In the Newspapers!




A general report from the radio in Marconeville, Port Oakes, mentioned a number of villain groups were prepping for a meet up at some point this weekend in a secret location in Port Oaks in order to bid for an “item of unique value”. Whether this will be a civil affair or, more become a battle between old enemies is yet to be seen.



Rogue Isles protector, September 22nd

Blast rocks St. Martial, dozens injured, three dead.

In the early hours of this morning around three a.m., an explosion destroyed a supplies warehouse near to the Arachnos base in St. Martial. Witnesses say the shockwave blew out windows for three miles around ground zero, the fireball turning night into day for many seconds. Debris has been found this morning as far away as Cap Au Diable. Arachnos drones recorded fleeting images of a tall, platinum-haired female of unknown identity dressed in black armour, leaving the scene on foot.

The warehouse, which carried supplies of food and medicines to the less-fortunate inhabitants of the Isles at cost, had been operating legitimately in the area for over a decade. The owner, one Anthony Braithewaite, said to our reporter this morning that he '(is) Shocked and dismayed that such a brutal and uncaring act of barbarity would be commited upon the innocent lives struggling to live on the isle's poorest communities.' Mr Braithewaite went on to say that 'The cost of the lost food and medicines would be met from his own pocket, to ensure that as few people as possible would miss out on their desperately needed supplies.'

Among the dead were three night-patrolmen, all fine upstanding citizens and loyal Reclusian subjects. Other injuries came from blast damage and shock-trauma, as well as some crushing wounds from falling debris.

Arachnos had nothing to say about this incident.



In Paragon City newspapers, A few have it as front page news.

Dr Jonas Clegg, noted and published geneticist, was found dead this morning. Police have stated they are investigating the circumstances surrounding Dr Clegg's passing but refused to comment further.

Dr Clegg was known to be working for Crey Industries. When approached, a spokes person for Crey Industries issued this press statement.

"We are saddened by the loss of this brilliant man. However he was dismissed from our employ several weeks ago due to the questionable research he had been doing. A full investigation is underway and details will be released in due course."

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



In most Paragon City newspapers of 6 October 2008
A fair few have it as front page news.

The hero known as Grav Mistress was declared dead last night. Found dead in a magical incident in Austria, her body was moved to Paragon for further investigation.
The investigation into events leading up to her demise is still ongoing.

The Grav Mistress was a mage of some renown in the magical circles. Loved by most due to her actions and the comic “Mistress of Gravity”.
Recently Grav Mistress has been in the media more due to events surrounding her life partner Tiger White.

Azuria commented that Grav Mistress “was a keen scholar and a powerful practitioner of the art. Her contributions have made a difference, she will be missed as a person and as a hero.”

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Richard Bacon, writes in his once-a-week column for the Paragon Times

Longstaff Wartech announces new 'Wonderdrug'

A recent transaction on Longstaff's books look like something worth shouting about. Three billion US dollars being transfered raised a few eyebrows with me and fortunate that I invested in shares of a company that I personally believe in and highly recommend. While some of the 'good for all the world' might grate on a few people, it refreshing when a company actually follows through with that kind of ideal. Longstaff's purchase was finally revealed in the form of a new wonderdrug. Tigh-Hygeia is the strange name for an all-in-one miracle treatment. Yes, I know I said miracle and I wasn't kidding. Initial testing of the drug was on a selective group of volunteers and careful screening to decide on the most viable. I had the great fortune to be invited to the testing phase, signing the usual non-disclosure which has only just been made void. I was amazed at the results, having watched most of the testees make such incredible recoveries.

The most amazing thing was seeing a child with brittle bone disease running round after a full course. A man with inoperable lung cancer breathing normally. A woman with severe burns stroking her smooth skin. I might have been biased on that last one. So what's the catch? Well I'll tell you.

A waiting list.

