473 -
Fare thee well, dear Zwillinger, and may the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
I'm still around, still reeling from the news. I may do another CoH piece, something more melancholy but stirring nonetheless.
I remember spending a good hour crafting my first villain and having him spring out into Mercy in the midst of an I10 Rikti invasion. That was the moment I knew I was staying.
Thank you Zwill, and of course the rest of Paragon Studios, for everything. I'm going to miss this game like oxygen.
Quote:That's pretty much what I thought when I watched it. As much as I liked it and the promise it offered, it never gave us a clear resolution. I suppose in a way it can't, not without polarising the audience and promoting a specific idealogy beyond "killing is bad, m'kay."SPOILERS!
I liked it, but I had a couple problems with it.
First: We're supposed to leave the movie thinking Superman's viewpoint is right, that lethal force as a solution is "ugly" and wrong.
Buuuuut... Superman really has no answer to the problem shown by Atomic Skull. Superman did things his way, locked up Skull and then he escaped and immediately killed more people until the Elite put him down.
Nowhere in Superman's speech at the end of the movie does he address this problem inherent in his viewpoint. He could have, and should have, acknowledged that sometimes lethal force is the only recourse, in cases like the Skull.
Manchester even brings it up in a roundabout way when threatens to break out instead of rotting in prison. Instead of confronting the problem there, Superman deflects the issue and goes off on a rant about dreams. Dreams are all well and good, but tell that to the families of the people who Atomic Skull turned to ash.
Second: It was all a trick! Superman didn't kill anyone! Superman robots etc! Buuuut...Superman destroyed several city blocks, caused millions in property damage, terrified innocent people...to make a point. Where's the "dignity, honor and justice" in that?
Third: Superman says the rest of the Elite were captured and are being stripped of their powers as they speak. So....why didn't they strip Atomic Skull of his powers? Instead of hooking him up to a generator which ultimately only helped him escape? Again, Superman could have acknowledged this as a way of dealing with repeat offenders who are not able to be rehabilitated. He should have also acknowledged that the system failed in the Skull's case and that people would be held accountable for the decision that let him kill more innocents.
It all comes back to the fact that Superman's view has major flaws too. He's not made to confront these flaws, acknowledge them or try to deal with them, and the end of the movie sweeps them under the rug and asks us to ignore them because "dreams are dandy".
That being said though, it is nice to see the problem of Superman's ever increasing anachronism being adressed. I suppose one could argue that Superman shouldn't change precisely because he is symbolic of the ideals he espouses and that arguably people need to be reminded that we can be "better". -
Hmm, I wasn't aware of that. That being said, I did get a tell from support shortly after filing my petition informing me that it's been sent to the higher ups. I'm taking that as a good sign.
I also sent a petition on Thursday. It's now monday and the token has yet be applied. I'm guessing the support staff have had several hundred of these petitions and are working their way through them. Be patient, if it's not done by wednesday, then it may be appropriate to enquire on the status of your petition.
My personal favourite was the scene in which Loki performs an entire routine from Riverdance using illusion clones of himself.
Quote:It's actually intended to be a vague replication of this image, but I've updated the OP anyway to reflect any apathy that it may or may not engender.I saw it when you first posted it, yet my trousers are pristine. As the soldiers said, "Nothing to see here, move along."
You know, we were all expecting 'it' to be more complicated than 'I made a new character'.
Be Well!
Fireheart -
Well, I did nab the name 'Slender Man' on Union, so I had some fun.
...you'll squit bricks.
... or not, but hey, you might find it vaguely amusing. -
Quote:Actually, THIS should be the music for the event! (Ominous Voice rocks!)
5 days.
5 DAYS in December are what snatched these loyalty rewards from my grasp. I've been subbed for nearly 6 years, but twixt the 10th - 15th December 2011 my sub lapsed.
Excuse me while I curse out the expense of the holiday period. -
Quote:I've noticed a slight hitch in the program. It appears to only work on the NA version of the login screen. Any attempt to rename the file for the UK, French or German versions results in the game failing to launch and this messagebox:Well, I also made a program that does the job automatically for windows http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=179
File "texture_library/GUI/CREATION/HybridUI/LoginScreen/COH_LogInScreen_Background_UK.texture" is misnamed, containing texture named "COH_LogInScreen_Background"! -
I don't often write but when I do I like to share. This was written several months ago, around the time of I21's release. I had the urge to give some of my characters epic send offs. Let me know what you think.
Last of the Legion
All dead. Every last one. As the lightning cut the ravaged sky, Commander Union, last of the Union Legion, stood defiant as the unnaturally cold wind snapped at his flesh. He glared at the vast monstrosities before him. The Well had chosen its new champion, however the price was far too high. The Storm had arrived and it had cut its path through hundreds of thousands of lives.
The Legion had all fallen during the Battle of Paragon. They died deaths worthy of legend and song. The War Walls that had for so long kept the city safe from invaders fell like sand castles before the Storms might. The Knight Phantom was the first to go. He had witnessed the unconditional bravery and sacrifice of those around him. Through them he had seen the light in the city's heart that he once believed extinguished. He charged into battle, his own heart fuelled by a renewed passion and hope. An ordinary man empowered by desperate hope can accomplish truly amazing things. But as an ordinary man ordinary human frailties betrayed him.
