175 -
>That feel when you're living in Texas, still in the middle of a drought and heat wave
>East Coast is getting hit by a hurricane
Wanna trade? I miss the rain. -
Quote:... Wait a tick. Woot of All Evil is:Feel free to look me up. The character's name is "Woot of All Evil," I'm on her fairly regularly these days.
1. A Saturday Morning style villain
2. A robot
3. In need of a VG
... Damn I wish I was going somewhere with Artemis Corportations outside of my own little prestige bank. -
((Dechs, send me an in-game email so I don't forget about it. The boards are stangant and I barely ever bother coming here anymore outside of harassing Cien's threads.))
Quote:((This actually improves my chances of showing up, actually. Hope your trip ends well.))((Possibly bad news, everyone. I've just been notified that I will have to make a business trip this week which will make it impossible for me to host the event as originally planned.
I have postponed the event until the following Friday. I hope this does not prevent anyone from attending. If a large amount of feedback from this is "no, we can't make it," then I will reschedule again. I would like to have kept this event on a Saturday night, but I'll be seeing Kamelot in Toronto on the 3rd. There's no way in hell I'm missing that.
Please help me spread the word that this event has been postponed.)) -
I've been trying to get some help in an eastern themed base of mine, since @Obseques, my old base builder (who was amazing), just up and vanished.
Dragon Talon Clan. -
Jesus christ everyone is returning!
... Now we just need the old Weapons Union original members to come back... -
*Looks at title and almost rages, then realizes it was Xanatoast who posted*
Lol'd. -
"lolhai u luk gud wanna ERP?"
Just kidding.
Quote:Hooray! Someone able to resist god-modders.I spend a lot of time in Pocket D and haven't seen too much of any of this. Last night in the Chalet, someone was saying how they were picking me up and throwing me so I said, "I don't think so. It looks like I'm still standing here and you haven't moved."
He said I am supposed to use my imagination. So I said, "I think it's broken." And I walked off.
This is like the ONLY time something like that happened.
Quote:However, HOWEVER, I have been harassed by several players for cyber stuff and I did report them.
Quote:For me - Levels are very important. It just makes sense. Someone who is god-moding at Level 1 needs a slap. But arguments between sets at the same level? That's all pointless to me. I KNOW my blaster can't take as much damage as your tank. I get it. But my blaster CAN inflict more damage at range. So the f' what? Look at these awesome boots aren't they cute?!
"Hey, that's not fair!"
"Sugar, I'm a walking, talking android who can command a small army of androids. What part of this was supposed to be fair?"
Quote:Extra powers - as long as it is close to being part of the Lore it's okay. I'd love to be immune from psychic powers - but ya know - that's not the Lore but I suppose it COULD happen once and a while.
Quote:My favorite role play involves getting deep into the Lore and trying to live like I was really there. So, if I'm at the D enjoying a drink and mention how sore I am because I got a beat down on a BAF mission - that's how I'm going to act. I'm going to act sore. Being all stupid-invulnerable and all that is lame. It is the faults and weaknesses and whatever that make a character interesting - not their *** kicking.
Also, as a bonus to Stealth Immunity: I roleplay that A.I. sees in multiple spectrums of light, which tends to negate any light-bending/altering based cloaking devices.
I know a few Dragon RPers who use 'Blind Sense', which can still be foiled. It really all depends on what's being thrown at me.
As a side note, I -really- don't enjoy the "NO U CANT SEE ME IN STEALTH GTFO" types. Stealth happens, and it can be detected. Otherwise Paragon Sutdios wouldn't have pissed off Stalkers with Rikti Drones. -
- Fights in the D
- I dont take level into account
I don't like level 1 Fairy God Modder trying to kill my 50 (+1) characters. Hell, most of them don't even register they're being attacked.
- I have powers that don't exist in the game
I don't see a problem with this, so long as its a different take on a archetype. Except Peacebringers/Warshades who roleplay as Angels/Devils. Go DIAF.
- Immunity to Psionics/Stealth Detection
No comment.
- People complaining about Pocket D
To: Dechs Kaison of Kaison Corporations
From: Artellious Ignatio, CEO of Artemis Corporations
Subject: Nanite shipment
I currently received an invoice inquiring you receiving a shipment of our patented nanobot devices to further advance your companies medical research. While we're happy to deliver our products to benefit mankind, we're wondering if we could talk stock options, and how much we'd be able to invest into these studies.
-Artellious Ignatio, CEO of Artemis Corporations Pharmaceutical Firm -
I love our Arbiter. He acts like nothing more than an auditor(sc?). He does roll out the occasional Arbiter-Mode RP, but he kinda just stands back and watches the VG.
Hmm... I personally enjoy roleplaying as a part of Arachnos. I just like military themed VG's, and why nothing better than an already pre-set archetype?
Quote:I'll wait until Part 2 is done. I don't like waiting for a completed work, because then I become very annoying.First, before I forget my manners, thank you for the compliments. Not sure about the term "fap-fiction", that's a new one for me! But as long as I avoided it, so far so good.