While the drug is good, it is fairly limited. Apparently fifty to a hundred courses per month, depending on which conditions are to be treated. A fair compromise, if somewhat demanding on Longstaff's pen-pushers. But here's to Longstaff's latest, possibly greatest, medical advancement.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Rising Stars – unusual Broadcast

Anyone with certain powers watching the 19:00 showing of today’s episode of Super Group reality TV show Rising Stars may have seen some unusual activity of the live broadcast.
Rewatching on demand or who recorded it would not.

Speedsters may have noticed up to three subliminal images. The images were scrambled and would have looked a little like a single frame digital corruption of a one dollar bill, an eye and a sword.

Anyone with super hearing may have heard a high pitch (beyond human hearing) the phrase “As it is commanded” just before the first commercial break.



Young daughter murders gang boss

Early yesterday morning alleged gang boss Don Tortelli was stabbed to death as he slept by his 13 year old daughter Silvia. A spokesman from the Rogue Island Police commented, “The girl seemed in shock afterwards, she seemed not to know what she had done, still it’s one less piece of scum on the street so who cares.”
This is the fourth in a number of similar cases where key figures the Rogue Islands has been killed by either a family member or close advisor in the last 24 hours.



Daring heist in the heart of Atlas!

Miss Flambeux, one of the new heroes in frank raise amongst the ranks of the city heroes, was hospitalized with a broken arm and a cracked jaw after trying to defend one of the Atlas Bank branches.

The witnesses in the bank at that time speak that a single person violently made its entry by openly kicking the doors down and beating every guard who tried to stop her.

Fortunatly there has been no regretful loss of life to report from this act of violence.



Stricken hero raises from the ashes

((Third page, small blurb))

The heroine Flambeux who had tried to stop a robbery yesterday and was badly beaten for it was released from the hospital this very morning.

We managed to get a commentary from the doctor in charge of the heroine.

'We do not know how it happened, but her broken arm has reknitted and her jaw is impecable. A molar lost a few months ago in a fight against Hellions and even her apendix have both regrown. We are pleasantly surprised at what must be a side effect of her powers.'

Flambeux has joined her family in time for Christmas but we were unable to get any comments from the young heroine.



--seen in different newspapers on different pages, December 25th--

Santa Claus in need of toys?

Steel Canyon - Several toy store owners in Steel Canyon couldn't believe what what they saw when they arrived at their stores yesterday, on the last day of opening before Christmas. Windows smashed and nearly all the toys were gone, yet no alarm had sounded, not at any store.

There is no clue on who is responsible for these huge thefts. The only footage the police found on the camera's placed in the stores were of Santa Claus, speeding his way through the store, putting everything he came across in a huge bag, that strangely didn't grow any bigger.

A full investigation has started on the matter, though Chief Jackson of the Steel Canyon Police claims they have little to go on. This Santa didn't leave prints or footsteps or any other evidence to find out his true identity and no witnesses have come forward so far.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Minor headline in several Paragon newspapers, page two or three, January 8th, 2009

Hellions die in Blaze

Police have reported the discovery of several dead bodies, assumed to be Hellions, in the wreckage of a building which burned down last night. A gang of Hellions was thought to be using the abandoned office as a hideout. "Evidence is currently pointing to one of their rituals going wrong," said Detective Montoya of the PPD, Galaxy City.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Second headline, front page accompanied by a small picture of a blown out building front

Local shop, blown open

Early on tuesday the the twentyith of Janurary an explosion was heard from a shop in Galaxy City, when police arrived they found a family of four hung up by their entrails, dismembered and disfigured, calling Freedom Corps in they soon swept the scene only finding a small card, a six of spades, the only damage seems to be the rubble spread across the street, no gunshots, no scorchmarks. Freedom Corps had no comment as did the Police. The investigation is continuing.