The Warshade Narada unleashed the full might of her Kheldian life force upon one of the Storms vast servants. It was the only way to stop the relentless beast from causing any more death. The blast annihilated the Storms colossal minion. She fell to the ground, her energy utterly spent and her host dead. Three thousand years of knowledge, experience and wisdom ended that day.
Colonel Viper died as he lived, a soldier to the end. Duty bound to defend his home -- his world. When the bullets ran out and the gadgets were used up he used his fists and feet. Even with his incredible resolve and military skill he was no match for the Storms might.
Even the mighty Val Halen was unable to withstand the onslaught. The Thunderer Incarnate battled one of the Storms generals relentlessly for three days without food nor sleep. He finally managed to fell the monster, but much like the Norse Thundergod he had modelled himself after, Val Halen took nine steps before succumbing to his injuries. To this day no-one has been able to lift his warhammer from where it fell.
Captain Epic truly earned his name. He had been helping evacuate Independence Port when the Storm hit. As the horde poured forth, he ordered the other heroes to continue evacuation while he held the dock. He turned to his comrades and said "Time to be epic" before rushing headlong into the fray. The evacuees say that as they sailed away they saw a shining white and gold light bursting through the gaps in the horde. The light persisted for several minutes before fading. It was then they realised his last words were not in reference to himself, but to those he gave his life for.
The loss that pained Commander Union the most was that of his own brother, Alex. Better known as Anbarus, Alex Sage was an Incarnate like his sibling. His power was truly incredible. He was nothing short of a living lightning storm, cutting his way through the invaders as they had done through Paragon's people. When the two Storms collided it shook the very earth itself. But for all his power, for all his courage, he was still as fragile as any other man. All it took was two lucky strikes and Anbarus fell.
Commander Union was the name of an indomitable hero, right now he was merely Stan Sage. His eyes grew hot as the memories burned. His friends -- his family deserved to be remembered for their sacrifices. He balled his fists he whispered a vow to himself; They will be remembered, even if by only one.
He raised his tear filled eyes to the Storms general in front of him, a being so vast it blocked what little sunlight pierced the ruined sky. Behind the behemoth stood the innumerable horde, thousands, perhaps millions of them. He didn't care if it took a hundred years, he would see them all defeated.
He heard footsteps behind him, he turned to see a handful of survivors emerging from the ruins of Paragon; other battered but persevering heroes whose eyes each told the same tale of loss and vengeance. He didn't know their names, but he knew their hearts in that moment. He turned to face the storm once more.
An ordinary man empowered by desperate hope can accomplish truly amazing things, but an extraordinary man empowered by profound grief can accomplish the impossible. Today that extraordinary man was Commander Union, last of the Legion. -
It's been a while since I dipped my toes in the RP pool, but from what I remember whilst Virtue and Union are the unofficial RP servers of their respective region, due Union's smaller playerbase the RP community there has galvanised. There is a singular continuity, for the most part, wherein plots overlap, intermingle and affect other plots. Of course there are still players who keep to their own personal canons, but a large number of RPers on Union are involved in the Union meta-plot, for lack of a better term.
That being said, the dynamic may have changed since I was last involved, but that's how I saw it. -
Quote:Cheers, thanks for that.Edit: I've uploaded a fixed version: http://webapps.sgspaces.net/cohstuff/click.php?id=5 Anyone who has this installed right now will get a upgrade prompt, once it updates it will crash (Just this once as I typo-ed a file name in the original release) re-run it and you'll get the nifty working features
Firstly, apologies to those who've sent me PMs asking for instructions. I upgraded to Win7 (x64) a few months back and was subsequently unable get new custom screens working due to software incompatiblity.
Secondly I was wondering why I kept crashing on zone transitions. Evidentally it was the custon login screen. -
Quote:That makes sense in an odd kind of way.Ironically the place they now gather instead is indeed a ghost-town (and a zombie town and fog central).
Dark Astoria has been revamped into an Incarnate zone so that's where people tend to gather I believe.
How about the Death from Below trial? How often are those being run these days. I remember when it first went live you couldn't move in AP for those forming, not so much in Mercy though. These days I haven't heard so much as a whisper. -
I was around when I21 went live so have played the first couple of Sig Story chapters.
Also, I'd like to know where folks are gathering for I-trials these days, I know it used to be Pocket D, but it appears to be a ghost town now. -
It's been a few months since I treaded these forums. I've been logging in and out of the game sporadically, but not really playing much (blame Skyrim).
I need to reacclimatise myself with the game. I'll be logging in soon to say hello to Paragon and the Isles, get my bearings and refamilliarise myself with my toons. I have had a peek at the recent patch notes so I have a vague idea of what's been added, but don't know how they've affected player habits. Whats the cool-thing-of-the-week? Are folks still doing I-Trials, and if so, which ones are easiest/popular? Etc, etc. Any tidbits you can offer will be appreciated.
I feel like coming home after a long trip.