Make Your Case (Plummit)




So for those of you attending the Plummit this week and plan on attend on the "Make Your Case" forum about a future zone revamp; what zone do you plan on making a case for?

Since I can't make it - but if I did go - I'd probably suggest Port Oakes. Heroes got a zone revamp (well, heroes get everything,) and now I believe it's the villains turn to get a face lift. Most of the Rogue Isles uses the same tired brick buildings and I think to entice some player action into redside is to give one of the earlier zones (not the landing pad) a face lift.

Let's be honest, there's a lot that could be done with that Ghost Fort. Why Port Oakes for villains? It's the only SG registrar, it also has an arena, a Pocket D entrance, and a black market. Other than Cap Au Diable, it has the potential to be a hub for player activity, low and high. Port Oakes could be a mix of low and high levels. The Ghost Fort could be re-purposed into a level 30 - 45 area while the rest of PO remains levels 5 - 12.

Anyways, what zone would you make a case for?



Eden. Not only is a huge zone with plenty of cross-potential from Nemesis and Crey; villains could get a 35-40 zone of their own via the sharing of any DE updates and resources. This could be further shared to Praetoria where the DE run rampant giving a triple-play of content using similar factions to reduce the workload for creating new mobs and map types.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.




Why? Because it can be made into a hero and villain zone, with each faction trying to rebuild/destroy/take over the area using the new phasing tech.

PvP without the PvP. Heroes and Villains wouldn't fight each other, but missions and actions of heroes and villains in the zone can affect the appearance of Boomtown, maybe even what spawns where if they add contacts trying to vie for power in this section of the city. Maybe Hero Corps wants to help rebuild and add a new headquarters there, maybe the 5th Column or the Council are willing to make a deal with a supervillain for a decisive victory (which would be the next stage in their conflict's story). Really let things get crazy in there with the new tech.

Even though it's been remodeled already, I'd like to see this hero/villain approach applied to Faultline too, since Arachnos and the Sky Raiders already have a passageway/foothold on the north part of it. I'd like them to add it as a new zone for villainous activity in Paragon in the mid-levels. Not to the same extreme as using the phasing tech or having one side affect the other in any meaningful way, but at least let villains access it from the north side, and do some missions there as well.

But then, I'd like to see Heroes (or at least Vigilantes) helping the Legacy Chain, Wyvern, and Longbow bring justice to the Rogue Isles as well, so what do I know?

Basically zones where heroes and villains can both work in, but not like the RWZ or DA where they 'cooperate' for the greater good.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



The moon. I mean, the zone transition to the moon doesn't even work any more. It's about time they fix that, and shine up the place a bit.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Eden. Not only is a huge zone with plenty of cross-potential from Nemesis and Crey; villains could get a 35-40 zone of their own via the sharing of any DE updates and resources. This could be further shared to Praetoria where the DE run rampant giving a triple-play of content using similar factions to reduce the workload for creating new mobs and map types.
you know, i was going to go for the shadow shard, which i suppose is cheating anyhow, but yeah, eden could have a lot more going on. maybe crey's folley too. not much there.



I don't think any villain zone needs a revamp per se, so much as just some tweaking. For the most part they do what they're generally intended to do, being part city zone and part hazard zone. Though given that most players don't street sweep now it also means that any part of a zone that doesn't have instanced missions, badges or zone events means it's pretty universally ignored.

Case in point, the huge forested area behind the Cap au Diable university. Huge space, nothing there but mobs.

Conversely, you've got the sunken portion of the graveyard in Sharkhead a lot more active now that Adamastor can be summoned there.

So, I think villain zones could just do with tweaks. Frankly, Sharkhead is close to a mirror for Talos but it just needs a lot of the assets moved closer together for that same convenience. Because it does have the ferry, the auction house, a trainer, a number of stores and -three- task forces but they're all far enough apart to not be convenient. All you need for that same hub convenience is moving the trainer and the VG portal up against the warehouse that faces the Ferry. Tada, you've emulated Talos' convenience.

As for hero zones. Eden and Boomtown would probably be my top 2, followed along by Perez. Then maybe Terra Volta.

Eden is just my favorite because I love the Devouring Earth. Hamidon is a wonderful end game monster and Eden is his influence creeping over paragon. A revamp is pretty simple, just letting the DE 'corruption' twist Eden into even more of a 'paradise'. Sadly, there's just little going on in the zone. The Eden trial is run sparingly, though much more when it's the Weekly Task Force. And it's the only way into The Hive. Most of the time you're sent there on Numina's Task Force or some other kill all.