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



A minor article, some way into the newspaper

Dead Hero returns with vengence

Deceased heroine High Burn has recently been spotted alive and well in Pocket D, and sporting an Arachnos uniform, it was revealed yesterday. High Burn, real name Marina Wilson, wife of Carl Wilson, the GoodGuy, and member of the Hyperion Watchmen (now merged with The Militia), was killed last year in a brutal attack, but her body was never recovered from the scene of the crime. It would now appear that the Arachnos organisation obtained the body, and are using it for their own nefarious means! Brainwashing is suspected, as she was heard to refer to herself as "Vii". However, Longbow can reveal that she has been operating under the codename of Facetaker.

It's sad to see a hero go bad



Monday 4th May

Rikti Weapons Stolen

Earlier today police confirmed that there had been a break-in at a police armoury over the weekend. The facility was being used to store Rikti weaponry recovered during a raid and awaiting collection by Vanguard forces.

It appears a small group of super-powered villains used psychic powers to get the armoury guards to open the facility, and then made off with a cache of Rikti swords and rifles, as well as three Rikti bombs. A spokesman for the police said that the raid was clearly well planned, and targeted specifically at the Rikti weaponry, as the police department's own weaponry was left untouched.

The alarm was raised by a member of the public who reported suspicious activity around the facility. Police intercepted the getaway vehicle, however the thieves pinned the pursuit officers down in a firefight long enough to teleport themselves and their stolen equipment away.

Vanguard are working closely with the PPD to track down those responsible and recover the stolen equipment before it can be used against the city.



Tuesday 12th May

Police Seize Blackmarket Weapons

Investigatons by the PPD have led to the arrest of fifteen individuals and a the capture of a large stash of illegal weaponry. Among the finds were several Rikti rifles and a Rikti sword, identified as part of the cache stolen from the police armoury last week.

A police statesman said that they would do everything in their power to keep these dangerous weapons off the streets.

Wednesday 13th May

Bomb Destroys Head Offices

An explosion last night marked the complete destruction of the head offices of Paragon Future Technologies, a small privately-owned think tank corporation that has been involved with research into Rikti technology. A spokesman for the company said that although the blast had destroyed the office building completely, they had sufficient off-site backups of the information stored there to continue operating, though it would take considerable time to bring things back to normal.

Police have stated that the explosion was caused by a Rikti bomb inside the building, thought to be one of those stolen in the armoury raid last week, along with extensive use of accelerants which prevented fire-fighters controlling the blaze before the building was completely destroyed. They have confirmed that nobody was hurt because the building had been evacuated as an anonymous phone call was made to inform the police that the bomb was due to go off.

Bomb disposal officers searching the building have reported that they encountered a small group of masked females who overpowered them and teleported them, unharmed, to an adjacent building.

Police are currently looking for clues as to the identity of these individuals, and have asked all heroes to be on the lookout for any clues as to the whereabouts of the two remaining bombs.



Saturday 16th May

Attempted Bombing Leaves Three Dead

Late last night an attempt was made to detonate a Rikti bomb inside the main research facility of Paragon Future Technologies, the company whose head offices were destroyed just a few days ago by a similar device.

A bomb threat was called in, and police arrived to find what they could only describe as a warzone. The group planting the bomb seems to have been interrupted by another, similarly uniformed, group and they were fighting each other for control of the facility.

After the building was set alight, PPD bomb disposal officers and firefighters managed to force their way inside and disarm the bomb itself, however parts of the building suffered extensive damage.

Most of the bombers managed to escape in the chaos, however the police have stated that three of them were killed in the fighting, and a fourth is critically injured and being held under guard in hospital. Thanks to the valiant efforts of firefighters and paramedics none of the emergency services staff on scene suffered more than minor injuries, mainly due to burns and smoke inhalation.

Paragon Future Technologies have declined to comment on the possible motives for the bombing, stating that they will wait for the police investigation to be completed. They have, however, indicated that they will not be hindered by the damage caused as they can transfer their research to their second, more secure, facility in the short term.



