Tailor Bug



Since the last patch colors will frequently reset to black & white if you are trying out multiple looks fairly quickly such as when trying a variety of hair styles.

It seems random but often enough to be a real irritation. I've been on a costume design kick lately and I've encountered this bug on a wide range of characters.



I dunno about changing hairstyles, but I often find the colors resetting to a monochrome scheme when I click the "Reset" button on the "Scales" part of the costume editor. The game should only reset the body-shaping sliders to their previous positions, but much of the time it changes the colors as well.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



I noticed this too and for me it isn't random. It use to be I could choose whatever colors I wanted for something like a head detail even when nothing is selected and it's set to 'none'. When doing up costumes if I manually set a piece in a category, like head detail or chest detail to none or whatever, the colors will reset to the black and white colors and can't be changed again until I choose a costume piece for that category, in which case I have to rechoose the colors again.



It also seems to reset things like faces to the first on the list when anything has been added, which is constantly nowadays. Which is annoying if you can't quite remember that you originally picked "face 25" or something equally generic.