).
Then the player can also use the multiple build options to change it up!
Build 1: Dual Pistols & StJ Trees with this Defensive Tree (Id make it so you can go multiple ways with the defense...defense + heal, defense + resist, resist + heal, ect).
Build 2: Broadsword & SS (closest I can think of for a boxing style) Trees
Build 3: Katana & Martial Arts
or what have you! There's Staff, there's Claws, certain combos may not be useable without some redraw of course (like Staff & Dual Pistols) might even allow the AT to have Katana + Pistol combo.
But this is what I would like to see for a new AT.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
A devoured PEAT would be awesome. >.>
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
After the PEAT, I'd be fine with no new ATs... just new power sets for the existing ATs.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

I don't want new AT's for the sake of new AT's. I don't buy new powersets for instance.
I would like new AT's that were fun to play - but that's not really saying anything.
if the game never added new AT's I would probably be fine with that.
I like epic ATs, just for the focus they *can* bring to a specific part of the lore. However, the fact they're not just powersets but powerset and 1-50 story makes developing them more difficult and time consuming.
That said, I *still* want to see them develop the once-mentioned Coralax and Blood of the Black Stream EATs. Because, after all, besides lore they'd practically REQUIRE new areas to be developed... and if they'd develop those new areas/zones, they'd have to open them up to everyone to really justify it.
So... underwater/coral city and ancient/modern Egypt/middle east, thanks to EATs? I'd go for it. (Moreso if they'd also add base items/themes.)
As nems are making their move no doubt we'll see something involving them like we have done with others in the past

Wouldn't mind a shape shifting AT. Although expanding on a few older one would be nice. I'd like another few versions of energy blasters(with all new sounds).
NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.
I'd love to see a Melee/Support AT - an AT that can get in there and fight and aid their teammates while looking sharp with weapons or kung fu kicks.
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
Depends entirely on the playstyle of the ATs, and whether they get a decent story (lolVEATs).
A couple of years ago, right at the end of the 2nd Rikti War, I would have paid $30 or $50 for a Rikti Epic Archetype that added Rikti Traditionalists as a hero archetype with their own story arcs and Rikti Restructurists as a villain archetype with its own archetype.
These days, there isn't much of anything going on in the story that I think calls for a new archetype.
Our current ones aren't even balanced properly. We REALLY don't need more.
Our current ones aren't even balanced properly. We REALLY don't need more.
Seriously, I can't think of anything I want to play that can't be accomplished with the current ATs. We might need new power sets to make some things I'd want, but not new ATs.
NO lore based AT. I can make up stories on my own just fine, and would rather have the gameplay tools to build my characters than to have to tweak my background to fit a predetermined template.
Ranged or Assault/Armour AT
Melee/Buff AT, since a lot of people seem to be in favour of that *shrug*
EAT: Long Overdue: Rikti.
Story For: Heroes and Villains
Rikti Traditionalists: Heroes
Rikti Restructurists/Rogues: Villains
Allow Access: Rikti Body type: Costumes
Allow Access: Rikti lore: Powers
Logic: Undeniable. Submit: To Our Domination
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
We clearly need a three armed AT, so that we can at long last have Dual Blades/Shield.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Do you want to see new archetypes?
What kinds? Epic? Normal? Both?
Would you care if there was a story reason for them to exist?
You may begin.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.