In the Newspapers!




July 15, 2011
Business Section

"I have written in to ensure all who are worried, especially any reporter or super hero that are simply looking to underscore any and all of my great accomplishments, that Minhere Inc is in no way involved in any harm or loss of life of any hero, or non-hero. While it is true that we needed to shut down a very private lab and storage facility, due to unwanted visitors entering said place, it was in no way the fault of Minhere Inc that these AI, as some like to think of them, caused any harm to the good people of Atlas Park, Maine, or anywhere in the US. I personally hired some technicians, well schooled in their field, to permanently shut this program down. It is unfortunate that some found the need to trespass, and very fortunate for them that I choose not to file charges. I do assure all of the innocent law abiding people that all is safe. I thank you for your continued support, and love."

Luke Minhere

Owner and CEO of Minhere Inc

This was sent to the newspapers following what appeared to be a malfunction in one of Minhere Inc.'s older lab, now storage facility. This is in reply to a report made July 9, 2011. I must add that the informant, for lack of a better way to identify the person, was indeed harmed, and did have proof that he was asked to the lab by an unknown source. I was able to speak to the assistant of Minhere Inc who stated that fault did not lie on the shoulders of Minhere Inc if some unknown hero followed some unknown source asking them to their private lab for unknown reasons. I will remain on top of this story, however, in case of any breaking new information arises.



Paragon Times
Wednesday 19 July

Perez Bloodshed

Perez Park has never been the safest of areas but last nights' bloodshed was even more viloent than this benighted zone experiences in a normal evening. Over one hundred Hellions and Skulls were assaulted last night, it seems, with many sustaining deep lacerations and several suffering what appear to be bite wounds to the chest and abdomen. Several of the wounded were treated at the Steel Canyon Medical centre and have indicated it was some sort of animal attack. Several of the animalistic superbeings that frequent the city are known to use the park for recretion and travel.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Paragon City Gazette
Saturday edition, page two, 30th of July 2011

Boomed-town Brit

'In the very early hours of this morning sources have confirmed reports of a small but potent gas explosion in central Boumtown. There were no witnesses known to have seen the actual explosion, but a plume of smoke and reports from a field hospital set up in the hazard zone revealed that one Eric "Hearthbound" Hart (formerly "Hearth and Heart") was actively patrolling the area at the time.

Mr Hart graciously informed us that he was in part responsible for the blast. He confirmed that he was patrolling one of the partially demolished high-rises in the zone at around four a.m., but was assaulted by an Arachnos Blood Widow sent specifically to assassinate him. During the ensuing struggle, his fireballs touched off a gas pocket left over from the destruction of the building and brought several floors down onto his attacker.

Mr Hart is certain the Widow did not survive either the initial blast or the resulting partial demolition. He didn't escape unscathed; suffering wounds from multiple dart wounds but doctors at Steel Canyon Medical Centre who treated him say "He (Eric) will make a full recovery. His injuries were fortunately free of poison damage, so should heal naturally in a few weeks."

As a regular charity donator and infamous lady's man, Eric...'



CNN, around lunchtime, August 30th

"The sleepy town of Nahant, Massachusetts is surrounded by military and emergency services this morning. The island community near Boston, connected to the mainland by a single causeway, has been isolated by what a spokesman described as "some form of magical barrier" since around dawn. All communication with those on the island has been lost and attempts to pierce the barrier have proven futile.

"Mrs Gloria Cavisham was attempting to head to the town this morning."

The picture cuts to a video of a middle-aged woman being interviewed in front of a large, dented limousine.

"I come here every Saturday for my regular spa day at Le Manoir Rouge. They do wonders with my nails and the massages are very relaxing. This morning we drove down and the car just stopped! Like we had hit a wall, but there's nothing there. I think it's aliens... or those Praetorians."

The screen cuts back to the studio.

"Attempts continue to make contact with those inside the Nahant Bubble. And now we're going to Joan Lee for the weather..."

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Paragon Times.
Explosions rock Talos Bay!

