How badly...




Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
I understand some people like to role-play and come up with extravagant and detailed stories for their characters (I do it too);
however, at some point you have to come down to Earth and realize that you are not playing your own game.
You are playing a game written and developed by someone else. It is that way with ANY game you play, unless
it is a table-top...even then you're running into the same issues. Your character exists in another person's universe.
It is not and never will be YOUR universe, so anything that "steps on your toes" needs to be gotten over.

Actually, I don't get why people seem to think it's either-or. My Khelds, for instance, have their own backstories, their own RP, their own interactions - the Kheldian War storyline just happens to be running at the same time *also.*

It's kind of like being in IT. Yes, you go to work and work on systems (or code or whatnot.) On occasion you'll be called in to work on something that just came up and needs doing. But you also have a life outside that where you hang out with friends, drive to the store, pay bills, etc. They're not exclusive.

Heck, you can decide just how big of an impact you want it to have - the storyline's important to you, or you completely ignore it (or ignore it after your costume at level 10 if you're a veat,) or any mix in between.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Not really interested in more.
Powersets yea, ATs nay.

the next EAT I play past level 5 will be the first.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Actually, I don't get why people seem to think it's either-or. My Khelds, for instance, have their own backstories, their own RP, their own interactions - the Kheldian War storyline just happens to be running at the same time *also.*
I completely understand this too. All of my characters have back-stories and adventures outside of the preset lore and story arcs of the game; however, when my characters are involved in certain storylines (i.e. the Incarnate storyline), I don't get irritated because certain things weren't done the way I want them done. For example, it makes perfect sense to me that my Lore pets have the Reflections aura surrounding them because they are reflections--manifestations of people/things I have interacted with before.

It's the same thing with certain other arcs throughout the game. The "Origin of Power" arc doesn't offend me like it does some other, more vocal, players. It isn't absolute truth, it is the contacts' observations of their own origins--which is naturally biased and subject to human predispositions. Perhaps I am just justifying it for myself, but a lot of the arguments brought up when discussing lore and how it "steps on toes", just seem childish and entitled. YMMV.




Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
I completely understand this too. All of my characters have back-stories and adventures outside of the preset lore and story arcs of the game; however, when my characters are involved in certain storylines (i.e. the Incarnate storyline), I don't get irritated because certain things weren't done the way I want them done. For example, it makes perfect sense to me that my Lore pets have the Reflections aura surrounding them because they are reflections--manifestations of people/things I have interacted with before.

It's the same thing with certain other arcs throughout the game. The "Origin of Power" arc doesn't offend me like it does some other, more vocal, players. It isn't absolute truth, it is the contacts' observations of their own origins--which is naturally biased and subject to human predispositions. Perhaps I am just justifying it for myself, but a lot of the arguments brought up when discussing lore and how it "steps on toes", just seem childish and entitled. YMMV.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
I understand some people like to role-play and come up with extravagant and detailed stories for their characters (I do it too);
however, at some point you have to come down to Earth and realize that you are not playing your own game.
You are playing a game written and developed by someone else. It is that way with ANY game you play, unless
it is a table-top...even then you're running into the same issues. Your character exists in another person's universe.
It is not and never will be YOUR universe, so anything that "steps on your toes" needs to be gotten over.
I accept that it's not my convoluted, uninteresting universe of horribly squandered potential and thank God it will never be. I'm quite happy to play by various practical limits and to accept the general premise of the world, e.g. Paragon City is a place with lots of heroes and the Rogue Isles are rules by an organization called Arachnos. However, the more permissive the lore, the better. The lore should be made as unintrusive as possible so that I can ignore parts that don't fit.

Storyarcs can just be ignored without consequence. EATs can be ignored - although if it happens to be mechanically very good or has a playstyle I've always wanted, I would be irritated that it was not just implemented as a regular AT, with optional lore-specific parts like animations and costume parts. Occasionally the game coughs up something that's a bit harder to dismiss, like the original IDF-only lore pets. That made it comparably more difficult to handwave the entire nonsense with the Well. At least they did backtrack on that one and implement other lore pets, so I just have to handwave the godawful translucent Lore FX.