Mystery of Kheldian deaths claims 4th victim

The fourth case of a Kheldian having its lifeforce drained has been found early friday morning, the host body, a man known as Thomas green, was found dead down a small alleyway in Cap Au Diable.
Government files show Thomas had been bonded to a Kheldian by the name of Skraxesas for a little over 8 months, when the body was examined no trace of the Kheldian inside the host was found indicating that the Kheldian left the body,however it then took all of Thomas' energy, his very life force was drained killing him slowly, it is believed the Kheldian entered a new host in some fashion however officers at the scene were unable to trace the energy signature as there appeared to be another energy source, distorting their equipment.
This is the fourth case of its kind, where a Kheldian has been seperated from its host while draining the host of all its energy, ending in its death, the same unique energy signature was also found at each location, preventing the police from tracking the missing Kheldians.
The police are urging anyone with information on the matter to step forward,and any Kheldians to keep their eyes open for anything suspicious. - My main, under construction




Arachnos officials have just reported that the villain, nicknamed the Ghost of Death, has recently destroyed eight Arachnos Operation Centre's.
Recent figures suggest that the death toll of her destructive sprees is around 200 murders per Arachnos base. Not to mention the recent waves of culling she has preformed on Ghost Widow's Arachnos Widows.
Many believe the cause of these killing sprees are related to a recent incident involving Ghost Widows plan's to rid the Rouge Iles of the Ghost of Death, due to the betrayal of her in an attempt to increase her power.
We caught up with Arbiter Sand’s to report on the current situation, and this is what he had to say.
“Clearly these attacks are a form of revenge, and a desperate attempt to extravert her image. However. Arachnos will be launching a joint retaliation with the Rouge Iles Police to finally end her rain.”
We also managed to get Ghost Widows views on these recent attacks, she told us.
“She has been a pest to Arachnos for a long time now, and we finally have the correct circumstances to finally thwart her - for good. I did command a few branches of widows to hunt her down, after her betrayal, but they were unsuccessful. She obviously thinks that by trying to lower our numbers, we’re suddenly going to become scared of her, and back down. She is incorrect, as we will soon be launching a counter attack to rid her of her powers and abilities. After all there is only room for one ghost around these parts…”
Arbiter Sand’s also included;
“After we have removed her powers, she will be arrested and trailed before the court for the following; Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide, Terrorism, Vandalism, Theft, Harassment, Illegal Destruction of Private Property, Blasphemy, Constructing and Selling Illegal Weapons and the Practising of Illegal and Unholy Magic, including; Witchcraft, Sorcery, Conjuration, Enchantment, Exorcism, Hexing, Divination, Clairvoyance, Astral Absorption and Disruption, Dimensional Travelling, Disruption and Manipulation as well as other general occultist spells. That is all, this interview is over.”
It is less than likely the Ghost of Death will be in the Rouge Iles over the coming months because of Arachnos’ latest plans.

Be sure to check back regularly for updates on this article.




Last night former PPD detective Claire LeRoux went alone to Rogue Isles to reveal the masterminds behind murder-sprees on Paragon Waterworks personnel and Masonic Hall PPD charity ball guests. Ex-detective LeRoux fell captive to Spruk, who obviously had just recently escaped Ziggursky Penitentiary with outside help. Spruk shot officer LeRoux multiple times, and started to torture her. Spruk was urged and accompanied by Paragon City hero card holder, Kallandra Mortaana. Both perpetrators are still at large.

Before her death, officer LeRoux was able to transmit live video footage of her own torture to the PPD. Original, high definition footage is said to been extracted from her cybernetics last night. Watch the actual video footage by following the link below. Caution, due to the graphic nature of the video, viewer discretion is adviced.

((The last strike and the use of nail-gun are cut off the public video footage. No press would publish snuff. The press has the cell-phone version Redefette transmitted during the torture.))
((But by the way, the un-cut version of this video is spreading in the internet like a wildfire. This is obviously the HD version, which seems to been extracted from her cybernetics. In addition to brutal nail-gun usage on Redefette, the un-cut version also shows that just before Spruk landed his last baseball bat blow on Redefette's face, Redefette focused her eyes in his, and her vision blurred of tears. Then, the hit rendered everything black.))