((Also possibly heard if flicking through the channels of the general TV news stations))
By: [Insert no-name reporter here]

Saturday, July 30, 2010
Residences of Talos Island reported awakening during a midnight thunder storm, claiming the lightening and thunder to of been the culprits of their disturbed slumbers. But police report a more sinister source of the flashes of light and loud noises when several were dispatched to a warehouse on the docks. Firefights thought they were being called on a fire started by lightening, only to watch as three vigilantes fleed the scene of an exploded helicopter. Inside the warehouse were over a dozen bodies of armed men and guards though the building had otherwise been ransacked. Police and no comments to make on what had happened or why, but one can only imagine it was another case of heros taking the law into their own hands. Of the bodies was a single survivor, a Francis Dorn, tied in with several cases of illegal smuggling. He had been beaten, unlike the rest of the bodies found, but left alive on top of the wear house roof.

Resources also claim that the several bodies were found with tazer burns on their skin (read: nonlethal ammo used), but the causes of their death were more critical wounds from weapons such as blades or arrows. More interesting reports say that what appears to of been a multi-barreled stun-gun (read: handheld minigun?) was used on a powerful and large, six plus foot man known as a lieutenant of Francis Dorn. But it was the blood lose from empty eye sockets that caused his death.

No other leads have been found.



PNN (Paragon News Network) LIVE!

"This reporter is here at the offices of Minhere Inc., located in the Steel Canyon business district. Fire trucks, ambulances, PPD and even Longbow are stationed in a perimeter around the building even as I speak."

(the camera turns from the reporter, an almost wax faced 40 something year old who apparently has had enough botox to insure his forehead does not move for years to come, and focuses on the high rise of Minhere Inc.)

"It seems something has been going on, but exactly what is unclear. I have seen many stretchers coming out of the office, some holding black body bags. Officials will not allow us to get any closer, simply stating it is for our safety. I did get a chance to speak to someone who claimed they were inside the building when this all began. Tony, please roll the footage."

(A young man in a cheap suit, red hair, and a squeaky voice is now in front of the camera, a shot apparently taken moments before. The reporter obviously insures his face is in the shot, even as he speaks to the young man.)

"I am Paul, and I was in there when this all started. Mr. Minhere and his people were attacked, unprovoked I may add, by what he called Lord Nemesis agents. I could tell that some of those agents were not human, they were AI's, Artificial Intelligence."

(The reporter looked blankly at Paul, the smile never leaving his face.)

"Robots sir, that think on their own."

(The reporter does not blink, may not be able to, as he continues to smile and stare at the young man.)

"Well, anyway, Mr. Minhere may well have saved my life, at great risk to his own, when he ordered me to the top of the building, where his pilot whisked me away. I do hope he is alright."

(The young man walks away at this point, and the reporter now stands in front of the camera live, trying his best to appear as close to the trouble as he can, even ducking time to time when a loud noise occurs.)

"As you can hear from the noises behind me, there is still much activity occuring, and I may well need to back up more." (he inches closer hoping to get the attention of the PPD officer who will surely tell him to back off)

(The shot goes back to the talking heads in the newsroom)

"Well, Rodgerick, you be careful there sir, it looked as if you are in the middle of the action. On that note, we will take a much needed commercial break, and be back with more PNN news! We are where the action is!"



Paragon Times, July 31st 2011
The sleepy town of Nahant, MA, has spent Saturday enshrouded in a bubble of what consultant Hero Primos Magestica has described as "magical energy of a demonic nature." Authorities have been trying to crack the barrier around the town since it was reported early this morning. The barrier seems to have gone up at approximately dawn and shows no sign of lifting. Vanguard reported that satellite surveys of the area show no movement whithin the bubble and that there is no sign of Rikti or Praetorian incersion, but have been assisting in attempts to breach the prison this small town finds itself in.

CNN, breakfast news broadcast
"Tragedy has struck the island community of Nahant, Massacheusets. Viewers may recall that the town was surrounded by a magical, demonic bubble at dawn yesterday. The bubble dissolved at dawn today and Vanguard forces spearheaded civilian police units in entering the town. Current reports indicate that there was some sort of demonic incersion, and that there have been a number of fatalities, largely around the Le Manoir Rouge spa. Further reports that two people survived the attack on the spa, but these are currently unconfirmed, and no names have been given.

