So what happened to the pulp/Golden Age costumes?




I did say the list was far more comprehensively covered in the thread that David Nakayama started a while ago, VKhaun. It wasn't just me, it wasn't just a small specific list, and it wasn't just me and my renegade band of entitled posters wanting something so minute that it could be easily written off.

Go searching for it yourself if you want to read the thread. I'm pretty sure it's archived and you can go over it and judge for yourself. But I'm not going to play the marginalised whiner when it was something that was widely discussed.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Those Jodhpur pants Noble Savage did the concept art for would make a nice Pulp costume piece addition to the game.
Believe me, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for them. And that makes it really hard to type.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Uh, pretty sure they're not meant to.

Not entirely sure what they're meant to do/be, because I don't really understand the giant thigh pocket myself, but they're not meant to flatter anything.
It's not a "giant thigh pocket." It's meant to be tight for boots or extra wrapping to protect from rubbing. The flared upper part (don't forget, existing some time before modern fabric) was, IIRC, to add mobility/flexibility and aid in cooling. Again, IIRC, it's originally from India, imported to Europe via England.



Jodhpurs. Jodhpurs went out of fashion about fifty or sixty years ago with the invention of modern fabrics that flex a whole lot better, with most riding pants today being nearly skin-tight breaches. However, many classic heroes, and indeed, Doc Savage is typical depicted in jodhpurs. It's part of a whole look from the 1920s, 30s and 40s adventurer.

Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze. Had a Fortress of Solitude in Antarctica. Went through more shirts than Captain Kirk. First published: 1933. Doc Savage and the Shadow are two of the most influential pulp characters. How big? Well... Superman and Batman steal most of their shticks from them, for starters.

Fashion moved on since then, of course, when superheroes started basing their costumes after the outfits worn by circus performers (Superman's is based on circus strongman outfits, for instance).

But the tucked in pants in game look poofy. The Resistance pants are stitched together. We have the Retro Jacket... which hovers three inches over your chest and shoulders and is ancient. I'd like better looking pieces, and some variety in them. Bomber jackets, bib front shirts, barnstormers, better trench coats, Resistance pants that don't look like they were made by hobos. Maybe a tights version of barnstormers or bib front shirt patterns, that'd be awesome.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That still looks rather silly - they don't really flatter anyone's shape
I'd have followed George C. Scott into hell after that scene, not to mention Patton. The *ivory* handled revolver is what really sells it, after all, we know what type of people use pearl handled revolvers.

The pulp/golden age concepts/themes are ones that several of the devs (including myself) have a soft spot for, I wouldn't worry too much about them falling into the abyss, not that this statement is a promise of anything to come (I have to add my usual disclaimer to everything).



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
I'd have followed George C. Scott into hell after that scene
Just as long as pants weren't too wide to pass through the gates

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
And in the case of 'eyeless' masks that's not even a costume part that's an art style. Batman and Robin did not have flat white corneas, that's just how they were drawn. CoH does not use that art style, but if you just love it you could fake it with the small mask face options and some of the faces that have blank white eyes, or a stable eye aura set to black.
Still want masks that don't look painted on, and you know, cover the eyebrows when worn.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Still want masks that don't look painted on, and you know, cover the eyebrows when worn.
I'm pretty sure that style of mask would be one of the first things they'd think about making for a Golden Age pack, as it's such a signature look.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Jodhpurs. Jodhpurs went out of fashion about fifty or sixty years ago with the invention of modern fabrics that flex a whole lot better, with most riding pants today being nearly skin-tight breaches. However, many classic heroes, and indeed, Doc Savage is typical depicted in jodhpurs. It's part of a whole look from the 1920s, 30s and 40s adventurer.

Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze. Had a Fortress of Solitude in Antarctica. Went through more shirts than Captain Kirk. First published: 1933. Doc Savage and the Shadow are two of the most influential pulp characters. How big? Well... Superman and Batman steal most of their shticks from them, for starters.

Fashion moved on since then, of course, when superheroes started basing their costumes after the outfits worn by circus performers (Superman's is based on circus strongman outfits, for instance).

Great history lesson, Doc!
If this were FB I would've just 'liked' it, but it isn't so instead you get this teeny, tiny post...

in an effort to make it worthwhile, I seem to remember back in the day we had a much, MUCH larger selection of 'face masks' of the partial-face covering variety- at some point they all went *poof* and now we only have a few.
Or am I hallucinating again?

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I seem to remember back in the day we had a much, MUCH larger selection of 'face masks' of the partial-face covering variety- at some point they all went *poof* and now we only have a few.
Or am I hallucinating again?
I don't think they went "poof", what happened was the Devs condensed three categories under Head (standard, full masks and masks with hair) into 2 categories. In the reshuffle the Partial Masks no longer cluster together in the costume creator, the options are now listed alphabetically. I've had to rebuild several dozen costume files since the merge, which required a lot of hunting around, but I've never come across a mask option that was missing.



you can't make The Shadow because you can't have a cape and a scarf - they are both back pieces. And new pieces won't change that.

but you can have the fedora, you can use "raider" plus scarf to be a scarf pulled around your face (or the other one which is even bigger but covers more face).

