Discussion: Featured Items at the Paragon Market - 4/24/12
Ok so, 8th Anniversary week = Nothing new in the market.
Cool, lol.
Some nice stuff this week.
As for those Double XP Boosters? Yeah, not touching them with a ten-foot cattle prod. 8 hours of Double XP the same price as 24 Super Packs? Really? The packs give things more useful for a much longer period of time (the ATOs). So, those are a pass.
Hecatomb set is tempting though. Salvage, Enhancement, Recipe increase and Respec tokens are now priced where they should be all the time. Too bad it's only for a week.
You MAY get some of sales from me this week.
Ashes to ashes,
The Cape Radio
"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman

What's the over/under on the Heca Proc getting nerfed after they get your money like the P Shifter proc?
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
You just got 10200 Paragon Points from my secondary account and 11550 from my primary account. (I needed some Enhancement Boosters and decided to go ahead and bite on the Hecatomb set since I was already hemorrhaging PP.)
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I don't know that I like purples being in the Market. I guess I will reserve further judgment until I see what it means for the game.
I had gotten my hopes up to see Panther/Stealth this week, but alas, no. Maybe next week?
Sure. But in this case, the disparity was pointed out and discussed at great length over a month in advance, rather than Performance Shifter which was on beta for only a few days and the disparity wasn't noticed until afterward. If it's broken and is going to get changed, it should have been done before going live, since that is after all kind of the point of testing it on beta? Even a "hey, we're still deciding what change to make" or "we've decided to leave it as-is" would be reassuring.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Sure. But in this case, the disparity was pointed out and discussed at great length over a month in advance, rather than Performance Shifter which was on beta for only a few days and the disparity wasn't noticed until afterward. If it's broken and is going to get changed, it should have been done before going live, since that is after all kind of the point of testing it on beta? Even a "hey, we're still deciding what change to make" or "we've decided to leave it as-is" would be reassuring.
(the see below section)
Am I the only one tired of seeing price points that are on par with a monthly subscription fee? I understand wanting things like Purple IOs being pricey for the sake of keeping them "rare" but 8 hours of double xp for the price of one month of VIP status?
Let's put the "micro" back in micro-transactions. I completely understand wanting to make money, since NC Soft is running a business after all. But I can't be the only one who understands that lower prices could actually garner higher revenue.
Think of it this way: McDonalds during the recession maintained more growth than Wendy's and Burger King while keeping prices down. It keeps the top spot because it's so affordable. One person buying a $15 item doesn't garner as much as 3 people buying the same item for $7.50.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
I find the firework emotes promote the mishandling of fireworks!
Part from nothing there for me!!
I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
And so it begins. The lines between gold farmer and NCS have been blurred or at least mixed.
When rares came on the market we were told they would be limited to 1 set a month for a limited window. We were told no purples would be for sell in the market. Seems now rares go on sale like candy and now here come the purple sets.
Perception becomes reality. You control the drop rate for purples. Tweaking a high valued set to drop less or not at all is a possiblity. Thus causing a demand in the actual money for purple set. I am not saying you did that but the possibility is there now. And since "never" seems to be not for a couple of months, I fear that we would never do this, will turn into we will never do this until we need some fast cash.
Also with the x2 xp boosters the only ones to benifit will be the farmers. x2 xp is not for people doing the story arcs, it is only for those who PL. Sure having a x2 weekend allows alot of people to PL but it is a rare thing. Having this on the market only encourages the PL farmers. Where do you think the Gold Farmers get thier in game inf? Its from charging for those cave farms. Now it seems that NCS just wants thier cut too.
It may seem small but these two things are going to have major effects on the gaming community in the long run.
Just curious will the x2 xp booster work with AE? If not are you letting people know before they buy one? If it does work in AE how does it go against MARTy?
Why create lower level content if you are only going to encourage people to PL past it?
PL always starts out I just need to get over this hump, then its I want to get level 20 so my toon can do something. Then Its woah I can get to 30 on a cave run?, To finally a couple of hours to 50 sure why not after all I already did the lower stuff time and time again and there's always ouro to go back.
You spent man hours nerfing farms and exploits only to now say "Go ahead as long as we get some extra $$ also."
Hmm, finally the enhancement storage goes on sale...but only by 25%.
Well if I had the points I'd buy it but...since I don't...I'll hope and wait for a 50% sale on 'em.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Think of it this way: McDonalds during the recession maintained more growth than Wendy's and Burger King while keeping prices down. It keeps the top spot because it's so affordable. One person buying a $15 item doesn't garner as much as 3 people buying the same item for $7.50.
Er, actually, this is working out for me. Disregard.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
PL always starts out I just need to get over this hump, then its I want to get level 20 so my toon can do something.... |
I didn't read all of your post but just wanted to say, "pl'ing to 22 is the hump" for me at least.

Once I get lvl 25 common IOs in a toon; I'm good to go. Before that...ugh....ugh, ugh...
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Should it have been tested longer? Sure. But bugs get through the beta system. It's just a fact of any game. Crying "nerf" over a number fix is going overboard, though. While I don't agree with a lot of price points on the paragon market (see below), I don't think NC Soft is trying to bait and switch on us. It's not like they advertised it to be better than the in-game version.