"More on this as it comes in..."

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Paragon Times, Monday 15th August 2011, page 15

The trial of the Praetorian Operative Raurí Connell, aka Belus, began today with the defence lodging a plea of Not Guilty for reasons of Diminished Responsibility. The case will continue on Wednesday with the prosecution, led by Mr Aaron Roth. Judge Lawrence Carmichael is presiding.


The Tattler, Monday 15th 2011, page 5

It is with great displeasure that we at the Tattler must once again report that the government is allowing political pussyfooting to stand in the way of justice. One Raurí Connell, a Praetorian Agent also known as Belus, is standing trial for various violent crimes, including the murder of an innocent student at Paragon City University. His plea is, of course, not guilty.

We are left to ask; is justice to be sacrificed for the political machinations of those Praetorians who only wish to take advantage of our society before another attempted invasion? Is appeasement to be the policy of those in power?

It would seem that we can only watch and wait as the inevitable aquittal is passed and crime once again goes unpunished.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



The Tattler, 17th August 2011, page 3

The Magic Murders Trial began in earnest today, with opening statements being given by both the prosecution and defence lawyers. We at the Tattler believe it to be nothing more than a sham designed to give the illusion of justice without any real intention of seeing it carried out.

The fact that the defence team does not dispute the fact that the numerous murders and other crimes were committed by the accused, one Raurí Connell (aka Belus), formerly a resident of Praetoria. They still have chosen to bog the proceedings down with specious arguments over whether or not he was ultimately responsible for these horrific acts.

To quote Mr Aaron Roth, the lead prosecutor's opening speech; "This trial is not to determine guilt, so much as responsibility. The facts of this case are that Mr Connell, over a number of days, gained illegal entry to our beloved city, and proceeded to commit acts of murder, attempted murder, assault and theft. My colleagues on the defence team do not dispute these facts. You will, however, be told that the defendent wasn't in control of his actions. You will be told that his admittedly tragic past has predisposed him to anger towards those who use magic. And you will be told that because of these things, he is a victim. My esteemed colleagues will be very persuasive as they give their reasons, but at the end of the day, this man killed people. And he wanted to kill them. Not because of his past, or because he was controlled, but because of what they were. People who use magic. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a hate crime on a par with racial genocide, and have no doubt - if he could kill everyone in the world who uses magic, he would."

In spite of the seriousness of the alleged crimes, the so-called 'heroes' of this city have, as can be expected, turned out to defend the actions of one of their own. Several high profile individuals, including Ellie Stoneburg, aka Tiger White and Richard Huntington, aka Shadowe, took the stand to give evidence. All of whom argued in support of the defence's claims despite the best efforts of the prosecution.

It would appear that Mr Aaron Roth will have is work cut out to put a stop to the political prevarication that appears to be rife in this token trial. One can only hope that those on the jury can see through the prevarications and return a verdict of 'Guilty'.


Paragon Times, 17th August 2011, page 5

The trial of Praetorian Operative Raurí Connell, aka Belus, which some parts of the media have dubbed the “Magic Murder Trial”, continued today. With a number of registered heroes and experts being called to give evidence.

While the defence do not deny the charges which have been brought against the defendant, it would seem that the case hinges on the culpability of Mr Connell. Something which has been called into question upon analysis of the weapons he used.

In spite of the efforts of the prosecution, Mr Aaron Roth (which at times bordered on being in contempt of court), the witnesses who took the stand were either unable to shed any light on the matter, or strongly supported the opinion that the weapons were “cursed” and strongly influenced the defendant's behaviour to the point of being “essentially mind controlled”.

Mr Connell remains remanded in custody pending the resolution of the trial, which is expected to be on Friday.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Paragon Times 18th August 2011, page 4

The trial of Praetorian Operative Raurí Connell continued today, with testimonies given by respected criminal psychologist Dr Evan Falstaff, and member of the Midnight Squad, Professor Raul Santos, an expert on magical and cursed weaponry.

After several hours of cross examination, the jury heard the closing arguments and were adjourned to begin their deliberations.

