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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forse View Post
    Not many RPers can resist D'Awww.
    That's mostly because of the massive amount of angst that's the norm and thus guarded against, the D'Awww slips through the armour!
  2. I get the impression that Kyzock does not comprehend how Unionverse works and that he gives advice on how his RP server works, which doesn't apply to the Unionverse.

    The Unionverse is the overlapping world that Union RP happens in. The Newspaper thread and such depict what anyone on Union could comment on as having happend.

    Under that veil of Unionverse are the pockets of RPers that tend to stick to their own group with their own plots. These plots -might- become public knowledge and part of the Unionverse, but that doesn't have to be so. They can keep it within their group (Like I think Kyzock is used to).
    But if it is mentioned in the Newspaper thread (or IC stories thread to some extend), then it's part of the Unionverse.

    So in part we do have the RP world that I understand that Kyzock is used to, but on top of that we have a layer of common knowledge with on top of that the actual MMO game world.

    I hope I've managed to explain Unionverse correctly, feel free to point out if I'm wrong, though!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stiki View Post
    To the best of my knowledge it was always intended to be found out that the real culprit was nothing to do with the Court.
    That worked really well for Iraq, didn't it?
    "We have no WMD!", and they were right too.

    Even if it did come out as if the court didn't have anything to do with it, politicians would keep that evidence from the public for long enough to get some goals done. And at least it would take long enough to filter through for a few lairs of the Court to be smoking craters. Tones of vampires staked, werewolves slain, longbow killed, heroes defeated...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    So what the heck is it that our heroes register for with the F.B.S.A ?
    Or is it something we don’t know about and it might get explained in Going Rogue?
    It's something we don't know about, and probably won't get explained in Going Rogue.
  5. I have one character that's on the cosmic level. Possibly two.

    My first RP character is a mage and one that developed along the "wouldn't it be cool" line that Gideon mentioned. Also, I'll be the first to admit her power is part of my ego tripping.
    It's in human nature to want to be better at something than someone else. It's stronger in some than in others, but it's there.

    I have her pegged as "one of the most powerful mages in the city", it's part of how her backstory developed. So here we have a mage that can do just about anything she sets her mind to... why doesn't she? Simple reason, I can't be bothered. IC reason: part of it is the time and effort not weighing up to the result, an other is that she believes in people as a whole to carry the responsibility of the whole. That means striking a balance, the good counteracting the bad, but not individuals imposing their will on the masses just because they can. (not to mention the competition if everyone who thought they could were to try it at the same time).

    Now here's what -I- do to not break plots: I stay away from them, or stay on the outskirts.
    On the other hand, I do plot-monkey sometimes. In those cases I'll discuss my character's role in things and my estimation of the time/effort required. Sometimes I've been asked to make it faster, sometimes I'm asked to make it slower, so I do and keep the plot owner happy.
    An other way that I keep out of trouble is by not being competative, I'm not in it 'to win', though I'm still learning to loose.

    This same character has a fair few ingame representations. I've counted 7 in my head, but I could have overlooked one or two. What I use as a reason for why only a certain set is used? Well, beyond stating that Kheldian energy and control over magical energy are mutually incompatible (not exclussive), I just don't mention it. And if RP requires a power that's on an other alt, I just emote it anyway.

    So to sum it all up, here are my tips:
    Keep it simple, but above all, do not seek confrontation.
  6. Interesting points.
    I'll admit I did not think of a clone the old fashioned way, without accelerated growth.

    Yes, Physical appearance and mental capabilities would factor in.
    A body that looks 5 years old but with a mind implant from a 50 year old... would that still be a 50 year old, or a child? Tough one.
    As for the 50 year old looking body with the mind of a 5 year old... sadly, there are cases like that already, and iirc, they are not considered independent adults.

    For my clone, she's a physical identical copy of an other character, same apparent age.
    One is 26, the other is 3. The clone has some memories from the original, but not all, after having gotten free of her creators, she's managed to become an individual capable of fitting in with society (despite a few quirks).
    Falsified birth certificate states that they are identical twins, with both parents gone, there's no one to say otherwise.