Boomtown is just obvious because it's easily one of the deadest zones. There's literally nothing there but badges, Babbage, and the occasional door mission or hunt. It's ripe for a revamp, perhaps becoming a bit like Faultline with the mix of repair and rubble. And we've seen the Council vs 5th Column war is starting up again, so it's a perfect stage for them to duke it out on. It's location, unlike Eden tucked well inland, is also good for another Co-op zone.

Perez Park I don't think needs a revamp exactly, as just some story arcs to give you something to do there. I kinda like the look of the zone and it'd be a nice alternative to the Atlas arcs or the Hollows.

As for Terra Volta, I actually don't want to see it revamped so much as downsized. The entire purpose of the zone is to host the respec trials. it's a total waste of resources to keep it as an entire, separate zone. Merge it with Independence Port, just wall it off like the did with the Dam in faultline, and cut out 90% of the excess, leaving in the badges and plaques.

As for Eden/Boomtown. Anything in the 30-50 range. 30-40 or 40-50. Something to work as an alternative to Founder's/Bricks or Peregrine. I rather do like Peregrine, but at that point in the game unless you're PL'ing, doing a lot of TFs or teaming, you end up burning through nearly all (if not all) the contacts on one character.

Frankly, a co-op boomtown that's 40-50 would be just lovely and give both sides decent options.



I don't really want to see the Villain zones redone. I would rather see the various near-to-totally unused zones in Paragon City get converted into Co-Op areas like Dark Astoria was. I think they did a fantastic job with DA and making Co-Op zones is a more efficient use of development time, meaning more content for everyone.

We have a ton of zones that would be good candidates for this. Practically every Trial zone except for RWZ and the Hive could be used.

There is a major design direction change that I feel needs to occur with future Co-Op zones, though, which is to correct the biggest flaw in the Dark Astoria remake: the content needs to be made repeatable WITHOUT USING OUROBOROS. The fact that it's Co-Op is totally defeated when the only way to run it again restricts you to side specific teams.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Personally, I'd rather not see any more Co-op zones in Paragon City. Future co-op zones should take place somewhere it makes sense for both sides to show up. Like the Shadow Shard. I would very much like to see that get a complete revamp (and I'm still vaguely disappointed that the Shadow Shard wasn't the focus of issue 22).

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post

Why? Because it can be made into a hero and villain zone, with each faction trying to rebuild/destroy/take over the area using the new phasing tech.

PvP without the PvP. Heroes and Villains wouldn't fight each other, but missions and actions of heroes and villains in the zone can affect the appearance of Boomtown, maybe even what spawns where if they add contacts trying to vie for power in this section of the city. Maybe Hero Corps wants to help rebuild and add a new headquarters there, maybe the 5th Column or the Council are willing to make a deal with a supervillain for a decisive victory (which would be the next stage in their conflict's story). Really let things get crazy in there with the new tech.

Even though it's been remodeled already, I'd like to see this hero/villain approach applied to Faultline too, since Arachnos and the Sky Raiders already have a passageway/foothold on the north part of it. I'd like them to add it as a new zone for villainous activity in Paragon in the mid-levels. Not to the same extreme as using the phasing tech or having one side affect the other in any meaningful way, but at least let villains access it from the north side, and do some missions there as well.

But then, I'd like to see Heroes (or at least Vigilantes) helping the Legacy Chain, Wyvern, and Longbow bring justice to the Rogue Isles as well, so what do I know?

Basically zones where heroes and villains can both work in, but not like the RWZ or DA where they 'cooperate' for the greater good.
Wow. I was thinking about stuff like that today too. I started a thread on the subject, not sure if you already did though.

"He who controls the Past commands the Future, he who commands the Future conquers the Past."



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
As for Terra Volta, I actually don't want to see it revamped so much as downsized. The entire purpose of the zone is to host the respec trials. it's a total waste of resources to keep it as an entire, separate zone. Merge it with Independence Port, just wall it off like the did with the Dam in faultline, and cut out 90% of the excess, leaving in the badges and plaques.
I couldn't disagree more. Terra Volta is, to me, one of the coolest zones in the game exactly BECAUSE of its size. Unlike Boomtown, it actually has distinct parts to it, it has varied settings and it has interesting geography. This is pretty much the only place left in the city that actually looks BIG. It's a square mile of industrial buildings. It's pretty much as big as Sharkhead Island, and that zone's "industrial centre" is tiny by comparison. I DESPISE the CoV model of cramming a zillion small things all into the same zone because it makes everything feel so puny. Terra Volta is the complete opposite. Visiting it really was the first time I got a feel for the scale of Paragon City.

