The Solidarity Movement (A New Roleplay Supergroup!)
((I hope it's alright that I post this here in this forum as well, as I see a lot of "Looking for RP Supergroup" posts that are unanswered here. Thinking that there are folks looking for supergroups here, I thought to post a little information in this forum as well.
Thanks! ))
~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server
((I hope it's alright that I post this here in this forum as well, as I see a lot of "Looking for RP Supergroup" posts that are unanswered here. Thinking that there are folks looking for supergroups here, I thought to post a little information in this forum as well.
Thanks! ![]() |

i like the premise of the SG, and the arrival of the new beastly pack makes this a good time to recruit.
i even have a couple alts that would fit the theme, but the best one for it is currently a villain.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
As someone who has a Werewolf just sitting, waiting for the beast pack, I will certainly be looking into your group soon!
(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)
((Thank you so much for the kind words, both of you. I'm thrilled with seeing that folks like the theme!
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a PM here, on our boards, or in game. . @FullMoonRising!))
~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server
Too bad I'm redside, because Pit Dragon would actually fit into this group otherwise. Though I could facilitate as an outside source of RP if wished upon.

Too bad I'm redside, because Pit Dragon would actually fit into this group otherwise. Though I could facilitate as an outside source of RP if wished upon.

Though, if you're wanting to get involved in some roleplay even on redside, you're more than welcome to post an open roleplay thread on our boards, and our members will respond and interact as they can.

Hey though, you know you wanna come blue side... you know you wanna...

But yes, you're more than welcome to post some RP on our boards, and we'll respond!
~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server
I'm in for one on this. Concept looks fun. Besides whats cooler then an actually pack of wolves running around paragon together?
Home: Virtue
Moonlyte Shadow lvl 50 dm/regen scrapper
Snowdaze lvl 50 ice/energy blaster
Lord Veovis lvl 50 bot/bub MM
Boy Molar lvl 50 SS/invuln tank
Dusk Serpent lvl 50 spines/dark scrapper
((We are happy to have you! Thank you so much for your interest!))
~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server
I oppose this movement with every nanite of my being, just as I oppose the Mutant Integration Act of Paragon City. Seriously, it's bad enough having freaks join the human populace that I enjoy exterminating at times, now we have to deal with full-blown Furries and Furry Lovers trying to get accepted. I'd spit on you if I had salivary glands.
((Actually a great concept, and I fully support it. A.I.'s been lacking things to despise every since Mutants were an accepted part of the Virtue community.))
((Thanks again to everyone who is offering kind words in regards to our new group! We've been getting a lot of positive interest even in game and a few interested people who have been helping us grow!
We also have a grand roleplay plot unfolding. I will be posting details about that here soon!))
~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server
((Updated to include a new developing plotline within the Solidarity Movement!
You can read it by CLICKING HERE!
It has also been added to the original thread.))
~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server
Harmony between Humans and Hybrids. That is our collective goal.
Click Here to Visit our Website
Solidarity is a movement that was founded with the purpose of bringing harmony between mankind and hybrids by recruiting those who will help dispell the common myths associated with those who aren't quite human, nor entirely animal. Housing more than werewolves, the movement hopes to establish a common ground between humanity and others who aren't entirely human anymore. There are many facets to the group. Some live in the city and prefer more human lives. Others live out in the wilderness, embracing their primal nature instead. Werebeasts, manimals, humans, even aliens. We accept all that wish to see a future where humans, hybrids, and everything else are free to be what they are. We desire a united earth.
((Solidarity is a group of roleplayers on the Hero Side of the Virtue Server who are interested in enjoying the game with one another in a casual setting. We seek to offer an environment that promotes meaningful and high-quality roleplay: conducive toward the growth and development of our characters. We also hope to elevate players just as much as we do our characters; encouraging more than just a guild of players, we are a group of friends. Players that join can expect friendly faces, and people that they can look up to when it comes to communication in roleplay, as well as friendly interaction as players.))
1. We are player focused. Some roleplay guilds focus entirely on the character and like to pretend the player behind the computer doesn't exist. We do not operate this way. We encourage our members to talk OOCly with each other and work together to create some amazing stories and plots. While it is not required, we highly recommend the use of our Teamspeak3 server to talk to your fellow players. The goal of this guild is not only to facilitate roleplay, but to also build friendships that may carry on to other games in the future.
2. We respect real-life schedules. This is a game we play in our spare time for enjoyment. Nobody is obligated to spend any more time online than they want to spend. Members are free to join other groups with their alts or play completely different games. We don't presume to own anyone's time. However, any absences of a month or more should be accompanied by a post on our forums, letting us know you will be away.
3. No OOC drama. It will not be tolerated in the game, on TeamSpeak, or in the forums. IC drama can be fun and makes for some great stories, but when it gets to be a problem between players, nobody is having fun anymore. There is a line to be drawn in this sense, and we expect people that walk in the door to be knowledgeable of others comfort levels when it comes to IC drama.. And that's the point, having a good time! If there is a problem, it needs to be dealt with immediately between the persons involved. We expect everyone to be responsible and mature, not getting bent out of shape over little things and absolutely no rumor mongering! The leadership of Solidarity is not afraid to boot overly dramatic players. We simply do not have the time or energy for those kinds of shenanigans.
4. Be mature. As a general rule, we accept players 18 years of age or older. We may make age exceptions in some instances, but don't expect it. OOCly we are very casual, yet we want to keep relatively serious ICly. We have some lighthearted stories now and then, but we try to keep it all believable and in accordance with established lore. This does NOT mean that we condone overly sexual behavior! This is NOT an ERP guild! If you want to participate in this type of roleplay, it must be kept private! Be polite to other players, getting caught griefing is grounds for a big metal boot from the guild. Remember that as a member you represent Solidarity both ICly and OOCly.
Our Developing Group Plotline
Interested in Joining?
If you're interested in learning more, Visit our Website, or Click here to Apply!
We look forward to seeing you in game!
~Valko - Winged Sentinel of the Qozo Griffons
Virtue Server