Their decision is expected to be given tomorrow afternoon. Mr Connell remains remanded in custody pending the verdict.


The Tattler, 18th August 2011, page 3

The travesty of justice that is the Magic Murders Trial continued today with so-called “experts” giving reasons why the court should turn a blind eye to the deaths of various magic users, including young student, Elizabeth Reed.

Given that the defendant has made no attempt to deny responsibility for the brutal murders (and other crimes), we at the Tattler have to wonder at the length of this charade and why so much effort is going into painting him as a victim. It would certainly seem that in spite of the valiant efforts of prosecutor, Mr Aaron Roth, the inevitable conclusion of this trial will leave a dangerous individual free on the streets, when they should clearly be locked up for the safety of the honest citizens of this fair city.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Paragon Times, 19th August 2011, page 4

The trial of Praetorian Operative Raurí Connell, aka Belus, drew to a close today after the jury returned a verdict of the lesser charge of Involuntary Manslaughter.

The defendant was sentenced to be remanded into psychiatric care pending the acceptance of a Super or Military Group who are willing to supervise continued treatment. Judge Lawrence Carmichael remarked that “despite the crimes you committed, your actions while being held at the Zigursky Penitentiary have shown that your first instinct is to protect. It is with this in mind that you are being given this chance. I pray that you do not waste it.”

The defence council, Sophie O'Neil, commented that while her client “deeply regrets the deaths he caused, we are very relieved that the circumstances surrounding them have been acknowledged and taken into account. It is our hope that Mr Connell can someday soon return to society as a protector, rather than someone to be feared.”


The Tattler, 19th August 2011, page 3

It should come to no surprise to our readers that the Magic Murders Trial has closed with a “Not Guilty” verdict. To add insult to the injury already done to the grieving families, the defendant, one Raurí Connell, aka Belus, formerly resident of Preatoria has been found guilty of the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter, thus completely exonerating him of the responsibility for the deaths he admits causing.

This disgraceful display was compounded by Judge Carmichael's suggestion that Mr Connell be released to the custody of a Super Group, therefore leading the the likelihood of this dangerous individual once again haunting the streets of our fair city.

We at the Tattler are shocked at the flagrant disregard for the safety and well being of Paragon's citizens and would hope that any judge who holds their political office above the security of the people seriously considers tendering their resignation before they can do more damage.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



August 25 2011

Police Suspect Supervillain Involvement with "Earthquake" in Colorado

Police investigating the site of an apparent earthquake in the city of Boulder, Colorado, say they suspect the event was caused by a superpowered attack by unknown forces. Though eyewitnesses say the earth shook violently for several minutes, seismic readings indicate that the earth tremor itself was not powerful enough to have caused such widespread destruction, leaving several buildings almost completely destroyed.

The Boulder area experienced sporadic power cuts in the minutes before the quake became noticeable, and an office building outside of the hardest-hit area abruptly collapsed. City officials have so far refused to comment on the building's structural soundness. The area has been cordoned off by police as a crime scene.

There have been unconfirmed reports of "stone men" appearing amid the rubble of the quake-damaged area, some claiming that a group of unidentified superheroes arrived to combat these creatures. Police spokesmen have denied the involvement of the "Devouring Earth" terrorists in this incident, but say that other avenues of investigation are being kept open.

Several Boulder residents are still unaccounted for and it is thought that many may be trapped in the rubble.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



{Paragon News Network Special Report Transcript - First broadcast 27 August 2011, Approx 15.15}

Thank you, Bill. This is Denise Shale reporting from Talos Island's exclusive Veronique boutique, where earlier today a vicious criminal gang assaulted staff and patrons.

Eyewitness reports say that the gang, numbering between eight and ten men and women in spandex uniforms, burst in through the door and windows - which, as you can see behind me, are now being boarded up - and attacked those within.

Further statements from those who witnessed the attack say that the assailants said nothing as they systematically destroyed the store's wares, and beat up the shoppers. Fortunately for everyone there, it wasn't long before a superhero arrived on the scene to deal with the gang - I've heard rumours that it was, in fact, Luminescence, who was allegedly shopping in the store at the time of the attack, but Samantha Huntington is not available for comment at this time.