Occasionally, people forget that there's a whole large metropolitan area beyond the war wall and that the city isn't just made up of the small rectangles we have access to. Terra Volta is one of the few zones left that gives the full scale of just how big that city outside the war wall might be. I just love the sheer scale of this place. There are trenches easily 2-300 feet deep, vertical walls 100 feet up, entire sections dedicated to collapsed industrial architecture infested with the Devouring Earth, entire sections of power stations, webs of power lines... And then there's the reactor complex. GOOD GOD the reactor complex! This may well be the largest structure in the entire game. Just one of the cooling towers is larger than Cole's tower in the Magistrarium, and the thing is situated almost above the war walls.

This is the kind of large-scale civil engineering that really deserves better representation in the game. Sure, I get that it takes a lot of time and resources to produce this, but it has already been produced. It makes no sense to destroy it to fit an area not a tenth of it full size. The last thing I want is to see the CoV plague of small stuff migrate over to CoH. The last thing I want is for one of the last truly big things in the game to be reduced to a caricature of itself because... Why, exactly?

Terra Volta is awesome. If we want to do something with it, let's do something with it. But let's not just throw it away, please.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Personally, I'd rather not see any more Co-op zones in Paragon City. Future co-op zones should take place somewhere it makes sense for both sides to show up. Like the Shadow Shard. I would very much like to see that get a complete revamp (and I'm still vaguely disappointed that the Shadow Shard wasn't the focus of issue 22).
Perhaps I should have said "blue side zones" rather than "zones in Paragon City." What I meant was "zones that only heroes can get to that... none bother to." The Shadow Shard would be a prime candidate.

The one thing I don't like about a Shadow Shard revamp is the idea of fighting the Rularuu enemy group becoming common again. Ugh.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.




While brickstown does have a pretty good feeling about it, as a zone it doesnt feel like it serves any real purpose apart from being known as the zone with the Zig in.
Personally i'ld revamp it with the Zig being the focus point. We need more Arachnos storylines mid level onwards so why not have them being a legit threat in that zone to break out some of their allies?

For a zone that is supposed to home the scum of the city, shouldnt there be more arcs focused on it? Its sitting at the right level span we need new content for also and on the plus side, preventing breakouts is easy to make heroic story arcs.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

Since I can't make it - but if I did go - I'd probably suggest Port Oakes. ...
Actually, I agree with the zone, but would probably get so caught up disagreeing with your rationale that we'd cancel things out. I don't expect or necessarily want a full atlas-park-level revamp, nor do I think that "heroes get everything" mindset will do anything but spark unnecessary debate.

Port Oakes is supposed to be a former-capital-in-decline, and at that, it succeeds relatively well. Rather than an atlas-like replacement of buildings, I'd rather see the zone's changes appear more an evolution of the city:

1) Villa Montrose: The family's known for businesslike frugality, but "family businesses" like this are often lavish when it comes to... well... family matters. Make one of the Marcone Princesses get married. The manor would look rather remarkable if it was spruced up a bit- the grime cleaned off the stonework (retinting), and decorated with things like greenery and banners and such. Add some "classic" cars for the boys to mill around, a tented and well-guarded reception area in the pasture nearby, and a whole floating marina of more luxurious boats for all the wealthier guests. Remember, family gatherings are BIG events. Add an arc dealing with the political subterfuge of such events- and the need for discretion during them.

2) Dockside: If you look at the boarded-up white buildings along the southeast side, its a (now-abandoned) resort. While St. Martial is the place to go for vice vacations, sometimes people that are... unwelcome... at mainstream resorts need a place to unwind... and are willing to spend top dollar to have such a place (without questioning the origin of that dollar). Some enterprising business has decided that the Port Oakes resorts could be reclaimed for just that purpose.

Take the resort building closest to the fort (the fort would make a good tourist trap, after all) and renovate it and the land surrounding to create a fitting $$ resort aesthetic themed for the old fort in the backdrop. Make the next resort building appear under renovation, and have all sorts of security forces practically "at war" with the snakes that infest the area. Add another marina "under construction" so these folk don't have to use the congested marina closer to the ferry. Add an arc either hiring out to the agency or helping a St. Martial business that's worried about emerging competition.