I'm not super-thrilled about the PPM procs being better, but personally, at this point, any disparity between the crafted and purchased procs is less important to me than just getting some kind of comment on the matter. The last we heard on the issue was that they're subject to change, and Performance Shifter says they're not unwilling to change such things even after releasing them, and in the meantime they've only made the things available for this week.
1 Hour = 360 Paragon Points |
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
It's not an issue of how long it was tested. It's not an issue of bugs. The issue here was already tested and discussed quite thoroughly. We had a 27-page feedback thread that focused on this exact issue with multiple red-name comments, concluding with the reassurance (post #294) that these concerns would be investigated, a decision made, and that decision publicly communicated. Now, almost a month after that comment, the first purple set has gone live without change or comment. It's not even noon yet, so I would like to give the benefit of the doubt here and hope that decision has been made and will be communicated in short order.
I'm not super-thrilled about the PPM procs being better, but personally, at this point, any disparity between the crafted and purchased procs is less important to me than just getting some kind of comment on the matter. The last we heard on the issue was that they're subject to change, and Performance Shifter says they're not unwilling to change such things even after releasing them, and in the meantime they've only made the things available for this week. |
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
The only downside of this is that I am at work and cannot log in immediately to give you my money for the storage sale.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
Let's put the "micro" back in micro-transactions. I completely understand wanting to make money, since NC Soft is running a business after all. But I can't be the only one who understands that lower prices could actually garner higher revenue.
Think of it this way: McDonalds during the recession maintained more growth than Wendy's and Burger King while keeping prices down. It keeps the top spot because it's so affordable. One person buying a $15 item doesn't garner as much as 3 people buying the same item for $7.50. |
New featured items in the Paragon MarketĀ®!
SET: Hecatomb (VERY RARE)
Market Location:
Paragon Picks > Featured
Paragon Picks > New
Paragon Picks > Bundles
Paragon Picks > Sale
Crafting / Gear > Purple IO Sets
Price: 2000 Paragon Points - 50% Off!
Sale Price: 1000 Paragon Points
Double XP Boosters (1, 4, 8 Hours)
Market Location:
Paragon Picks > Featured
Paragon Picks > New
Buffs & Boosts > XP Boosts
1 Hour = 360 Paragon Points
4 Hour = 1080 Paragon Points
8 Hour = 1440 Paragon Points
PLEASE NOTE: The Double XP Boosters will only be available on the Paragon Market between April 24th and April 30th, 2012!
50% XP Boosters (1, 4, 8 Hours)
Market Location:
Paragon Picks > Featured
Paragon Picks > New
Buffs & Boosts > XP Boosts
1 Hour = 240 Paragon Points
4 Hour = 720 Paragon Points
8 Hour = 960 Paragon Points
Who Will Die?: Complete Collection Ep. 1-7
Market Location:
Paragon Picks > New
Paragon Picks > Bundles
Paragon Picks > Sale
Content > Story Arcs
Price: 2400 Paragon Points - 50%
Sale Price: 1200 Paragon Points!
99c VIP Starter Kit
Get started with the VIP experience by purchasing this VIP Starter Kit, which includes one month of VIP Game Time for new City of Heroes Freedom players! This kit includes a serial code for the creation of a new account, access to City of Heroes and City of Heroes Going Rogue, as well as the aforementioned month of VIP Game Time!
Price: 99c at the NCsoft Store!
The following items are additional sale items to celebrate the 8th Anniversary of City of Heroes. These items will be on sale from April 24th, 2012 until April 30th, 2012! They can be found in the Paragon Market in the following location:
Paragon Picks > Sales
Fireworks Emotes
Rocket Flare: 40 Paragon Points - 25% = 30 Paragon Points!
Bloom Emote: 40 Paragon Points - - 25% = 30 Paragon Points!
Sparkle Emote: 40 Paragon Points - - 25% = 30 Paragon Points!
Create a Praetorian!
<img alt="CreatePraetorian.png"
Price: 1200 Paragon Points - 25% = 900 Paragon Points!
Enhancement Increase
Price: 1600 Paragon Points - 25% = 1200 Paragon Points!
Boosters (5x, 30x, 90x)
5 Boosters = 200 Paragon Points - 25% = 150 Paragon Points!
30 Boosters = 900 Paragon Points - 25% = 675 Paragon Points!
90 Boosters = 1800 Paragon Points - 25% = 1350 Paragon Points!
Recipe Inventory Increase
Price: 800 Paragon Points - 50% = 400 Paragon Points!
Salvage Inventory Increase
Price: 800 Paragon Points - 50% = 400 Paragon Points!
Character Respec Token
Price: 800 Paragon Points - 50% = 400 Paragon Points!
XP Boosters (1x, 3x, 5x)
1 Booster = 120 Paragon Points - 50% = 60 Paragon Points!
3 Boosters = 300 Paragon Points - 50% = 150 Paragon Points!
5 Boosters = 450 Paragon Points - 50% = 225 Paragon Points!
Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios