Up the Character Limit of the Bio




I'd like the character limit of the bio be increased so there's enough room to fit a Mid's Data Chunk.



I think the ID section needs a complete overhaul entirely myself.

When you look at the ID interface... am I the only one who is reminded of a drivers license?

Why not make it so?

Add a number of sections for character information that we can click for popup boxes so the screen doesn't get cluttered. Physical description boxes. "Known history" Box for backstories. (While they're at it they could actually let us pick our own eye colors with each face)

Add a scroll box to the Description section and fix this bug where what I'm typing stops appearing until I exit, go back in, and then it magically appears somewhere else in the description box.

Along with the suggestion here, increase the character limit on the description section (double it? Pretty please? Or at least 1500-2000?)

New issue anyone? "So's your face"



Originally Posted by SenseiBlur View Post
I think the ID section needs a complete overhaul entirely myself.

When you look at the ID interface... am I the only one who is reminded of a drivers license?

Why not make it so?

Add a number of sections for character information that we can click for popup boxes so the screen doesn't get cluttered. Physical description boxes. "Known history" Box for backstories. (While they're at it they could actually let us pick our own eye colors with each face)

Add a scroll box to the Description section and fix this bug where what I'm typing stops appearing until I exit, go back in, and then it magically appears somewhere else in the description box.

Along with the suggestion here, increase the character limit on the description section (double it? Pretty please? Or at least 1500-2000?)

New issue anyone? "So's your face"
Well If I remember correctly it is supposed to be an ID card of some type.

But there MUST be an increase to the number of characters. This is one reason i stopped writing bio's. I have a great bio.. start typing. run out of space.. got tired of trying to fit things in.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Nicro View Post
I'd like the character limit of the bio be increased so there's enough room to fit a Mid's Data Chunk.
I kinda feel like Zoey watching Mal leave somebody behind...

On one hand, I agree. More space for the Bio should be allocated.

On the other hand, I don't agree that it should be allocated for or because of MIDS. Honestly, if you want to share you MIDS output in the bio section, create an account with something like Google, Zoho, or ThinkFree, and simply post a link to the document you want to share.

It'll look better when somebody's browsing your Biography, and leave you plenty of room to actually have a biography.



First thing, honestly, is to fix the editor so things like "Backspacing jumps to a random part of the bio and deletes every other letter" stops happening.

(Though if I saw a MIDS chunk in a bio, first thing I'd assume was that the editor went wonky and spewed garbage out.)



fix the editor, yes please.

more space....sure why not. I almost never read anything longer than a couple of paragraphs, but realize that some folk want to write a short story in bio form. Text doesn't take up much space, so I say let 'em!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



If it is made bigger, it really shouldn't be bigger than around 2k. If you want to write a novel about your character, post it on the web and put a link to it in the bio.

Definitely wish the editor wasn't wonky though.



I'd agree with increasing the bio space from 1,024 to 2,048 character spaces. I also like the idea of making the ID screen look more like an actual ID card, with spaces for hair & eye colour, height, etc.

I know that by combining the backstory of three of my alts on Champion server, I was able to get a nice story going. (Okay, I'll admit, I borrowed the concept for their origins from the second season on Veronica Mars. BTW, where would be a good place on these forums to post character bios?)

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



Hell yes, and PLEASE fix the damn thing! Backspace means I want to go back, return means I want a new line/paragraph. NOT for the cursor to vanish and me have to spent a minute fiddling to get it back in the right place.

Damn thing has been broken since AE. There is NO excuse for it still being that way.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




I would love a bigger character limit! I wish we had at least twice the space we do now!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'm probably going to get jumped on here but I really really don't want any more bio space available. It has already been increased once and even that wasn't necessary. I like reading bios but seriously the majority of people who use the entire space are poor writers because they have never learned to edit what they are writing.

A bio is supposed to be a brief introduction to the character. If you want to learn more then you talk to them. A bio is not a novel, it is the teaser on the back of the book (or inside flap or whatever).

A "writer" can intrigue you with a hundred words. Asking for a longer bio because you can't write your story is like asking for double the amount of slots per power because you can't make your character work well with only 6.

Learn to work within restrictions and your ability grows. Eliminate restrictions and you eliminate any reason to improve.

