96 -
I couldn't have asked for a better server, honestly. The past few years on Virtue have truly been the most fun I've had in an MMO.
I never thought I'd feel this way about a video game, but here I am.
I love all of you, thank you so much. -
I'll do my best to make it! I always try to make time to beat up superheroes.
Oh, hey, me again.
This group still rocks, so check 'em out. We're better than ever! Buy one get one free! Limited time only, no batteries included! -
This was a lot of fun guys. I was Psych Physician, the bald one swearing a lot.
I usually just lurk the forums, but this inspired me to take more interest in it. Whenever you do the next event (which has to happen now, obviously) you have my sword, and my bow and yes, even my axe. -
I've already stated my love for this group in this thread, but I won't stop. If you're looking for an incredible group of roleplayers, you found the right people. I've unfortunately been out of game due to working nights, but that doesn't stop me from popping in when I can just to chat with them.
Keep on keepin' on, Titan! -
I haven't had much time for City of Heroes lately, which is pretty sad. I still haven't joined the in-game channel, so I might have missed some further development. Anything?
I was Nolan Noir, and I really didn't think I had a chance to win, so thanks American Legion! I am predominately villain side, so choosing a villain will be tough.
I made a post a while back about a RP event for Virtue, but I knew I could never architect one myself. Glad someone is stepping up to the plate!
My 50(+1)mind/psi dominator is my main, and is currently on the path of becoming a full fledged supervillain. This event could definitely help create the new persona he is trying to make. He will totally betray whoever he needs to to get ahead, so 'The Shadow' seems like a good choice for me. -
First of all, if it closed tomorrow without notice, I would probably cry, and I'm a grown man (I think I am, at least.) Second, I'd see if my VG would wanna try another MMO. I've never not played an MMO, it's always a good way of wasting time and making friends.
As someone who has a Werewolf just sitting, waiting for the beast pack, I will certainly be looking into your group soon!
This is a great question, and I can't wait to see everyones' answers.
Psych Physicians Arch-villain fight would start like a normal fight. Then at 75% health I take control of the minds' of lackeys around me (I.E, ambushes.) That would continue until 25% health, where my psychic power goes berserk, and I enter domination (Psych is a mind/psi dominator) making me a tough son of a ***** at the end. Nothing fancy for my villain, just a tough battle of the minds. -
It's quite easy to RP, if you're willing to become an actor, because that's exactly what it is; becoming your character. Like the person above stated, react how they would react, add an accent if he/she's from somewhere, etc. Figure out a backstory for your character first, that generally helps with figuring out who your person is emotionally.
If there is any time to come back, it's now. If you've been gone for years, the changes and add-ons will amaze you.
Quote:I'm not big on V-day, but that's really great.*grabs a cup of coffee and a plate of bacon* Yeah, I'm not one much for Valentine's Day, having never been in a relationship, but every year, I go through and send a text messege to all the women in my cellphone:
Cause every woman deserves a rose on Valentine's -
Thanks for your replies, everyone!
When I was thinking of this, I definitely wasn't considering just how huge it would be. I for one know I can't do it. I don't have the time, and quite frankly, the talent.
Still, I think if enough people wanted to help out something cool could happen. It wouldn't have to be a huge-gigantic-mega thing, but something to bring the community together. -
Global Name: @Arch-Archer
Server: Virtue
City of Heroes/City of Villains
RP Characters:
Pysch Physician (Villain)
Plain Walker (Hero)
Type of RP: Casual to heavy. I am IC unless said otherwise.
Can be contacted: in game mail, on here.
Times on: Varies, but mostly at night.
Time zone: Central (Tejas!) -
I love comic books. I joined City of Heroes so I could be my own superhero (Well, supervillain >:].) My favorite thing about comic books, as I'm sure it is for a lot of readers, are the epic full scale events that cover all the books of the company.
I don't have an awesome idea for an event of such size, but it is a small dream of mine to make something big happen. I know I'm probably not the first person to suggest this, but I think with the great community we have we can make something truly fantastic.
I don't really have anything else to add, heh. I was just reading some old events and had this idea. It's a fool's dream, but it's worth a shot! -
I can't say enough good things about this group. Why hundreds of people aren't screaming to join us (I imagine it like girls screaming for the Beatles) is beyond me!
Get on it Virtue. RP doesn't get much better than this. -
Please don't stop doing this. It's really, really awesome.
I only have 2 main characters, and my hero just hit 49 tonight.
My villain is a Mind/Mind Dominator, and I focused on Accuracy and Holds. I'm a monster. Only thing stopping me from the final slot is time. Damn you weekly Well drop :P -
Oh god.
This is going to be, and yeah it's a bit overused but it totally fits here, EPIC.
My comic book geekiness is envisioning huge battles I can't comprehend. Thank the lord I got a new graphics card this week! -
Psych Physician's is a skull cap, which covers his bald head. The cap helps magnify the power of his mind ten fold (maybe nine fold.)