So what happened to the pulp/Golden Age costumes?




I have to admit to being a bit perplexed coming out of the FPS with the various discussions about costume sets and stuff, and being a bit amazed that somehow Cyberpunk and Post-Apocalyptic (which are so rooted in specific decades and genre that it'd be a very niche sort of audience who'd appreciate disrespect to those who do) got moved forward seemingly at the expense of the long-discussed-on-the-forums Pulp/Golden Age costumes.

Again, no disrespect to the aforementioned, but the Golden and Pulp Ages of superheroes is as much intrinsic to the City setting as general supeherodom. And the thread that David Nakayama started was comprehensively discussed, to say the least. I know said thread was eventually shelved, but I felt a lot of work had moved forward in the design and what was asked for. To see that work apparently side-stepped or backburned on in favor of costume sets that has left myself and I suspect a few other people scratching their heads a bit confuses me.

I want to stress here that if this is what the studio wants to do, great. I just don't want to see the work already done on what is arguably more thematic (and I'd argue long overdue) for the game go by the wayside for the sake of populism. Maybe someone spoke up for Pulp/Golden Age, or someone heard or asked something and can clear this up, but it has left me wondering....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I'm all for more old timey and classic costume options- hopefully we'll get some stuff sooner rather than later. The Retro SF pack is a good start!

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They showed WIP shots of a new tights set.
I haven't seen them, were they just regular tights or what I was referring to originally? I've not heard it mentioned thus far.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



assume that new ideas being discussed are a year out
the stuff being released was thought of a long time ago and worked on

they don't ask about ideas and then release those next



Yeah, you have to remember that from conception to release a costume set may be in the works for six or ten months or more. Powers take even longer. These things take long time to make. What they showed was some concept designs of some tights and tight bases patterns that Posi said he'd only gotten about a week ago, and they were more ideas they were playing with for new patterns, tights, etc.

They may, according to Posi, look absolutely nothing like this. They make a ton of these things as they're coming up with concepts.

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Some additional things to keep in mind on the OP's point:

First, the dev staff changes, old projects get shelved, and new ones take the forefront. Just because there was developer interest in a costume set some time back doesn't mean that interest carried through on the team as a whole for something based on it to make it into the game. On the other hand, as others have already pointed out, something that was first mentioned years ago may be on the cusp of appearing in-game now, given the long lead time in development.

Second, the fora develop preoccupations that sometimes either aren't reflected on the dev team or aren't communicated to them. To choose a non-costume example, there is (or maybe was) a player belief that Longbow is an evil, pseudoheroic faction. Based on my own, unscientific survey of the fora, I'd even go so far as to say this is or was a majority opinion among forumites. Yet I've seen little indication that the devs were ever even aware that players thought this way, let alone that they shared this belief. Similarly, I read today something along the lines of, "Why do the devs want to make Radiation Melee when most players on the forums want Thrown Weapons instead?" Even assuming the poster I read was correct, personally, I'd never noticed an overwhelming interest in a Throwing Weapons set, and I imagine the devs and OCR folks could easily be in my position. Things that forumites take as obvious may not be so to developers.

Third, as a corollary of all that, the devs are the developers. They are the ones making the content. They are entitled to play favorites and change their minds just as much as anyone else who produces creative works. If the developers have no interest in making a Golden Age costume set (anymore?) and are interested in making two gritty, futuristic sets, that's their perogative. (I say this as someone who has little interest, in the abstract, in Postapocalyptic and Cyberpunk outfits, though I may change my mind when I see the costume parts themselves.)

With regard to pulp/Golden Age costumes specifically, there's an additional problem. I've seen them mentioned in several threads this weekend, and everyone seems to have a different idea of what "pulp/Golden Age" or related terms mean. (Are "tights" Golden Age? I'd say "no," but some might say "yes," and I can't argue they're totally wrong.) This accounts for the wildly disparate reports on whether we're getting them or not from players.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
Just because there was developer interest in a costume set some time back doesn't mean that interest carried through on the team as a whole for something based on it to make it into the game.
Actually, that's not totally true, especially in any game that uses micro-transactions - finding out what would be popular with players and then delivering something based on it is a vital part of keeping up the cash flow, even if what's being asked for isn't at the top of the list of things that the developers themselves would like to work on first.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I feel like those simple costumes aren't really storied though. You take Superman vs Iron Man for example. Superman is a guy in a suit 'with powers' it's not that Iron Man's story is 'better' or that his costume is 'better', it's just you can SEE his story IN his costume. You can see that a half demon is a half demon, a water/fire/earth elemental is as such.

