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  1. You gave us NC Soft's "thanks" so here's mine for them - "Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company."
    Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me.
    Good luck to you all though in your future endeavors, Zwill and the former Devs of Paragon Studios. You will be missed.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Storm Summoning does have wind (gale, hurricane, tornado), lightning (lightning cloud, thunder clap), and ice/snow (freezing rain).
    It's not a blast set, though. I believe he was asking for a Storm Blast set, and I would love to see something like that myself.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    Tank Girl did pretty darned well.

    I'd go crazy over a set with Tank Girl stuff - the ripped fishnets alone would guarantee a sale here!

    This appears to just be more boy stuff (including boys playing girls who look like boys, the point of which is completely lost on me), which is fine. I think between this set, Cyberpunk, Mecha and Space Pirates, you guys have been amply paid us back for the Carnie set, and then some! Glad you're getting pieces you want - enjoy!
    Then you would be wrong. Female characters are getting access to all of the parts n the Cyberpunk, Mecha and Space Pirates that the guys do. They're not sexy enough for you? So sad. But the females ARE getting pieces, all the same pieces the guys are. They were not completely DENIED any parts from a pack like the guys were with the CoL pack, especially desirable costume parts like new masks and the sash that nearly EVERYONE has been asking for since this game began. And no, I'm not counting the weapons as costume pieces.
    Oh, and gals don't have access to the skull mask? Well, last I checked, they WERE given access to the Baron Jacket and the male Gunslinger pieces that they had (very rightfully) been clamoring for. Want to know what men got traded for in return? Perhaps the so-called tiaras that look like medieval circlets that the men could easily use? Nope. How about the easliy unisex Dragon or Cloud Bracers? Nope again. Shoulder pets? Nope. A tops with skin option, like the obvious V-neck or Deep V? Nope. How about a male variation on the Metal costume set (you know, the Witchblade looking set that only the gals have access to)? Nope again.
    We got NOTHING ported over to us. No matter how many times we ask, no matter how many times we point out that the whole "gender-equality" thing is NOT a one-way street, the guys NEVER get anything ported over to us.
    So no, we haven't been paid back for the Carnival of Light pack. Not by a longshot.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    Agreed, the Magic Bolero's profile would look great on Male and Huge, too. Might want to skip the 'off the shoulders' part, though. Give it a stiff, stand-up collar, like a trim, scaled down version of the Halloween mantle.

    Of course, if it looks anything like what I have envisioned, then the ladies are going to scream for it, too...

    Be Well!
    This squared/cubed/whatever.
    I'd also like to see a version of this trimmed with fur, like a coronation/emperor's robe.
    (Been asking for this since first saw the Magic Bolero.)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    So the default is always male?
    I shall now start a thread on sexism in the CoH costume creator.

    I see the smiley but ... Don't. Just ... don't.
  6. I saw on Facebook that your Distinguished Competition superhero MMORPG just released a "water body" costume piece.
    Considering we just got a water blast set, it seems to me that this would be a wonderful costume piece to have in City of Heroes, with your guys' own unique spin/take on it, of course.
    And it got me thinking that it would be really kind of nice if somehow you could plan cool new costume bits to be released around the same time that cool new powers were released that would complement each other. For instance, for that Nature Affinity powerset coming up, it would be great to have some plant pieces (vines as belts, bracers, arm and shoulder pieces, tree bark armor, etc.) released. Or for the new bio armor, new insect pieces or a costume set that lends itself to the concept. This kind of synchronicity could help plug up any thematic gaps in the costume creator and give players more tools in their toolbox when they go to roll a new character.
    I know this is impossible for the near/immediate future, but it may be something to consider in the farther out future.
  7. Yeah, not liking this at all. Not one bit.
    I do understand the need to branch out and draw in new players, and that MAYBE Twitter can help you with that, but it just seems to me that while you're trying to build "new communities" elsewhere you're only succeeding in alienating and angering your community right here, on your own official website. If you were giving away the web grenades, or pieces that already exist, I probably wouldn't blink twice over the announcement. But you are offering an exclusive and desirable costume piece on a social media outlet that a lot of us don't/can't/won't use, and that's not kosher.
    If nothing else, I hope that you plan on offering this aura somewhere else down the line.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I literally LOL'd at this image. First time I have seen it. Still chuckling.
  9. I was Photogenic Metalhead and was positively FLOORED by being added as a finalist. There were so many great costumes and concepts. I kept thinking I was invited by accident and was waiting to get booted out. So thank you, thank you, thank you judges, for liking my costume. Makes up for me missing out on part 2 of the Bugs themed contest because of a reading comprehension issue on my part (those time zones really mess you up if you don't read carefully ...)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post

