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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    Just take it easy
    No need to stress yourself over this. If you feel its too much, just don't do it, it's all freebie stuff anyway and noone will be upset.
    Drawing should be something fun you want to do, not something you have to do

    ...totally agree.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
    dunno.. im toying with the idea of just takin Lady Arcanes pants off..seems kinna strange that shes wearing MORE clothing the normal..

    ( yea, I will add them all the beginning of the thread when there all done. )

    Pants and Bikini top...very sexy Tarty, I love it!

    ...Chibi Lady-A?!?!?!?! You are awesomesauce T add me please!
  3. Lady-Arcane

    Q on Virtue?

    So the map server is dead?
  4. My Dad had pictures of the Monkees dressed up as super heroes. I had to find a pic of it to put up here as an appropriate tribute...

    Its a bird, its a plane, its...THE MONKEEMEN!
  5. Lady-Arcane

    Comic Covers?

    Are you doing them on commission or by request if it interests you?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    wrong forums dang it...

    *giggles and points*
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Camille Thompson View Post

    Hey y'all

    Guess what


    Now you can't UNSEE IT

    Wrong, just wrong on so many levels!

    *laughs as she scratches her own eyes out*
  8. Personally, the same holds true for whatever Arc you follow Red, Blue...whatever. How many times can "Arrogant Hero" be convinced/beaten to a pulp by different aspiring heroes before he throws his hands up and walks away. Can Statesman die over and over depending on when one group does the Arc as opposed to another? I just look to them as "fun" and fodder for the events going on around my characters that they cant control.
  9. That is so cute, I am so looking forward to the rest!
  10. YEA! Total sweetness! Thank you Tartyrsause! Cant wait to see it!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    Edit: Found a picture you posted of Glory-Girl. I especially like the balance of colors, well done!

    I updated her costume due to RP storyline events and will post the new one asap.

    Thank you very much for the kind words. <3

    Older costume of G.G.

  12. All of this talk about Rouge is making me Blush
  13. Feel free to use Lady Arcane in your work if you'd like.

    Lady Arcane can pretty much do whatever you want to Lady A as long as she can wear her favorite boots!
  14. “The Origin of Glory-Girl”
    K. Stevens

    Melanie Alexandra Burton…born into a family legacy of heroes, lead a pretty unremarkable life. She is the 18 year old daughter of Sean Burton (Brother to American Maiden) and has watched her Aunt Betsy (American Maiden II) and her Uncle Robbie (All-Star Sentry) exploits protecting the streets of Paragon for years. She has always looked up to and idolized them both always wanting to be a hero like them. Not having “super-powers” or Military training, she spent most of her young life training in gymnastics, martial arts and dancing to prepare her mind and body to see her dream come true.
    She was always an excellent student in school maintaining a 4.0 average even while heavily involved with extracurricular activities (honor society, yearbook committee, chorus, and cheer squad to name a few).
    Her Uncle (All-Star Sentry) always called her his “little scrapper” while helping her fashion a cape and mask to run around in when she was very young (appox. 6 or 7).After graduation (HS) she applied to PCU as a freshman and was accepted. Seeing this as her chance to fight for justice beside other members of her family she donned the "Red, White and Blue" that her other crime fighting relatives wear and made contact with her aunt Betsy who invited her to apply to the YGA where she hopes to carry on the tradition of duty and honor that the rest of her family has stood for over the generations. She jokingly called herself "Liberty's Darling" during a recent conversation with American Maiden, who thought the nickname suited her. One of the factors (besides her Aunt and Uncle) that made her decide to join the “Spandex Brigade” was the death of Statesman, an tragedy that deeply touched the young Melanie strengthening her resolve to become a hero, to honor the memory of such a great man and her Great-Grandmother the original American Maiden
    She is the 3rd generation of heroes to emerge from the Burton line, her Father (Sean) supports her desire to carry on the tradition, her Mother however is concerned (understandably) for her daughter's safety. The fact that she walks the streets of Paragon City as the teenaged masked Patriot “Glory-Girl” is a secret kept between her and her Father.
    Her costume reflects her age and her background, bearing the colors typical of the Burton families other patriotic heroes and heroines; it also reflects a bit of her personality, most notably her time as a cheerleader in High School, and her love for athletics and martial arts.She has recently undergone a change resulting from exposure to Hydra-Venom in the sewers under Paragon City, after making her extremely ill...this has increased her reflexes and speed to super-human levels (a very similar case of power "activation" to her favorite Aunt ironically).
  15. Lady-Arcane


    No, we ran out of eggs a few minutes ago.
  16. Because shes busy answering your Father's stupid questions!

  17. ...posting in "the thread that would not stay dead".
  18. Oh - used to illustrate surprise or disappointment. (ie. Oh! or ...oh.)
  19. ...because you will come to learn that you were wrong, stupid, silly, and sad.

  20. Because if you don't eat your gruel there will be nothing for the rats to gnaw on.

  21. Because they made fun of you and called you a freak.
