223 -
((Very nice story.
Anya Rashnikalni would probably help on the Potemkin or start a new division to train the next generation of intelligence operatives.
Da svidanya, comrade Smersh... may each day bring you and your family joy and happiness))
Another bump, with three days left I believe Sorah's RL commitments have temporarily claimed her time.
Might I suggest that when she finishes, when time permits, that she post it over at http://www.cohtitan.com in their forums in case it it is not finished in time before these forums close.
Thank you again, Sorah, for doing this for the Virtue community... it is a wonderful gift to us.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Numbers remaining (please remove your number and repost):
29, 49, 51, 56, 61, 85, 96, 98, 100
Ashes to ashes.
Pheonyx -
Quote:Remember, CO came out before STO, and STO needed to look more realistic... but yes, I would love to see the STO character textures ported over to CO; then it would be MUCH closer to appearance of CoH characters (which will be the first big disconnect that a CoH player will have with CO is the character appearance); I'd rather have the realistic looking characters in a "cartoony hero world" than the current ones.
What I find exasperating is that the characters in STO look great, but Cryptic has chosen to make CO characters look ridiculous even though the games use the same engine (you can even talk via globals to friends playing STO from CO).
I am checking out CO, and I have a Lifetime sub to STO, @Pheonyx there.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:Yes, I will be there broadcating on The Cape Radio... but would love to see the other CoH radio stations out there in on this too. This is about bringing a community together and as many voices as possible to spread the word.DJ Pheonix is broadcasting during the kickoff and has already posted in the Titan Networks thread that there's a plan to cover this event during the broadcast! I'm hoping we'll have things hopping all night to give the other DJs following something to cover.
To paraphrase Mr. Universe in Serenity, "You Can't Stop The City".
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
I can't delete any of my characters... I will tie up storylines and give them one final sendoff RP, but they will not be deleted. Some may see new life elsewhere in different form/background, but some will live on, just not in CoH anymore.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
I have one of those Tumblr things, and although I don't post much on it, I had to post to share some of what I am feeling with this announcement and everything going on here at CoH.
My Tumblr page is http://pheonyx.tumblr.com if you want to follow it, but I am going to copy/pasta my latest post here.
Quote:As most of you know, Im a big player of City of Heroes. On Friday August 31, the announcement came that City of Heroes and Paragon Studios, the studio created to work on the game after NCSoft bought the rights from Cryptic Studios, would be closing. That same day, everyone in Paragon Studios were let go of their positions right at the Labor Day holiday. Through press releases to various gaming sites, we have learned that the game will close November 30th, 2012 (whether that means 12:01AM or 11:59 PM, we do not know as of yet). To paraphrase a line from Doctor Who, on November 30th, the universe will sing City of Heroes to its sleep.
People in City of Heroes, and the Virtue server specifically, also know me as DJ Pheonyx of http://thecaperadio.com , The Cape Radio, a completely volunteer, player-run online radio station for the Virtue community specifically and the CoH community generally. This news hit all of us hard, since we have made so many friends no, family in this game and to see it end the way it is ending (sudden announcement, immediate firing of all staff) is just heartbreaking to the community. We are all reeling from this blow dealt to us, and will for a while.
I went on the air that Friday afternoon before a scheduled show, taking over for DJ Valor (who had decided to come on air and help people cope with the news), and I was coming to the end of my time and handing off to DJ Shecky, who was covering for DJ Angels normal show, and I played my normal ending; my favorite quote from Babylon 5, and then the song Show Me The Way by Styx, a way I honor those we have lost past, present and unfortunately future. The prospect of losing this family I have ingame for years was tearing me up inside. Then the comments came first in private messages and then in the Cape global channel, and then when I mentioned it later in a Skype chat room which a LOT of people were part of, it was then I realized something I had never really though of me or my being a DJ: I felt so much love and felt like an important part of The Cape. Between the private messages thanking me for introducing them to The Cape came a comment in the global channel Ill paraphrase what was said: Your ending should be the last thing played on The Cape when CoH shuts down.
I had never thought that I made that much of an impact on peoples lives in the game and on the Virtue server. I became a DJ to share my love of music with everyone, just as my parents wanted all their children to do (which is why the last song is always dedicated to them) I didnt do it for ego stroking or to be a cool kid, I did it because music has always been a joy in my life and wanted to share that with people in this way. So, when people wanted my ending to be a fitting end to the closing of City of Heroes and The Cape Radio as we know it now (the station staff is figuring out what we are going to do with the station when the game closes, so there is no news on that front), I went from blubbering fool to I cant read the screen anymore from all of the tears (and Im tearing up as I write this, even). But there is a little bit of hope; petitions, requests for the game code to be open sourced for private servers, and so on. Whether any or none of these will bring City of Heroes back remains to be seen.
However, for the next three months until the game closes, as much and as easy it is to become sad and depressed, go into game and get as many screenshots as possible for yourself and others, show everyone you know what is being lost by this closure, achieve as many goals as you can before the game goes dark, but I and many other Capesters will have this in the back of our minds, as now all City of Heroes players should as these months go by. Next time you log into game, think of the quote that ends my shows, because the words that were presented to us by the late Andreas Katsulas, who played Narn ambassador GKar on Babylon 5, have become even more meaningful:
You see I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this station, when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while, you will hear the echoes of all our conversations, every thought and word weve exchanged. Long after we are gone, our voices will linger in these walls for as long as this place remains. But I will admit that the part of me that is going will very much miss the part of you that is staying.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:The toon you'd know the best would be Vigilant Huntress.We had a falling out? :S ya know it's prolly like the Luficia bit from 2006. We apparently had a falling out that neither one of us remember anything about hence us enjoying each others company all over again!