    As a note: the cape's skull fades in and out, and Posi and Zwill mentioned that all the parts will be available for males and females. Also there are several parts they didn't show, like the Claw Hand. And hooks will be available for both hands.
    Ooooooh, those are purdy ... do want.
    But I have to say, a shoulder pet parrot, cybernetic or otherwise, really would have been the bomb diggity.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    We'll trade you for the Retro-Scifi armor space boots.
    Throw in the carnival of lights sash, a masculine variation on those cool Retro-Scifi boots (the basic leather looking ones - love that texture!), some of the circlets - you call them tiaras on your list - and shoulder pets and you have yourself a deal!
  12. Without a doubt, CoX wins for me based on the sheer volume of options we have over the competition.
    I have played all three games, and there are some things that each game does well. For instance, CO has some costume pieces we don't have - a real blindfold, sashes for BOTH genders, cool loincloths, some really attractive (to me) hair for both genders (including long hair for men), long skirts for both - and I also like that you can have more than two colors per piece. I also like that for each piece there are options - cloth, leather and metal, so you can achieve uniformity of look while using pieces from different themes which you can't always do with our pieces (due to pre-tinting, different textures, newer tech, etc.). As fpr DCUO, it has some really cool, contemporary looking pieces, and a GREAT cosmic/star field pattern in their store, and the looks are often quite slick. However, DCUO lacks volume of costume pieces, you are pretty limited to what you have access to at first, and some of the really great end-of-game armors are locked behind nearly impossible to get (for casual/free players) fund and/or token requirements.
    CoX could learn a thing or two from its competition, but the competition has far, far more to learn from this game right here.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
    ok, another glitch for you Dink, this time gunslinger 1 chest detail for females.

    This is what happens to my partners latest costume, which looks fine in the editor, as soon as she leaves the tailor screen.

    Found out that that is the SG emblam is displayed. So rather than swapping the chest detail for the SG chest detail, it butchers the corset.
    Oh, and hey, look! There's that nifty clock belt that only females get to use, for no real good reason at all. Might I ask that you consider porting that over to males/huge? Thanks for your consideration.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    This should work now. Here's the link from my last post, nice and clean.,88160
    Also, I'd like a thicker version of it, like the one worn by the biker guy from the Village People. That would be sweet!

    Now, on to a different topic entirely, I like to watch music videos now and again, and I find that there is a lot of inspiration to be had. The costumes that they use, the hair, much of it is VERY theatrical, naturally, and would lend themselves well to superhero costumes.
    Specifically, I was looking at Rhianna's "Where Have you Been" video and I saw the glittery, golden mask she wore on one of the costumes and thought, we HAVE to have this.
    The picture I found doesn't do it justice, but here's the link:
    It's the fourth pic down.
    Any chance something like this could serve as inspiration for a mask? While I think the mask as is would most likely be a predominantly female piece, I think a masculine version could be dervied, too.
  15. Thanks for making a liar out of me! LOL
    I told a poster on another thread that the Tricorner hat that he had been clamoring for for some time was spotted as a Freebie Friday item on test, and that maybe it would come out this week or next. And now no Freebie Friday! :P
    Enjoyed the surprise of a Freebie each Friday, hope it returns, and many thanks for the free stuff!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    A proper moustache, like that.