    There was a character ingame that offered genetically engineered 'love doll' clones. Of course, as a villain he wasn't fussed about the legal side, but what of the clients, no? (I should point out that most of those clones were used as bodyguards in practice.)
  7. I'm curious to find out what people keep in mind when dealing with clones.

    Mostly the following two questions rise up:
    What is their legal status
    What is their legal age

    I'm interested to see what views there are out there.

    Me personally?
    I guess I tend to bypass the issue for the most part.
    My main clone character lives in the Rogues, so forged birth certificates or what not for legalized citizenship and tourist/work visum in Paragon wouldn't be too hard.
    That also clears up the legal age there.

    But what if you don't have such means?

  8. Best of health to your little one, and the rest of your family too.

    It's nice to read comments from the makers of something, be it comic or otherwise.
    Always interesting what they think about their work

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about that freelance project!
  9. The chest bubbles are fine, they don't stand out or seem artificially placed, the pelvic bubbles though, that seems rather artificial, maybe a few bubbles leading up to them from the large bubbles below it would alleviate that a bit?
  10. Oops! missed the word 'my' in 'most of my English comes from..'
    Yes, after chatting with people in English (or versions there off ) my vocabulary expanded greatly!

    Where's David with more artwork?
    David, are you working on anything at the moment? A sweet comic per chance?
  11. Ghost

    Pumpkin Vote!

    I say...
    Mystic Fortune’s Headless Horseman
    Because of the face in a face in a face in a face with a face on the side part
  12. Ghost

    Printin' Art

    file share service... is one, no idea if registerring is required. There's at least a few more out there.. just can't think of any.
  13. See, that last statement makes it all kinds of scary... considering most of English comes from American shows and such... but most of my friends are English, so I've come to understand some subtle differences... like pants:

    American pants: overgarments
    English pants: undergarments

    What's a crazy Dutchman supposed to think?
  14. Hi David
    Great to see more of your work, I really enjoyed chatting with you while you were busy in the Omega Sector.
    I'll be sure to send you the scans of the pieces you've done for me.

    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    Welcome to the asylum David. Meds are at 10am and 6pm.
    Time zones are as stated by the patient, so... be creative
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    All done!

    Midnight Passion

    Didn't get her quite as finished as I wanted. Many areas that could use further development, but its getting close to my bed time =P

    Hope you like it, EnnVee!
    .... where's the disproportionately large head!?
  16. Ghost

    Feral Kat artz!

    Nice addition!
    I've had a look through your gallery and it's a great collection
  17. That's a boob, he wanted to see boobs, as in.. more than one.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    <---- Hybrid of some kind
    Welcome to the mixed group!
  19. <-- 60% male, 30% female, 10% dragon.
  20. The Foomeister graced me with a nice piece

    And I think I graced him with a head ache along with the cash

  21. Oh yes, nice one
    Saw it on her Dev page and loved it there too
  22. Oooh nice!
    I do like that artist's style... I'll probably get some more by her... next month... or so...
  23. War is a terrible thing.
    Charles Xavier himself said there were good aspects too.
    "If it wasn't for the second world was and the technological race it caused, mankind would never have developed the warp drive and met the Vulcans, an act that unified mankind and brought peace like no event previously."
    It was to a holodeck character from a 1930's time frame though, so he got some odd looks.
  24. Rumours are true!? How can this be!

    I'm rather pleased with it, Swanzy. Said artist is willing to do more, and it was darned hard to think of my wallet and say 'not just yet'...

    and in other news...

    I'm a bit of a collector...
    On the left we have my main account, on the right my second account.
    Though this was taken ... in January of 2009.

    I also have a stack of cinema tickets of movies I've been to, dating back to 1995.
    I often claim there'd some dragon blood in my veins to explain my collecting urges.
  25. There may be a new piece of Jess the Grav Misstress... maybe on my page... maybe of the rumoured artist and it could be nsfw....

    This reminds me that I need to upload more artz!