Stating that the lore is stepping on our toes is not being childish or juvenile, or whatever your next childish, juvenile personal attack will be (I do accept that many people make unreasonable demands, like fully customizable pets using the costume creator). On the contrary, it's reminding those in charge of this stuff that the backstory should stay where it belongs - in the background where I can easily turn a blind eye to it.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
The lore should be made as unintrusive as possible so that I can ignore parts that don't fit.
The post-GR game world must be a living nightmare for you then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
The lore should be made as unintrusive as possible so that I can ignore parts that don't fit.
To this I must vehemently disagree. The lore is the basis of ANY game. It gives the pixels and numbers and animations PURPOSE. I can create the most amazing and awe-inspiring story for my character, but if what I come up with clashes with what the writers have written, then I need to change my story. Point blank.

*snip* your next childish, juvenile personal attack will be *snip
My intention is not to attack you in any sort of manner. I have no issues with you, personally...hell, your first post in this thread was the first time I have ever seen your name on these boards. My argument is merely against the notion that we can't have any new epic, story-based Archetypes because a loud group of people (that is plural, not singling you out) are discontent with the stories that have been presented to us. Your argument of "stepping on toes" is not unique and has been around since the Dr. Brainstorm and Powerset Proliferation fiasco...or the 'Origin of Power" arc, whichever came first. A very vocal portion of the community has been calling for blood since those and all of those voices again are calling for blood for the "nonsense" of the Well.

While I will agree that Powerset Proliferation didn't need a backstory, a rise to Incarnate levels of power DEMANDS a story for it. If you don't like the story, then you don't like the story, and it is your prerogative to dismiss it if you choose. However, calling it nonsense to those of us that actually don't mind drawing our power from a wellspring of human potential (that just happens to have taken on modern human characteristics) is not any better than a perceived slight.




I've long thought that a Rikti EAT would be great. It certainly fits into the mythology of City of Heroes in a great way, and since you could theoretically be either a Restructurist or a Traditionalist, both Red and Blue sides could equally participate in the Rikti fun.

Given the ever evolving Rikti story, as well, it could further expand on the current Rikti in Primal Earth situation (from both viewpoints).

I wouldn't mind seeing a Praetorian EAT, just to balance out the sides, though I doubt it will ever happen. For one thing, you'd kind of need one for both Loyalists and Resistance- or at least something that can cross the lines (which I can't think of offhand; maybe an Interrogator EAT and some kind of Resistance EAT?). For another, given that story is currently cut off at 20, I'm not sure they'll bother.

Otherwise, I'd rather just see them do something to expand the meaning of the existing Origins. I liked the starting "bonus" power of the Origins that came way back when, but I'd like to see something more done to further the depth and differences of the Origins. Back in the day, the starting content was slightly geared towards different stories/missions for the various Origins, but that became increasingly murky, and is generally nonexistent these days. (Add to that so much of the old content is just vanilla compared to the more complex story arcs and missions these days.)



The best one for Praetoria would be a Spy AT, which was actually mentioned in that old marketing survery from before GR was even announced - it fits in with the idea of going undercover for both sides, and could fit in with going to spy on Primal Earth too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The post-GR game world must be a living nightmare for you then
There's been good and bad. On the bright side, we got branching dialogue and side switching. We now at least have an illusion of choice as regards character responses and we're free to play good brutes and corruptors without going through morality missions. They've also attempted to avoid talking down to the player (you get to beat up Bocor in that rogue tip mission, and you talk back to Prometheus, etc.) You're able to unlock Alpha without going through Ramiel's arc (thus ignoring a big chunk of their nonsense incarnate story) which was a pleasant surprise. We got phasing tech which sounds like it has great potential; hopefully one day you can actually log in to citizens greeting you and a statue of you in AP after saving the world from the Battalion. Statesman and Psyche are dead, which I hope means that the League of Dev Self-Inserts will be playing a less prominent role in future.

On the bad side, we've got the whole Well garbage and there was the fiasco with Lore pets (where, to their credit, the devs wisely bowed to pressure). The anti-science, anti-technology bias in the lore has gotten worse with Praetoria, followed by one magic-themed story after another, and culminating in Cole's pointless and senseless nuking of Nova Praetoria.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
To this I must vehemently disagree. The lore is the basis of ANY game. It gives the pixels and numbers and animations PURPOSE. I can create the most amazing and awe-inspiring story for my character, but if what I come up with clashes with what the writers have written, then I need to change my story. Point blank.
That's your perogative. When what I come up with clashes with what the writers have written, I ignore what they have written. Their stuff isn't as fun, and fun is the point of the game.

You obviously like the lore a lot, but others don't, and writing being such a subjective thing means they will never be able to please all or even most of the population. Smart developers will cater to both groups by providing lore but making sure that they don't shove it in the faces of people who don't fancy their concepts.