Ironically, the Furies' storyline was written well before Incarnate trials made their appearance. (The whole story was written and completed before Issue 15, actually - I just checked, so I beat iTrials and the whole Incarnate thing by a little over two years.) They're actually based upon in-game lore as well - an offshoot of the canon mission "Project Fury".It's unreal just how much lore really IS in this story, and there's still more to come!
As for pestering Posi and the gang...
It started out as only pestering two people - Hero 1 (because at the time, he was the story bible guy - I started this well before Dr. Aeon and Protean were hired at PS!) and Positron (coz it's his character). I asked:
Matt's inbox was full at the time, so Hero 1 wrote back:
And that was it - that's all the help I've gotten.
So I started writing TCOSR.
(Actually, that's not quite true - at HeroCon 2009, I did ask Hero 1 in person a couple questions about Praetorian Earth that I needed answered, and FWIW, I actually anticipated the official in-game storyline by about a year and a half. More on that in future.)
Now, I have it on the best authority that Matt has NEVER read it (and I don't think he ever will), probably because on a personal level, I kinda weird him out. But that's okay.
Don't forget to start on Part II (which is a work in progress, so no PDF, I'm afraid... yet).
'Fap-Fiction' = Erogenous story-writing meant to be sexual in nature, with very little plot outside of a characters adventures into sexual deviance.
Everyone on the Dev staff is weird. Well, except Beastyle. He's cool. In fact, the only major complaint I have with the Dev's is that they don't visit the servers more often on their Signature characters. Not sure if he even has a dev, but I know quite a few Arachnos who'd love to see Lord Recluse just 'pop in' to their VG base once in awhile. Or just patrol around Grandville a bit.
Anyways, can't wait to see more of your writing. I'll just be waiting until you finish Part 2 before I start reading though.
EDIT: Where can I find some information on the Furies/What Story Arc are they a part of? -
Quote:Ah see.You have only give people 20min to reply. Go get a Cuppajo and read the paper. Patience....
For something like this I would suggest heading over to the 'Screenshots & Fan creations' Forum. That section is where a lot of the artist are listed and hangout.
*Saw it was an hour, translated to twenty minutes*
I really do dislike how slow these forums are. -
What an amazing lack of interest in Arachnos :|
Well, I'm currently working on expanding the Arachnos Espionage Divisions VV page, as well as the recently... Ahem... 'Acquired' Arachnos Unified Coalition page.
I was wondering if there were any freelance photoshoppers out there willing to make a few banners for both pages. It'd be highly valued to me personally, and what members we have.
For all those lacking the skills of photoshop, I'd like to start a thread detailing Arachnos and how you roleplay with them. -
Well, I just finished the first story...
And honestly? I can't complain about anything. As far as I've seen, you've followed lore. You didn't turn this into some fap-fiction. You've fleshed out characters properly and appropriately. I'm not sure about the Furies part, but heck that looks like it might have been written around the time the Incarnate Trials came out.
Nice portrayal of all the characters, as well as an acceptable amount of drama. I also enjoyed the way you explained all of the in-game events so they would actually look like dramatic, action-filled combat scenes instead of how they are represented in the game. You did an amazing job, and I honestly think your fan-fiction has the potential to draw in some more players to the CoX universe.
Of course, I'm not one for romance fan-fics, but the end nearly had me B'aawing.
... Just -how long- did you pester Positron and other members of the Freedom Phalanx for help in your story? -
*Thumps his head against the bartop*
Quote:Great. Now I have to reroll A.I.Beam Rifles -
I really should upload some more images with A.I. to photobucket... All I have are images and chatlogs dealing with the unfortunates that I find 'roleplaying' in Arena.
Hmmm... Time to browse! Maybe I got something.
EDIT: Digging through my photobucket is the most awkward thing I've ever done.
Why do I have so many pictures of Seethers, Mad Blood Morgan, and Observer mode?! /boggle
http://s869.photobucket.com/albums/a...of%20Villains/ -
Quote:Pffft, the Encharger has nothing compared to the magnificence that is the Artificial Intel. I demand personal effigys of myself raised in the patronage that I will show to the new Villains of the Rogue Isles, freshly broken out of the Zig.Newcomers should know that it is a requirement to pay tribute to me, Encharger. This tribute may be in the form of hard currency, baked and/or fried goods, and beautiful women. I encourage all helper minions to don iconic and stylish Encharger masks and lightning bolt Encharger emblems for easy identification. This will make it more convenient for the plebians to ensure their tribute reaches me and does not bring down my terrible wrath upon them. Further more, I will be commissioning the city council to change that big globe statue thing in Atlas Park into a big animatronic Encharger head that will periodically broadcast encouraging slogans to worship me, Encharger.
Got a problem with my generosity? Hate me for my kindness?
Deal with it.
Also, old picture is old.