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  1. The "5xx" vs. "4xx" in the model numbers just means that the 550 is a newer chip design than the 460. It's the "x50" vs. "x60" part that's more telling of relative performance. (Granted, I may be oversimplifying here.)

    I have a GTX 460 (1GB model) myself, and it's more than adequate for CoH. Frankly, my AMD CPU is more of a limiting factor than the video card.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    My biggest problem tends to be the player ships. Cryptic has more or less given the green light to every ship that was ever in Trek (that CBS has rights to use). This leads having ships that are inappropriate for the time period, like the TOS Constitution and its refit, and the NX class from Enterprise. Then, of course, there's the current Temporal Lock Box thing (yeah, if you thought CoH nickle and dimed you, CoH ain't got nothin on STO), which has a chance to award a 31st Century Wells Class timeship. Because letting players use that thing totally makes sense in the context of the setting. And then you've got ship classes that, IMO, would've been retired from the active roster in favor of newer, more robust classes.
    No kidding... that, and all of the customizations players do to their ships. And don't even get me started on uniforms (how can anything even be called a "uniform" if it's not, like, standardized in any way across the organization?)

    The whole point of having a quasi-military force like Starfleet is to approach massive problems in an organized, regimental way. That would require the setting and maintaining of standards which every member was expected to comply with. Scattering the Federation's resources across every flavor of starship under the sun(s) would seem to fly in the face of the efficiencies a real fleet would get using a handful of standard designs... not to mention that maintaining decades-old (even centuries-old!) ships would be a massive resource drain in its own right.

    BUT, we have to remember that STO was never intended to be a Starfleet simulator. And its players, like those of any MMO, would scream bloody murder if the ability to create ships and/or uniforms that were completely unique was ever taken away. Can you imagine what CoH would have been like if EVERYBODY were required to wear one of a handful of basic Longbow uniforms, without deviation or accessorizing?
  3. Oh, I just thought of another "won't miss" item:

    I always hated the hoops you have to jump through (sometimes almost literally!) just to get your character to SIT DOWN on a chair, bench, or other object. Leap up onto the chair, turn to face the right direction, /em sitchair1. Note that your character is too far forward or too far back, stand, move a bit... lather, rinse, repeat.

    And it doesn't help that some seating objects (I'm looking at you, "executive chair") aren't sized proportionally to fit most characters, or that the bounding boxes on some objects (like the booths in Pocket D) make it difficult or impossible to "sit" with the character's posterior actually in contact with the seat.

    I really wish, for the umpteenth time, that there was a "sit on this" power that would correctly position the character on the first try (from there, one could choose a different pose if desired).

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    Redside was indeed better in many ways, but unfortunately it split the player base. It was probably more of an issue on the lower population servers, but it certainly didn't do the game any good.

    I'd liked to have seen the RI as a place we could go to, but only under certain conditions.
    I have to agree with Cobra on this one.

    It would have been great if villains had been added to the game in such a way that they could play in the same zones as heroes, only with different missions and different objectives. Yes, it might have been difficult to implement in a way that was even-handed and fair (allowing open-world hero-vs-villain PvP while letting people avoid it if they so desired), but it would have made the game much more immersive. The devs could still have added the Rogue Isles as additional zones, but in such a way that they weren't exclusive to villains.

    Going Rogue was a fair attempt towards letting people play in both sets of zones, but it just didn't go far enough.
  5. Clicking on glowies in missions, with no visible interaction, just the timer bar counting down to completion. It would have been nice to see an actual action... typing on a computer keyboard, opening a crate, defusing a bomb, etc.

    The pacing of combat is at times just a bit too slow. I wish some of the attacks could have been sped up a bit.

    Enemies that get stuck in walls, etc. making them impossible to target or attack, even though they can attack you. (Besides being frustrating, it just looks silly.)

    Some of the more extreme ragdoll physics seen as enemies go down... those positions just ain't natural. ("Seriously, dude, that's gotta hurt!")

    Serious clipping issues affecting certain combinations of costume parts... not necessarily apparent in the tailor screen, but so very annoying as the character moves around in-game.

    Office-building maps that are built more like mazes than practical architecture. Seriously, what were the designers smoking?

    Low-detail character model meshes... curves are supposed to be curves, not chunky polygonal messes. And why is everyone wearing mittens?

    The way the Paragon Market never told you outright which costume packs/parts or other items you already owned (whether purchased or through VIP) as you were browsing the listings... you only found out when you actually tried to add them to your cart.

    When the devs rearranged the menu of costume parts, many of the faces and other pieces got moved around... but any costumes saved prior to the update now generate an error when you try to load them, and the "attempt fix" button only resets the face and hairstyle to the default for the body type. Surely the devs could have programmed it to automatically correct the legacy costumes! After all, THEY KNEW which parts got moved, AND to where! (I have a crapton of costumes on my main which I never use anymore because I'm tired of having to manually fix them.)

