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As I started here on Champion, I will finish here on Champion. I will be on tomorrow from as soon as I can get on 'til the very end.
Most of you probably know me as 'that werewolf guy that's always on the steps of City Hall' and maybe 'oh, I think I've run with him once or twice'. As my online time is limited to evenings, I usually spent what time I had with my little SG and wasn't as social with the community as I would have always liked. However, I lurked a LOT and watched the global channels (BMT, Champions United, Darkguard Network, TankHQ, Champion Redside, Champion Trials, Championexus, etc). So you may not know me well, but I do know a lot of you folks. You guys were an important part of my community experience, and for that I thank you.
I played on other servers from time to time, but none of them 'fit' me like Champion did. It was my version of "Cheers"; a cozy little place where I recognized just about everyone in it. A backdrop of a fun, open (yet close) community of individuals that made my gaming experience worthwhile here. When I did have time to log in when my SG wasn't on, I never felt alone, and always had fun in whatever teams I found myself in.
I met most of my SG here on Champion. Started out in an SG called the U.R.A.. I have no idea what the initials stood for, and didn't know the leaders, just took the invite from a friendly player who taught me some of the ropes. All I really remember about the SG itself were the SG colors were day-glow blue and day-glow green (again, no idea why). Never ran into the helpful person that invited me after that (or they were on different characters, no clue) but that's where I met my first couple of actual friends in the game. Roninwyrm (as Boss Hogg) Aslan. (as Aslan- though I know him by Bael Nightshade more than his main) Crimson Sun, and Blaster Wanabee.
Something happened with the leadership and the SG was being dismantled (again, don't know why) Lost touch with Blaster (until recently) though he found a good home with the Hammers of Justice. Good group of folks! The rest of us met up with a few other players and formed The Legacy Foundation, and there I've been ever since. Almost 8 years now. While some of the members have split off to join other groups, or found their own SG's, I don't think there's ever been any long lasting bad blood (we worked hard as a group to keep it drama free) and just about everyone that was a member is still in our infrequently used yahoogroup, and has kept in touch.
I've had a lot of good times here, and met some wonderful people. The SG will be staying together and have a few places we're going to start frequenting online, but as we keep saying to each other with every game we try out... "There's just no place like home". It's the truth. City of Heroes, more specifically Champion, is our little home away from home.
The little core group of our SG has been on almost every weekday night together for 8 years with no break! Thick and Thin, ED and the GDN, through Inventions and City of Villains (we alternated hero and villain nights) and even the passing of one of our own (we miss you Crimson Sun!). I think I can speak for all of us that we're still feeling the impact of hearing that our home is going away. Our little community, our cozy little place...
While we're sticking together wherever we end up, we're going to miss City of Heroes dreadfully. We're going to miss Champion server, and whether you know any of us or not...
We're going to miss you.
Thank you ALL for 8 wonderful years. -
This is the kind of stuff I'm actually hoping for at this point.
I know NCsoft is done with it. Whether they bury it or not remains to be seen. I like to think that Cryptic/PWE would be willing to see the engine become freeware or abandonware since none of their other games use it, but in the end, who knows?
I just know I'm going to miss my Paragon City, and the great Dev team that seemed to be churning out better and better stuff all the time.
However, even without that kind of support and the updates, I'd like to see it continue on in some way. There's always character concepts to be built, friends to play with, and a city in need of saving... or controlling...
These things should be put in the hands of those who are willing to keep it going. Even before this was announced, my secret wish was that if they ever closed it, they'd allow private hosting for solo or group play. I have my SG mates that still love playing and making characters, and frankly I could spend hours at a time myself just soloing with new character ideas... and it just kept getting better and better... Even then, I'd be just as happy with what I had, and would be happy with just what is (especially if they just let them release I-24)...
Sorry, this is why I don't post. Getting emotional now. Anyway, I think you all got my point... -
Quote:I'm in my 40's, and feel the same way. I log in for my SG mates to keep morale high. Otherwise it breaks my heart. I haven't even read my comics in weeks because of this. I hope to get over it soon, but am not... travelling well.That's it in a nutshell, basically. I get to the character select screen and start crying. It's ridiculous. I'm 42. Even reading the forums breaks my heart.
Best computer game ever made.
