Make Your Case (Plummit)




Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
Do we even need Kings Row anymore?
You have a point, but some like to still grab the jetpack in the earlier levels instead of constantly running the sewer trial.

...but at least you didn't disagree with me regarding King's Row having some of the ugliest textures.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
You have a point, but some like to still grab the jetpack in the earlier levels instead of constantly running the sewer trial.

...but at least you didn't disagree with me regarding King's Row having some of the ugliest textures.
No question, it absolutely does. But i'm not sure what purpose the zone actually serves other than representing a slum community. You could say the slums are better represented by the Lost in Skyway City, and just do away with Kings Row completely. Gameplay wise, aside from earning the raptor pack, i'm not sure what purpose Kings Row serves - and Id hate to see development time/resources wasted on a dead end zone everyone bypasses on their way to somewhere else.



Kings Row used to be the non-hazard zone bridge between Atlas/Galaxy and Steel/Skyway - but with leveling now fatser than before, plus DFB, they might need to extend the level range of KR a bit to make it more relevant to the modern game - like 5-15 would be a perfect bridge between Atlas and Fautline.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Kings Row used to be the non-hazard zone bridge between Atlas/Galaxy and Steel/Skyway - but with leveling now fatser than before, plus DFB, they might need to extend the level range of KR a bit to make it more relevant to the modern game - like 5-15 would be a perfect bridge between Atlas and Fautline.
Yeah, what is it now, like 5-10?

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Yeah, what is it now, like 5-10?
Yup - for such a gritty and atmospheric zone, it's over way too quickly.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Flames will be incoming for this but...

Revamp the AE system.
It would be a "zone revamp" for everyone everywhere.

1) Any level toon of any alignment can use it, so it's "co-op".
2) It's a system currently sitting darn near broken, which is just embarrassing for the game.
4) Most likely, it would be easier than (re)building a zone from scratch (such as DA).


1) You start by giving us stronger search parameters.
2) You change the voting system.
3) You change (meaning buff, essentially) the rewards, at least for Dev Choice arcs to avoid obvious farming, to draw players back. More Dev Choice arcs would be a part of this too, to keep it from getting too "samey" too quickly.
4) You rework the buildings to fit better into the zones they're in (possibly cut down down the number of AE buildings as well).
5) You also change the interiors of each one to be unique and to fit its new building as well - maybe one's laid out more like an office, another more like one of the enhancement stores, etc.

Chances of me holding my breath for this: 0%



...AE is not a zone it is a system.



Shadow Shard.



Steel Canyon.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
Do we even need Kings Row anymore?
So what you're saying is you'd be fine if we Lost Kings Row?

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
So what you're saying is you'd be fine if we Lost Kings Row?
We lost Galaxy City didn't we? (Which i'm sure was not an easy decision). So what's the big deal? Focus on improving Steel and Skyway and throw Kings Row down a crack in the earth (and wouldn't it be cool to explore a secret underground city zone...).



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
(and wouldn't it be cool to explore a secret underground city zone...).
The Praetorian Underground made out of Oranbega maps?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Praetorian Underground made out of Oranbega maps?
No, I mean like an underground CITY... Whole buildings, abandoned parks and train cars and the lot all under an enclosed roof... Its been done in the 60s Spiderman cartoon and an episode or two of classic Scooby Doo. There's also an underground city in Seattle which I'm sure the devs are familiar with (its very small scale but it is there).

At this point, any Year One city zone that gets a refresh needs to provide a unique experience from any other zone otherwise players won't bother with it. Doesn't mean they all need to be scrapped but it does mean the devs need to have a unique concept already in mind to make the refresh worthwhile.

IMHO, you'd have to do something really extraordinary with KR (like turning it into an underground city, for example) in order to justify keeping it around at all. There are just too many other Year One city zones that do a same or better job than KR.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
We lost Galaxy City didn't we? (Which i'm sure was not an easy decision). So what's the big deal? Focus on improving Steel and Skyway and throw Kings Row down a crack in the earth (and wouldn't it be cool to explore a secret underground city zone...).
Oy. Let me try again.

So you're saying you're fine with people who don't know about echo zones to be constantly broadcasting Where is the Lost Kings Row?

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Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
Do we even need Kings Row anymore?
I know they're textile plants, but at some level, Kings Row always reminded me of the decaying steel-and-coal town I grew up in, so I've just got to answer ya:

No, No we don't.

...Please burn it to the ground.

No, burning's too simple. Blow it up.

Nuke it.

Big mushroom cloud. Spectacular pyrotechnics.

