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  1. Paragon Times, 19/03/2012

    The Steel Canyong courthouse was in an uproar today, as Liberty Force's legal battle came to a somewhat explosive end, for now. Liberty Force, an international supergroup, was earlier this year accused of vigilantism in their approach to crime fighting and were summoned to court as a result, represented by the heroes and team leaders 'Athena Dawnlight' and the 'Thunderer'.

    Manning the prosecution and representing the interests of numerous groups throughout Paragon was Adam Smith, CEO of recently founded corporation 'Oracle Inc.'

    While the exact details are not yet know, we here at Paragon Times are aware that former 'Civil Servant' Maximilian Hart was called as a witness in Liberty Force's defence. Similarly, the criminal 'File,' a relatively minor and unknown rogue from the Isles, was brought in to aid in their prosecution. While the group as a whole does not face being disbanded or arrested, our sources tell us that Liberty Force is facing fines in the value of millions, several thousand hours of dedicated community service, and the five years imprisonment of their leader, Athena Dawnlight. What's more, their supporter, Maximilian Hart, apparently admitted to charges of extensive vigilantism and was given the same sentence as Dawnlight. Unlike the Liberty Force leader however, who went quietly with police and was successfully detained in the Zig, Hart resisted arrest and was able to escape custody through the use of concealed smoke bombs. A manhunt has been organised and PPD officials are urging anyone to come forward with information on Hart's whereabouts.
  2. Bored. Only reason why I'm doing this. Having kept a diary since I was like... 10?

    Doesn't matter.

    So! Here I am! Official member of a super group! Pretty cool one at that! Well... Base is, at least. I already know the computer systems hate me, and I get the feeling most of the others don't like me either. Heard Andrew (he's like a second-in-command or something) talking about me to soldier girl and mopy last night, even though he was the one who said it wasn't nice to talk behind people's backs! Hypocrite!

    They kinda suck, actually. Fledgling? Hero wanna-be? I can be a good hero! I'll show them!

    Bad thing about this place: practically everyone is so damn serious! Can't loosen up at all! Of course I can't shoot an apple off someone's damn head from over a billion miles away yet, but they don't have to treat me like a little kid! Worst role-models ever! "Don't aspire to be better, you suck, so get out!". Sheesh.

    Least the food is good.

  3. Paragon Times, 20/10/2011


    Late last night at around 23:00, a huge explosion occurred in a mostly abandoned industrial district of Independence Port. Witnesses described the explosion as forming a mushroom cloud as if it were nuclear.

    Investigations have estimated that their is strong radioactivity in the area. Despite expert's claims that the vast majority of radioactivity will be contained within the laboratory where the explosion is thought to have originated from, police are still advising that all civilians avoid the area until a clean up can begin.

    Nuclear explosions are normally portrayed as city-wide, though this is not always the case and such explosions can range in size immensely. In this instance, the explosion was only capable of destroying several nearby warehouses that are thought to have been deserted.

    No casualties directly linked to the explosion have been found so far, though the decapitated bodies of several members of the street-gang "the Family" were spotted in the local vicinity of the explosion. PPD are treating these deaths and the explosion itself as highly suspicious but can yet start a formal investigation due to raging fires and protective equipment having yet to be delivered.

    Lastly, though unconfirmed, several sources have claimed seeing a massive fiery figure amongst the ruins and debris, with some even claiming to have seen it charge at curious groups of Council, 5th Column, Freakshow and various other villainous factions that have come to examine this thoroughly shocking event.
  4. Paragon Times, 03/10/2011


    The city lay shocked yesterday in the late evening as a huge, wreath-based mark exploded across the skies of Paragon. From our sources in Longbow, we have learned that this act was committed by a ferocious crime syndicate known as the "Corporation", and the story behind why they have seemingly declared war on Paragon.

    Though normally remaining hidden in the shadows and eluding justice for many years, the Corporation finally tripped up several weeks ago and left one of their smuggling tanker ships exposed to a raid composed of both Longbow and the supergroup, the Liberty Force. The raid was a large success says our anonymous tipster, with not only many contraband and stolen goods being seized but a fair few Corporation employees being caught as well.

