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  1. Golden_Avariel

    Pandora's Box

    If it isn't going to go live, and since it is doubtful I'll manage to get beta running on my machine, could someone please outline part 5 (blue, red, or both) for me? PM or here? I'd love to know how it ends.
  2. Any idea what the plan is for tonight?
  3. I've only had a tank on a Hami raid twice. I was on the mito tank team both times. I was fine for the first round but after that I was totally lost then the bloom happened and I had no clue which mito was "mine". They told me to use a thumb-tack on the mini map but the scale on that thing is WAY too coarse to find the correct creature in a specific spot. I felt bad when I went to the wrong one and the team had to scramble to cover the missing one. They got me reoriented and I didn't make that mistake again, mostly by just staying put for the rest of the raid.

    The second time was just a few weeks ago and I think I did a little better. Of course, the raid goes so much faster these days that I'm not sure I was actually contributing much.
  4. Golden_Avariel


    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    I think part 4 and possibly part 5 are on the beta server right now.
    Sadly I've never gotten beta to work for me but I guess I'll give it another try.
  5. Golden_Avariel


    That was some awesome insight but did I miss the resolution of the Pandora's Box sig arc? Besides the mention that Manticore is your silent partner red-side I didn't see anything about it. How does that turn out? Or is that in some other thread I've missed?
  6. As of the day of the announcement I have 9 - 2 tanks, 2 scrappers, blaster, defender, controller, master mind, and stalker. I also have a tanker, scrapper and controller at 48, 49, and 47 respectively that will make it sooner or later. I also have a widow in the low 40's I'd like to ding the Big Sexy before it's done.
  7. The red-headed stepchild phrase is a lot older than B&B.

    I love my regen scrapper but I agree that IO's especially +Health and +Recharge are what really make it shine. Just slotted with SO's it is pretty anemic. In fact I think recharge is so important for them that they should have something to provide decent recharge-debuff resistance so that would be my main request.
  8. There is a hidden door to the left of the original mission entrance. It looks like a cavern mission entrance you used to get into the mission from Skyway to begin with. It leads into more caverns and eventually the way out.

    I've managed to get out once or twice by killing a couple of smaller groups and running past all the others but since there is no consequence to still being in the cave when it collapses I treat it now as limited time to kill as much as possible.
  9. I was thinking about this exact combo! Thanks for posting.
  10. I had teleport foe on my dark tank which was my 2nd character ever. That was 4 years ago. It was a great way to pull which my friend and I did constantly after several wipes trying to take on spawns in the early levels vs CoT and Vahz.

    As a vet now I just have to remind myself that we had no inventions, no money, very little enhancement to speak of, no endurance, no real knowledge of the enemies, no endurance, no extra vet attack powers to extend our early level attack chains, no endurance, very tiny inspiration trays (we were sub-25 for a LONG time), and a healthy desire to never die and accumulate too much debt. It was a different time then and I became an expert at pulling.

    Teleport foe will work reliably with an accuracy or two to pull any minion and lieutenants up to a certain + above you (I forget what). It never works on bosses except to aggro them and any lesser ranks around them. It seemed to me like the little aoe taunt went off about every 3rd or 4th pull. The best part of it was that they couldn't shoot you until they were in your face if you did it from around a corner which I always did.

    But I eventually respeced out of TP Foe (once I managed to complete a TV trial which is a whole other story) because once I got to be a certain level, with enough money to get knockdown protection IO's and other goodies, it just wasn't needed any longer. If I want to pull now (it IS appropriate in some cases despite what most people seem to think) I just use a ranged temp power - the bow from croatoa is my favorite but I usually use my blackwand. My wife still swears by TP Foe on some of her characters though.

    And I agree. I've noticed that mobs now shoot at you as soon as you trigger an attack instead of after the effect hits them. That's a relatively new "enhancement" and pancakes if your attack is a hold or stun because they get a chance to hit you unless they weren't facing you to begin with. So we get to be heroes by hitting people in the back LOL
  11. If I happen to have the recipes and salvage, I'll always create/slot an IO over a store-bought enhancement even as low as level 15 (with the intention of replacing 15's and 20's no later than the low 30's depending on circumstances). Otherwise I use store-boughts up to 27 when I really start trying to use IO's. If I can't get the salvage for a decent price then I'll buy the SO instead. Some characters are luckier than others in the salvage department.

    At the very latest all SO's and IO's below 30 are replaced at level 42 when salvage stops being a problem. I'm usually starting to slot sets about then as well.
  12. I run DFB on my lower characters once or twice for the temp powers and sometimes just to get to the next level. It's fun and I like it fine.

    My only problem with it is the constant chatter in global and the LFG chat for the stupid thing. Some nights it drives me crazy. I've removed LFG from the chat box on many characters now.
  13. Thanks for the heads-up. That tells me we should verify the name on a different server(s) before deleting the original.
  14. Golden_Avariel

    Voltaic Sentinel

    When I play my namesake her voltaic sentinel's blast comes from off-screen instead of from the pet itself.

    I always thought it was something funky with my video but I finally asked my team the other night and they all see the same thing. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this or if it is a known issue. It didn't always do that but I'm not sure when it started.
  15. Golden_Avariel

    Tailor Bug

    Since the last patch colors will frequently reset to black & white if you are trying out multiple looks fairly quickly such as when trying a variety of hair styles.

