23 -
Yeah, I'm trading out my Mac for something a bit more reasonable for gaming! And it appears that'll have to be the case if I want to get on City of Heroes again regardless (unless, of course, downloaded either or of Snow Leopard of Lion).
Well I'm not using Leopard - just Macbook Pro - unless I'm completely incoherent of what sort of programs my computer uses.
And no I'm not using Norton, which I did see was the issue for the previous patron. I'll probably call costumer support - and if not - I plan on getting a new laptop anyway. -
I'm almost certain this is going to be a MAC issue, and I believe I heard a similar case in another form - but it didn't completely apply to me as I had only just gotten the problem and also haven't uninstalled my game.
Upon opening City of Heroes Launcher I get the patch update download, but immediately upon being 'complete' the patch seems to fail and tells me
Downloaded patch does not match expected patch hash.
Lord knows what hash is. Anyway, I'm not sure if this is just because the servers aren't up yet, and work is still being worked on, or if I am going to need to do some manual labor on this thing.
I'm using a Mac OS X version 10.5.8
In attempting to do the 'repair' the launch suggests, I get the same problem.
Thank you in advance! -
Thank you! I was nearly pulling my hair out, because I thought something might be wrong with my computer. -
Quote:I'm more happy about this then upset! This means the support has an answer. Phew!I'm going to venture a guess that you're using Mac OS 10.5.8. If that's true, then ta daa, more fixes! This is from the post by Winterminal last night:
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=271360 -
Quote:I got all that figured out but...Are you logged in with an Administrator or a limited account? Also if NC Launcher or COH is running the application will be locked.
**Now with all that aside, the only problem is 10. Run the NCSoft Launcher and patch up to date.
Everything seemed to go fine, till the Launcher showed no signs of change and continues to be unwilling to open. Hmm.
When I went to patch it is when all this started.
The Launcher, which I've used before, says its not compatible for this version of mac. -
Quote:**Now with all that aside, the only problem is 10. Run the NCSoft Launcher and patch up to date.hmm. I send a PM to Winterminal about this and am waiting to hear back til any of us answer. Did your game at least patch up all the way?
Everything seemed to go fine, till the Launcher showed no signs of change and continues to be unwilling to open. Hmm.
When I went to patch it is when all this started.
The Launcher, which I've used before, says its not compatible for this version of mac. -
Quote:I am presuming that what you are trying to do is to put the "coh old" folder that you made on your desktop BACK into the c_drive folder. If this is correct.. first make sure that you have renamed the folder back to coh... and then again OPTION click and move it into your c_drive folder. This will prompt you if you want to replace it... it also is merely copying what you have on your desktop back in. (you can simply try to move it back in if you don't want to keep a copy.. but I am not trusting the updater today, so I am keeping a copy of my preferences on the desktop.)
I hope that helps!
Even with all that done, it doesn't allow any modifying of any kind. There is always a crossed out circle when I drag it, and the same error message arises.
Even after following the steps already given and your own.
-For whatever reason, the file is locked. -
Paragon Times.
Explosions rock Talos Bay!
((Also possibly heard if flicking through the channels of the general TV news stations))
By: [Insert no-name reporter here]
Saturday, July 30, 2010
Residences of Talos Island reported awakening during a midnight thunder storm, claiming the lightening and thunder to of been the culprits of their disturbed slumbers. But police report a more sinister source of the flashes of light and loud noises when several were dispatched to a warehouse on the docks. Firefights thought they were being called on a fire started by lightening, only to watch as three vigilantes fleed the scene of an exploded helicopter. Inside the warehouse were over a dozen bodies of armed men and guards though the building had otherwise been ransacked. Police and no comments to make on what had happened or why, but one can only imagine it was another case of heros taking the law into their own hands. Of the bodies was a single survivor, a Francis Dorn, tied in with several cases of illegal smuggling. He had been beaten, unlike the rest of the bodies found, but left alive on top of the wear house roof.
Resources also claim that the several bodies were found with tazer burns on their skin (read: nonlethal ammo used), but the causes of their death were more critical wounds from weapons such as blades or arrows. More interesting reports say that what appears to of been a multi-barreled stun-gun (read: handheld minigun?) was used on a powerful and large, six plus foot man known as a lieutenant of Francis Dorn. But it was the blood lose from empty eye sockets that caused his death.