    The whole "War-Walls" system, segregating the various zones. I think they could have figured out some way to make Paragon City into one seamless metropolis, or at least allow direct travel between zones without a visible transition or loading screen.

    Enemy AI that's practically nonexistent, and an aggro system that makes no sense. When an enemy is attacked, and other enemies that are close enough to see the attack (and are even facing that direction) do nothing, it kinda breaks the immersion.

    Never got to have player (per-character) housing, separate from SG/VG bases.

    These are just a few I can think of off the top of my head... there are other annoyances in the game, to be sure.
  6. My revenge is simply to not ever again knowingly spend any money on an NCSoft product. And to strongly discourage anyone else from doing so either. (I can't prevent anyone from buying NCSoft products, but I sure can give people a piece of my mind.) From a strictly consumer-oriented standpoint, this is all any of us can do... take our dollars elsewhere.

    It doesn't matter how good any of their current or future products might be. Even if GW2 were the Second Coming of the Gaming J.C. (as some had made it out to be), it wouldn't be enough.

    NCSoft made their bed, and now they have to lie in it. Let someone else support their product development... me, I'm done with them.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PsyFox View Post
    NC Soft is dead to me.
    Harsh words, but so appropriate.
  8. Let's not lose sight of the fact that the game is still up and running. Everyone can still play their characters, at whatever account level (free premium or VIP) they were at before the announcement. And we still have (according to all I've seen) over two months before the shutdown happens.

    Yes, a lot of people HAVE left. But a lot are still here! Your SG-mates not logging on? Then play with people outside your SG. Friends list looking a little sparse? Then make some new friends! Can't find a PUG for missions or whatnot? Start your own! Your server practically empty? Try a different one!

    Seriously, anyone not able to find SOME way to enjoy the time we have left simply isn't trying.
  9. I have to agree with Father Xmas. You're not going to be happy with anything you can get at a "big box" store. Better to go online to a web store that specializes in gaming PCs, or at least offers them in their product lineup. Companies like CyberPower and iBuyPower can get you much closer to your desired specs, and generally use better components, often giving you a number of different options in each component category.

    If you'd rather deal with vendors face-to-face, a small local store can build you a custom PC, and provide localized tech support if you need it. But be sure it's one that has been around awhile (and will hopefully be around in the future), and has some expertise in gaming PCs. You wouldn't want to deal with a store that mainly sells business PCs, for example. And you'd better be prepared to pay more than you would for an equivalent PC from a web store... those mom-and-pop outfits don't have the sales volume to be able to compete on price.

    Regardless of where you plan to buy from, be sure to investigate all of their component choices. If they don't state the brands, models, and specifications of every component that matters (e.g. motherboards, power supplies, etc.), you will want to ask. Sometimes these places (web or local) use brands I've never heard of, and wouldn't trust with my hard-earned dollars. Research, research, research...

    Also, ask about their warranty coverage, return policies, and post-sales support options.

    Hope this helps.
  10. TargetOne

    Where are you?

    Added self.

    I have to say, though, either some people's grasp of geography isn't the greatest, or there's a bug in location lookups. Last I checked, places like Texas and Ohio were NOT in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
    Selling the goddamned IP is the most logical way to handle this.
    Sadly, corporate boards, lawyers, and accountants don't think like this.

    The CoH IP doesn't just consist of the artwork, character names, story text, and other visible assets. There are probably any number of user-interface elements, program code, and other methods of processing stuff, any or all of which NCsoft might hold patents on. They may even have re-used some of it in their other projects.

    If the IP were ever sold to another company in any meaningful form (enough to resurrect the actual game), NCsoft would find itself in the unenviable position of having to license some of it BACK from the new owners, just so their ongoing MMOs could continue to operate legally.

    We can always hope that this isn't the case, and the IP can be sold without such encumbrance. But we have to be realistic...
  12. TargetOne

    False Hope

    Better to have false hope, than to have no hope at all.
  13. I feel NCSoft ought to become the poster child for how NOT to "sunset" a popular MMO.

    Compare it to how Star Wars Galaxies was "sunsetted"... while the fan base there was unable to convince SOE/LucasFilms to keep the game running, at least SOE kept some of the developer crew around AFTER making the "sunset" announcement, and continued to work on and RELEASE game patches and updates. They even came out with a fairly major addition to the game, namely the ability to fly spacecraft over the surface of planets. (Granted, the feature was close to being released anyway, but still...) And SOE managed to have the game go out with a bang by declaring there would be a final victor in the ongoing Empire-vs-Rebellion war, and encouraging all combatants to participate.

    Now look at NCSoft: they announce that, bam! City of Heroes is simply going to be shut down, and that the entire dev team will lose their jobs. No more updates, not even minor ones. It's just, "Okay, everyone leave NOW, we'll be turning off the lights and locking the doors in ten minutes."