Re: EATs, frankly I would rather see the developers continue supporting and developing a proven strong selling point of the game (customization) rather than stuff that isn't (their garbage Well metaplot and ugly looking NPC groups with poor backstories). I don't want to see a proliferation of niche EATs becoming a major focus for the development team instead of stuff that's actually useful like new costume sets, powersets and animations.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
It's a bit less impressive if you're only wielding a bit of a sword with your mouth rather than a whole sword. Unless he *broke* said sword with his teeth. Then he gets props.
No, the sword got broken by the guy he was fighting.


He also stabs someone with the sword blade in his teeth after having lost both his arms.
I think that counts as pretty badass

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
The anti-science, anti-technology bias in the lore has gotten worse with Praetoria, followed by one magic-themed story after another, and culminating in Cole's pointless and senseless nuking of Nova Praetoria.
This is confusing. Most of the early Praetoria arcs are science and tech based. There is little to no magic in the original set of arcs. The last couple of areas in Praetoria seem to address WHY that is, which makes sense to me.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
This is confusing. Most of the early Praetoria arcs are science and tech based. There is little to no magic in the original set of arcs. The last couple of areas in Praetoria seem to address WHY that is, which makes sense to me.
The villains of Praetoria use their scientific and technological mastery to manipulate the populace and warp the human form while the poor oppressed magic users hide out in a swamp and plot rebellion while squads of sci-fi raygun soldiers try to hunt them down. It really doesn't get any more obvious than that.

Depictions of science and technology in this game are nearly universally negative. Both are presented as powerless in the face of the major supernatural threats confronting the city, which only mystical understanding can comprehend (and this one dates all the way back to War Witch's line in the original CoH comic, "There are things that science will never be able to understand."). There are no examples of research or engineering organizations using technology for the good of the public; all we have are Crey, Arachnos, Malta and the their ilk. Advanced technology, with exception of the medicom and possibly the war walls, is almost always depicted as having severe negative consequences (see Portal Corp) or being used for evil: witness Cole's nukes, Hamidon's genetic meddling, Enriche, etc. High-tech villains abound, from the Rikti to the Praetorians and Dr. Vahz.

And yes, people will cite Positron as a counterexample, but it's worth noting that Positron does very little with his technology, except for a line in the description of PPD hardsuits saying that Positron had a hand in designing them. He just flies around and blasts people with lasers; he could be a mutant in a clown suit and it would make no difference, really.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Do you want to see new archetypes?

What kinds? Epic? Normal? Both?

Would you care if there was a story reason for them to exist?

You may begin.
Badly enough to pay, say, $20 for one without even batting an eye, probably more if I really liked it. Is that bad enough? Honestly, I feel the basic structure of the game just doesn't do justice to as many character types as it can. I've discussed this with multiple people, and there's really no way to make, say, the traditional concept of the minigun power armour boss of many other games. Sure, NPCs can skirt this rule - that's more or less what Crey Elliminators are, and why they're my favourite NPC - but for us to use guns, we have to be "squishy." Sometimes you can fight back against this design, but that's still going against the grain.

What kind of character? Well, obviously one which can use guns AND armour at the same time, so Assault/Defence. I probably wouldn't want to go full Range/Defence just because it leaves the characters with no close-quarters combat, which is weird for someone who CAN do very well in close quarters.

I've often suggested such a character come with a complex mechanic which rewarded the character with more damage if ranged powers are used at range, but now I have to wonder if it's not better to force the character to become immobile or VERY SLOW to use those ranged attacks. After all, think about how your average miningun power armour boss fights - he does a slow walking advance through enemy fire, shooting back and suppressing resistance. He's not zooming around the battlefield, taking pot shots. Forcing people to be immobilie if they want to use ranged attacks should be enough to discourage "kiting," I think.

As for Epic AT? HELL NO! I don't want any more Epic ATs. I don't want even the ones we have. I don't like them, I don't play them and I don't agree with them. They're too restricted in terms of concept and too closely tied to the game's lore to ever truly feel "my own." I have nothing against fanfiction, of course, but I prefer to write straight-up fiction of my own without having to worry about filling someone else's character mould. The story is good, but I'd rather not HAVE to account for it.

And, no, I don't care for a "story" to explain why the Archetype exists. An archeTYPE is nothing more a type of character, "a universally understood symbol, term, or pattern of behavior," according to Wikipedia. Giving a plot reason why characters can use guns and body armour is akin to giving a plot reason for why people like pie. You see, on Primal Earth, the Well of the Furies infected all human beings with a retro-virus which altered their DNA, causing them to perceive the taste of cake as good. While this does not manifest for all, it still explains why most people like cake. It's also very stupid and unnecessary.

