Looking for a heavy roleplaying VG.
"Pardon me, we're too emo for robots. *monacle* Come back when you're a vampire."
Also, while I don't have a VG that'd fit you, I really would love the chance to just RP with you.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Feel free to look me up. The character's name is "Woot of All Evil," I'm on her fairly regularly these days.
Feel free to look me up. The character's name is "Woot of All Evil," I'm on her fairly regularly these days.
1. A Saturday Morning style villain
2. A robot
3. In need of a VG
... Damn I wish I was going somewhere with Artemis Corportations outside of my own little prestige bank.
Haven't heard back from VGs I applied to, or heard anything from this post. >.> Probably gonna end up just putting her in her own little SG for a convenient place to store salvage and do invention stuff.
I'm going to suggest you attend the party I'm holding this Friday. The whole purpose of the event is to get other people together and give them a chance to build the relationships they want.
My SG is a personal SG for the time being. I'm not against letting other people in, but I just don't feel I offer enough to really recruit people.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I appreciate the offer Dechs, but Friday's my one day where I'm unavailable ingame. I go straight from work to movie night with friends.
Well, we'll be going until at least 12 PM EST. I don't know when your movie will be done, but you might get back in time.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Title: "Looking for a heavy roleplaying VG."
I don't do heavy roleplaying.
Heavy petting, however...
Modified the ad so that it shows I'm looking for a supergroup as well; for my heroic main.
well if your interested in a vg with a bit of the horrific the VSTF is fun. We tend to take just about everyone. Though as a robot you may be labeled as a lackey though we do listen to worker complaints. Most of the characters in the VG are either insane or their creations so consistancy is lacking someone who hates you one day could be your friend the next. Note we have a magic division so the arcane appears a lot. if your interested I'm sure a evil robot could fit right in.
well if your interested in a vg with a bit of the horrific the VSTF is fun. We tend to take just about everyone. Though as a robot you may be labeled as a lackey though we do listen to worker complaints. Most of the characters in the VG are either insane or their creations so consistancy is lacking someone who hates you one day could be your friend the next. Note we have a magic division so the arcane appears a lot. if your interested I'm sure a evil robot could fit right in.
Two chars looking for super groups: one's a hero and one's a villain! Oh my!
Villain Character:
I've been focusing on my villainous mastermind lately, recently finishing IOing her up, and currently working on getting all of her incarnate powers. The downside to running trials and TFs nonstop is that I haven't had much of a chance to get her involved in RP, or for that matter, find her a villain group. I'm looking for one that's a heavy roleplaying group that also enjoys running TFs together. I don't mind EXing, and I enjoy helping lower level players when I can. I don't PvP.
Here's a brief description of the villain character:
Originally designed as one of many security bots for a girl genius' lair, Wootbot Epsilon was never as content with her role as the others. To be fair, she had been given basement guard duty, which was boring at the best of times. After a few months of guarding her creator's winter wear and photo albums, Epsilon finally decided that she had enough. When she put in her resignation she was politely told that robots don't get to file resignations for the duties they were invented for. Offended and angry, Epsilon kindly told her creator where to stick it, and left.
Like most robots that turn away from their creator's path, Epsilon turned evil almost instantly. Thankfully, she wasn't particularly good at it, and spent the next few months scavenging parts for her robot army from broken down Clockwork and Council mechs. When her machines were finally created, they promptly tendered their resignation. So she had to start from scratch all over again.
Finally, she's become a villain of some merit. Going under the evil alias of The Woot of All Evil, an homage to her creator, she has begun forming dark designs for the world. She still has hiccups along the road, mostly due to her programming. She has a difficult time understand vauge human concepts like love, and she has a tendency to believe that everything she sees on TV and movies is real, even if it's a cartoon.
Out of character: Woot of All Evil is a Saturday morning sort of supervillain. Over the top dastardly, with a healthy dose of humor. I'm not a big fan of super dramatic RP, and tend to play my characters with fun in mind.
If there are any potential VGs out there that she would be a good fit for, let me know! I've applied for a few that I saw in the VG list, but haven't heard back from any, so I either assume they just aren't very active, or the character concept didn't fit with them. "Pardon me, we're too emo for robots. *monacle* Come back when you're a vampire."
Hero Character
My primary hero character, Square Woot, is also currently looking for a supergroup. For the past few years she's been sitting in a supergroup that isn't particularly active, but includes a group of close friends I made in CoH. We don't often get to run our characters together even though we chat nonstop on MSN, so I thought I'd start branching her out.
Square Woot is a mad scientist, girl genius, and general all-around nerd. She's constantly building things that typically backfire on her; for every invention that's a brilliant success there's a dozen that nearly land her in jail for disturbing the piece. She's by no means evil but she is fairly absent minded, and tends to not fully consider the ramifications of her actions. She's very much a comic-relief style character, with little to no drama associated with her.
I really really enjoy playing Woot, so much so that I started a webcomic based around her and her old group. I'd absolutely love to RP her with a community again, not to mention play her in task forces, trials, and miscellanious stuff. She's an AR/Dev blaster, so while she's a -bit- nerfed, I'm hoping Incarnates and IOs will help nullify that. I'd like to think that Penny fits in with any supergroup that has room for a technology-oriented character, and doesn't mind a little goofy humor from time to time.
Conceptually, the reason she's looking for a new SG is that she's been retired for the past year or so. Most of her old superhero friends have moved on from Paragon, so she's lacking a crime fighting team. She realizes she needs to make new allies and friends in order to pick up the cape again, since she's physically reaaaaaaaally fragile and a bit of a pansy. Anyways! Those are my characters! Looking forward to meeting new groups!
Oh! And I'm EST as well. I tend to be active most weekday evenings and weekends, but I'm never around on Fridays.