One customer, a male, who was probably shopping for something for his girlfriend, had to be taken to hospital, where he is being treated for concussion. Apparently no one else was seriously hurt in the struggle, and the majority of the offenders were transported to the Ziggursky Penitentiary, where they will await trial.

This is Denise Shale, Talos Island, for PNN. Back to you, Bill.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



((Found throughout the Isles, on the internet and possibly even in Paragon))

Rogue Isle Protector, 7th September 2011

New Arachnos Bounties!

In light of the recent conflict with the despicable band of mercenaries known as "The Corporation", Lord Recluse and his loyal Arbiters can tolerate this merciless group of parasites no more and has asked the fair citizens and professionals of the Isles to help in their capture! Bounties have been issued for many of it's agents, below is an example of one! Keep an eye out for any of these dangerous individuals and any new releases that may come!

Full bounty list on page 6!


I can't be bothered to think of something amazingly wise or witty to show how much of a genius I am, just take my word for it.



Paragon Herald wrote:

Private Jet Crash Wreckage Found, Fuels more questions

Wreckage found by the crew of a Canadian fishing boat has been confirmed as belonging to a private jet previously thought to have crashed en route to Beijing.

The private jet, a Gulfstream IV Private Business Jet, was travelling from Providence, RI to Beijing when contact was lost with air traffic controllers about 500 miles (800 kilometers) west of San Fransisco.

Official search teams have been combing the area between San Fransisco and Honolulu, Hawaii hoping to find some sign of the crashed jet, with no success. However, a fishing boat out of Vancouver, British Columbia found the debris while fishing in the North Pacific.

“We were dredging as usual,” said Michel Rosse, Captain of the Morning Ray, “when suddenly our nets snagged on something in the water. When we brought it aboard we realised it was some part of an airplane.”

The jet was said to be carrying Jamie "Jay" Reynolds, CEO of RCI and formerly the hero 'The Crimson Archer', along with 2 crew members when it crashed. According to Brigitte Barrand, Reynolds Concept & Innovations company spokeswoman, there was no reason for the private jet chartered by the company to be so far off course.

Similarly, a source within the air traffic authority is reported to have said that there is no logical reason why the wreckage should have been discovered so far north of the expected flight plan.

As yet no bodies have been found.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Galaxy Falls, Philanthropy Rises
Page 6 of the Paragon Times, Friday Morning Edition.

While it has been only four days since the meteor shower struck Galaxy City with tragic and devastating consequences, already the charity works begins for local philanthropists and fund-raisers. Shay Bennett, a Los Angeles born property developer who came to the city four years ago has been busy at work.

'It's at times like these that it's important to band together, and to get things mobilized so those affected can regain some normality in their lives and not have to worry about having a roof over their heads.'

Backing up his words with action, Mr Bennett has working with FEMA to get people back with their families and re-homed in other parts of the city.

'We've been lucky with property development in Kings Row, Overbrook and in the suburbs. Thanks to generous donations from thrift stores, we're getting people re-homed, clothed, and thanks to the Paragon City Volunteer Society, working if they feel up to it or getting them back to their own jobs with carpool schemes and transport initiatives.'

Shay, who lives in Founder's Falls, has also been arranging for gardens near the Founder's Fall train station to gain a memorial to Galaxy City.

'It's risen to prominence after the Rikti War, and the work of all the heroes there, the people, and the inspiring figure that is Galaxy Girl need to be remembered. I'm hoping we can have fruit trees planted, a plaque in honour of Galaxy Girl and a plaque to all those lives lost and the heroism seen in Galaxy City on that day.'

A series of charity events are being planned to raise money for those in need, including theatre shows in Atlas Park's Promenade area, and a local music gig at The Pits in Kings Row, held in honour of Galaxy City nu-metal band Gemini Rises, who died during the meteor strikes.



-Found in the Tome of News, a free occult and mysticism based newsletter in most Paragon magic shops.

Young arkanist looking for mentor, particulaley one who works with heroes from Paragon. Interested in putting magical powers to better use. Please call outside of work hours.(8AM-5.30PM).

(Number supplied)



Drowning on dry land?

