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  1. ....a holo neko... I wants one!
  2. Loving the noir style this guy has.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    Im no art critic, but Id say thats pretty good...a far cry from craptacular.
    It's a little hard to see but from what I can make out I'd agree with this!
  4. SenseiBlur

    Arts for the X

    Bigger image uploaded. And I do mean big. Click ze picture for it.

    And no not self-inflicted She's about 31 years old, and in her younger years... well... lets say she was a little bit crazy, charging right into battle blades swinging and not much caring what came at her in return.
  5. SenseiBlur

    Arts for the X

    Final art of Rexxie with some gift money I had, by Rhardo!

    Will update with higher res image later when I get it emailed to me. Might not get around to it until sunday... RL drama again.

    Edit: Bigger (much bigger) version is there now. Clicky to go to Devart page.
  6. Now that's a heroic chin!

    Good stuff =)
  7. SenseiBlur

    Arts for the X

    Rexxie, done by Deltia-india-oscar , who has a $5 sketch deal going on.

    Clicky for big version
  8. SenseiBlur

    Lime's Artzy

    Originally Posted by Limedolly View Post

    drawing of the day, Vodouisant :3
    I love this one
  9. Didn't care much for the show, but that's really well done ^_^
  10. Love the neko stuff XD

    The dance totally reminded me of this though which made me giggle.
  11. I look forward to the dancing ladies.

    Did I say that out loud?
  12. I always thought the thing on the moon was just a really big crater, and a minor easter egg about evil guys trying to blow up the moon with a giant laser or something.

    Nice find on the truck though. That's one mean smokestack. =P
  13. SenseiBlur

    Lime's Artzy

    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    [color=#FD5185]Or is it supposed to be a split in the skirt?
    When it's a tail, the skintoned background should be melting in with the actual background.

    If it's a split in the skirt, then the legs are off. They appear to go straight up *giggles*.
    Oh hey, now I see the skirt....I thought she was wearing pants *blush* My mistake. I did wonder why the bits between were lighter than the rest of the background...

    If it is a skirt then... then yeah that looks way off unless she's got some massive legs. In my opinion just coloring in the slit in the skirt like the background so it looks like she's wearing pants would look best.

    Just my opinion ^_^; Sorry about the mistake earlier
  14. SenseiBlur

    Lime's Artzy

    Question, is that a tail between her legs (tried to phrase this with the least amount of innuendo but failed =P)?

    Also I like the egyptian style background.

    Some of the fingernails could use a bit of love, namely the middle finger and both pinkies I think.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
  16. SenseiBlur


    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

    Okay, try this on for size then:

    One of these days, I'm gonna finish this monster, but frankly, it's such overkill....

    Of course, that's half the fun.
    That's a really nice build all around. Only issue is I'm not even close to being able to afford those PVP IOs.
  17. SenseiBlur


    I actually kind of like that one. Think I'm going to try fiddling around with it a little bit and see what comes of it.

    The sad part is... I still can't figure out a way to make this brute more survivable than my WP scrapper @_@
    The 600 health difference seems to me would make jack all of a difference thanks to the rediculous amounts of regen a WP gets. Hrm...
  18. SenseiBlur


    So my main is Claws/WP scrapper. It's pretty much invincible these days but now I have nothing left to do with it... so, enter Claws/Invuln. Keeping with the same theme, but I wanted more of a tanky character. She's 33 at the moment and having some serious endurance issues =P

    Does anybody happen to have a claws/invuln build lying around that I can sneak a peek at?

    I tried to make a build in mids but I'm pretty terrible at it. Just to set you up... I'm refraining from using purple sets, PVP IOs, and anything else (LOTG aside) that's going to cost me more than 100million for a single enhancement. I also skimped on fire/cold to boost up my energy/negative.

    Also, what am I trying to do with this set? I want it to be as survivable as my WP scrapper if possible, but more of a tank that can keep aggro at the same time.

    As an aside, I'm going to use the nerve radial incarnate to help push me up to the defense caps unless you guys have a better idea on how to work this

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  19. SenseiBlur

    So... spines...

    I see, well that pretty much answers my questions on that XD
  20. SenseiBlur

    So... spines...

    I've always been more of a claws person, but I've always been curious. What's the deal with spines? Is it just a terrible powerset? Is it on-par with claws, because they look nearly identical aside from the secondary effects?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    Oo, Pretty.
    Took the words right out of my mouth :P
  22. That's one do I say this... zany art style!

    Kinda reminds me of Viewtiful Joe.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    The hair looks great
  24. It's probably just me but I think the helmet looks way too loose on the left side (or both sides really, I guess the hair just gives the illusion of it being snug on the right side which is done well I think). A good gust of wind would blow that right off XD

    Aside from that I love it personally, it kinda looks like she's being bashful and biting her lip a bit because she just ejected from some million dollar jet.