One of my most fervernt SG mates refuses to try anything else until after Nov 30th, because she's afraid that she'll feel she could have played that few extra hours more. I log in for her, and the few others who do want to play. When I do, I play my 'main'. It's not about levels any more for me, just the chance to play with my namesake. I won't say I won't play werewolves elsewhere, but there's only one Lycantropus as far as I'm concerned. He dies on Nov 30th. If you see that name again, it won't be me. Melodramatic? Maybe. I also consider myself more creative than that, and it's a small enough sacrifice in respect to a game that gave him a home for around 8 years.
(Still sure most of the SG will call me 'Lyc' for quite some time to come though... but that's a different story).
When I'm not on, I stay logged in with my torch held high in Atlas (unless Comcast DC's me or I'm playing with the SG, but whatever) in respect for this game and Paragon Studios. I'm not there in protest, but in honor of the game and those who made it great, Dev and player alike.
Its loss burdens me in a way I cannot describe, and this is from someone who has lost friends in real life to accident and illness, been married more than once, and who has had children that are now forging lives of their own as adults... It was my first MMO, where I met a number of people (surprisingly around my age or older) who came together to form a small, tight-knit group, that by all accounts probably shouldn't have happened based on our antisocial tendencies as individuals online, but happened maybe despite it, and finding common ground.
I keep logging on for them, while those of us who can bear it, look into other options but come back here for the rest on our SG nights, and when others are on, to play. I love this game. It's actually kind of profound how much I do. How hard this hit me the first few days is... difficult to describe, and even now I'm prone to fits of depression over it. It's silly, I know, just being a game; especially after the confirmation of the friends I have made through it will persevere beyond it's loss (which was my biggest point of concern). However, having tried a number of MMO's since, I feel something truly unique and special is being lost from shortsightedness. Things as simple as the chat system, and its sound queues from different types of chat (as crazy as that sounds, even it's 'spiritual predecessors' failed to do right), to the 'super sidekick/exemplar system' that would make sure everyone was on the same scale for teaming... That's the kinds of things MMOs should be made of. Many still don't 'get it' it seems.
Nevertheless... The SG will go on. Our little band of dirty ol' misfits (male and female alike) will continue along somewhere else in other games, but it will never EVER call any one of them home like this game was to us. Not for lack of us trying, but because nowhere we go will be home like this place has become to us. I don't think, for most of us, we could trust any one game again to be that kind of place. We've all resigned to playing a couple of titles (none NCSoft) on different night, but more as a consession than a favored game.
Like I said, none of them are 'home' like this game is, to any of us.
So yeah, we know how you feel. -
Yeah, I wasn't crazy about that one either, but it was a distinct possiblity. Truth be told, I'd rather it be someone known than a new character like they seemed to be leaning towards at the end of it. A new character would be too obvious and/or feel shoehorned in if they wanted a double-agent.
Maybe Doc Aeon/Doctor Echo (who was an agent at first, but later learned he actually liked humanity at the last moment and came back in time trying to save us) or maybe Sister Psyche (using her 'death' as an excuse to rejoin with the fleet before the invasion- remember she was a mind rider as well as a powerful telepath- who knows what the Battalion can do, and if that was her true form!? Just as importantly, what made the FP seem so incompetent during the events that led up to Statesman's death- Including Manticore killing her? She did insist on it after all...)
Yeah, I like those possiblities more (particularly the Psyche one). As it is however, I have to work with what I had in the context of the post
So there you are. Sorry I reminded you! -
I would totally ignore and discount this as a joke. I mean, Lady Grey took him into custody to interrogate him. Vanguard has state-of-the-art retention facilities!
There's no chance we'd see him again, right?
Oh, wait. According to Matt Miller, there was a high likelyhood she would turn out to be a double agent for Batallion....
If that's the case...
Maybe she's using the knowledge of Rularuu to close us away from the world (just like he was locked into the Shard) so when Batallion arrives, nobody will be there to stop them!!
EDIT: Yaknow what, I'm going to use that as my "internal canon" reason as to what's happening (or happened after Nov 30th). Doesn't make me feel better, but it makes more sense. -
I think the biggest problem is the cognitive dissonance of trying to play it and thinking about CoH. I hear a sound effect, see a costume piece, or get a feel that is almost like City of... but not quite... and then comes flooding in all the flaws I see. Like many, graphics style is one of them (though turning the black lines help, it's still... not as good as CoH in my opinion).
Everyone in my SG felt it when we tried a few weeks back. We are pretty much decided not to settle into any one game again to keep from getting so attached (only f2p or purchase once to play options are the current goal). I'm sure we'll find a few to settle in to after Nov 30th.