Rogue Island Police, have once again discovered the body of a man drowned, several miles from any free standing water. The R.I.P have yet to say whether they believe it to be the work of a super villain, gangland punishment or a bizarre method of suicide.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



A third case of drowning on dry land.

Last night one Mark Dougan was found drowned outside the ‘Dirty Frog’, it is believed the R.I.P have a witness to what is now being classified as a serial murder case.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Total Praetoria News - Friday 30th

IDF Major Killed in Action

Constance Swanhildr, a veteran of the Norweigan Armed Forces Batajlon 2 and a Major in the Imperial Defence Force's 1st Brigade was killed in action early Thursday morning, while on duty protecting Praetoria City from Devouring Earth.

Maj. Svanhildr, a charasmatic woman known for her tenacity in battle and her work with the IDF's Recruitment Board, was on a culling and scientific operation with her unit when they came under attack by a terrorist cell. It is believed her actions allowed most of her unit time to escape, along with the Administration Scientists accompanying them to.

The IDF issued a statement, saying 'The tragic death of Major Svanhildr comes as a shock to us all. She gave her life however to protect scientists working to keep us safe from the Devouring Earth threat, and will be remembered for her bravery and honour. We will remain vigilant for further cowardly attacks from terrorists, and ensure such a tragedy will not occur again.'

Maj. Svanhildr first began fighting the Devouring Earth in her home country of Norway, and joined the IDF when it was formed to train them with the experience she had gathered. In the past years, she had participated in several rounds of IDF recruitment campaigns, including the popular 'Keep Praetoria Perfect', 'Protectors of People' and the 'Humanity's Guardians' adverts. She leaves no surviving family members behind.



Body discovered in Overbrook.29th Late Edition paper, 30th regular papers.

Police divers this morning discovered the body of missing former teacher Jane Smith (27), M.A.G.I were also on hand at the scene, sources report that the body was found in a ‘ritualistic’ manner. Both Jane and her husband John had been reported missing close to two months ago. Police have not issued a statement whether they believe the husband to be alive or dead.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Paragon Times, 03/10/2011


The city lay shocked yesterday in the late evening as a huge, wreath-based mark exploded across the skies of Paragon. From our sources in Longbow, we have learned that this act was committed by a ferocious crime syndicate known as the "Corporation", and the story behind why they have seemingly declared war on Paragon.

Though normally remaining hidden in the shadows and eluding justice for many years, the Corporation finally tripped up several weeks ago and left one of their smuggling tanker ships exposed to a raid composed of both Longbow and the supergroup, the Liberty Force. The raid was a large success says our anonymous tipster, with not only many contraband and stolen goods being seized but a fair few Corporation employees being caught as well.

Yesterday however, in an act of apparent retribution, the Corporation launched their own attacks, one against a Longbow base and the other against Zigursky Penitentiary itself, to try and free their imprisoned comrades-in-crime.

As if this was bad enough, our source describes the foul mercenaries as just casually incapacitating the brave men and women of Longbow and the PPD as if they "weren't in the least bit worried about the threat they posed". Such arrogance could only be trumped by the Corp's next act.

The image shown is of the special bomb the Corp detonated within the Longbow base. Not only did it destroy thousands of dollars worth of equipment, it also scarred our beautiful cities sky with their calling card for at least ten minutes, as if to challenge our guardians to try and continue the fight against them. All but one of the base's staff has been verified to have evacuated before the bomb went off. Our condolences go out to the family of Officer James Frits, who is believed to have perished in the explosion after heroically tackling the Corp agents twice.

I can't be bothered to think of something amazingly wise or witty to show how much of a genius I am, just take my word for it.



Devouring Earth Cull in Talos?
Paragon Evening Times, 13/10/2011

A number of Devouring Earth were found destroyed near Eleusis in Talos Island today by regularly patrolling heroes. Mirror Max, one of the heroes sweeping the area, said "It was brutal, it looked like they'd had some of their arms torn off. Whoever did this was rather determined."

As always, the PPD advise members of the public to not go near the regions north of the old gate to Astoria, or north of the Warehouse District near the tunnel to Skyway City due to roving groups of Devouring Earth.