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Hope finally found a vent in the air duct. As she peered through it she could see she was over the main hall, just past the entrance. People were panicking and running in terror. They risked causing a riot, she needed to move quickly. As she moved down the metal tunnel, she passed vents and she saw heroes of all calibres. Some she recognised and some she didn't. She let out a small sigh of relief when she saw the Militia table, at least she knew she would have some people to fall back on.
She carried on crawling along the air duct, trying to figure a way out without being noticed. Hope paused as her nose started to itch. She put a hand over her face and tried to suppress the sneeze that was building up. It forced its way through her hand and echoed up and down the air duct. -
Hope walked casually towards the building housing the Cape Con event. She was precariously balancing several cups of coffee and a bag filled with various pastries. All that was running through her head was how much she didnt want to be here. Imogen had invited her along and has told it would be good for her; phrasing the initiation as though is wasnt exactly voluntary.
Hope shuffled her careful balancing act so she would be able to open the door. She sighed, bracing herself for the mass nerds and over zealous fans that would be inside. She hoped she would not be recognised and that she could blend into the back ground, only to be a runner when needed.
As she got closer, something didnt seem right. There were what appeared to be people standing either side of the doors. Their body language was hostile, as though they were on guard duty. She could hear muffled yells and through the glass she could see people running around manically.
Oh this isnt good! Hope murmured to herself. She dropped what she was carrying and ran off down the opposite side of the building before she was spotted.
I need to get in. She said to herself as she looked around. Then she spotted the vent for the aircon. Pushing her muscles she jumped, gripping tightly to the drain pipe running down the wall next to the vent. She pulled a small pen knife out of her pocket and started to remover the cover. After what seemed like hours of un-screwing the cover Hope had it hanging from two screws. She clambered into the vent and replaced the loosened cover behind her.
She started crawling slowly down the vent, the dusty confines turning her black jeans and white tshirt grey. She sneezed as she kicked up some dust. Does anyone like, clean these things?
She carried on crawling hoping that at some point she would find a clue as to her direction and where she needed to go. -
Good luck GR. I'm glad I got to meet you and thanks for everything you have done for our community.
Happy cake day
I hope you had a great time. (Sorry it's late)
I have read everything in this thread and I have the itch to add my 2 inf's worth.
There have been a lot of useful points raised and varying opinions shared (I have learned a lot).
Maybe to answer the OP. It's not that 'godly' characters are frowned upon, it's more a case of you can bring which ever character you want to rp with. Just be aware of other rp'ers around you and the effect your IC statements will have.
Tells are an rp'ers best friend (imho). -
"But he was the one who gave in!" Sophie proclaimed.
Juan's attention was on Gemini mostly, raising an eyebrow at her. "In your own mind first." He said, his eyes glowing slightly. "Control that inner turmoil and fury, build your defences up, practice manipulating your -own- mind first. It's the most powerful tool in the world, and you need to get yourself trained to use it first before working on others."
[/ QUOTE ]
"I'm not sure if I should be worried about you Sophie!" Leo grinned at her and Mina, to let them know he was joking. "Anyway what you you think?" Leo indicated his suit. "and I lost the shades too!"
While talking to Mina and Sophie, Leo kept one ear on the conversation his sister was having.
"And if I said my own mind is perfectly trained. What would your recommended next step be?" Gemini watched Juan as she waited for an answer. -
"Fifty paperclips up each side of the dress, and two for the clasp." Juan said. "Guess who had to pin her in it?" The psychic chuckled, tracing a hand down her back.
"I'd have helped, if I wasn't washing my hair." Minako sighed.
"Still, stability is something you can learn here. Or even hone, as I find. It's useful to have a place that you can safely lift cars." Juan said to Gemini.
[/ QUOTE ]
"I can't imagine Sophie sitting still for two, nevermind a hundred and two." Leo laughed. "You have my sympathy Juan."
"Where would you suggest I practise manipulating minds safely, Juan?" Gemini gave him a sweet smile and a look full of daggers. -
"Besides, there's like, worse places you can be than this!" Sophie nodded. Her dress was still holding together, even under some of the more risque groping that Isaac had done and was doing. "And you could always join and train if you wanted to give something back, right Leo?"
[/ QUOTE ]
Leo glanced curiously at his sister for a moment; wondering what had happened to the moody girl who had wanted to leave a few moments ago.
"I'm sure joining the New Vigilants will totally help you Gemini. You have kinda turned into a hermit." Leo nudged his sister in the ribs with a grin. "You could always join my team? I still haven't been told who I'll be mentoring."