Champions Online will most likely be one of them, but only after a long break after the close of CoH. Then maybe it won't be so much like "This isn't like CoH" rather than "This is how it's similar to CoH".
I have the feeling a lot of people are in the same boat, so I'm tossing it out there for consideration.
Wait a while before trying to jump in. It's only been up for what, 3 years compared to CoH's 8? Besides, who knows, some folks from Paragon will (and are- coughcoughBack Alley Brawlercoughcough and who knows who else) undoubtably going to find their way over (or back) to Cryptic. Here's to hoping they take what they learned from CoH and apply it to Champions.
I hope I'm right about that. Only time will tell. -
Look into being a community manager for Shadowrun: Online if you can. It's being published by a small company called Cliffhanger Studios. The game isn't published yet, but it's got its budget and a pretty friendly online community forming (of which I am a part) as well as having a game or two out their door already (Jagged Alliance, if you've heard of it).
If you could bring there where you brought here... well, it'll be an even more amazing community than it's shaping up to be already
I'm not sure if they're at that stage yet. Just a couple moderators at the moment, but something to keep your eye on.
Dunno if it helps (of if you even like Shadowrun) but there ya go!
In any case. Good luck to you wherever you may land. A lot of forumites had their favorite community manager, and I have to say I think you were mine. You brought an energy to it, and an excitement (and hats) that really got people hyped about whatever was around the next corner.
Thank you! -
Quote:I agree with this. The more we know, the more we'll be able to take away from the game when it's all said and done.My feeling is that you shouldn't worry about it. If the curtain really closes for good, I'd love to know as much as possible about what could have been. Something about it just feels good.
I'll even promise to forgive all of you if you get picked up by a different studio then don't do any of it, doing something else instead (but it better be cooler!) -
How do you get bases transferred over to beta server!?! Otherwise I'm going to continue with my scripted walkthrough. It took so long to build it I'd never have the time to repeat it over there.
I have archways between doors (that took FOREVER) secret passages behind fireplaces, a flight deck (with shielded flight control center with glass windows overlooking the launch bay) a full briefing room a fully stocked arcane library with 3 levels of bookcases, and little reading nooks... yeah, I went crazy with it.
I doubt I'd be able to port the base over to Beta, but I have a scripted walkthough with binds explaining each room (some with emotes) that I'm going to do a demorecord on and pass it (and a demorecord player I found) to my SG, so I'm not horribly upset...
But if there IS a way to port bases over to Beta... Well... 8-D -
Just finished up with my team, and yeah was a great showing for our server
Had a great time, and will try to be there Saturday if I can help it!
I was the chatty Warshade with the bad German if anyone was wondering -
Again, giving the preface that I haven't read a damn thing that has come before, I will say..
CO isn't bad. In fact, it's an okay game. It was the first I tried when I heard the news.
I will also say isn't not the first one most players should try when the hear the news.
Not because it's bad, but because it isn't CoH. Do something else. Give it time.
It's the one my SG will most likely find our way to when the dust settles.
But for now it's too close... too much. A costume part here, a sound effect here or animation there...
But as similar as it is, it is NOT our Paragon. That hurts both CO and US. CO because it's not a bad game in its own right and US because everything we're comparing it to is how it's NOT CoH.
Nothing will be CoH (though I will try in coming years to encourage the things they got so RIGHT compared to others) and it never will be. Try to enjoy a game for what it IS. (or just to scare you if you start to get attached, it'll fall too, so be NICE instead of cynical, it'll make everything last longer for everyone).
And in my humble opinion... Try CO; sure, but only after a few months after CoH has passed and there's no word of return or chance of revival. Do something else. WoW, Star Wars, something... ANYTHING. CO is too close and unless you give yourself time, you won't be able to stop yourself from comparing it to CoH and saying how it sucks in comparison, because it's not what you're used to playing... and that's nor fair to you or them. It's just different. For good or bad. The art's 'just enough' different. The gameplay's 'just enough' different', and the occasional sound effect or animation is 'just enough' different, that it'll be painful for us CoH'ers at first.
Give it time, and we may find it to be a 'spiritual predacessor' rather than a detractor from our memories.
Just sayin'. I could be wrong, but that's the opinion I'm sharing with my SG... -
(honstly without looking at previous answers and just going off the cuff)
I was kind of dumb. I actually formed friendships with my SG and got to know the people I ran with on my servers. I was kind of surprised at how sad the news made me. I was worried I was going to lose my little online family and panicked. After that was assuaged, I worked to find out what we were going to do next.