What's your toons name?
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
We may have had our falling out in the past, but I want to say that this is a very wonderful thing that you're doing for the community. I wish you all the best in the future.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
I agree... put everything that is currently on the market at 0 Points, since they're basically not selling anything anymore and run it like Beta runs the market (no cost for anything), and they might as well push some of the older builds out so we can get the CyberTech pack and the Bodysuits as well as Super Pack 2.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
A couple names I saw:
Dihydrogen Oxide (more scientific name for water)
Coagulata (going by the name, shoots blood)
I've seen a couple on the ones on the list running around.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:I think it's more along the lines of "if RP leads to needing this type of character, who could we ask to join in?", and storyline RP is good, too... no need to dismiss the post so quickly.That is some pretty specific scripting. Organic roleplay isn't your thing?
I don't have any characters who fit these ideas but I have one that could be of potential use in the future:
Dr. Janet Williams (aka Krimsin Hawk): Biochemist who got her start at Crey, but runs a small pharmaceutical company now.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:I just ran a Amanda Vines mission the other night the first time in a long while and I saw the headset, thinking to myself, "They should port that piece for players sometime". Then I said, "Yeah, right... it's been in the game 6 years and we don't have it yet, so it won't happen."Please can we have the little microphone piece that Amanda Vines has? Other similar bluetooth things would be awesome, too. Superheroes and villains need to be able to talk on their cellphones hands free!
For once, prove me wrong... and if you do port it, make a right and a left side version.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:Bright, send Hit Streak a PM here on the forums to check on that with your Twitter name. It's possible it's an oversight and can be cleared up easily.And you still missed at least one person... Me.
As I've said elsewhere, I retweeted well within the time limit, I have the private message function enabled, my Tweets are *not* protected, I have you on Follow and all of that... I did everything you guys asked... But I still never received a code.
I can't say I'm impressed with the whole "Twitter freebies" thing, but maybe I'm just being some kind of Entitlement Brat because I expected to actually... you know... get the code if I did as requested.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:I know several players who are excellent RPers who do both normal RP and ERP by their own admission, so your generalization of all ERPers is incorrect.This isn't about RPers, it's about ERPers, who otherwise don't have anything to do with RP.
Quote:That does seem strange. No discussion of a spanking for anything less than a B? Are you sure you weren't on Infinity?
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Is it just me but when I saw the title at first, I thought that the Kardashians (or a CoH facsimile thereof) was invading?
In all seriousness, this sounds like a great event and hope you all have fun.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:If you read the article, you might have seen this bit of information:As long as it's the original voices, there's only one thing to say to this.
Quote:Originally Posted by Teen Titans ArticleThe principal voice cast from the original series – Greg Cipes as Beast Boy, Scott Menville as Robin, Khary Payton as Cyborg, Tara Strong as Raven and Hynden Walch as Starfire – all return in the series
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
In the Entertainment section of the Paragon Times, May 28, 2012
Paragon Hero Competes For Charity
Skilled archer Emily Andersen, known as Agent Munin and as the partner of Hephaestus-1 during the final two seasons of A&E's "Serv'd", competed in a celebrity episode of "Top Shot", pitted against rocker and hunting enthusiast Ted Nugent. The prize money of $50,000 will be awarded to the winner's charity of choice. Ms. Andersen chose the Galaxy City Relocation Fund, an organization dedicated to help those citizens displaced by the meteor storm on Galaxy City, to represent on the show.
"I lost my home, so I understand what these people are going through.", Andersen commented, the Earth of her home dimension destroyed by a comet that grazed her Earth and broke the planet apart, "This is a small way to help those in their time of need."
When pressed about who was the victor (the episode was filmed several months ago), Andersen stated, "I can't tell you who wins, but I can say it is definitely a very close competition the whole way through. Ted (Nugent) is a wonderful man and a fierce competitor."
The celebrity charity episode of "Top Shot" will air on the History Channel June 6 at 9PM Eastern, in celebration of the show's premiere on that date in 2010. -
I23? On my birthday!
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Does this mean that you'll look at quivers and tactical holsters being added as costume pieces for backpack and belt (or lower leg/detail) options? Please? Pretty please?
My Archery and Dual Pistols Blasters are looking directly at you, Zwill... pass this on.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Some nice stuff this week.
As for those Double XP Boosters? Yeah, not touching them with a ten-foot cattle prod. 8 hours of Double XP the same price as 24 Super Packs? Really? The packs give things more useful for a much longer period of time (the ATOs). So, those are a pass.
Hecatomb set is tempting though. Salvage, Enhancement, Recipe increase and Respec tokens are now priced where they should be all the time. Too bad it's only for a week.
You MAY get some of sales from me this week.
Ashes to ashes,
Pheonyx -
Quote:There was a time when if I had read this announcement, I would have went "SQUEEEE!!!"You will all be pleased to know that Staff Fighting is coming next Tuesday.
Now, the only response I can muster is "FINALLY!!!"
This dragging of feet on this powerset has actually lessened my enthusiasm for the set's release, I'm sorry to say. Will I get it? Yes, but probably after the big rush occurs, so maybe a month after release. It's now become a "I'll get it if nothing else I am interested in releases" purchase instead of a "HAVE NAO!!" purchase. The points I have saved for this set will sit a bit longer after release.
Ashes to ashes,