On the other hand I do agree completely with fixing the interface. It is beyond broken unless you manage to type your bio perfectly the first time with absolutely zero errors.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



I've never wanted to write novel-sized bios in this game, but it's amazing how often my "first draft" of a bio comes in at around 1,400 characters long. It takes me about 10 minutes to write that much then it usually takes me another hour to revise what I want to say down to the annoying 1,024 character limit.

I would be all in favor of doubling the current size from 1,024 to 2,048 and have been suggesting that for years now.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I'm probably going to get jumped on here but I really really don't want any more bio space available. It has already been increased once and even that wasn't necessary. I like reading bios but seriously the majority of people who use the entire space are poor writers because they have never learned to edit what they are writing.

A bio is supposed to be a brief introduction to the character. If you want to learn more then you talk to them. A bio is not a novel, it is the teaser on the back of the book (or inside flap or whatever).

A "writer" can intrigue you with a hundred words. Asking for a longer bio because you can't write your story is like asking for double the amount of slots per power because you can't make your character work well with only 6.

Learn to work within restrictions and your ability grows. Eliminate restrictions and you eliminate any reason to improve.

On the other hand I do agree completely with fixing the interface. It is beyond broken unless you manage to type your bio perfectly the first time with absolutely zero errors.
While you're free to have your opinion I will at least correct you on your facts: The character bio limit in the game has always been 1024 characters. This game has never seen an increase in this area. *shrugs*

[EDIT] I just checked and ironically your post was 1,061 characters long. How does it feel to criticize people's desire for more space when you couldn't even concisely express your ideas in the amount of space this game provides for this kind of thing?

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
While you're free to have your opinion I will at least correct you on your facts: The character bio limit in the game has always been 1024 characters. This game has never seen an increase in this area. *shrugs*

[EDIT] I just checked and ironically your post was 1,061 characters long. How does it feel to criticize people's desire for more space when you couldn't even concisely express your ideas in the amount of space this game provides for this kind of thing?
Oh, snap

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



This feels weird coming from me, but...

I have to say that I am not sure adding more room is a good idea.

Do I have to trim my bio (by huge amounts, nearly every single time) to fit it in? YEP!

However, I've noticed that bios just seem to be longer and less fun to read the past year or so.

Could be me, sure... It is funny though, because I just brought this up in-game the other night and I wasn't the only one that was thinking that it seemed like more bios used to be shorter than they are today. *shrugs*

As to making it more of a driver's license form...

I'd really say NO to, for this reason... For those who want such a format, go ahead and make yours that way.
I've seen plenty of awesome bios with such a layout and it is great for some characters.

I've also seen tons of great ones that do not follow any such format and I would absolutely loath to think of limiting and/or forcing any sort of format unto every character's bio.

Just my thoughts and opinions.

I wouldn't complain about getting extra space, by the way, hehe.

Honestly... If they were to increase it, I'd hope not by doubling it!
Maybe adding 25-50% would be good.

So, no Mandu, you are not alone!

Also, Lothic... haha, while funny, that really has nothing to do with anything, haha.

(Also, I had heard they did increase the bio space. That could be untrue, but I had assumed, until now, that it was true. We need confirmation!)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Double or triple the length please.



Here's the problem with doubling the length: sure, going from 1024 to 2048 doesn't seem like a big jump... and it's not like everyone is going to use the full thing, so you don't need to add an extra kilobyte of storage space on every character, right?

Wrong. You can't just add 1024 characters to *some* bios. You have to change the size of the "bio" field in the character database, which means the database immediately grows by a minimum of one kilobyte for every character that exists, even the ones on long-inactive accounts.

Let's take one of the historical high marks of "active subscribers" in CoH, 180k users, and assume that is everyone who has ever played the game. Next let's assume each player has created about 4 characters on average, across all servers. With these fairly lowball estimates, doubling the size of the bio field makes the existing character database jump up in size by 700MB.

180k players * 4 characters * 1kB additional bio = 720 000 kB = 703.125 MB

Or to look at it from another angle: how much space do you need on your servers to make sure that your current players will always be able to buy more character slots? Assuming there are about 90k people who are likely to be interested in the game, adding another 1024 chars to the bio field requires reserving another 34GB (on top of whatever is currently set aside for future character creation).