In accordance with my fears we couldn't find anything as 'good'. However we were able to find things that would work 'good enough' and that weight was taken off me.
To ask if we're upset is a trick question. Of course all of us are. With the direction of I-24 and what was hinted at to come, how could we not be?? It's as much a manner of 'are you prepared'?
And after the heartless treatement from NCSoft with this news (regardless of what they've done before to keep it running 'till now) I can say...
Yes. We are. **** you.
My little online family will still be together no matter where we go, and that's all I needed to know. The rest is details.
No matter where it is, it will be to a competitor. We just don't trust NCSoft anymore, nor do I encourage any trust in them (unless something changes soon, but I really don't expect it- funnily, understanding the history of CoH, I state that more for them than me... left in the original hands we may not have made it past City of Villains). -
To answer SuperOZ's question.
I'd get ready to answer the next threat to Paragon's safety with whatever hero I could make...
It's a simplistic answer, but I'm a simple kind of guy when it comes down to it... -
I don't know you well, and I haven't liked _everything_ I've seen of you in game (though I respect it as your point of view). I will say this though, it has been an honor being a member of Champion with you.
You and PoN led the only two successful Cathedral Of Pain's I have been on (with my hero and villain badger, respectfully). You were the lead, and like most trials, I just kept my head down and did what I was told. I wouldn't have gotten those badges on my collectors without you. Thank you.
I didn't get into PvP, just wasn't my thing. Thought about it a few times but the attitude it seemed to need didn't fit me, and when it did, brought out bad parts of me (that whole 'werewolf' thing if a reason is needed). I can't get too competitive without becoming heartless. More than anything, that's Lyc's, and to some degree myself's main storyline (but that's another story). Nobody on Champ would ever know it, but for me, leading is easy (even to my own detriment); encoraging others to lead well, and be a good follower, is hard. It's why I've always given my kudos who do it... I can't.
However, I appreciate that even when the Dev's (and even mainstream PvP) let it go, you contributed to keeping it going on Champ in a (mostly) positve way. Me, lurking around, I saw you and 4shes, and Artic, and others (if I forgot you because I know there's more, I'm really sorry!) on a number of Fridays encouraging anyone to join and be a part of the PvP fun, without any 'tude or "front" you put up a lot of times. I liked you best, then. It's when I thought you were most 'real', and not catering to your ego. That was who you were when you invited everyone to the Cathedral of Pain trials (and that was who you were when you let one of my son's friend's who was learning his way) into your SG. He didn't fit our little group of stogey ol' bastiches, but he found a great family there in PoN it seems. Again, thank you.
(that last was NOT intended as a slight to you, but an honest truth. I think you are better, and have done better as a representative, for the community when you didn't let your ego get the better of you. Carry that forward whever you go- you are stronger in the times I've seen you without your ego than with it, even if you think it keeps you strong.)
I'm 'nobody' to most of the game by choice. I don't want to be seen as a 'leader' outside my little SG of friends that formed around me. The fact that I'm taking the time to write anything about you shows my esteem. I have trouble sleeping nights, even more so now with everything going on, and have time I can't afford to write, but can't sleep, so why not? Bud, you were a leader of Champions, and deserver the accolades that go with that. As were many others, but this thread is for you.
Take my advise and when ego is the easy answer, choose better. You'll be better for it. You don't need to be meek or quiet, but always be respectful of others. You don't have to be the 'first one' to do it, if you keep ahead of the pack anyway. You don't have to be the 'best one at it' if people remember you gave it your all for everyone else. If you need recognition, earn it from everyone, even if it means you have to be a part of something greater than yourself and guide them to your vision (and not take all the credit).
You're a good man Bud, but you can be better, and even the best. Even if that doesn't mean you're the first.
Take that as you will. It was meant as a compliment in whatever endeavour you choose to embrace next.
Hope to see you in the next incarnation of Paragon City (whatever it may be- hopefully a re-structured City of * 2 or something by a new producer) You will make it richer by your contribution, as have so many others.
