Up the Character Limit of the Bio




Along with significantly enhanced space for the character bio, it would be enjoyable to find a web page, with-in the COH umbrella, on which characters could be reviewed.

Like how some other online games provide characters to be viewed on the web. Adding password protection and an editor (perhaps make it a part of the forums?) would allow for much more efficient entry of the hopefully much more intense bios and origins to follow.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Bio space has always been the enemy of creativity in my opinion, not because it forces me to be concise, but because it forces my language to be curt. You can sum up almost every character in a few words, such as "Batman: Fights crime. Parents dead. Super ninja detective." but that does nothing to make the story actually interesting. To me, the bio field should not be an explanation so much as it should serve as inspiration, and in a more complex character, there just isn't enough room.
I hate replacing "and" with "&" feels like something's wrong with the bio, when I use that to save on room.

Don't even think we need it doubled. 512 more characters would go a long way imo.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Ultimately I feel the bio is kind of overlooked. Sure I write my characters' bio every time, but I go around trying to read other peoples bios, and rarely do I see someone who does. The bio should be more like a comic, oddly enough. I don't know if anyone suggested this... but I feel there should be like a couple of boxes where you could fill in some premade images with your character and make them into a small comic origin story, which could be accompanied by the bio. That way, you could see how your character came into being. And maybe after every ten levels, you recieved two more boxes to add onto your story. A stretch, but it would be cool. As for this post, /signed because I just get so dang frustrated when i get to like 1030 and I have to get rid of parts of my bio. I tried to be so consise with my words and I still go over the limit!! GAH!!!!



I would love it if character bios got overhauled. I simply cannot make a character without first thinking of, then writing down what I think is a good bio and while yes I can normally fit all the important information in that glitchy little box there always has to be sacrifices, always.

I can't be bothered to think of something amazingly wise or witty to show how much of a genius I am, just take my word for it.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I'm probably going to get jumped on here but I really really don't want any more bio space available. It has already been increased once and even that wasn't necessary. I like reading bios but seriously the majority of people who use the entire space are poor writers because they have never learned to edit what they are writing.
Well, if your definition of "jump" is synonymous with "disagree", then yes. If you don't want additional space, feel free to not use it. If reading someone else's badly-written bio pains you, close it. Problems solved.
A bio is supposed to be a brief introduction to the character. If you want to learn more then you talk to them. A bio is not a novel, it is the teaser on the back of the book (or inside flap or whatever).
2048 characters doesn't constitute a novel, and I'm fairly sure many in-book synopses ARE that long.
A "writer" can intrigue you with a hundred words. Asking for a longer bio because you can't write your story is like asking for double the amount of slots per power because you can't make your character work well with only 6.
Congratulations - you have "successfully" compared apples and hippopotomi.
Learn to work within restrictions and your ability grows. Eliminate restrictions and you eliminate any reason to improve.
Well, it's nice to know that I'll be a better person by being limited in such a frivolous way. There are still some characters that have more "story" than others.
On the other hand I do agree completely with fixing the interface. It is beyond broken unless you manage to type your bio perfectly the first time with absolutely zero errors.
This, we agree on. I'm so glad we could have this chat.

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Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
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