    Yesterday however, in an act of apparent retribution, the Corporation launched their own attacks, one against a Longbow base and the other against Zigursky Penitentiary itself, to try and free their imprisoned comrades-in-crime.

    As if this was bad enough, our source describes the foul mercenaries as just casually incapacitating the brave men and women of Longbow and the PPD as if they "weren't in the least bit worried about the threat they posed". Such arrogance could only be trumped by the Corp's next act.

    The image shown is of the special bomb the Corp detonated within the Longbow base. Not only did it destroy thousands of dollars worth of equipment, it also scarred our beautiful cities sky with their calling card for at least ten minutes, as if to challenge our guardians to try and continue the fight against them. All but one of the base's staff has been verified to have evacuated before the bomb went off. Our condolences go out to the family of Officer James Frits, who is believed to have perished in the explosion after heroically tackling the Corp agents twice.
  5. Various System logs for the past few days

    Cell A-2 occupied, subject: "Monica Dawson a.k.a Bombardment", reason: "Girl joined then betrayed us, blew up a Crey lab and attempted to ambush and finish a few of us off when we went to investigate"

    Cell A-2 vacant, reason: "Subject docile enough to be moved to a status of base arrest, seems to be suffering from amnesia"

    Cell A-2 occupied, subject: "Monica Dawson a.k.a 'Bombardment' a.k.a '134'", reason: "Subject broke base arrest and acted abnormally & violently. Subject displaying signs of possession or a split-personality"

    Cell A-2 vacant, reason: No reason given, cell opened.

    Warning! Reactor temperature reaching dangerous levels!
    Warning! Reactor structure damage exceeding 50%! Power output reduced by 78%!
    Warning! Cell Power Suppression Fields offline!
    Warning! Site-to-Site teleporters offline!
    Warning! Reactor temperature reaching dangerously critical levels!
    Reactor temperature dropping. Returning to safe levels.

    Cell A-2 occupied, subject (Warning, power suppression field offline! Two occupants detected!): "Monica Dawson a.k.a 'Bombardment' a.k.a '134', reason: "Temporarily escaped and inflicted large damage on the base reactor. Almost killed us all", subject: "Dennis a.k.a 'Grunrihn'", reason: "Dennis volunteered to guard her while the field was down. Stop her from escaping. By any means if necessary"

    Cell A-2 occupied, subject: "Monica Dawson a.k.a 'Bombardment' a.k.a '134'", reason "Just Dennis leaving the cell"

    Power rerouted to Cell Power Suppression Field A-2.
    Warning! Power Suppression Field A-2 circuitry damaged!
    Warning! Power Suppression Field A-2 offline!
    Warning! Teleportation detected in Cell A-2!

    Cell A-2 vacant, reason: "Monica, or '134' as she now calls herself, apparently fried the suppression circuits while they were still off with some kind of EMP. Soon as everybody thought the field was back up and she was secure, she damn went and teleported right out the base through her mediporter. Logs show she went to Croatoa, then apparently headed north out the city. Bex thinks back to this 'Northern Watch' place the girl has been going on about"
  6. ((Found throughout the Isles, on the internet and possibly even in Paragon))

    Rogue Isle Protector, 7th September 2011

    New Arachnos Bounties!

    In light of the recent conflict with the despicable band of mercenaries known as "The Corporation", Lord Recluse and his loyal Arbiters can tolerate this merciless group of parasites no more and has asked the fair citizens and professionals of the Isles to help in their capture! Bounties have been issued for many of it's agents, below is an example of one! Keep an eye out for any of these dangerous individuals and any new releases that may come!

    Full bounty list on page 6!

  7. Brightwel


    I notice that neither of the provided builds have any crab melee powers, and I've read elsewhere that they're the worst of the three paths (though I don't see how hitting someone with a rifle butt is supposed to be more effective than slashing them with MASSIVE MECHANICAL CLAWS), is this true? And is it truly worth taking any of them?
  8. Brightwel


    I was referring to a build with both crab and solider attacks. It seems to me that that at least some of the first powers powers are pretty much identical stat wise between the two, as well as the frag and venom grenades so I'm curious whether it would make much difference to take either.