Ransom Demanded for Fashion Designer

A militant group have claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of fashion designer Louise Elegia. Miss Elegia owns her own fashion design and modelling company, and was hospitalised on friday night during a failed attempt to kidnap her. On saturday, however, an ambulance transferring her between hospitals was ambushed and hijacked. Despite the best efforts of the PPD, the kidnappers escaped with Miss Elegia, and executed the ambulance crew before setting fire to the vehicle. The group have since announced that they will only release their hostage once they receive a ransom of $5,000,000 and Miss Elegia and her company agree to a list of demands.

Though approached by our reporters, there has been no official comment on the kidnapping on behalf of Miss Elegia or her company.



Etoile Isles branch of Barquam Exports taken over by Arachnos

(newspaper article 2nd december 2009)

Yesterday, Arachnos forces took over Etoile Isles branch office of Barquam Exports, and froze all the funds of the business. This multinational imports and exports company had 61 employees -including five US citizens- on Etoile Isles, who are presumed all detained by Arachnos officials. Antoinette Deveraux, head of Barquam Exports public relations in Paris, France, regretted the incident and demanded a reason for Arachnos actions. There has been no official comment on Arachnos behalf so far. Neither has US department of state given any official comment.

breaking news : Barquam Exports US detainees liberated : breaking news : Barquam Export..

(an internet news portal article 4th december 2009 13:33 GMT0)

Early this morning, an Arachnos detainee facility was attacked by a superpowered group of an unknown alignment. Group liberated all the five US citizens held by Arachnos, and fled the scene, using teleport abilities. Eye witnesses believe they saw Knives of Artemis -mercenaries taking part in this obvious rescue mission. There has been rumours of some Paragon City -based superheroes teaming with the infamous mercenary group during the rescue operation, but there has been no official, nor unofficial, confirmation of this claim.

((this is a kicker to a short plottage tonight 9pm at GG. Semi-open, but not compulsory: those who don't want to participate, feel free not to participate.))



Mark Manchester AKA The Glucomancer killed in suspected assassination.

Shortly before mid-day ‘super’ villain Mark Machster (39) was killed, in what is believed to be a vigilanty attack upon the Zig

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Heroes Save Independence Port From Lusca Rampage

Paragon Times, 8th January 2010

Heroes heeded a citywide broadcast for help yesterday evening when the sea-bound creature known to the Independence Port dockers as "Lusca" suddenly turned hostile and lashed out at nearby boats. According to reliable sources, the call was aired over both Police and Hero Corporations radio frequencies by the Priest. Apparently he and his team were nearby on a ghost expedition when the berserker beast was spotted attacking innocent passerbys. Investigations are being carried out as to why the usually dosile monster turned violent seemingly unprovoked, but already there are reports of Crey involvement. Other theories offered were that the local Family mafioso purposely instigated the monster fight to cause damage to local businesses. Others however swear that the Tsoo warriors are to blame.

Fortunately our city's mighty heroes were quick to react, and over a dozen of them engaged Lusca using noticably clever battle strategies. Each tentacle was consecutively disabled before a full and frontal attack to the creature's giant face sent it hurling back down to the depths of the water. Among the big names that showed up to save the day were Hana Li and Verto of the New Heroes Union, Asian legend Lady Cobra and our very own Christian icon, the Priest. With giant snowmen running havoc in our towns, the Rikti alien threat ever looming and Longbow's recent warnings of an impending Arachnos invasion, it feels good to have a victory to celebrate. -- John Simmons



Mental Institution Invaded!