Make those stee... err... textile mills glow.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
...AE is not a zone it is a system.
...that could be made to be as important to the player population as any zone.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
...that could be made to be as important to the player population as any zone.
That's true, but going to a session on making a case for which zone to revamp and asserting that the AE is the best option for that "zone" is either going to be a flash of brilliance if you're the best orator in history, or they may just serve you up as the afternoon break snack if you're not.

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Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I know they're textile plants, but at some level, Kings Row always reminded me of the decaying steel-and-coal town I grew up in, so I've just got to answer ya:

No, No we don't.

...Please burn it to the ground.

No, burning's too simple. Blow it up.

Nuke it.

Big mushroom cloud. Spectacular pyrotechnics.

Make those stee... err... textile mills glow.
Ha! Was gonna say you must be from Pennsylvania then I saw your locale (I spent 12 years growing up in various parts of PA and photographed a lot of abandoned steel mills, so I hear ya).



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
...that could be made to be as important to the player population as any zone.
AE is not a zone. It's a system, within the game. It's not a zone. You don't "Zone to AE." It's a system you use to create content.

It's not a zone.

I hate when I say the most basic sentences in English and people continue to act like it's not crystal clear.

AE is not a zone, it is a system. The whole "Make Your Case" forum is about what zone would players like to see revamp and not what system they'd like to see revamp (and I'd bet you'd it be PvP and Bases long before AE.)



Yeah, they're giving everyone at the Pummit a 3 minute window to make their case. Coming to the panel and going on about AE for 3 minutes would just get a lot of eye rolls.

You may as well go to the create a costume panel and jabber on about PvP. it'll do about as good.

And honestly Arcanaville I thought you were making some pun on the Lost enemy group. >>;



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Yeah, they're giving everyone at the Pummit a 3 minute window to make their case. Coming to the panel and going on about AE for 3 minutes would just get a lot of eye rolls.
I would strongly recommend players going to the pummit intent on participating in this session to practice in front of a mirror, several times, without interruption, until they can make their case smoothly without having to stop to think about it for long periods of time.

The average person given three minutes to speak about any topic in front of an audience generally manages to think up twenty minutes of stuff to say beforehand, and manages to actually produce about twenty seconds worth of actual ideas verbally when put on the spot.

And you're being streamed for posterity.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Yes! It's also extremely easy to stutter and pause with 'uh' several times without even noticing it. Presenting your case clearly and succinctly will give you the best chance of being listened to (Again, unless you're doing something silly like trying to nag them about some non-zone revamp aspect of the game).

Or worst case, -write it down-. No one is going to fault you for just reading off from a piece of paper (Well, unless it's boring).



This whole thread has made me think about the issue is sides. Personally I can't see the justification for keeping heroes and villains from travelling to Paragon City or the Rogue Isles. Its not like a villain can't travel incognito or in a cargo crate or whatever.

I would add an airport to Talos Island and Cap and allow unlimited travel between the two.
There is also the IP to Shark submarine.

Then I would flag all the mission contacts in the game as either Blue, Red or Purple. Doing a blue arc gets you hero alignment, a red arc gets you villain alignment and a purple arc for vigilantes/rogues. Add purple merits so the neutrals don't get shafted on rewards.

Add hero contacts to all the Rogue Isles zones for some undercover work and villain contacts to all the hero zones for some smash n grab skullduggery ect.

Merge Oroboros for travel purposes.

Everyone get the best of both worlds and all the squabbling about my side needs a revamp falls away.



A lot of great ideas in here. I especially like the Clockwork Palace in Boomtown, and the idea of redesigning certain parts of villain zones to make them less scummy.

As much as I'd like to see more villain content, I think it's true that the blueside needs it more. The zones are old, and the content, for the most part, is boring. Too much redundancy among contacts, and too many hunt missions. (Found one in Steel not long ago who ONLY gave out hunt missions. That was an unpleasant surprise.)

I think Steel is the best choice for a redesign--add some shiny buildings, add some new 10-15 contacts, streamline and update the old ones.

As for which zone I WANT to update...Brickstown. MOAR ZIG PLZ.

Total Characters: 120
Lowest Level: 1, Luke Johnson (Staff/WP Brute, Virtue)



For those who do intend to get up and make a case here's an idea for a suggested 3 bullet format:

  • The zone you would like to see revamped.
  • How a revamp of this zone will benefit current players but would also help attract/entice new players.
  • How does this particular zone revamp fit into the overall arc of the current CoH story?

If you're only getting 3 minutes, try to spend 1 minute on each bullet (unless it's a dialogue you'll be having with the Devs.) I'd suggest coming up with your own 3 bullet format for whichever zone you're going to suggest for a revamp.

Like Arcanaville said, practice it in front of a mirror, or try doing an audio recording and listen to your argument.



OMG VG your avatar it's it's sooo scary *runs and hides*

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!