    Another two question I have: firstly, about redraw on a huntsman/crab, does using crab attacks force you to redraw the rifle for huntsman attacks? And secondly, can a huntsman/crab or even just a full crab play well without pets? Or does it severely hurt them?
  9. Brightwel


    So I'm thinking of trying a SoA and while I'm not interested in any of the Bane aspects, I am interested in both a Crab or Huntsman build but can't really decide between them. This got me to thinking of trying a hybrid build, so what I want to ask is: is a Huntsman/Crab dual build viable? And if it is what is its strengths and weaknesses? What powers are a must and which ones are skipable? Etc. etc.

    Pre-thanks to any help.
  10. I've only recently started using AE and I've run into some frustrating problems with the level ranges of enemy groups. In one of my arcs, I want to feature a variety of enemy groups on the different missions, for example Gold Brickers on one and Malta on another, but the AE doesn't like this because both groups are in very different level ranges. So my question is: is there any way to alter the level ranges of pre-existing groups so they can be included in the same arc as groups of different ranges?

    In some cases you can just sort of recreate them in custom groups, but in most this is practically impossible to do so that's not really a solution.
  11. I know Energy Aura gets quite a bit of hate and that in comparison to other sets, it isn't as good but its a must for my latest concept. So I would really appreciate it if someone could give me advice on a KM/EA brute build. Just so any kind soul knows, I'll be taking speed as a travel power and energy mastery or possibly mace mastery as a Epic, thanks in advance.
  12. Well the only thing I'll say to that would simply have the only control over non-MM pets as actual commands, not stances. That way if you're a person like yourself who doesn't like micromanagement, then you don't have to issue them and can just let your pet do its own thing, but then at least the option is there for people like me who want to occasionally attack their own pets instead of the enemy. Like I say, I really doubt this would seriously make corrs or trollers play anything like a MM given the difference in actual type of control you have over them, numbers of pets, and the abilities and role of them.

    Or like Alpha suggested, maybe the whole pet system could do with a complete overhaul, we'll see someday I'm sure.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    This was all I had to read in relation to this often suggested suggestion.

    Corruptor/Controller pets are balanced around the idea that they trade away "full controllability" for "overall AT power". A Controller or Corruptor which can ALSO act almost like a MM would be far too powerful. The only way the Devs could allow a Corruptor/Controller to have direct control over their pets would be to nerf them down so much that they would be practically useless.

    I have been running with Fire Imps on my main for almost 7 years now now and I can tell you without reservation that I would not change a thing about the way they work. I have learned how to "control" them via my own positioning and it's probably been years since the last time they "accidentally" did anything I didn't want them to do.

    I can sympathize that as a MM player you think you "lack" control over those kinds of pets. But the answer to your problem is not asking the Devs to make them like what you're used to. The answer is to adapt to new style of play and learn how master it. You may find that you never quite get used to it and that's fine. But don't mistake your dislike for it on some kind of notion that they are somehow "broken" and need to be fixed.
    I see your point, but I am not suggesting "full" control and stated that I don't think non-MM pets should receive MM levels of control, just enough to be able to guide them towards a suitable target so that they don't waste their potential And while yes I would agree with you that corr and troller pets would have to be nerfed if they allowed their owners to act like MMs, but I'm not asking for that and I can't see being able to tell your pet to "attack that one, not that one" would be as gamebreaking as you imply.

    On another small note, I commend you on your ability to apparently position yourself so well, but that simply makes me think "Wait, this is MY pet, they should be adjusting themselves to me, not the other way around!" which may be a little silly, but the principle still stands.
  14. So, I recently got a corruptor his pet and it is a incredibly useful power that I do love. But, no matter how many times it has saved me a great deal of effort I still can't forgive it for how amazingly stupid it can also be at times.