Archetypes don't need to be explained. They're abstract meta-game frameworks used to package powers by types such that the game can ensure a character has access to all the tools necessary for decent gameplay, but not access to so many that all other characters become obsolete. There's no need to meddle in my character concepts by telling me why my characters are what I chose them to be. I chose them, so I'm pretty sure I can come up with a reason for why I made the choice that I did.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Do you want to see new archetypes?

What kinds? Epic? Normal? Both?

Would you care if there was a story reason for them to exist?

You may begin.
Sure new AT's especially some suggested in your excellent thread "Kirsten's Consolidated AT Suggestion Thread". That is by far the best thread in the far.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
The villains of Praetoria use their scientific and technological mastery to manipulate the populace and warp the human form while the poor oppressed magic users hide out in a swamp and plot rebellion while squads of sci-fi raygun soldiers try to hunt them down. It really doesn't get any more obvious than that.

Depictions of science and technology in this game are nearly universally negative. Both are presented as powerless in the face of the major supernatural threats confronting the city, which only mystical understanding can comprehend (and this one dates all the way back to War Witch's line in the original CoH comic, "There are things that science will never be able to understand."). There are no examples of research or engineering organizations using technology for the good of the public; all we have are Crey, Arachnos, Malta and the their ilk. Advanced technology, with exception of the medicom and possibly the war walls, is almost always depicted as having severe negative consequences (see Portal Corp) or being used for evil: witness Cole's nukes, Hamidon's genetic meddling, Enriche, etc. High-tech villains abound, from the Rikti to the Praetorians and Dr. Vahz.

And yes, people will cite Positron as a counterexample, but it's worth noting that Positron does very little with his technology, except for a line in the description of PPD hardsuits saying that Positron had a hand in designing them. He just flies around and blasts people with lasers; he could be a mutant in a clown suit and it would make no difference, really.

Mad/bad/misguided science runs rampant through many major comics and is just a staple of the genre. I can't really argue with the writers staying true to the source material...besides, what good would a hero do in a world where science has already solved all the world's problems?

As far as War Witch's statement in the comics:

As much as I love science in the real world and believe the answers to almost any question can be discovered via observation and the scientific method, there ARE some things science will never understand.




Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
As far as War Witch's statement in the comics:

As much as I love science in the real world and believe the answers to almost any question can be discovered via observation and the scientific method, there ARE some things science will never understand.
In her lifetime sure, but "never" is a looooooooong time. Generations of observation and the scientific method are in fact showing that we can/do understand things that were thought to be "impossible" at one time.

Given enough time I think humans will be able to figure things out that we would consider to be magical or impossible right now. It has been that way in the past and I see no reason for that to change anytime soon. Our quest to "understand" is deeply embedded into our DNA.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
The villains of Praetoria use their scientific and technological mastery to manipulate the populace and warp the human form while the poor oppressed magic users hide out in a swamp and plot rebellion while squads of sci-fi raygun soldiers try to hunt them down. It really doesn't get any more obvious than that.
OK, I see where you're coming from. I don't feel it's as bad as you do however.

Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Depictions of science and technology in this game are nearly universally negative. Both are presented as powerless in the face of the major supernatural threats confronting the city, which only mystical understanding can comprehend (and this one dates all the way back to War Witch's line in the original CoH comic, "There are things that science will never be able to understand.").
Everything on the good side is powerless to the major threats confronting the city... otherwise we wouldn't need heroes. It's kinda the point. It's not like there is a plethora of magical solutions to the problems unfixable by science.

Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
all we have are Crey, Arachnos, Malta and the their ilk. Advanced technology, with exception of the medicom and possibly the war walls, is almost always depicted as having severe negative consequences (see Portal Corp) or being used for evil: witness Cole's nukes, Hamidon's genetic meddling, Enriche, etc. High-tech villains abound, from the Rikti to the Praetorians and Dr. Vahz.
We also have the Carnival of Shadows, all of Croatoa, skulls and hellions and the CoT which are all bad magic.

Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
And yes, people will cite Positron as a counterexample, but it's worth noting that Positron does very little with his technology, except for a line in the description of PPD hardsuits saying that Positron had a hand in designing them. He just flies around and blasts people with lasers; he could be a mutant in a clown suit and it would make no difference, really.
Posi hates clowns.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
As much as I love science in the real world and believe the answers to almost any question can be discovered via observation and the scientific method, there ARE some things science will never understand.
Here's the context of the scene in question (emphasis mine):

Horus: I can't make a Kheldian scanner out of this junk! We've got to find "Requiem", and the Nictus larvae using him as a host. Earth's technology is centuries away from...

War Witch: Listen... Kheldians, Nictus, and my coven must share some of the same psychic powers, or Requiem couldn't have followed me and killed my coven.

Horus: So?

War Witch: So get me some salt, and I'll show you that technology isn't everything.

War Witch: I'm sure Kheldians have all kinds of high tech gizmos, but we aren't just monkeys with shoes. My people have always known things about the universe that science will never explain.
So to me this is much more than stating the fact that some things will forever be beyond the reach of human science (which I don't deny); to me it shows the condescending attitude that science can understand nothing of magic's superior ways. It's worth noting that the Nictus are, of course, horribly transformed by science and in the same comic Requiem is very specifically addressed as "Science-Lord".

This anti-science bias persists with amazing consistency throughout the CoH world. Everywhere science and technology are associated with mutation, perversion, destruction, pollution, corruption, greed and villainy. There are entire zones devoted to it. This is much more than just a case of comic-book runaway science; in comics you can still find positive examples of scientists and engineers. The Lex Luthors and Dr. Dooms of comic-book worlds have their Mr. Fantastics and Tony Starks to contend with. Not so in City of Heroes; there is scarcely a single positive example of a scientist and engineer as a counterpoint to Nemesis or Dr. Aeon. Science can understand nothing and technology do no good in this game's lore, unless it serves some villain or another, especially with weapons.

Magic isn't demonized in the same way. There are evil magicians and mystic organizations (the Carnival, Darrin Wade) as well as good ones (Numina, Dream Doctor, the Midnighters) - which is exactly what you'd expect. Why is it that magic can be treated neutrally and not science and technology? Where is the Victorian engineer-hero, the genius researcher fighting to get his miracle drug to market, the archeologist trying to save ancient ruins from being looted for their magical artifacts, the whistleblower trying to bring down Crey from within, and the crimefighter trying to make a difference with homemade rocket boots and a stun blaster? You'll be hard pressed to find them in this game, at least in the official lore.



Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
To this I must vehemently disagree. The lore is the basis of ANY game. It gives the pixels and numbers and animations PURPOSE. I can create the most amazing and awe-inspiring story for my character, but if what I come up with clashes with what the writers have written, then I need to change my story. Point blank.
the writing for this game is mostly pretty bad. It's improved over the past couple of years, but still isn't anything to write home about. I can count the story arcs that genuinely impressed me on one hand- the Wretch arc villain side & the Twinshot arc hero side.

I'm not going to lower my creative bar to the level of the game.

I mean obviously the game needs a storyline of its own, but players aren't obligated to pay it any heed, and to that end the less obtrusive it is the better.

An analogous situation would be the pen and paper Champions game- back in the day it had by far the best set of rules for superheros. But their 'lore' was just a weak tea ripoff of silver age Marvel, almost beat for beat. Everyone I knew completely ignored their 'universe' and ran their own stories- that was the strength of the game.

Setting and lore are great if they're brilliant- I can't imagine playing Deadlands for instance and subbing in my own alternate Western universe because the one it provides is perfectly realized. That's a world I *want* to explore and immerse myself in.

But this game?
Give me the rules as unencumbered with laborious backstory as possible so I can do what I like with them.
A generic city to fight generic crime in with my super fun character- that's all I want or need.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Here's the context of the scene
It's been a long while since I read those, so I had forgotten the specific context for that statement. Mea culpa.

So to me this is much more than stating the fact that some things will forever be beyond the reach of human science (which I don't deny); to me it shows the condescending attitude that science can understand nothing of magic's superior ways. It's worth noting that the Nictus are, of course, horribly transformed by science and in the same comic Requiem is very specifically addressed as "Science-Lord".
I will concede this point and gladly bow out of this debate. While I care tremendously about the stories Paragon Studio has created over the years, I don't particularly care enough to continue a debate that amounts to nothing more than opinion (largely my own). And I believe I have contributed to this derail for much too long and apologize to the OP for it.

As my location says:

Back to the shadows.

*activates smoke flash*




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No, the sword got broken by the guy he was fighting.


He also stabs someone with the sword blade in his teeth after having lost both his arms.
I think that counts as pretty badass
That sounds familiar. Like perhaps it's something I've seen and forgotten.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



So I guess we're no longer discussing "Do you want to see new archetypes?"

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.