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The one where you can the character's description and battle cry.
I was thinking, some people(me) will have an idea of putting something in a character's profile, but doesn't really want to play that character at the time or just want to get the idea out quickly before losing it. So I thought being able to edit a character's profile at character selection would be a great convenience. That a character doesn't have to be played to edit its profile and multiple character profiles can be edited right there at the character selection.
Many times with newer missions some character wants you too talk to them. After clicking several 'okay' texts they turn on you or an ambush appears, but it doesn't happen after the end of the conversation. So if they're giving some speech about wanting to kill you, not enough time is given to read what they've said.
The suggestion is wait till after the last 'Okay' text is clicked before turning on me or sending an ambush or deciding to off yourself or deciding to off yourself and sending an ambush. -
Boomtown When are they going to start reclaiming the area? Militia terrorist groups are training there unhindered. And how come of all the years the Council has been there nearly unopposed have no compounds been built?
Shadow Shard People have complained about the launchers and having portals would be easier than using launchers.
Independence Port Put in train stations on the ends of the map.
Talos Island After seeing sharks in First Ward. I realized that which could improve Talos Island are dolphins. Yes dolphins, with the blue clean pristine waters of Talos Island there should be dolphins, and beach dwellers (volleyball being played, Plastic discs being tossed between individuals, some lady getting her soul possessed, people lounging on towels, surfers, parasailers, windsurfing, nightly BBQs, and people with flipped wigs and helmet hair siting around a fire place while some tool plays a guitar)
People should be able to pound on protesters in Rogue Isles as they are able to in Praetoria. -
A comment about Quake Weight, Complete Gym, Bend Flex. Some reference about a hero catching a groups of Circle of Thorns using the Quake Weight. Avoiding name brands.
Talos, Independent Port, Peregrine Island, (Striga Island?) all connected via water craft.
That's why Paragon Studio laid him off, because they're going to kill off his character. They could of just given him another red name. They really take their character associations seriously, don't they?
I was wondering with Incarnates having trials that go beyond the normal lore; if things involving the Rikti World was going to be done with Incarnates.
Now non-Incarnates wouldn't be able to do anything in the Rikti World because seeing how Hero 1 turned out traveling the Rikti World even being a full Incarnate. It is apparent what happened to the non-Incarnate teammates(they're not a alive). So travel to the Rikti World would conclusively be an Incarnate event.
But, what I was thinking was rather than having a single event that's played repeatedly, individual characters would have minor tasks to accomplish each trial to progress a story line. The story line would deal with the Traditionalist, the Restructurist, and the problems caused by Nemesis; the struggles in Rikti World as to what needs to be done now and next when Nemesis meddling is found out by the Rikti. The main part of the trial would have several events with a few chosen at random to be the main focus of the league. This is to keep the trial from becoming repetitive too quickly. -
60s style beach party dancing and helmet hair
I got an idea from this; that but in an SG base with a platform someone stands on and a holo-emitter that projects the characters image at a larger scale. So, people could build large speaking rooms and have large holographic images of the person standing on the platform. Yeah.
As for the O-P definitively. Something like that would make me want to perhaps consider thinking maybe about possibly playing a probable amount of PvP. -
Why get rid of defenders and tankers? Why not get with this whole hybrid thing? Tank/Brute hybrids that act as a brute when soloing since there are no allies around and can let loose; and as a tank when teamed up to increase team survivability. And Defender/Corrupter hybrid to act as Corrupter when soloing for higher damage out put with some self buffs and as Defender on team.
Anyone notice on the Spring Fling poster on the main page the eyes are looking in a different direction?
I've got into situations we're I make a costume and it doesn't look just right. And to get it to were I want it a few changes need to be made.
Increase the number of coloring part to more than two. While I could pick a pattern to get close to what I'm trying to achieve, adding more color parts would give actually what I'm looking for.
Add Upper Arm to Tight Upper Body and Armored Upper Body. I've gotten to where like the chest of one design but like the arms of another design.
Armored Monster; not really what I'm looking for, but I thought of it so I'm adding it. Armor plates on the feet. -
Quote:Speaking of Dracula Pose they should make an emote to pull your cape in front of your cape.Exactly! And without the Dracula Pose when not running, and without the Spider-Man look when jumping. While I'd love some more graceful acrobatic animations in place of it, I realize that Brand New animations are unlikely, so I'd settle for the the existing default run/jump animations but with NR stats.