    Seriously, we have NO good moustaches
    Well, I kind of like the newer steampunk moustache, but it's very limited to what concept you can use it with. But overall, I agree that we need MORE facial hair, moustaches especially!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fennec View Post
    The tri-corner hat has already been made. It was briefly in the costume editor (but not actually purchasable in the store) way back in October and the powers-that-be have been sitting on it ever since. Seems pretty damn stupid to create something you don't intend on releasing.
    It was on Beta not long ago as a "Freebie Friday" piece alongside the Princess Hat. So maybe it's coming in the not too distant future?
  18. Hi Dink,
    With the water blast power set coming in the semi-near future, I was wondering if we might consider some aquatic-style clothing options. Specifically, I was looking for something that resembled a wetsuit, with both zipped and unzipped fronts for both male and female characters, and maybe some fins/flippers for your feet. Would be also a good time to consider that scale mail I keep mentioning ...
    Or maybe, and this is being very fanciful, I realize, armor pieces (shoulders, chest, gloves, boots, belt) that looks like it was carved from shell (like with nautilus detailing).
    Also maybe mesh tops for both sexes that look like they might have been made from fishing nets?
    Thank you for your consideration.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Welcome to the game and the forums.

    A really good source of info for new players is - and you should also keep an eye on th offical CoH Facebook, Twitter and Google+ feeds for more information on the game and upcoming features and events.
    Speaking of things that are annoying, does anyone else find it as irritating that NCSoft apparently wants you to go everywhere else BUT their official site to get news and information about upcoming features? I don't want to have to go Facebook, Twitter, or Google + - the news should be here, where it belongs.
  20. Same. I would spend hours dressing up that yummy male barbarian alone ...
  21. Back with some more wishes ...

    Jewel tone skin - a sheen/skin like "Metallic" that makes your character look like they are made of living gems/jewels

    Medieval-ish Jerkins (maybe in the jackets category) that we can put over shirts/tops

    More variation in briefs for men - chainmail, leather, metal, scale mail - and "boxer brief" style shorts

    A hairstyle and beard that looks like it is made out of moss, vines, and/or other plant matter. The plant hair we have now is just meh.

    The Olympian Guard top/bottom pattern ported over to tight gloves and boots, so we can have one whole matching base.

    Stubble for men

    Chest hair

    Probably not the right place to put this, but a Jester's baton, as both a mace and as a staff, or even as just a vanity weapon.

    A true checkered pattern

    A top hat with long hair for both male and female toons

    A cowboy hat with long hair for both male and female toons (the Gunslinger set's hair looked kind of stringy to me. I'd like something nicer.)

    A skull cap, like a wizard might wear. Bonus points if we could get different textures - metal, leather, cloth.

    More to come as they come to me. Thanks for your consideration.
  22. Hi Dink,
    THanks for this new thread.
    Here are some things I would like to see added to the costume creator:
    Jungle Lord loin clothes and Jungle Lady bikinis - plain, leopard spot and zebra stripe versions
    Fur trimmed robe for males - emperor's robe (think of it as something like a retooled Witch's Bolero for the guys)
    Deep V shirt/top for men
    V-neck T-shirt for men
    An acutal long hairstyle for men, akin to the gals' Real Glam style.
    More masks like the Jester Mask, that actually look like masks and not painted on - I would especially like to see a bird beak mask similar to this.
    A swashbuckler's shirt with puffy sleeves for both sexes
    Sashes for both sexes
    I'd like to see the Olympian guard texture applied to boots and gloves so we can have a cohesive look.
    A Tabard for the upcoming chainmail set
    Scale mail tights - top, bottom, gloves and boots
    A blindfold without barbed wire going over the top of it
    BP Shamaness styled wait capes for the ladies
    More facial hair options, including sideburns/muttonchops, a horseshoe moustache (I'm thinking like WWF's Rick Steiner's 'stache), and stubble.
    A clothing set that looks like it's made from plants/vines for Elf/Fairy heroes
    Dragonfly wings (I know we have Insect WIngs already, but I'd like a set that looks sleeker, more Dragonfly-like)
    Circlets and bracers for men
    Hoods that could work with capes to look like cloaks - for both sexes
    A Hoodie/street level costume set
    Actual trenchcoats, like Rosarch and Dr. Occult wear.
    A turban, both modern and old-timey (Like Sargon the Sorceror's headwear)
    More briefs options for men - leather, chainmail, scale mail, metallic, Barbarian bikini
    Metallic tank top for men, like the gals' Metallic dress top but turned into a tank top
    Metallic T-shirt
    High collars, like Dr. Strange's
    New breastplates to go over chain mail, tights, etc.