No other leads have been found. -
I was browsing the News Paper forum, and realized something in the process. Many of our characters have details that we try to keep hidden and unknown by the general public.
I'd personally hate to have to reveal Kails true name within a news paper article to get a story across.
But such things, such secrets, may be just what grabs the publics attention. And if not typical public then perhaps a more secret and underground group. And not all these rumors make front pages, or really make the news at all.
I've seen a few forums like this on other game websites, where people post rumors or any kind about any character or thing. They can be serious, they may be entirely bonkers. But they're something flouting around the water cooler, or the Pocket D bar.
Tl;dr: tell us some IC rumors that could/would/should be floating around. Even if they are total BS.
(My own contribution.)
Often floating around the mystic community are rumors of a women said to be beautiful, said to be hideous, said to steal souls in return for power, said to reveal secrets for equal reward. One thing that everyone can agree on is that she calls herself a Priest.
But a women can't be a Priest. Right?
(( If there's something like this already up, then I've totally missed it and I do apologize in advance. )) -
Veuillez cliquer sur une des icônes de réponse rapide dans les messages ci-dessus pour activer la 'Réponse rapide'.
You can also contact me, @Teh Kail whenever I'm online and I'll see what I can do too!
I have lots of RP villain alts that need a good IC VG home!
Paragon City Times
'Jane Doe remains identified as elderly window, Florance Bards'
On Friday, at 11 pm, the remains of a elderly women's torso was found washed up in Faultline City's sewer system. It is still unsure of how the remains got there, or what removed the limbs and head from the body, what was known was that the limbs were removed post-mortem. Now the body has been identified as a window at the age of sixty-eight by the name of Florance Bards. Florance lost her husband in battle during the Rikti invasion, many people who knew her said she had become very depressed since then and was actively seeking out Mediums and the likes. Claiming she felt her deceased husbands spirit in their house in Talos. PPD are close to declaring the case a Cold case, as they've run out of leads, and any outside Hero help has been met with little information and much resistance.
(A follow up from a Conjuring of the demon Duke Zepar that Kail reformed as requested from a "elderly widow named Florance.") -
Your art is very appealing, and I *love* how you give some curves to the women. It's so nice to see!
The noses are also really cute... is that a weird thing to say? -
It's been a while since I looked back on here, and I see I have a lot of reading to do! Thank you everyone for being so helpful. I guess they weren't kidding when they said CoH was one of the nicest online multi-player games.
Souring Speck spotted by Youth at Talos Island.
Reports continue of a winged figure souring from roof tops on Talos Island. Commonly seen at the monument of the urban hero 'Talos' himself, many have assumed it to be another of the thousands of heroes in the city. Yet children who have claimed to of met the unknown figure say it's a faceless girl with "tiny bird wings". This reporter assumes we have another hero to add to our list. -
City of Heroes Girls
If anyone is bored enough and curious, above is a link to some of my character creations. I'd love any work done on them. Please and thank you.
^.^ -
I've *always* pictured Aorah with some anime style to her. She's actually supposed to have an Bishoujo feel to her sometimes. Especially in her more actual outfit;
Front View
Angled View
Back View
This is my first time posting something! Especially for a contest like this~! Thanks for the opportunity! -
Looking through the Croatoa lore was wicked helpful! Thank you!
(Using the page navigations for forums it said you can discuss Lore under 'For Fun!', in which forum *exactly* I'm not sure... Hopefully this is the right place.)
Hello World of Paragon! I'm new to the forums, though I've been on the game for only a few months. I have a character now, who's origin is magic and would be obsessed with all things magi, mystic, supernatural and fea (fay?) related. In real life, I know my fair share on these things, but I need to figure out how it's different for the world of Paragon.
I'm surfing the main website, then Paragon wiki and even bringing some information. Hopefully I can get some information straight from the community, learn what people generally reefer to when roleplaying?
((And example of why I'm asking. I saw one girl talking about Pandora's box as *we* know it. Having unlocked the evil into the world, but on the paragon wiki it's explained much differently. I don't have to be treating Paragon lore like I would in the real world.))