    It seems random but often enough to be a real irritation. I've been on a costume design kick lately and I've encountered this bug on a wide range of characters.
  16. Couple of others to add...

    * Fix the male-voice taunt on female shield characters. Taunt with shield up - male, taunt with shield down - female... it's been broken for a long time.

    * Fix the problem with Kahn's TF so Rogues don't get kicked from the team for going into a co-op zone. This may be a problem in other TF's but I have no experience with those. This used to work fine but hasn't since before Freedom was released.

    I'll probably think of more later.
  17. If shards are dropped then threads will have to drop in normal content and those level 50 TF's should give thread components as an optional award. I assume that means Notices will be phased out too so the WST must give a guaranteed rare. In addition to all that they must make crafting a very rare the same difficulty as crafting a Favor of the Well.

    Do all that and I'll be very happy to see shards go. Right now Alpha slots and shards make at least that one incarnate power obtainable by almost anyone. Phase them out without those changes and you automatically cut out folks like my wife who would never be caught dead on an iTrial but might sometimes run a normal TF.
  18. Allow wings with the bolero, trench coats and other cape-rig costume pieces again.

    BTW - VERY happy they finally fixed the blinking-forever bug on the team buff icons.
  19. In the spirit of informal survey... I have 4 blasters.

    1) Elec/Elec that uses the nuke with Power Sink sparingly when below level 45 and sometimes when the Ion is recharging. Her biggest problem with the nuke is that there aren't any enemies left to Power Sink after the blast.

    2) An archer who uses his frequently although it seems everything is already dead by the time it finishes activating or, if solo, I'm half dead when it finally goes off.

    3) An assault rifle who uses it as often as it comes up and I have more than 3 or 4 enemies to shoot at.

    4) A fire blaster who didn't even take it.

    GET RID OF THE CRASH... make the endurance expense high or whatever but get rid of the arbitrary time-out. But then I don't like endurance crashing on any power in any AT. I think there are better ways to balance those.

    I'm going to reserve judgement on the proposals although the secondary power changes seem... weird.

    BTW - I actually love playing my blasters and never particularly felt like they needed fixing in general although they have a lot of powers like snipes and nukes that need adjustment. I also think the secondaries are pretty blah and could use some attention.
  20. Golden_Avariel

    SSA2.1 choices

    Ran it with a level 40-something scrapper. I talked to BaB's but ended up with Numina for the buffing. She survived the whole way and was quite useful but then I was at default difficulty with bosses thrown in.

    Red side well... you only get one choice and he died almost instantly in the Clamor fight. Luckily my stalker rocks and even made 49th during that mission.
  21. She started over and it worked the second time. *shrug*
  22. I've never been into PvP in any game I've played except first-person shooter-type games. I've done it in other games but I never cared for it. Any MMO that forces me to do it or doesn't allow me to opt out of it will not be played by me.

    I have defended myself in Bloody Bay in a fight that lasted all of 5 seconds in what I assume was a mistake on the part of the villain that attacked the party I was with at the time. That's as close as I've ever come to PvP in City and is more than I really wanted.

    As others have said, no change the Devs make will intice me to try it.
  23. I have a friend with this exact same problem although she's made it to stage 4.

    I told her to use the update button in the launcher and got back "that's not working either. It's still stalled at 90% and keeps saying connecting and nothing. UGH"

    I'm asking for clarification but thought I'd post in case someone has encountered this before. I'm tempted to tell her to delete and start over but she apparently spent most of yesterday trying to get it installed. Unfortunately her one character from a couple of weeks ago before a Windows re-install is stuck in PI and she can't login without stage 4 installed.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post

    If you stay back and pull groups off a bit at a time, you can manage to get away with using Hand Clap on them once they get into melee range. Once you've whittled things down, the other AoE attacks can be used and you should be okay. You'll probably get lag spikes on each activation, but if you're careful you can avoid a full DC without sticking to ST powers.

    I agree with T_Immortalus, unless there's some kind of clever optimization they can use, they'll probably end up having to reduce the number of enemies that are on the map at any given time. My hope is that they won't just outright nerf the mission but rather turn it into a number of large ambushes.
    I was doing that, pulling off smaller groups and killing them ST's and Hand Clap. I'm not sure how many were in the group when I called lightning (because I was getting bored with hand clap) but it couldn't have been 10. It just seems odd that so few dying instantly would cause the problem when I had been using Judgement to kill large spawns of Talons and Tsoo for the fun of it in DA only an hour before.

    At any rate, if they can't fix the crashes then they can at least make defeating Recluse the objective. That way we can fly straight to Recluse and wipe him out and then play with the rest without fear of a crash causing us to start over.
  25. I got serious mapserve errors twice and after a while it kicked me back to the login screen each time. It seemed to happen when I used the AoE and killed more than 4 or 5 people at a time. I knew I should stick to the ST attacks the second time but I was getting SO bored with so many Arachnos. I tried skipping straight to Recluse and killing him first but apparently it's a defeat all mission.

    I agree with Kurrent. It's frustrating because the first time through I was very wrapped up in what was going on and really enjoying it. The second time the mood was killed and it all seemed pointless. After the second disconnect I just called the contact and "Completed" it.