Thank you. -
Being first just really means 'having to wait for everyone else...' (any of my characters that teleport)
Knowing more just means 'having to explain it to everyone else...' (me, as a lore hound)
Knowing 'wife aggro' is unavoidable, whether or not her main is a Tank. (Thank you, Wolf Bait- my wife)
PuG's are just a way of meeting friends you haven't met yet. (the few times I've been pleasantly surprised)
Never follow anyone who prefaces their actions with "watch this!" (too many times)
Nobody is worthless, even the worst PuG can always serve as a bad example. (same)
People can surprise you, even in the worst PuG's(the rare exception)
EVERYONE In Paragon City-
You ARE the hero- in game and out. Never forget that. No matter who and what you played. Thank you. -
Thank you, TonyV. Note made and will be passing this on to the SG.
You've been a voice of consilidation in all this, and thank you for all your hard work!!! -
I will continue to stand vigil in Atlas Park with my torch until the very end. If you do not see me there, I'm either in-game playing (if hidden- dealing with my feelings or want quiet time with my SG, or fulfilling a last-minute desire) or disconnected while AFK (Comcast is not my friend). I'm set up with an AE so there's no reason I sould disconnect naturally (for those who might suggest that).
While I have been doing this, I've seen a handfull of detractors that have sent me tells or in local that attempt to discourage me. If that would work, I'd go to AP33 on Virtue with everyone else (have a Lyc there too). However Champion is my home server. It's the names I know and the people I have become comfortable with at large, warts and all. This has been proven by the occasional checks on my part and seeing other players holding vigil with me, or even the warm tells of support or AFK signs above their heads to the Titan Forums or the online petition, that far outweigh the trifles of folks that want to troll. I do this because I can. I do this because of what this game has meant to me. If my online presence can be measured as a sign of support, feedback, and viabilty, I will continue to keep it running when and while I can- even when I'm offline. Just as important, the support for me doing this, vs what few detractors I've seen, makes me speechless. Thank you.
(and yes I know how to check global names too...)
Don't think me rude if you send me a tell, if I'm not autoDC'd at some point before I check on it, I get it. I quickly ignore all negative feedback and am happy for any positive I see (which is often more, though I see it in local, b'cast, and other channels more) For me I see it as reveling in something we love. In that, I'm not depressed. I'm AFK then anyway, or doing other things. I like that we share this appreciation and love together, and I just want to take a moment to thank you for sharing it with me, when you can. You may never know it, but I sometimes take screenshots of others holding the torch with me even if I don't reply to the tells.
If Champion is your home, keep doing it. I imagine if you want real support, go to Atlas Park 33 on Virtue. That's where all the 'cool kids' are.
But for me, Champion is my home. After spending a day there, I had to come back. Even if it means standing alone.
Especially if it means I get to share it with a few others frome time to time.
Thank you
Lycantropus -
I know my post was very... conflicted, but that's how I feel. I want the story, but I don't want _THIS_ to end.
I don't have any questions, because I want to know everything. I wouln't know where to begin. I also want to see everything happen as it's supposed to, organically, even though the possiblity of it is much more dim to me than it was yesterday. -
Quote:I will learn to forgive you for that. Until that point, I'll just cry and see this as a sign of things to come.If there is a miracle and somehow CoH is saved, we reserve the right to change any and all answers given in the doc, to maintain suspense and surprise.
I will continue City of Heroes in a tabletop version if our efforts fail us, so feel free to give as much information as you can though.
I do have to say, thank you, even though this is the moment my heart breaks. Until now, I had hope.
The fact that you hadn't posted lore is the one thing I've kept as a bullwark of hope. I'd rather have it this way though. At least there's some kind of closure for the MMO and we at least have an end to the story. I stopped watching TV for that reason. The networks didn't feel they owed us that closure or ending, and cancelled some of my favoite shows with no end to the story.
But with your help, oh the stories I have yet to tell in tabletop...Thank you, Mr. Miller.
Feed that, and perhaps console my tears a little more. Keep the lore coming as much as you can. Finish my stories so I can at least find closure to this travesty.
No joke, this breaks my heart. At least continue to give me all you and your team can. I love all you have done, and what you have left to do for us. I've never met you in person, but if I ever do, I'll buy you whatever drink you want, and as many of it. You and anyone else from Paragon Studios. You have my word on it.
Though as one of our SG's leaders, I have tried to find us a new home, I always end it with "I know it's not City of Heroes, though... but nothing will be."
This was more than a story to many of us. There a couple of my SG mates that made me read everything aloud in Vent while we ran the missions (they love me because I 'do the voices' for them) especially the newer stuff. The story was important to all of us, and from everything you guys have done the last few issues, it was the best yet.
Tell them I said that. Everyone there. It's important.