3) Marconeville & the rest of Dockside: Places throwing around money like this tend to attract people living off whatever scraps are dropped. Not all these people are going to be living in shantytown-like squalor. The wide roads of an island town like Marconeville wouldn't see much car traffic and while the huge old structures may seem somewhat colorless, the streets themselves would have colorful street vendors, con-men, a 3rd-world-style-market, etc. There will be security forces "evicting" squatters from a soon-to-be-reused building, gangs claiming turf and shaking-down vendors, etc.

*Possibility- a twist on Steel Canyon's firefighter event. Maybe someone wants squatters out of a building so they can demolish for expansion. Maybe its someone trying to sabotage a construction (maybe both, alternating between the two). The current building's occupants have hired some muscle to help protect them. Your goal is to get enough firebombs set at once to turn the building into a smoking husk, (the NPC foes fight you and try to disarm them) Once this is done, keep it burning for x time as others fight the blaze... The building starts in a squatter / construction state, then if the event is successful, looks more charred/abandoned. Before the next event starts, squatters/construction crews move back in....

Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post

Why? Because it can be made into a hero and villain zone, with each faction trying to rebuild/destroy/take over the area using the new phasing tech.

PvP without the PvP. Heroes and Villains wouldn't fight each other, but missions and actions of heroes and villains in the zone can affect the appearance of Boomtown, maybe even what spawns where if they add contacts trying to vie for power in this section of the city. Maybe Hero Corps wants to help rebuild and add a new headquarters there, maybe the 5th Column or the Council are willing to make a deal with a supervillain for a decisive victory (which would be the next stage in their conflict's story). Really let things get crazy in there with the new tech.
I've posted such a suggestion a few times over the last couple years. That's something I could get behind.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Personally, I'd rather not see any more Co-op zones in Paragon City.
Don't get too hopeful just yet

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't get too hopeful just yet
To quote the Rogue Island Times: "Hope Ends For Many"

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't get too hopeful just yet
I think most of the new zones if not all must be Co-Op.
Its the best way to get advantage of resources made into a new zone.
They can always write for two sides or have a different tree dialog for factions.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Steel Canyon is another zone that's just crying out for some ultra mode lovin'.
You can say that about every zone that hasn't been revamped since Going Rogue.

I'd like to see St Martial revamped. It needs to rival Las Vegas in terms of neon and casino-related things. The Devouring Earth section could do with getting a First Ward-style facelift by turning it into a swamp. The Carnival tents could do with seeing more life and colour.



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
You can say that about every zone that hasn't been revamped since Going Rogue.
Well, not every zone has the huge amount of skyscrapers that Steel Canyon does - there's all the potential for relflective steel and glass

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



People spend a lot of time in Talos, IP, Steel...
I think we need more cities using new buildings, reflective windows, and new parks and gardens like new Atlas.

We definitely need to get rid of those old civilians so low on polygons and replace them with character creator made civilians (from Praetoria, not new)

Also, I think monorail should be updated. I like Praetorian subway much better.



As the World Designer who will be on that panel, I give this thread a ‘thumbs-up’. Keep the ideas coming, not only because we’re reading them, but because it’ll get the creative juices flowing for Saturday.



If you mean revamp, giving more zones reasons to actually go there (see missions, tfs, etc) then I think boomtown and the shadow shard are prime candidates. I don't mind the revamps being made co-op.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I'm all for the Shard.

Huge zones, impressive visuals, utterly underused.

Co-op seems a must, although there are four zones to the Shard, so you could break it up as blue/red/co-op/whatever if you really wanted.

A good idea might be to expand on the Nemesis presence there - they kinda look the part. Those old hoverhorse models would suit well in a floorless zone. So would a massive (like Ghost-ship-sized/Castle Wulfenbach) airship base/giant monster/zone event. Take out the turrets to allow approach, take out armor panels to reveal door lock overrides, take out the overrides to open doors to access interior maps... like a Rikti Raid, but more small-team friendly, maybe.

For lower-level areas, a revamp of the Sky Raiders would make a lot of sense as well. Those Kora Fruit probably would sell well on the black market, and flying baddies would be a mortal lock. Imagine what a vertically-oriented version of the Sky Raider base might look like, all gantries and guns and flyers taking off and landing.
Of course, the human natives aren't easily angered, and seem a heck of a lot lower tech than the Raiders, but they're tough as nails and wouldn't take kindly to thieves. I imagine a repeating crossbow firing bolts tipped with Storm Elemental essence would do a Sky Skiff no small harm...

Just a thought.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...