Quote:I don't know where you got the information, but okay, if the game is unable tell the z-axis. Then the use of markers could easily be used to set a teleport point to set at a z-axis without falling through the map. Much like the markers used for SG teleport, mission teleport, Ouroborus teleport. Map teleport markers wouldn't let someone teleport anywhere although they could teleport to key points on the map.Problem, as pointed out before - the game does not track Z-axis (height.) Big issue.
And there'd be no reason to *require* all four other powers. Current 5-power APPs/PPPs do not, for instance.
I think rather then power requirements. SoloTFs could be completed to unlock these types of unique power. Even SoloTFs that can only be completed by incarnates if too something. -
And the ability to teleport right next to flying foes without over shooting them.
Between evil and good
Paragon and Rogue Isles fight
Hamidon? who is that? -
Some open areas such as in city hall lobby; teleport is mostly unusable and shows as unselectable.
I was considering how AVs and EBs would play if they had the shorted PvP mez duration. They would be able to if enough mag is built at all time since they would not longer spinny purple triangle thing. But the mez would be short lived and it would go back to attacking.
Here's the part that isn't going to get much favor most likely none. The point of this suggestion is so that if enough mez is on a team an AV or EB could be locked indefinitely. Of course some coordination would be needed to pull this off so everyone isn't mezing at time were mag builds but duration doesn't. So mezers would have to either coordinate to use mezes at certain interval or get lucky. For how many mezers maybe 2-3 for EBs and 5-6 for AVs depending on AT and EB and AV.
The reason for suggesting this is because triangle power doesn't seem fair or skill oriented; I'm not sure. Okay, a team is fighting EB or AV; mezers are spamming mezes and builds enough mag and mezes EB or AV. Super mez protection power pops even though it's not real power just an inherent for AVs and recently EBs, because indefinitely mezing an AV would get rid of all the risk. But mezers don't have worry because protection power switches on and off for timed intervals making them useless only have of the time. But, here's the problem nothing has been put in place to compensate for the extremely large increase in risk. If there aren't Defence ATs to absorb damage or ATs to cast defence and damage resist buffs. The short duration while it's switched on could be disaster.
By switching to shorted mez duration for AVs and EBs. If they don't attack; a single mezer could mez them for the same total duration as with AV inherent for the total time of the battle. As more mezers are added the total duration they are mezed has the ability increase, but it depends if mezers can coordinate to mez at certain interval to increase mez time. Or, get lucky which would create highs and lows of mez duration. -
Does this mean you approve the idea? Since you /unsigned the failure of the idea, meaning you've disagreed with the idea failure so are agreeing with the Idea succession. How do unsign something that hasn't been signed? And accomplishing it in past tense as well. That's a paradox that all the supercomputers of the world must spend the rest of there operations calculating? -
Walls become semitransparent when teleport power is activated?
Whoa, let's not get too hasty. Perhaps rather having mission require certain power sets; new objectives could be switched on to adhere to the players' characters' abilities. The mission would run the same as always, but when the option is switched on something happens that the members of the team must use there special talents to complete the mission.
I'd like a random team and mission generator. So both random members and missions would be selected automatically and no one would have to take the star. And when someone leaves; the mission automatically resets to adjust for the number.
And your idea gaining buffs for how much the team does together and the team leader getting temp buff powers.
What about adding team merits? I mean there's merits for everything else. They can be gained with other merits depending on how long members were part of the team with out effecting the chances of getting other merits. Can be used to buy team oriented buffs such as increasing chance of gaining other merits, defense, damage resistance, status effect resistance, attack speed, running speed, jumping height, etc. When a member leaves all team buffs casted on and by the leaving member are automatically deleted as well as all team merits gained by the leaving member. The longer a member stay on a team the greater the chance of getting team merits per kill, the more missions the team completes the more the greater the chance of getting team merits per kill, and the more kills the greater the chance of getting team merits per kill. Team member can give in team merits to help purchase, but only to help purchase; team merits can not be traded.