"Maybe one day... I'm still a little too unstable to be any use right now." Gemini's cheeks flushed with colour. Deep down she was angry but she didn't let it show.
"Great dress Sophie, who made it?" Gemini attempted to divert the attention away from herself. -
"Guess it's introduction time proper then." Isaac grinned, offering Gemini his hand. "Isaac Anderson, student at PCU and owner of The Pits nightclub in Kings. And here's my lovely fiancee,"
"Sophie Reynalds!" Sophie cut in with a grin, offering her hand. "PCU student as well, student here, and I work at the Mighty Mart."
Juan nodded politely, offering his hand. "Juan Ross. Student at PCU Steel as well, I'm a TA here I guess, and use the place to train."
"And I'm Juan-kun's fiancee, Minako Nishzumi. I study Art at Harvard, and help out here with the activity class." Mina said with a smile, offering her hand last.
[/ QUOTE ]
Gemini held a hand to her head as it began to pound. The pounding stopped as suddenly as it started. She knew what she had to do.
She lifted her head and smiled at each introduction and shook everyone's hands.
"I'm Gemini as you know. Leo's free loading sister." She joked with them. -
"Trouble?" Isaac said to Juan, sipping at his glass of water. The three eyed mutant nodded in reply.
"And possibly more incoming." Juan said, his third eye flickering in Leo and Gemini's direction.
"Guess it's damage control time then." Isaac said, before turning to grin and wave at the pair. "Leo! Great to see you, sorry about the delays so far, but me, Juan and Sophie have been dealing with exams and coursework. Mina too of course, but I don't think she's staked a claim on you. Yet."
"Isaac-kun!" Mina pouted, before smiling to the pair
[/ QUOTE ]
"Hey don't worry about it, the delays are as much my fault too." Leo turned slightly pulling Gemini round and bringing her into the conversation. "Have you met my sister? Gemini this is Sophie, Issac, Juan and Mina."
Gemini gave them a small smile and then looked at the floor. -
It has all happened so fast. Leo barely had a chance to register what had happened. He was left watching Annette stride off with Claudia over her shoulder.
Gemini smirked as she watched Annette, she turned to leave when a vice like grip stopped her. Leo pulled her arm and turned her to face him.
"What the hell are you playing at Gemini? You can't just walk into a party and hit someone!" Leo strained to keep his voice low.
"She was messing with your head. I simply came to stop her, well I think Annette throwing her over her shoulder stopped her!" Gemini chuckled.
"She was what?.... Hang on... How do you even know that?" Leo held up his hands. "You know what, this is a party and we are here to enjoy ourselves. The questions can wait until tomorrow."
"But... I don't..." Gemini was cut off mid sentance.
"You will stay, you will mingle and you will see there is a whole wide world out there, ready to accept you for who you are." Leo took Gemini's hand and placed it on his arm. He placed his own hand over the top of Gemini's so she could not pull free. "It's time to get over what ever it is that's bugging you little sis. People will only excuse your behaviour for so long. I'm already there!"
Leo looked down at his sister with a serious expression on his face. He then shook it off and plastered a huge smile there instead.
"Time to start enjoying yourself Gemini and I expect at least two dances from you." Leo started walking over toward Sophie, Issac, Juan and Mina.
Gemini attempted to protest but was dragged along by Leo. She realised she was not going to get a choice and kept pace with her brother. She was not happy and the expression on her face made sure everyone knew about it. -
Claudia wandered past Leo, her eyes following Cara as she exited the restroom. Sometimes, when playing head games, you didn't need to do it directly.
"Is Cara okay?" she said. "I saw her rush off. She's over there, heading for Sophie and that lovely white gentleman with all the metalwork." She smiled her cutest, most helpful smile.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Oh Hey, Claudia." Leo returned her smile. He knew she was one of Annette's team but had not really had much contact with her. His eyes quickly scnned the room to find Cara.
"I'm sure Cara is fine. She just needed to go to the bathroom. Your concern is sweet, but don't worry, you enjoy your evening." Leo remembering the lessons his mother taught him added. "You look lovely by the way."
Gemini ignored everyone around her and zeroed in on Claudia.
She reached Claudia and tapped her on the shoulder. As claudia turned, Gemini raised her arm and aimed a backhanded slap at Claudia's face. -
Cara froze, and the blush creeping up her her face suddenly rushed through her entire body. In her hand, the glass of punch she was holding began to bubble and fizz as the liquid inside started to boil.