We didn't just critisize the "Who will die" story arc like many did; we talked about it, discussed lore and motivations. It was interesting enough for us to discuss. I actually got to talk to folks about the lore from the comics that most of my SG never read. I got to explain elements from the novels that got brought into the lore of rthe game itself. I was a lore junky before this, and all the recent stories made that lore relevant and started tying everything together in the game.
Thank any and all who are responsible for that. They deserve it, no matter what anyone else says. Tell them "Lycantropus thanks you" for what that's worth, and if you see it, know I have nothing but respect for all of your efforts to bring the lore to the game, warts and all.
I can't type anymore, I can't stop the crying fits... I just hope I don't wake my wife up.
Thank you, Positron (I don't care what you can legally call yourself) You didn't have to do this, and don't have to keep doing it (since you labeled it pt. 1) but any and all you add is just that much more I have to work with. The world will not go dark, just reborn in other settings.
Thank you, again. I... I can't thank you enough for all you and everyone at Paragon has done for us, and may yet do.
I won't lie. I hope the game can be saved, but this is possibly the most sad I've been since all of this started. However, if it's to end... keep doing it.
Lycantropus -
Quote:Actually, if I recall correctly, it was Microsoft that pulled out of the project.The point is this is the game that Marvel dropped Cryptic for and I ask myself why?
Yup, from the Wikipedia article
Quote:Originally Posted by WikipediaConfirmation of the project's cancellation arrived on February 11, 2008, although rumors of the possible cancellation had existed since at least November of the previous year.[11] Shane Kim, the head of Microsoft Games Studios, stated in an interview that the cancellation was primarily due to the competitive market for subscription-based MMOs, and that while one current MMO was successful, "everything else wouldn't meet our level or definition of commercial success".
They're using the same model of play from their MARVEL Super Hero Squad game, in which you play from a stable of established characters. The real kicker is you're limited to only a handful at start, and not nescesarily the ones you want. You then can 'purchase' characters to play in their in-game store. This is, of course, expedited by real money microtransactions to buy in-game coin in which to purchase the heroes you want to play. The more popular are obviously the more expensive ones in most cases. I doubt it'll be different (and maybe even more aggressively so) in the more mature player oriented version.
Frankly, I don't mind that you can play established characters, it's a neat idea and an option I would probably take advantage of as an OPTION. However, I also want to build my own from scratch as well.
Why can't we have both? (don't know where a link to that picture of the little kid from the El Paso taco commercial would be found, and too lazy to make my own)
In any event, I'm a MARVEL fan so I'll probably at least try it. We'll see though... -
Quote:you have no idea how much money I'd pay TonyV and whomever he can get from Paragon Studios to join with him to form a company and produce a game called "Titan City" with a Kickstarter campaign.Although that's the Plan Z option if everything else fails, some basic groundwork is already being done, just in case the worst happens.
Actually, I don't know how much money I would pay either... I'd have to check my finances. I'm old and have disposable income, but still...
It would be as much as I, my wife, and even son (who loves CoH, and who's still living with us but paying rent) can afford.
^.^ -
Quote:Pretty much this. Not one member of my family or SG will buy another NCSoft product again if this comes to pass, and will be sure to tell others what they think if this comes to a close. While I don't consider this a blip on my radar, we all might be surprised.Pretty much this. We, as a predominantly nerdly demographic, can hold grudges for a very long time and be pretty loud doing it. And by doing so, we can poison NCsoft's western reputation simply by exposing its practices.
I was in Game Stop the other day and the cashier asked me if I wanted to pre-order the new WoW expansion, and I (never having played WoW) said "Nah, I'm an avid City of Heroes player and buying anything for an MMO at this point isn't really something I want to do..."
To which she soberly replied "I'm so sorry, I heard about what's going on there..."
Two other people in the store also piped up. Nobody there actually played City of Heroes, but they knew what was going on, and were very supportive and said they were sorry the way things were going down. It was nice to hear, to be honest (the past few weeks have been a very low point for me for a miriad of reasons, including this). However, more importantly... gamers know what's going on. They know who is doing it and don't understand it any more than the rest of us.
I didn't ask if they bought GW2 or if it influenced their purchases from them... I was feeling awkward enough as it was by getting so much attention from an offhand statement I'd made, to tell the truth. I just wanted out of there and not to think about it.
I think this will impact NCSoft more than they realize, in the western market at any rate. That will probably be 'revenge' enough. -