Costume Creator Changes
You do realise that in order to increase the number of colours you can choose on a select part, the devs would probably have to edit every single costume piece in the game?
Not so much against adding more armoured beast/monster parts, though you can probably make those already with chest details.
I can't be bothered to think of something amazingly wise or witty to show how much of a genius I am, just take my word for it.
I've got into situations we're I make a costume and it doesn't look just right. And to get it to were I want it a few changes need to be made.
Increase the number of coloring part to more than two. While I could pick a pattern to get close to what I'm trying to achieve, adding more color parts would give actually what I'm looking for.
Add Upper Arm to Tight Upper Body and Armored Upper Body. I've gotten to where like the chest of one design but like the arms of another design.
Armored Monster; not really what I'm looking for, but I thought of it so I'm adding it. Armor plates on the feet.
If it ain't broke set it on fire, then say it was a fault in the design.
Main:50 Force Encephalon Mind/Kinetic Controller, Protector Server