You can have a black cape which goes over the shoulders and is red on the inside.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
What in the hell is the need for all that poofy fabric above the knee? What purpose does it serve? If it was on the inside of the leg, then at least we men could say it was there for when we needed to dress left or right!



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
What in the hell is the need for all that poofy fabric above the knee? What purpose does it serve? If it was on the inside of the leg, then at least we men could say it was there for when we needed to dress left or right!
To prevent tearing while riding a horse. Modern materials are much more stretchy, and we don't need the flares anymore.



Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
I feel like those simple costumes aren't really storied though. You take Superman vs Iron Man for example. Superman is a guy in a suit 'with powers' it's not that Iron Man's story is 'better' or that his costume is 'better', it's just you can SEE his story IN his costume. You can see that a half demon is a half demon, a water/fire/earth elemental is as such.

Take 'The Shadow' vs 'The Phantom'. Going after evil doers. What is the Phantom about? Purple tights and guns, and a skull ring. What is that? (Billy Zane... SLAM EVIL! - LOL) Then there's the Shadow. Hat, cowl, trench coat. You know what this guy is. He is the dark hero, who is going to mess people up and be all mysterious. You know as soon as this guy is on the cover, as soon as the radio guy describes him, and as soon as he walks on set. That's what those clothes MEAN. A costume like The Phantom's doesn't do that.

lol wut?

BAMF right here...

Unless you're Batman.
Batman does just fine in tights.
But that's Batman...
Well, the Shadow's only different because he's got Alec Baldwin.



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
What in the hell is the need for all that poofy fabric above the knee? What purpose does it serve? If it was on the inside of the leg, then at least we men could say it was there for when we needed to dress left or right!
They allow easier movement of the hip and thighs while riding a horse while at the same time, reinforcing on the inside helps protect the inner calf and knee against rubbing. Being able to move around without causing chafing is a real issue if you spend a fair amount of time on horseback. You have to remember that back then, they didn't have a lot of the fabrics we have no. Modern riding breaches are skintight because modern fabrics can flex and stretch in ways that early 20th century materials couldn't begin to match.

They're based off an ancient Indian style of trouser, so there are some Eastern influences in the design. But the simpliest reason? They were in fashion with adventuring sorts both real and fictional during the first half of the 20th century. A lot of this is because, well, horse riding used to be an important skill to have in that line of work. Fashion is a fickle thing.

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@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
They were in fashion with adventuring sorts both real and fictional during the first half of the 20th century. A lot of this is because, well, horse riding used to be an important skill to have in that line of work. Fashion is a fickle thing.
Horse riding never goes out of fashion

Also, hasn't anyone suggested one of those jungle adventurer helmets for this set yet? They kinda go together with the fat thigh look

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That still looks rather silly - they don't really flatter anyone's shape
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They kinda go together with the fat thigh look
Only Golden Girl would worry about whether or not Patton worried about wearing clothing that would "flatter his shape".
Thanks, I needed a good lol there...

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Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
I'd have followed George C. Scott into hell after that scene, not to mention Patton. The *ivory* handled revolver is what really sells it, after all, we know what type of people use pearl handled revolvers.

The pulp/golden age concepts/themes are ones that several of the devs (including myself) have a soft spot for, I wouldn't worry too much about them falling into the abyss, not that this statement is a promise of anything to come (I have to add my usual disclaimer to everything).
I may or may not hold you to your theoretical non-binding statement of possible intent, clockwork man. I shall be watching your gear turning closely from now on.



Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I won't dispute that it would be nice to have *better* versions of what we have (I've long been on record as saying all the masks need to be gone over and improved), but SuperOz's OP made it sound like we don't have anything Pulpy. That's what I was responding to.

You can't make exact duplicates of The Shadow and Buck Rogers, but you can get pretty close. The Spirit and The Spider are pretty easy to recreate. I'd like better domino masks, too, but I'd prefer some new free stuff such as a variety of loincloths (long, short, tattered, leather, cloth, chainmail, etc.) than yet another variation on the fedora.

It'd be awesome to make a character who more closely resembles Solomon Kane with all his Puritan accouterments, but you can make a decent-enough facsimile at the moment.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Only Golden Girl would worry about whether or not Patton worried about wearing clothing that would "flatter his shape".
Thanks, I needed a good lol there...
I didn't mean just him - I meant the big thigh look in general - it's hideous

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Horse riding never goes out of fashion

Also, hasn't anyone suggested one of those jungle adventurer helmets for this set yet? They kinda go together with the fat thigh look
Called a Pith Helmet and yes my British Gentleman Explore Lord Horace Hattings would certainly like one of those. Heck the Firemans Hat could be modified to make something pretty close, the entire reason I never bought that piece was because it could never be anything BUT a Fireman's hat.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm all for more old timey and classic costume options- hopefully we'll get some stuff sooner rather than later. The Retro SF pack is a good start!
I'm with Nethergoat. I think the Retro Sci-Fi pack is just the shot across the bow.


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