90k players * 11 servers * 36 characters * 1kB additional bio = 35 640 000 kB = 34804.68 MB = 33.98 GB

Even not accounting for the potential problems with messing around with a database (the CoH character database is an in-house format, there's no telling how easy or hard it would be to expand one of the fields), that's a lot of disk space to set aside just so a few people can express how awesome their character is a little better.

Character index



Originally Posted by Dave_67 View Post
I also like the idea of making the ID screen look more like an actual ID card, with spaces for hair & eye colour, height, etc.
Hair Color: fbb60e
Eye Color: 75c876
Height: 587 pixels

Hmm... ok, I'll /sign that.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I just checked and ironically your post was 1,061 characters long. How does it feel to criticize people's desire for more space when you couldn't even concisely express your ideas in the amount of space this game provides for this kind of thing?
Well if you really want to go that way then technically my last sentence was on a completely different topic. I stated that the interface did need to be fixed because it was horribly broken. So my actual argument against the character limit fit well within current bio limits.

Also I am quite certain that the original character bio limit was much shorter than it is now. Roughly half the size. I may be wrong but that is the way I remember it. It's too bad that the original CoH game booklet didn't include anything about how big your bio can be.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Let's take one of the historical high marks of "active subscribers" in CoH, 180k users, and assume that is everyone who has ever played the game. Next let's assume each player has created about 4 characters on average, across all servers. With these fairly lowball estimates, doubling the size of the bio field makes the existing character database jump up in size by 700MB.

180k players * 4 characters * 1kB additional bio = 720 000 kB = 703.125 MB

Or to look at it from another angle: how much space do you need on your servers to make sure that your current players will always be able to buy more character slots? Assuming there are about 90k people who are likely to be interested in the game, adding another 1024 chars to the bio field requires reserving another 34GB (on top of whatever is currently set aside for future character creation).

90k players * 11 servers * 36 characters * 1kB additional bio = 35 640 000 kB = 34804.68 MB = 33.98 GB

Even not accounting for the potential problems with messing around with a database (the CoH character database is an in-house format, there's no telling how easy or hard it would be to expand one of the fields), that's a lot of disk space to set aside just so a few people can express how awesome their character is a little better.

If everyone who has posted here can chip in $5 we can buy them a hard drive that can handle the load?



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Wrong. You can't just add 1024 characters to *some* bios. You have to change the size of the "bio" field in the character database, which means the database immediately grows by a minimum of one kilobyte for every character that exists, even the ones on long-inactive accounts.

Unless the Devs are idiots, they didn't use antiquated technology -- and by that I mean anything prior to about the year 1995 -- to build their database framework on. Any halfway modern database system only stores as much data as is used, plus one-to-x bytes describing the size of the data stored, depending on the limits defined by the max size of the field.

It's not one-to-one, because of lots of little fiddly details (what code page are you using? Unicode or ASCII? Do you allow extended characters? What about punctuation? Etc.), but regardless of how many bytes are -allowed-, only as many as are needed* are actually stored.

Even assuming the worst-case scenario, that each and every player padded their bios to full on each and every alt they have, you're still talking about less space to store than your average home PC has. In a few more years, it'll be less space than your average MP3 player.

There may be other considerations preventing the Devs from upping the bio size limit, but, as a database developer myself, I would be absolutely floored if the storage space was the reason.

* may or may not be padded for complicated technical reasons involving powers of 2 and memory paging and whatnot

Re: the actual topic of this thread, consider me on-board with upping the bio limit. AND fixing the editor. Even a mere 50% more would help, though doubling would be better.




Originally Posted by Nicro View Post
I'd like the character limit of the bio be increased so there's enough room to fit a Mid's Data Chunk.

Bah! Just generate the hyperlink for your build. Then stick it in TinyURL.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



What I have never understood is, if someone "infos" you, why don't they see that same ID Card/Bio-thingy page? It just seems so logical that they should. And yeah, I would like more bio space myself!



Bio space has always been the enemy of creativity in my opinion, not because it forces me to be concise, but because it forces my language to be curt. You can sum up almost every character in a few words, such as "Batman: Fights crime. Parents dead. Super ninja detective." but that does nothing to make the story actually interesting. To me, the bio field should not be an explanation so much as it should serve as inspiration, and in a more complex character, there just isn't enough room.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.