Can haz costumes like these?




Found out about this today:

It's an add-on for character animation software, allowing the creation of all kinds of superhero/sci-fi/fantasy costumes. Apparently, you have full control of the materials, patterns, and surface textures, not just in terms of broadly-defined body areas (e.g. "top", "bottom", "glove") like in CoH, but in terms of smaller patches of the body (left shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers, etc.).

If only the costume editor in CoH allowed this kind of flexibility.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Do you have any idea just how much processing power you'd need to have that kind of model in just a single player game?
Depends - Various gaming engines have reached a level where they are indeed capable of creating such desigs without bigger problems, even in multiplayer enviroments. Sure, some things might get cut short in detail (like the hair, not moving each piece of them individually), but overall it's cleary possible to get such suits done with the right engine.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Do you have any idea just how much processing power you'd need to have that kind of model in just a single player game?
I think that I would be living in the costume creator without need of a game at that point...

Est sularis oth Mithas



Same. I would spend hours dressing up that yummy male barbarian alone ...



I saw an ad for this in my email last night. I think I drooled on my keyboard for the next twenty minutes as I looked through everything that magical mesh can do. But I do think it'd be insane in terms of rendering/system resources.



Biggest complaints of the game are the costume creator and the various AT's need more of their own role. Base % and inherent abilities arent enough to distinguish the melee AT's. It's redic that npc characters can have loin cloths and robes but we cant. In a game like this the players should be able to replicate anything a standard npc can have. Not saying make statesman clones or whatever. I'm fine with signature characters having unique helms/symbols etc.

That program does look pretty cool tho.



Looks like it only works for those two models, not any variations of them.

In other words it's probably a lot less versatile than it looks.

you could have it all
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I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Looks like it only works for those two models, not any variations of them.

In other words it's probably a lot less versatile than it looks.
Actually because it's for the DAZ 4 genesis figure it will scale to pretty much any model.

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Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
Found out about this today:

It's an add-on for character animation software, allowing the creation of all kinds of superhero/sci-fi/fantasy costumes. Apparently, you have full control of the materials, patterns, and surface textures, not just in terms of broadly-defined body areas (e.g. "top", "bottom", "glove") like in CoH, but in terms of smaller patches of the body (left shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers, etc.).

If only the costume editor in CoH allowed this kind of flexibility.
I lol'z when I saw the fake Avengers at 2:40

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

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Originally Posted by Paradox Fate View Post
Depends - Various gaming engines have reached a level where they are indeed capable of creating such desigs without bigger problems, even in multiplayer enviroments. Sure, some things might get cut short in detail (like the hair, not moving each piece of them individually), but overall it's cleary possible to get such suits done with the right engine.
Right. But THIS current engine probably can't do something like that.

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