    Thanks for your consideration
  23. I don't know if this is where official feedback for the pack goes, but here's mine after playing with the costume creator this evening: Nice work. Love all three new faces, and one of the men's faces has become my brand new favorite face. The woman's face is beautiful, and love the beauty mark, nice touch.
    The astronaut suit looks good as a whole, and I think the pants especially are versatile enough to lend themselves to a variety of costumes. I am not terribly excited about the shoulder accordion arms in the top, as I think it detracts a little from the versatility of the piece.
    The one problem I see with this suit is the same issue that plagues a lot of the costume sets - the issue of the gloves not really matching the boots very well. I like it when the boots and the gloves sort of match each other, not just completments each other. I have noticed though that in several of the last sets, Imperial Dynasty, Circle of Thorns and Elemental Order being the two that stick out most in my mind, that they don't really go well together. They complement each other, but they don't really match, and that often, for me, throws me off if I am trying to go for a cohesive look. I wonder if it's not two late to specifically make a matching pair of gloves for Retro Sci-Fi 2 boots, the ones with the rings. This would give me the sense of symmetry I look for.
    As for the woman's dress, it looks good. I would like to recommend that someone go back and make a metallic texture for the Retro Sci Fi skirt to match the Metallic Club Dress top (or Retro Sci Fi textures for the top) because the two pieces would work very well together if they shared a texture.
    I do wish the bubble helmet was not part of the same set of options as beards and facial hair for the men, because this means my space rangers cannot have facial hair. This is a terrible, terrible place for the helmet. Can you please consider moving it?
    And of course, my one final complaint. I see no reason to keep the top/shirt from the men. The men desperately need a V neck top, and put a couple of short sleeves on it and it would make a rocking V neck T-shirt for the boys. Please consider porting this over to the gents. I and (many?) others would be most grateful.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    Parez Park. I would like to see phasing tech used there. After we run the Clean up the park mission I want the zone to become a park with families, kids playing with pets, and people throwing Frisbee.

    Some plays or bands at the amphitheater, people fishing in the lake, the whole nine yards of a safe zone.

    I want PP to represent an area where we have actually made a difference as heroes.

    Let the Kraken still spawn there once in a while to scare the public, but for the most part keep it clean, after we have cleaned it up.

    You can tie it to the Kill Skulls badge. If you have killed 500 skulls then PP is a clean zone when you go in it. Basically have 2 instances of PP, one that is he current suck, and one that is a nice clean park.

    If you really feel the need you can have some muggings in those crazy back paths, and still have mission doors there. For the most part though have a family friendly environment where heroes can go, hold their head up high and say "I made this place safe."
    I just have to say, I LOVE this idea. That's something I feel is missing from this game - a feeling of making an actual difference. If you're a hero, and you stop a mugging, only to go back later and see the seemingly same NPC being mugged by the seemingly same Hellions/Skulls/Etc., you start to think, what's the point? A phased map that shows a cleaned up Perez Park would be amazing. Maybe have a new TF or trial associated with it, so after you complete it and get the badge, you get the new and improved Perez Park.
    Again, love this idea.
  25. I don't know that I like purples being in the Market. I guess I will reserve further judgment until I see what it means for the game.
    I had gotten my hopes up to see Panther/Stealth this week, but alas, no. Maybe next week?