Take 'The Shadow' vs 'The Phantom'. Going after evil doers. What is the Phantom about? Purple tights and guns, and a skull ring. What is that? (Billy Zane... SLAM EVIL! - LOL) Then there's the Shadow. Hat, cowl, trench coat. You know what this guy is. He is the dark hero, who is going to mess people up and be all mysterious. You know as soon as this guy is on the cover, as soon as the radio guy describes him, and as soon as he walks on set. That's what those clothes MEAN. A costume like The Phantom's doesn't do that.

lol wut?

BAMF right here...

Unless you're Batman.
Batman does just fine in tights.
But that's Batman...



SuperOz, I'm curious what you consider Pulp/Golden Age costumes. Seems to me that most of the characters from the early days are pretty well represented in the costume creator.

Running down the list, I've made characters similar to:

Superman et al
Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon
The Shadow etc.
The Phantom etc.

The Barbarian set lets us make Conan/Kull/Bran and the new Retro Sci-Fi will let us make Captain Future and the like.

The only significant items missing are Doc Savage's torn shirt, Tarzan/Ka-Zar-style loincloths, jodhpurs and some clunky robot bits.

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I'd be happy if we just had more patterns and chest emblems for the tights we have.



Those Jodhpur pants Noble Savage did the concept art for would make a nice Pulp costume piece addition to the game.



I hope they dont forget about textured (not painted) mask with the tights costume set, and also skin tights getting some love too.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post

Those Jodhpur pants Noble Savage did the concept art for would make a nice Pulp costume piece addition to the game.
They put those in....



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
You're wrong....
Resistance pants look just like that to me. o.o



2 pairs of pants were added to the game with the steampunk pack. Neither of those were jodphur pants.



You need to wear the right accessories with classic jodphurs



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post

You need to wear the right accessories with classic jodphurs
That still looks rather silly - they don't really flatter anyone's shape

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Uh, pretty sure they're not meant to.

Not entirely sure what they're meant to do/be, because I don't really understand the giant thigh pocket myself, but they're not meant to flatter anything.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Uh, pretty sure they're not meant to.

Not entirely sure what they're meant to do/be, because I don't really understand the giant thigh pocket myself, but they're not meant to flatter anything.
They certainly don't help with riding - you need your legs covered in something tight-fitting to stop chafing from the saddle - lose-fitting clothing just adds another layer of stuff to rub against your legs along with the saddle.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
SuperOz, I'm curious what you consider Pulp/Golden Age costumes. Seems to me that most of the characters from the early days are pretty well represented in the costume creator.

Running down the list, I've made characters similar to:

Superman et al
Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon
The Shadow etc.
The Phantom etc.

The Barbarian set lets us make Conan/Kull/Bran and the new Retro Sci-Fi will let us make Captain Future and the like.

The only significant items missing are Doc Savage's torn shirt, Tarzan/Ka-Zar-style loincloths, jodhpurs and some clunky robot bits.

Well, I'm not going to try and necro a thread that made 20-odd pages, but things like domino masks (not painted, more importantly eyeless in the classic fashion of the Phantom, early Batman, any number of 1930's-40's heroes), a proper trenchcoat (The Spirit, Rorschach (as odd as he may seem) ), tight versions of jackets and costumes that are cloth-based rather than painted as Tights currently are, hairstyles, johdpurs, era-specific weapons....

Honestly, the list goes on a pretty long way. Try and recreate Golden Age Statesman. I've tried. Try and recreate The Shadow, or The Spirit, or Golden Age Robin. Those parts don't exist. You mentioned the Shadow, but I bet you couldn't find a scarf that covered the mouth as it should. Golden Age costumes just weren't tights, they were often drawn as not spandex but cloths with wrinkles and bags and fabric. Go and have a look at a certain game's Golden Age, Pulp and Retro Sci-Fi sets in a game set in Millenium City and you'll see a prime example of what we don't have.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



We don't need Cranston's exact cowl, we have four or five different ones already from huge like Reaper to small like Assassin. We don't have those exact pants but we have baggy that you can put over small boots and make your waste line wider with a tight belt or the body sliders.

I agree on weapons. I think we need an issue where we just jack up the weapons. 'Arsenal Month' or something. No new costume set, no new enemy group. Just let Dink and the crew go to town on tools of destruction and... peace keeping... but you lost me after that. It sounds like you have a few very specific parts you want and you're not happy with using something similar, and you're trying to talk about it like some gaping hole in what's available.

And in the case of 'eyeless' masks that's not even a costume part that's an art style. Batman and Robin did not have flat white corneas, that's just how they were drawn. CoH does not use that art style, but if you just love it you could fake it with the small mask face options and some of the faces that have blank white eyes, or a stable eye aura set to black.