January 01, 2004

The Green Fields Mental Institution, well known for its population of traumatized victims kidnapped by the Banished Pantheon, was raided in the early evening last night by a group of criminals wearing advanced power armor and boasting military hardware. During the raid, 8 patients were killed, 3 wounded, and 17 taken as captives. The staff reports that the power had been cut moments before the raid occurred, and that most of the patients had been having dinner when the invaders stormed the facility...

Tsoo Drug Ring Brought To Light!

July 04 2005

The PPD recently raided a Tsoo hideout last night, having received an anonymous tip regarding the whereabouts of one of their most prominent drug-manufacturing hideouts, along with information that it had been recently attacked by unknown assailants, leaving the criminals stationed there in disarray. Police successfully apprehended the entire ring, but found that a number of recently made samples of Superdine and Rage had gone missing...

Crey Rescues Heroes From Alternate Reality!

Earlier last week, several prominent heroes visited Praetorian Earth for unknown purposes. Portal Corporation received a distress call hours later, from one of the heroes, who claimed that they had been captured and were being held prisoner by the villain commonly referred to as Mother Mayhem. Crey, who purportedly had strong ties to the group of heroes, immediately sent a strike force to Praetorian Earth, which recovered the Heroes safely. They also managed to recover several of Mother Mayhem's maddened victims, whom the Crey Corporation has vowed to treat...

Items of Power Go Missing!

April 23 2007

The Shadow Shard, an alternate and alien reality regularly visited by heroes of the city, is home to a number of objects of immense power of unknown purpose. Earlier today, Portal Corporation was attacked by an unknown force of assailants who purportedly used heavy explosives to break into the facility through a series of underground caverns. They are reported to have stolen several 'items of power' as they are called that had been recovered from the Shadow Shard and brought back to Earth for examination and study. The PPD arrived on scene too late to recover the items, although they succeeded in apprehending a number of the assailants with the help of agents of the Crey Corporation, who had been present on-site during the attack...

Robbery at Crey Corporate Headquarters!

December 25 2008

Two days ago, an agent of the Crey Corporation reportedly went rogue and stole a top-secret experimental super-soldier serum from Crey Corporate Headquarters in Nerva Archipelago within the Etoile Isles before fleeing the premise. Crey has announced that the serum itself was the result of a scrapped project, and that there were no plans or backup samples of it present...

Massive Explosion Destroys Crey Corporate Headquarters!

January 03 2010

Crey Industries is an international supergiant, but surprisingly only had one main corporate headquarter and science facility within the Etoile Isles, located on Nerva Archipelago. Crey has released an official statement that the facility was attacked by a rogue agent late last night, who purportedly had stolen a super-soldier serum prototype in 2008. According to the official statement, the agent forced the facility's reactor to overload after having disabled its containment field. The agent's body was not found within the resulting wreckage...

Mysterious 'Wisps' appear across the City!

January 08, 2010

Since yesterday morning, there have been hundreds of reports flooding in from every zone of the sudden appearance of mysterious lights. The common description of these lights describes them as, 'small, round, and turquoise colored.' These mysterious wisps appear to vanish shortly after appearing, and thus far there have been no successful attempts at close examination of them...



CRT, Seriously? January 9th 2010,

Environmental protesters gathered in Atlas Park in front of City Hall demanding the city replace the old fashioned cathode ray tube monitors (CRT) monitors found an the front desk and throughout out the building with modern energy efficient LCD monitors. An LCD monitor uses less electricity than a CRT monitor because it needs no energy, other than the fluorescent light source, to produce the white background that makes up most screen images. As such it uses about one-third of the energy of an average CRT thereby helping reduce the build up of greenhouse gases.

"Replacing the monitors in City Hall will not save the planet." remarked one of the protesters. "But it sets a terrible example for the residents of Paragon City."

Meanwhile, Rick Davies the DATA (Department of Advanced Technology Application) Technology Hero Liaison based in City Hall is said to be so disappointed about the antiquated hardware he is expected to work on that half of the personal computers in his department have not even been unpacked yet but are just laying on the floor, unused.