Her gaze suddenly dropped from Leo's face to her hand, and she let the glass go with a gasp just as Ryan began his speech. "I... Sorry.. sorry... I... I have to go... to... to the bathroom." She managed to stammer out as the embarrassment hit her like brick, and she jumped to her feet, knocking the chair over in her haste. A second later she was little more than a red blur as she dashed across the dance floor, heading for the nearest ladies room.
[/ QUOTE ]
Leo had no idea what to say as he watched Cara run off. He moved around the table and picked up the chair Cara had knocked over. He turned to watch Ryan's speech, then he needed to find Cara.
As Ryan's speech finished the front doors opened and in walked Gemini. She was wearing and off the shoulder floor length dress that billowed around her legs as she walked. Her blonde hair, the same colour as Leo's, was pinned up in a french roll. Gemini wore very little make up and looked stunning, it made a huge change from her hiding behind her hair.
She looked around the room, she spotted Leo and started to make her way over to him. She also started to look around for whoever had intruded on Leo's mind. -
Cara smiled and looked up at Leo, "Oh, hey there Leo! You're looking yum..... uh..." A deep crimson blush runs up her cheeks. "Nice suit..." She finishes, somewhat weakly.
[/ QUOTE ]
Cluadia managed not to giggle, through use of the final mental exercise of pinching her own arm, and turned her shining blue eyes on Leo. "She's so pretty whe she blushes," she thought, and pushed it toward Leo, smiling like Christmas had come early.
[/ QUOTE ]
Leo coughed slightly and smiled politely.
"Thank you Cara and that dress is lovely." Leo smiles "You know you're really pretty when you blu..."
Leo stopped himself to late. His jaw dropped open for a few seconds. He had no idea why he had said that.
Gemini Wright was lying on her bed in Unity Tower when she felt the intrusion on her brothers mind.
Gemini knew about the party, but had no intention of going until now. She looked at the floor length lilac dress her brother had bought her.
"I guess Cinderella is going to the ball!" Gemini quickly climbed off the bed and got dressed. -
Leo saw Cara seating herself at the nearby table and wondered over to say hello.
"Hey Cara." Leo beamed a smile at her. -
The elevator doors dinged as they opened and Leo stepped out. Deciding to forego the Tux he was wearing an immaculately tailored Armani suit in charcoal grey and a black shirt, open at the collar. On Sophies advice he had ditched the shades.
He slowly wondered around the room, enjoying the atmosphere and watching everyone enjoying themselves. -
Leo saw Leah straining. He did'nt know what she was doing, but it was something. He put his trust in her.
Leo ran at the woman holding the gun. he clamped a flaming fist around the barrel and raised the temperature to melt it. -
Leo stood staring at the woman holding a gun to Reggie's head. This was the second time he had seen a woman held hostage at gun point. Leo's heart skipped a beat as he remembered how Helen had died.
He wanted to get Leah to put a shield around Reggie, to give him a chance to get his hands on the gun. He hesitated, he could not take that risk again. So he waited! -
When Leo had seen Bullet drop Reggie he started to run for him. Only to come to a screeching stop as the gun ended up against her head.
Leo swore under his breath and looked around trying to check the situation. He spotted Leah and made a small movement trying to attarct her attention without the criminal seeing it. -
Leo's initial punch missed due to Bullet dropping to his knees. Leo aimed another punch this time at his head.
Leo nodded at Gemma his face was emotionless. A stark contrast to the normal smile he usually wore.
"Let's go!" He looked at Leah as he walked into her shield and nodded his thanks for the assistance. With a burst of speed Leo placed himself infront of bullet.
"I don't like repeating myself! Put the girl down and deal with me!" Leo aimed a punch at Bullet's stomach. One arm he kept ready to catch Reggie, should Bullet let her go. -
Leo produced a burst of speed and ran at the thug still shooting. The bullets impacting harmlessly on him.
With one hand he grabbed the barrel of the gun. His hand bursting into flame and producing enough heat to melt the metal.
The other hand aimed a punch at the thug's face. -
Leo had heard the call over the PPD wavelength, as usual he was late. But as he looked around he realised he was still needed.
"Time to prove Ryan's faith in you is well placed." Leo said to himself.
He straightened his New Vigilants uniform and brought himself to a stop behind Psysan and Leah.
"Why don't you put the girl down and pick on someone your own size." Leo seemed to eminate an air of superiority that caught the attention of the thugs around him.
His eyes stayed on Bullet, watching him carefully for his next move. -
Sketch #46: Lulu Laine & Devastatia
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Just catching up on all the creative threads. Thats an awesome pic thanks Dan
and a huge congratulations on getting to 50 pictures.