    Having played a MM, I know the value of being able to control your pets efficiently and while I realise that a corruptor or controller pet isn't supposed to play the same role as an MM pet, I still would greatly appreciate having at least some basic control over it, not necessarily anything like Henchman stances just something as simple as being able to tell it to "Attack" and "Follow" would ensure it doesn't waste it's potential by attacking a minion in the corner instead of the elite boss punching my head off.

    If anyone can actually think of a reason why this shouldn't be done, other than time and priorities, by all means fire away, but at the moment I really don't see why we have to put up with the current AI which can sometimes make me want to throw something at my monitor.
  15. I would really like to see this sort of thing possibly applied to powers as well, e.g. Resistance fighters with their one armed energy melee attacks or a character with shield defence, only without the shield. Would open up the possibility of a toon deriving their powers from a device/artifact/mutation etc. in just one arm. But yeah, more asymmetrical costume options!
  16. You do realise that in order to increase the number of colours you can choose on a select part, the devs would probably have to edit every single costume piece in the game?

    Not so much against adding more armoured beast/monster parts, though you can probably make those already with chest details.
  17. I think this is a pretty good idea. For people like myself who have absolutely no interest in PVP it would be nice to have a chance to actually go and do stuff in the PVP zones, which as the OP pointed out, do seem to have a lot of potential in them. Obviously if something like were to be implemented I think they should aim to make both a PVP and PVE zone for those who do like the PVP, limited though they appear to be.
  18. Brightwel

    Attack Emotes

    Originally Posted by The_Overlord View Post
    There are plenty of aoe powers that come from the center of the character, and are not target-based. Thus, simply clicking the attack should perform it whether or not enemies are present. This works the same for any aoe attack where you place the target circle when you use it (like rain of fire) - there don't actually have to be any enemies there for the attack to go off.

    There's a few early level Dual Blades powers that are clicked, and then intended to 'catch' anyone adjacent to you. You can click these and they will go off even if no one is.
    Oh, well this could certainly explain what I saw. Bit of a shame though in some ways, being able to perform all attack animations would be quite useful for screenshots and the like.
  19. Brightwel

    Attack Emotes

    Well, while in a team waiting for everyone else to arrive, one member a dual blades scrapper/stalker was doing regular 'waiting' emotes (dancing etc.) but then he pulled his swords out and began performing the animations for some of the first tier dual blades attacks, power slice, nimble slash etc. yet there was no enemies near us at all, it looked as if he was just attacking the air.

    I'm also sure I saw someone with DP performing the animation for Empty Clips at some point despite there being no enemies in range or even to target.
  20. Brightwel

    Attack Emotes

    Now correct me if I'm wrong but I am quite certain I have seen other people perform the animations of their attacks, but not actually do the attack since they weren't targeting anything and could do them repeatedly without any apparent recharge and I was simply wondering how one would go about doing this (if it is possible). I would look at the emotes menu if my keyboard wasn't broken and the default keybindings for stuff actually worked anyway, thanks in advance.
  21. I would love it if character bios got overhauled. I simply cannot make a character without first thinking of, then writing down what I think is a good bio and while yes I can normally fit all the important information in that glitchy little box there always has to be sacrifices, always.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
    Well this is not quite what you ask for, but several of us are in global chats.
    Specially in three major ones.
    Sals Badgehunters: (Mainly badgehunting but alot of task forces are made through this one.)
    Union Taskforce: (Task forces are made here, and also events)
    Union Chat: (This channel is to talk about anything else really)

    Now why do i mention them? Simple, a lot of people to do the various content with.
    To join a channel simply write /chan_join "Sals Badgehunters"
    as an example.
    This will enable Sals.

    You did also mention Roleplay.
    You will find several players in the channel
    Union Roleplayers (Out of character chat with a lot of Unions roleplayers)
    ask around and play with us and I believe you will find an established group that do not end that quickly.

    Oh.. and welcome back from you break
    Thanks, I'll be sure to look into those. It's not a perfect solution to my woes but its definitely a start.
  23. I really think that one of the last things we are ever going to see added to this game are new archetypes. We really don't need any more, all of the existing ones can cover every conceivable role and with Going Rogue you can play any of these roles in any city.