    I fear for the future of the entire MMO industry if this kind of mentality is the driving force of the bean-counters at a major player like NCSoft....
  14. All I can say is, and this goes for every one of you at Paragon Studios, so pass it along:

    A job well done, sir. Well done, indeed. I'd shake your hand if I could.

    Whatever the future holds, I wish you all well.
  15. TargetOne

    Tailor Bug

    I dunno about changing hairstyles, but I often find the colors resetting to a monochrome scheme when I click the "Reset" button on the "Scales" part of the costume editor. The game should only reset the body-shaping sliders to their previous positions, but much of the time it changes the colors as well.
  16. I use LastPass as my online passwords manager, and it has an option to automatically log you in on selected sites. I use it to auto-login here on the forums.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
    Just realized I've been spelling "Paletine" as "Palpetine". lol
    Somebody is a closet Sith worshipper.
  18. Found out about this today:

    It's an add-on for character animation software, allowing the creation of all kinds of superhero/sci-fi/fantasy costumes. Apparently, you have full control of the materials, patterns, and surface textures, not just in terms of broadly-defined body areas (e.g. "top", "bottom", "glove") like in CoH, but in terms of smaller patches of the body (left shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers, etc.).

    If only the costume editor in CoH allowed this kind of flexibility.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    While I may be able to only play an Xbox 360 game on an Xbox 360, I still retain the capability of reselling that game when I am finished with it. Try doing that with anything requiring Steam/Origin/Uplay/
    I dunno where you live, but I noticed the other day that one of the local videogames resale shops is no longer buying XBox 360 games (or PS3, or Wii for that matter)... only games for the older consoles. There are other shops, of course, but one has to wonder if it's a sign of things to come. (There are rumors that the successor to the XBox 360 will require an always-on Internet connection for DRM purposes.)

    I do miss the days when said shops also dealt in PC games, but those days are long gone and are never coming back. I can't remember the last time I went into a store and saw a boxed computer game (besides MMOs) that DIDN'T require online activation of some sort. These games are pretty much tied to the original purchaser and/or PC for life.

    If you're going to insist on avoiding any kind of PC game involving DRM, online codes, etc., better be prepared to stick with low-budget indie games and never play another AAA title. (Which may be enough for you... just saying.)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by freitag View Post
    issue 22 patch 2

    • removed a purchasable eye aura that was present in the elemental armor costume set...

  21. TargetOne

    USB Port Problem

    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Would a:

    Gigabyte GA-EG31M-52 be a model number for a motherboard?
    Yes... yes it would.

    It's actually the GA-EG31M-S2 ("ess" not "five"), as it turns out.

    Here it is:

    There seem to be two revisions of that board, can you tell whether yours is Rev. 1 or Rev. 2? It should say on the board near the model number.

    Whichever revision you have, you'll want to go to the "Downloads" section and find the "Intel INF installation" file for Windows XP, that has the drivers for your chipset (possibly including the USB ports).
  22. TargetOne

    USB Port Problem

    You say you've tried uninstalling the USB Host Controllers in Device Manager, and let Windows redetect them? go a step farther and try this:

    1) Open a command prompt and type

    set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

    cd \%systemroot%\system32

    start devmgmt.msc
    This starts up Device Manager in a mode where you can see ALL of the devices that have EVER been installed in the system, even ones not currently connected. (You'll have to go to the menu and select "View/Show hidden devices" to view them all.) All of the "nonpresent" devices will have icons that are "grayed out".

    NOW go into the USB section and uninstall all of the USB Root Hubs, then all of the USB Host controllers, including any that are "grayed out". Then go to the menu and select "Action/Scan for hardware changes". (You shouldn't have to reboot, but it couldn't hurt either.) Windows should re-detect all of the USB devices (one or more reboots may still be necessary).

    Once that's done, test your USB mouse and keyboard.

    The reason for all of this is that Windows sometimes gets confused by configuration settings for "nonpresent" devices, especially where USB is concerned. If that happens, the only way to get the USB ports reinitialized is to remove all traces of them from the devices sections of the Registry, then redetecting them.

    If this didn't help, it's likely that your USB controllers really are shot.

    Problems like this certainly are frustrating. I have a laptop computer with four USB ports that are all supposed to be USB 2.0, but for some reason one of them will not work in USB 2.0 high-speed mode, no matter what I do (even the nonpresent-devices removal trick). Which means that port is pretty much useless for plugging in external hard drives, WiFi adapters, or thumbdrives. I'm pretty sure the on-board USB controller has a damaged circuit, but since it's a laptop I really have no way to fix it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
    You'd think that the devs are trying to tell me that I hadn't finished cleaning yet.
    Maybe it's my fault for not doing my taxes yet...
  24. And now, on the server-select screen, Freedom, Pinnacle, Liberty, and Victory are all grayed out/offline.